I Confessed to the Male Lead’s Brother by Mistake
I Confessed to the Male Lead’s Brother by Mistake Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Late at night, the private hospital was quiet and almost empty, the air filled with the bitter scent of antiseptics.

Fortunately, Zhu Xinyue’s foot injury wasn’t severe; it was just a mild sprain that would heal in a week or two with rest.

The bodyguard thoughtfully brought a wheelchair and somehow procured a new pair of women’s slippers to replace her ten-centimeter high heels.

Zhu Xinyue grabbed the bodyguard’s sleeve. Due to her poor eyesight, she always stared directly at the person’s eyes to ensure they were listening to her, as the eyes were the easiest part of the human face to locate.

“Thank you, you’re such a good person.”

Being stared at so directly, the bodyguard’s face turned red. He scratched his head and swallowed the words “It’s the boss’s order,” silently accepting her gratitude.

The medical bill never went through Zhu Xinyue’s hands, but she underwent several tests and estimated that the total amount should be in the five figures.

Before entering the doctor’s office, Zhu Xinyue overheard Ji Linyu in the hospital corridor, speaking in a low voice on the phone, seemingly discussing a flight reschedule with his assistant.

No wonder he was in such a hurry to leave Ji Qingyuan’s party. It turned out that he wanted to catch a plane, but he ended up missing the flight because he wanted to take her to the hospital.

As Zhu Xinyue listened to the doctor’s advice, she thought, regardless of his stance, Ji Linyu was quite kind. He could have left her alone in the hospital after paying the bill, considering they had just met. Instead, he stayed with her through all the tests, even though it was now past two or three in the morning.

When Zhu Xinyue read the novel, seeing the name “Ji Linyu” always reassured her. As long as Ji Qingyuan called out “Big Brother,” there was nothing Ji Linyu couldn’t solve.

Now, experiencing Ji Linyu’s sense of responsibility firsthand, Zhu Xinyue couldn’t help but wish he wasn’t Ji Qingyuan’s nemesis. Opposing the novel’s protagonist never ended well.

The bodyguard wheeled Zhu Xinyue out of the doctor’s office.

It was late at night and the corridor outside the hospital was empty. Zhu Xinyue took a look and saw two people standing at the end of the corridor.

She could now identify Ji Linyu by his silhouette and posture.

The man on the left, slightly taller, in a dark gray suit, standing upright, was Ji Linyu. The man on the right, dressed in black, was half a head shorter than Ji Linyu, with a fit build and holding his head as he spoke, his voice suggesting he was around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old.

“Yes, she is the sister I mentioned to you before, who has been living in South City. My mother remarried last year, and my father took her back to the Zhu family. He originally planned to let her meet Cheng Er from Zhenheng Group…”

The man used a lot of body language when he spoke. In comparison, Ji Linyu was like a wooden stake, with one hand in his pocket, listening to the other person quietly.

As the bodyguard and Zhu Xinyue approached, the two men noticed and turned to look at them.

Zhu Xinyue only recognized Ji Linyu, so she focused on him, intending to thank him properly.

When the wheelchair stopped at the end of the corridor, Zhu Xinyue felt a hot gaze on her and glanced at the man in black.

Without her glasses, she couldn’t see clearly.

She subconsciously squinted her eyes, trying to make her vision clear, but it was in vain. She simply looked away and focused on Ji Linyu.

To Zhu Shilang, it seemed like Zhu Xinyue glared at him, then deliberately looked away and smiled brightly at Ji Linyu, seemingly ignoring him.

“Mr. Ji, thank you for staying with me so late. I’m sorry for causing you to reschedule your flight,” Zhu Xinyue said politely, looking up at Ji Linyu.

She spoke directly, without hesitation, and sincerely.

Ji Linyu glanced at Zhu Shilang, who looked displeased. He cleared his throat, crouched down, and met Zhu Xinyue’s eyes.

Their proximity made Zhu Xinyue’s blurry vision focus on his handsome face, causing her hands on her lap to tense up.

Ji Linyu said, “I’ll pretend nothing happened at the party tonight. I’ve paid the medical bills. Go home with your brother.”

He glanced at Zhu Shilang, clearly indicating that Zhu Xinyue’s “brother” was him.

Zhu Xinyue’s eyes widened as she turned to look at Zhu Shilang.

So Ji Linyu has been waiting with her until now, actually waiting for the Zhu family to come and take her over?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with doing this. Most people’s first reaction when something happens is to look for their family.

But Zhu Xinyue hadn’t fulfilled the original owner’s wish yet—to safeguard Ji Qingyuan’s career! If she went back with Zhu Shilang, she would be forced into a cycle of blind dates, marriage, and family obligations, distancing her from Ji Qingyuan.

“No !” Zhu Xinyue, seeing Ji Linyu about to leave, immediately grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

Ji Linyu hadn’t anticipated this. She had avoided him before, even injuring her foot to do so. Now, her unexpected strength nearly toppled her onto him!

Fortunately, Ji Linyu steadied himself by gripping the wheelchair.

Zhu Xinyue turned to Zhu Shilang, firmly declaring, “I can’t go back with you right now.”

“Zhu Xinyue, stop making a scene! It’s just a blind date, not a death sentence,” Zhu Shilang asserted, gripping her wrist to make her release Ji Linyu.

Zhu Xinyue knew that if she let go, she’d have to go with Zhu Shilang, so she refused to loosen her grip.

“I’m not making a scene! I don’t want to marry someone I don’t like!”

