Peaceful Every Year
Peaceful Every Year Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The guests had all left. Tong Sui changed back into her old clothes and went out to help clean up the dishes and utensils.

Her younger brother, Tong Shan, also joined in the busyness and eagerly shared some news: “Sister, brother-in-law is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen, and he’s so strong! You won’t lose out by marrying him!”

Tong Sui stacked the empty bowls on the table and reminded him, “He’s not your brother-in-law yet. Don’t call him that randomly; it would be a joke in front of guests.”

At that moment, the door curtain moved, and Tong Gui brought in the wine and fruits that were left outside earlier. He glanced at his sister’s slightly flushed face and smiled, “Ah Man, don’t worry. After meeting the Xiao family today, the neighbors praised you, envying you endlessly. They won’t mock you.”

Tong Sui blushed even more, glared at her older brother, and carried the stack of bowls to the kitchen.

Tong Shan grabbed a handful of chopsticks and followed her out, saying, “Sister, Grandfather Xiao asked if I wanted to learn martial arts. If I do, I can move to the Xiao family’s place. He said he teaches many kids around here martial arts, and he knows all sorts of weapons.”

Tong Sui was stunned, looking at her twelve-year-old brother and then at her mother who was bending over washing dishes by the stove.

Zhou Qing didn’t even look up, “He’s just being polite. You take it too seriously. Stay home, study hard, and stop thinking about unnecessary things.”

Tong Shan replied, “Studying is useless. Master Song passed the imperial exam even though he lived in the mountains. Learning martial arts at least can protect the family.”

Zhou Qing’s expression remained calm, “Times won’t always be chaotic. There will be peaceful times. It’s rare to encounter talents like Master Song. Cherish it. If you want to learn martial arts, your father and brother can teach you archery.”

Tong Gui patted his robust chest, advising his younger brother, “That’s right. My physique isn’t any worse than those young men from the Xiao family. You can stay home, study, and learn martial arts. If you move there, you’ll be dependent on others, constrained.”

Tong Shan was finally persuaded but still felt a bit disappointed. He ran to the backyard to see the goats and geese.

Zhou Qing looked at her nephew and said, “There’s no need for you to do indoor chores. Go help your uncle sweep the yard.”

Tong Gui grabbed the broom and went out.

Only then did Zhou Qing turn to her daughter, her eyes filled with genuine satisfaction. “To be honest, I used to worry that the matchmaker was fooling us. But seeing them in person, I can finally marry you off to them with peace of mind. Although Xiao Zhen seems reserved, he’s a decent man, not some uncouth brute.”

Tong Sui suddenly felt melancholic and hugged her mother, “It’s too far away. I can’t bear to leave.”

From childhood, she had either stayed in Taohuagou or in the mountains, never venturing elsewhere.

Tong Sui knew she would marry eventually. Initially, the arranged marriage seemed distant, but now with the wedding date set just half a month away, she felt the urgency of time. The anxiety of leaving home and the unease of moving to a stranger’s house overwhelmed her.

Zhou Qing gently patted her daughter’s shoulder, “It’s okay. When you miss home, just come back to visit. The Xiao family has two mules for transportation, much more convenient than walking.”

Tong Sui wiped her eyes and asked curiously, “Are those two mules theirs?”

She had thought they were borrowed temporarily.

Zhou Qing resumed her chores, explaining as she washed dishes, “Yes, they are. Before this, Xiao Zhen and his family were conscripted into the military. After the war, the court delayed issuing military pay, so they received two war horses as compensation upon returning. They later exchanged the horses for mules and used the leftover money to manage household expenses and build a new house. In short, the Xiao family is comfortable, but not as wealthy as others might think. They don’t eat meat every day, let alone talk about luxury.”

“Corrupt court,” she added, “forcing conscription and promising resettlement funds, only to leave people without even a coffin when they die, is dishonest and will lead to its demise sooner or later.”

Tong Sui understood. She didn’t expect to become a wealthy young lady and was content as long as she had enough to eat and wear.

Inside and outside the house, everything was neatly arranged. The family of five sat in the eastern room, admiring the deer skin together.

Tong Yoyou remarked, “It’s a good thing, but good things attract thieves. It’s not secure to leave it at home.”

Tong Gui suggested, “Take it with you when you get married. Use it as an extra blanket in winter, keeping warm.”

Zhou Qing said, “That’s wishful thinking. While Grandfather Xiao is generous, Aunt Ye is greedy. Even if Grandfather doesn’t want it, Aunt Ye will find ways to demand it. Ah Man would feel awkward if she didn’t give it, and arguments would ensue.”

Tong Sui said, “I won’t take it. Dad gets cold easily; I’ll leave it for him.”

Tong Sui decided, “I won’t take it. Dad feels the cold; let’s leave it for him to use.”

