Peaceful Every Year
Peaceful Every Year Chapter 1

Chapter 1

In late February, the mountain peaks of Longxing Mountain were still covered with white snow, while signs of spring’s revival appeared at the foot of the mountains, with patches of fresh greenery everywhere. The nameless wildflowers and grasses tend to wither late and wake up early.

Tong Sui followed her memory to a sunny spot and, from a distance, saw a small patch of tender green scallions. Some had just emerged from the brown soil, while others had already grown as long as a thumb. The scallions were not wild; Tong Sui had planted them intentionally.

In the past few years of frequent warfare, Tong Sui was initially frightened when she first fled deep into the Donglin with her family. However, after running five or six times a year, her fear gradually gave way to some cautious thoughts. The family always kept dry food on hand, ready to pack up and leave at a moment’s notice during a war. However, eating only dry food was uncomfortable, so during peaceful times, Tong Sui would scatter vegetable and fruit seeds in various places in the mountains. She planted scallions to add flavor to pancakes and crisp cucumbers for a refreshing taste.

The Tong family were hunters, and they raised their children equally. Tong Sui, a good child, was sent by her mother to study at a private school, where she studied more diligently than the boys. Her father took her to the mountains to set traps and taught her archery, which she learned proficiently. In terms of archery accuracy, she was no worse than her two older brothers. After many trips with her father and brothers, the Donglin became like a second home to Tong Sui. She intentionally planted scallions and cucumbers in secluded places, so they could be harvested secretly during summer and autumn when needed, without being discovered by refugees or bandits, thereby improving the family’s diet.

Last year’s turmoil had settled, and it was said that there would be at least a year or two of peace, so this year, they wouldn’t have to rely on the scallions in the mountains. The scallions at home were to be eaten only when fully grown, as they were too precious to eat greedily. Tong Sui decided to dig up some from the mountains to enjoy fresh scallions at noon. She chose thumb-length scallions, whose green stalks and tender white bulbs were perfect, and dug up more than twenty plants, enough to make a dish of scrambled eggs with scallions.

Putting the hoe into her basket, Tong Sui got up and walked toward the meeting point agreed upon with her second brother.

“Ah Man, a rabbit! It’s heading your way!”

From a distance, she heard Tong Gui’s loud shout. The siblings’ tacit understanding made Tong Sui immediately put down her basket, quickly draw an arrow from the quiver on her back, and place it on the string. Scanning the early spring open woodland, she soon spotted the gray rabbit being chased by Tong Gui. In the brief moment the rabbit turned south, Tong Sui released an arrow, hitting the rabbit’s neck.

“Well done, Ah Man, we finally have meat to eat again after so long!”

Tong Gui ran over, pulled out the arrow from the rabbit’s neck, wiped it off, and put it back into the quiver. He tied up the still-twitching rabbit and fastened it to his waist. Finished, Tong Gui looked up. His eyes brightened with joy, and Tong Sui, affected by his mood, also smiled. Near noon, the warm sunlight poured down, and Tong Gui saw his sister, though dressed in plain gray coarse cloth, carrying a bow and a basket. Her fair and delicate face showed no trace of rusticity, more like a city girl who rarely ventured out, exuding a gentle and quiet demeanor, making it seem as if the bow and basket were carried for someone else.

This kind of sister is beautiful, but she looks like she could easily be bullied. Thinking about how the Xiao family would come to propose marriage tomorrow, the joy in Tong Gui’s eyes faded. He sighed to his sister, “This might be the last time we go into the mountains together.”

Tong Sui wanted to comfort her brother, but with the wedding approaching and her wedding dress not yet finished, she really couldn’t afford to go into the mountains anymore. As for after the marriage, even if she could visit home during festivals, she wouldn’t be able to leave her long-separated family to go into the mountains.

“Second Brother, look.”

Tong Sui approached her brother, lifting the basket in her hand.

Tong Gui saw the small pile of scallions at the bottom right of the basket and smiled again. He rubbed his sister’s head with his big hand, “You and your love for food.”

Because she loved food, no matter how difficult the times, she always found a way to eat a little better.

“Let’s go.”

The siblings descended the mountain side by side.

Taohuagou was a small village with over fifty households. Due to the undulating terrain at the foot of the mountain, the villagers built their houses on the flat land they could find, with some families living higher up and others lower down. The houses were scattered, unlike the neat rows of houses in flatland villages.