The moment she spoke, Ji Linyu, who was trying to pull his arm away, froze, recalling the moment she confessed to him by the pool.

“You haven’t even met him, how do you know you won’t like him? Cheng Er is my junior, the future second-in-command of the Zhenheng Group. The Cheng family is a good match for ours, and he’s good-looking. You’ll change your mind once you meet him.” Zhu Shilang, being a strong man, easily pried her left hand off Ji Linyu’s arm.

The bodyguard, watching from behind the wheelchair, bit his back teeth, feeling like he was witnessing a dramatic breakup in a soap opera, silently rooting for Miss Zhu.

Zhu Xinyue’s right hand was still clutching Ji Linyu’s arm, but he was too strong for her to hold on to for long. As Zhu Shilang reached for her right hand, she slid down Ji Linyu’s suit and grabbed his hand.

Her cool, slender fingers tightly clasped Ji Linyu’s warm hand, a stark contrast in temperature.

Ji Linyu’s eyelashes fluttered as he stared at their linked hands.

Unlike the gentle touch by the pool, this grip was desperate. She was holding onto him like a lifeline, her fingertips turning white.

“No matter how good Cheng Er is, he’s not better than the person I like.” Zhu Xinyue gazed at Ji Linyu’s profile, her voice choked with urgency.

Help me, Brother Ji, help me!

Ji Linyu’s fingers twitched, his thumb brushing against the back of her hand. He lifted his gaze to meet her eyes.

Her whole being seemed to focus on him, pleading for his help.

Anyone with a shred of empathy would find it hard to ignore such a look.

Ji Linyu looked away, stood up, and gently withdrew his hand from hers.

Zhu Xinyue’s palm felt empty. She stared at Ji Linyu in a daze.

His handsome face blurred into an indistinct outline as the distance increased.

Her heart ached inexplicably.

Right, she wasn’t anyone special to him. Why would he help her unconditionally?

Zhu Shilang thought Zhu Xinyue was desperate and clinging to anyone she could find. He apologized to Ji Linyu, “Xinyue has been spoiled since she was young, always throwing tantrums and pulling stunts like running away from home to pursue love. She’s really a handful.”

He raised his hand to flick Zhu Xinyue’s forehead.

Zhu Xinyue leaned back to avoid his touch, her face full of displeasure.

Ji Linyu’s palm still bore the faint imprint of her grip. He clenched his hand and shoved it into his pocket.

“Running away from home?” he asked casually.

Zhu Shilang replied, “Yes, she’s just like a child, unaware of how dangerous the world is. She even landed herself in the hospital this time. We can’t let her live on her own.”

He meant to have Zhu Xinyue marry someone who could look after her, ensuring she wouldn’t be alone. Even if the person couldn’t do that, at least she’d have a comfortable life.

“Why can’t I live independently? I’ve been doing fine in Tianze City,” Zhu Xinyue countered on behalf of the original owner.

Zhu Shilang looked her over and said, “You’re sitting in a wheelchair and telling me you’re fine? If it weren’t for Ji Linyu, you couldn’t even afford your medical bills.”

Zhu Xinyue clenched her fists.

She felt defiant, but he was right.

In this environment, she had an easy path to choose. Even if she didn’t fulfill the original owner’s wish, she could live a wealthy life.



Ji Linyu didn’t intend to meddle in their family affairs. They were strangers, and he couldn’t take responsibility for her life. He had rejected her once and felt pity for her once.

Once was enough. That’s what he thought.

The evening breeze lifted her red dress, nearly brushing against his suit trousers before she quickly held it down.

She said, “Mr. Ji is a good person. Meeting him is my luck. I can’t ensure I’ll always be this lucky, but at least I won’t regret the path I choose or doubt the person I believe in.”

Ji Linyu’s eyes flickered. He had heard plenty of flattery, but such sincere words were rare.

A good person? Hah, a good person…

Zhu Xinyue looked at Zhu Shilang again, “If someone else chooses a path for me, I’ll live in regret forever, always wondering why I didn’t fight for my choice.”

“Brother, do you want me to live in regret?”

Family meant well, but if their “well-meaning” became a source of pain, was it really for her good?

Zhu Shilang was struck by her words. He didn’t know whether to feel relieved or regretful.

Looking at her “confused” eyes, Zhu Shilang’s heart softened.

After all, she was still young. Innocence and recklessness were young people’s rights.

He took a step back, saying, “Dad and I aren’t comfortable with you living alone in Tianze City…”

He paused, glancing at the reliable Ji Linyu.

In their circle, Ji Linyu was known for his dependability. He followed through on his commitments and was exceptionally loyal to friends. Anyone considered “one of his own” could always count on him for help.

People often joked, “Even if the sky were to fall, Ji Linyu would hold it up.”

Ji Linyu and Zhu Xinyue were complete opposites.

One was the “model gentleman,” while the other was a “troublemaker.” They were worlds apart.

Zhu Shilang put an arm around Ji Linyu’s shoulder and led him away until they were far enough that Zhu Xinyue couldn’t hear their conversation before stopping.

“Linyu, can my sister stay at your place while she’s in Tianze City? She seems to have a good impression of you. Maybe she’ll listen to you and return to Qingyang if you talk to her.”

Ji Linyu lived in the Lishan Villa, not with his parents, and had plenty of rooms. He never turned away friends who needed a place to stay. Even Zhu Shilang had stayed there before when he came to Tianze City.

But this time, Ji Linyu refused his friend’s request.

“Anyone else is fine, but not her,” he said.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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