Tong Youyu added, “I have rabbit fur cushions that I don’t need. How about this? Tong Gui and I will go to the city tomorrow, sell the deerskin for silver, add two more dowry items for you, and you can take the remaining silver with you. It’s good to have some private funds, just in case.”

With a plan in mind, the next day Tong Youyu borrowed two mules from the village, making it ostentatiously known that they were going to the county town to sell the deerskin.

“Deer skin is a rare item. You could sell it for a dozen or so taels of silver, right? You’ll make a fortune.”

“The market isn’t good. We’ll only get ten taels. I’ll go see the doctor, then get Ah Man a set of boxes and cages. After that, the money will be gone.”

“… You’re really good to Ah Man.”

After sending off the villagers, the uncle and nephew hurriedly set off with their donkeys.

Tong Sui anxiously stayed at home. Although the brief turmoil had ended, honest people continued their livelihoods peacefully, while some persisted in their despicable acts of robbery.

She worried that her father and brother might be robbed on the road.

The county town was far away. It wasn’t until dusk that the Tong family’s uncle and nephew returned. With their strong build and hunting attire, they had a somewhat adventurous journey but ultimately returned unharmed.

Some villagers with inscrutable intentions had been loitering at the village entrance, waiting. Seeing Tong Youyu carrying a stack of medicine packets, Tong Gui holding two pieces of floral cloth, and each donkey bearing a brand-new camphor wood chest and cage, they guessed that the Tong family had indeed spent most of the money from selling deer skins. They could only leave with complex emotions.

“Dad, Second Brother!”

Tong Sui happily welcomed her father and brother into the house.

Tong Gui unloaded their belongings and went to return the donkeys first. Tong Youyu sat on a camphor wood chest, wiping sweat as he looked at his daughter with a smile. “I bought you two large chests. After taking them over, you can place them by the west hearth, convenient for storing clothes and quilts. These chests have locks, so you can also hide things in them.”

Tong Sui felt a pang in her heart. “Their family is well-off. They probably made preparations. It would be better if you kept the silver to take care of your health.”

Tong Youyu replied, “I’m fine. Take a couple more dowry items. They’ll help you stand tall in your new family.”

As father and daughter conversed, Tong Shan returned from the private school. Tong Youyu smiled and handed the stack of medicine packets to his daughter. “These are pastries from the city. Take them to eat, and share some with your mother. She loves these.”

It was then that Tong Sui realized her father hadn’t spent a single penny on himself.

Half a month hurried by, and in the blink of an eye, it was the fourth day of early March.

Last time was the betrothal, which could be done simply, but this time, as the daughter was getting married, the Tong family arranged several tables for a banquet to entertain close villagers. Tong Sui’s maternal grandfather and his family arrived a day early from the county town.

The villagers had sent various embroidered items as decorations: large red pillowcases, handkerchiefs, shoes, socks, as well as gifts like wooden combs, hairpins, and wooden basins, all in a small pile.

Maternal grandfather Zhou Jingchun was a retired local doctor with some savings. He gave his granddaughter a translucent jade bracelet, advising her repeatedly, “Unless it’s truly peaceful, don’t wear this outside. Know people’s faces but not their hearts.”

Tong Sui understood the wisdom of not flaunting wealth and thanked her maternal grandfather with a smile.

Her aunt sent a box of rouge and face powder, along with a clear makeup mirror. “I heard the Xiao family doesn’t make their daughter-in-law work in the fields. So, you should dress up nicely to look more charming.”

Of course, she was referring to Xiao Zhen.

Tong Sui blushed at her aunt’s teasing.

Her cousin sent a set of scholar’s four treasures: “Although we’re not a scholarly family, there are times when we need to write. Having these at home means we won’t need to borrow from others.”

It was an unexpected yet very practical gift.

Her younger cousin sent a set of silk summer clothes.

Tong Sui liked it very much but advised, “We can’t wear this in the village. You should keep it for yourself.”

Her fifteen-year-old cousin smiled brightly, “This was made by the embroiderer according to your height, sister. It’s no use for me since I’m not as tall as you.”

Tong Sui helplessly rubbed the little girl’s head.

The lively and busy day of preparation passed quickly, and evening fell.

Zhou Qing stayed in his daughter’s room for a long time. Before leaving, she took a small wooden gourd the size of a palm from the sleeve, something children usually played with.

“This is something kept at the bottom of the box. After seeing it, you’ll know what the wedding night is about.”

Seeing his daughter looking puzzled, Zhou Qing smiled and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Tong Sui held the delicate little gourd in her hand, lost in thought for a moment. She knelt at the bedside, reached out to lock the door, and examined the wooden gourd again.

Upon trying, the gourd unexpectedly split into two halves. Removing the lid, she found two lifelike porcelain figurines inside.