By the small river at the foot of the mountain, some women were washing clothes, pounding the laundry with wooden mallets rhythmically.

Tong Sui glanced over, not seeing her mother, and then looked away.

The women also saw the Tong siblings. Once the siblings walked far enough, they began chatting among themselves.

“Lingshui Village is over twenty miles from our Taohuagou. The Xiao family’s old master was once a thousand-household officer, a hereditary military officer. Although he’s no longer an officer, he’s still better off than most. Why come all this way to pick a wife for his grandson?”

“What’s so strange about that? Our village may be remote, but Ah Man is known for her beauty. Word has spread, and men love beautiful wives.”

“It’s not just that. Matchmaker Fang hinted that Old Master Xiao first heard that Ah Man was particularly good at running, which made him inquire about the Tong family.”

“Haha, Ah Man can indeed run. I saw with my own eyes a group of soldiers chasing her into the mountains. Over ten of them, and they couldn’t even catch a glimpse of her.”

“Speaking of which, I thought Ah Man would marry the Jinshi Song. Childhood sweethearts, talented and beautiful, such a good match.”

“After failing the imperial exams twice, what’s the use? Better to have someone strong and reliable. The Xiao family has many men who practice martial arts, which is reassuring.”

“Exactly. If even the emperor can be dethroned and beheaded, what can we expect as common folk? Whoever can keep me alive longer, I’ll marry.”

That day, the Tong family’s lunch was considered quite lavish. The aroma of braised rabbit meat alone wafted to the neighbors, making them envious.

Zhou Qing specifically served half a plate of rabbit meat and half a plate of scrambled eggs with scallions, along with three large pancakes, into a food box. Glancing at her daughter, she said to her nephew, “Agui, while the food is still hot, take it to the private school for Mr. Song.”

Tong Sui’s aunt had passed away early, and her two cousins were raised by Zhou Qing, treating her like their own mother. It was natural for her to ask them for help.

Tong Gui readily agreed, taking the food box and running off, eager to eat the meat as soon as he returned.

Tong Sui quietly set the table.

Before the engagement with the Xiao family, delivering food to Mr. Song was her job. Now it was different, as she had to avoid suspicion.

After lunch, Tong Gui went to process the rabbit skin. Tong Youyu sat on the east room’s kang, shelling peanuts for spring planting.

Tong Sui and her mother continued preparing her dowry in the west room: a wedding dress, new clothes for each season, and four wedding quilts.

The engagement was arranged after the New Year, and time was tight. The family sold long-accumulated furs to buy the fabric and cotton.

In these times, most families were poor, many skipping the matchmaking process. As long as the groom’s family offered some bride price, they could marry the girl.

The Tong family was relatively well-off in Taohuagou, and her parents doted on her. Otherwise, no one would have any complaints even if they didn’t prepare a dowry.

The afternoon sunlight was warm, and the mother and daughter occasionally chatted, enjoying a relaxed atmosphere.

Suddenly, a fit of violent coughing came from the east room.

Tong Youyu had once been very healthy, but during his conscription, he lost an eye in battle and had since been frequently ill. However, surviving and returning home was a blessing, considering her grandfather and uncle died in the war, and her eldest brother Tong Rong had been missing for years, his fate unknown.

“You keep sewing; I’ll go check on your father.” Zhou Qing frowned, set down her needlework, and left.

Tong Sui watched the slightly swaying door curtain and only lowered her head again when she heard her father stop coughing.

In the east room.

After drinking water, Tong Youyu put down the coarse porcelain bowl and asked his wife, “How are the quilts coming along?”

Zhou Qing, who couldn’t sit idle, sat cross-legged on the other side of the sieve full of unshelled peanuts, shelling them as she replied, “There’s still one and a half to go. They’ll be done before the wedding.”

Tong Youyu nodded slightly and sighed again.

Zhou Qing glared at him. “It’s Ah Man’s happy occasion, why are you sighing?”

Tong Youyu glanced at the door behind him and lowered his voice. “The Xiao family sounds formidable, but none of us have seen them. If Ah Man marries into that family, who knows if she’ll be treated well? It’s not like marrying someone like Song Zhi Shi, who genuinely cares for her and knows her inside out.”

Upon hearing this, Zhou Qing’s grip tightened on the peanut shells, cracking them even louder than before. “Knows her inside out? Then why didn’t you see that Mr. Song never intended to become our in-law? What good does it do if his son is satisfied? After all, he’s an imperial scholar who just had the misfortune of ending up in this remote and impoverished place. How can we, from a humble hunting family, aspire to such heights?”