Tong Sui lowered her head to examine them carefully…

That night, she didn’t sleep well.

The spring breeze was gentle, the sky clear. The Tong family’s yard was crowded with villagers.

The welcoming procession arrived punctually. The groom, Xiao Zhen, rode at the front on a black-headed mule, accompanied by three younger brothers, each on a donkey.

Behind them, four strong men carried a large red flower sedan. Fang Meipo and two suona players walked alongside.

“Why are all four brothers so handsome? I don’t know which one to look at.”

“I like the youngest one the most. The older ones have a fierce aura, especially the eldest.”

“That’s because the older brothers have been on the battlefield. The youngest one hasn’t had that experience.”

The Xiao brothers, who had seen battles, were unfazed by being the center of attention. Arriving at the Tong family’s door, they dismounted together.

The Tong family had set up three checkpoints to test the groom. Tong Youyu was in charge of archery, Tong Gui of arm wrestling, and younger brother Tong Shan of literature.

Xiao Zhen, skilled in martial arts, easily passed the first two tests.

Only Tong Shan’s test remained. The twelve-year-old boy blushed under everyone’s gaze. His eyes darted around and suddenly met the gaze of Song Zhishi in the crowd.

Song Zhishi encouraged him with a nod.

Tong Shan remembered his advice from his elder brother Song raised his head, and smiled at Xiao Zhen, “I’ll give you a line from the Book of Songs. If you can recite the next line, you’ll pass.”

Zhou Qing’s expression changed. How did this turn into a poetry challenge? He had clearly taught his son to guess a simple lantern riddle!

The three Xiao brothers behind Xiao Zhen had different expressions: one was puzzled, another frowned, and one seemed to find it amusing.

Xiao Zhen followed his younger brother’s gaze moments ago and recognized Song Zhishi, whom he had met once before. Understanding dawned on him and he said to Tong Shan, “I’m not well-read, but let’s try this. If I can’t answer, can I ask for another question?”

Tong Shan thought of showing respect to his brother-in-law and quickly changed his mind, saying, “How about guessing riddles instead?”

Although  those two lines from the Book of Songs were congratulations, showing respect to his brother-in-law was more important.

Xiao Zhen smiled, “Let’s start with poetry, and if I lose, let’s guess riddles.”

Tong Shan didn’t know if his brother-in-law was confident or broad-minded. He coughed in coordination and said, “The right thing to say is to drink wine and be together.”

The villagers who hadn’t read the book:…

Xiao Zhen touched the little brother’s head, his voice not high or low, “The zither and the lute, do not be quiet.”

Tong Shan’s eyes lit up, adding another admiration for his brother-in-law.

With the three tests passed, the groom and his party formally entered the house and began the lunch.

After eating and drinking their fill, Fang Meipo (the matchmaker) helped the bride walk out. Together with the groom, they bowed to the parents.

Tong Sui, covered in a red veil, watched her parents’ clothes and feet. Tears rolled uncontrollably down her cheeks despite her efforts to hold them back. The trembling of her shoulders let everyone know she was crying, although she tried hard to control it.

Zhou Qing turned his head away, held back his tears, and said to his son-in-law, whom he had only met once, “Times are difficult. Our Ah Man has been lucky so far, having not faced any great hardships. Now that she’s married to you, a brave and capable young man, we have no other wishes but for you to treat her well. Take her with you no matter the circumstances and never leave her behind.”

Xiao Zhen looked at his new bride beside him, bowed deeply, and promised, “Father-in-law, mother-in-law, rest assured. As long as Xiao Zhen has food, Ah Man will not go hungry. As long as I have breath , I will do my utmost to protect Ah Man.”

Zhou Qing immediately burst into tears.

Tong Youyu’s eyes were red, “Good, good, we trust you!”

After bowing to their parents, Fang Meipo helped the choked-up bride and handed her hand to Tong Gui to carry to the flower sedan.

From the east room to outside the courtyard gate, Tong Sui’s tears wet the clothes behind her brother’s neck.

Tong Gui whispered to comfort his sister, “Second brother has to accompany you to the Xiao family banquet. If it’s like this, people will think I sweat a lot.”

Tong Sui burst into laughter immediately.

Tong Gui continued towards the flower sedan, “That’s right, you’re going to your husband’s home so live a good life. Why cry? If you feel wronged, come back and find me. Second brother isn’t afraid of anyone. I promise to get justice for you.”

Tong Sui said, “Don’t speak anymore, or else I’ll cry again.”

Tong Gui quickly shut up and slowly placed his sister in the flower sedan.

As the sedan curtain was about to drop, Tong Sui couldn’t help but lift the cover. She saw her brother, who was in the doorway near his brother, and also saw the parents who stood side by side at the front of the door, holding their younger brother in front.

With tears in her eyes, she dropped a drop.

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