Tong Youyu hesitated for a moment. The gentle and humble face of Mr. Song Lan flashed through his mind, and he instinctively responded, “Maybe we didn’t show any intention of marriage. Mr. Song might have hesitated, knowing they would rely on you for help with cooking.”

Zhou Qing’s expression turned mocking. “Mr. Song is sharp. I’ve often sent Ah Man to the private school to deliver meals. He couldn’t possibly be unaware. Forget it, what’s done is done. For the sake of his wholehearted teaching of Xiaoshan, let’s continue to live harmoniously.”

The mornings and evenings were still cold, and the nights grew dark early. Tong Sui soaked her feet for a while before slipping under the covers.

But she couldn’t sleep.

Tomorrow, the Xiao family would formally propose, and her fiancé Xiao Zhen, Ah Man who had survived six years of military service and returned safely from the battlefield, would surely come.

Matchmaker Fang had praised him extravagantly, describing his eyes as bright as a phoenix’s and his appearance extraordinary. If he was that outstanding, why hadn’t he married a local girl nearby? Why did he have to look so far?

However, Old Master Xiao, renowned for his bravery, was famous far and wide. During the chaos of war, he wielded a large knife at his doorstep, deterring any bandits or stray soldiers from approaching.

“Dang dang dang.”

In the deep silence of the night, someone lightly tapped on the window frame.

Tong Sui’s heart skipped a beat, and her hand already had the dagger her grandfather had given her for protection from beneath the pillow.

The person continued to tap cautiously.

Tong Sui calmed down, gripping the dagger closer to the window. After a moment’s pause, she asked coldly, “Who’s there?”

“It’s me, Ah Man, Song Zhi Shi.”

Even without him saying his name, Tong Sui recognized his voice. In an instant, many memories of their six years together flashed through her mind, only to be dispersed by the cold night.

“Why are you here at this hour? Is there something wrong?” Tong Sui still held the dagger, her tone unchanged.

Outside the window, there was a moment of silence. Then, as if determined, the voice spoke close to the window crack, “Ah Man, I like you. I know you have feelings for me too. Come with me. I’ll take you far away where no one knows us. I can take students and earn enough to support you. When the situation stabilizes, I can even take the imperial exams. In short, you don’t have to worry. I will make sure you live a good life!”

Tong Sui smiled. Was she a woman of such a shady background that she needed a scholar to elope with her? And to go far away? Song Zhi Shi couldn’t even defeat a thin and weak deserter. If they encountered trouble on the road, how could he protect her?

“I don’t want to.”

“Even if you don’t care about Mr. Song, I care about my parents. I don’t want them to be mocked by our neighbors because of me.”

“Go away. Pretend you never came tonight, and I never heard your absurd words.”

Song Zhi Shi wanted to say more, but he heard footsteps inside. Knowing Tong Sui had moved away from the window back to bed, he left embarrassedly.

But tonight was his last chance. Once the Tong family accepted the Xiao family’s proposal, this matter would be difficult to resolve.

Song Zhi Shi raised his hand to knock on the window again but felt a larger hand suddenly clamp down on his wrist from behind, as strong as iron tongs.

Startled, Song Zhi Shi turned back.

Tong Gui, like a small mountain, blocked him under the eaves, his face cold, his grip tightening on Song Zhi Shi’s wrist.

Song Zhi Shi winced in pain, sweating coldly. Knowing the situation was exposed and not wanting to argue further, he had no intention of making futile excuses.

Tong Gui also didn’t want to escalate the situation, which would only tarnish his sister’s reputation and possibly ruin the marriage arrangement with the Xiao family. He let go of Song Zhi Shi’s wrist, poking him in the forehead. “Get lost. Don’t let me catch you near our house again, or I’ll feed you to the wolves in the mountains!”

Song Zhi Shi had come with fervent determination, willing to sacrifice his reputation to elope with his beloved. Now rejected by her and caught by her family, he felt like he had been doused with cold water in the dead of winter, filled with shame. He dared not say more, awkwardly limping away.

Guarding against his return, Tong Gui followed with a stern face.

Tong Sui sat on the bed, listening to the fading footsteps, thinking of her brother’s intimidating words to Song Zhi Shi. Only then did she hide the dagger again, lie down once more, and try to sleep.

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