Peaceful Every Year
Peaceful Every Year Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The wedding procession has taken the bride away, but the neighbors of the Tong family remain gathered, enthusiastically discussing the Xiao family’s four brothers.

Someone brings up Song Zhishi.

“Ever since the banquet started, that kid has been missing. Must be feeling pretty bad, huh?”

“More than just bad. During Little Shan’s test of his brother-in-law, I saw it clearly. Song Zhishi was hoping the groom would embarrass himself, but instead, not only was he skilled in martial arts, but he also had some knowledge. He effortlessly answered with some literary poem, leaving Song Zhishi dumbfounded and embarrassed.”

“Yeah, he really can’t compare. Unless Mr. Song returns to the capital to become an official, here in our place, talent can’t compare to a strong physique.”

“Return to the capital? The court is full of corrupt officials. Mr. Song refused to be tainted and retreated to the mountains, unless…”

The conversation takes on a dangerous tone, prompting everyone to return to discussing the current wedding affairs.

Next door to the Tong family, Song Lan pushes open the door to the western room. There, he finds his son lying on the heated bed, limbs spread out, staring blankly with a pale, listless face.

Song Lan finds it somewhat amusing. Walking up to the bed, he looks down at his son from a higher vantage point. “Just for Tong Sui, is it worth being like this?”

Before retiring to seclusion, they lived in a bustling city. His son must have seen many beauties, so why this obsession with Tong Sui?

Song Lan really couldn’t understand.

Song Zhishi turns over, facing away from his father.

Song Lan understands her son’s inner conflict and soothes, “Father won’t stay hidden forever. Once the Song family returns to its former glory, with riches and honors, you’ll have your pick of beauties, whether plump or slim. What worries you about not being able to marry a high-born beauty?”

Tong Sui is indeed beautiful, a charming girl next door. Unfortunately, her humble origins make her an inadequate match for Song’s son. It’s lucky she could marry into the Xiao family.

As Song Zhishi listens to his father’s seemingly confident words, he slowly turns his head, locking eyes with his father’s refined and scholarly face, asking, “When you regain your former glory, will you also take another high-born beauty as your wife?”

Song Lan’s expression shifts slightly, thinking of his wife who died in the chaotic times.

Song Zhishi knows his father’s love for his mother is deep. He lies back down, closes his eyes, and says, “No matter how many beauties there are, only one is special to me. Ah Man is that one.”

He will never forget the scene of first meeting Tong Sui in his life. At that time, he had just moved with his father to this remote mountain village. He felt that life was bitter everywhere with no hope in sight. Then, a girl of eleven or twelve suddenly ran over from a distance—her fair cheeks and bright, dark eyes were like the first warm light breaking through the clouds after days of rain, illuminating everything around.

They grew up together for six years, but due to his father’s prejudice against her family background, she ultimately married someone else.

Taohuagou and Lingshui Village were twenty miles apart, and ordinary people could only rely on their legs, taking about an hour and a half to walk there.

In the wedding procession at this moment, the Xiao brothers ride mules, and the matchmaker sits on the donkey cart borrowed by Tong Gui to transport the dowry, all going smoothly. However, the four sedan bearers carrying the bridal sedan are slow, needing to stop and rest along the way. By sunset, they should just arrive at the Xiao family’s residence.

Despite the sedan bearers’ efforts to carry the bridal sedan steadily, it still swayed slightly, making Tong Sui feel less comfortable inside than if she had walked herself.

The strong reluctance to leave home has temporarily been suppressed. Tong Sui picks up a small bronze kettle that the matchmaker placed in the sedan, opens the lid, dips a cloth into the clear water, and silently wipes her face.

She knows she will definitely cry. When she did her makeup in the morning, she deliberately didn’t use rouge or powder. After all, in recent years, common folks’ wedding celebrations have been simple and rushed; many brides don’t even have the means to apply makeup and just marry with a natural face.

After wiping her face and confirming her appearance was satisfactory, Tong Sui suddenly didn’t know what to do next. She focused on listening to the sounds outside.

The sedan bearers walked heavily, burdened by the sedan’s weight, too exhausted to chat. The two musicians playing suona only occasionally played as they passed through villages.

Behind them, the cart carrying the dowry was driven by the matchmaker, who was skilled at conversation and currently asking Tong Gui what kind of daughter-in-law he wanted. Tong Gui’s impatient responses made Tong Sui laugh.

As for the Xiao brothers…

The groom naturally walked at the front of the bridal sedan. His three brothers alternated between walking ahead and falling behind to chat with Tong Gui. The mule hooves clopped back and forth.

The journey was long, and it was a warm afternoon. Tong Sui, idle and with nothing to do, leaned against the sedan panel and dozed off. She hadn’t slept well last night, and waking up early today had left her truly tired.

Ahead of the bridal sedan, Xiao Ye leaned in close to his eldest brother and whispered, “Brother, the road is long. Why don’t you go talk to Sister-in-law? It must be stifling for her in there. It’s a good chance to get to know her early.”

Xiao Zhen replied flatly, “It’s not proper.”

Xiao Ye scanned around, seeing nothing but barren hills and sparse woods nearby. “It’s just us here. Don’t be so strict. Sister-in-law is probably feeling anxious on her first journey far from home. Go and comfort her.”

Xiao Zhen remained unmoved.

Xiao Ye pulled on the reins, as if he was about to turn back. “If you won’t go, I will.”

Xiao Zhen gave him a sidelong glance.

Xiao Ye deflated immediately. He hadn’t met his new sister-in-law and didn’t know her temperament. He also feared his warmth might be misunderstood as frivolity.

Seeing them chatting, Xiao Yan and Xiao She, the brothers from the second branch of the Xiao family, caught up from behind.

Xiao Yan asked, “What’s going on?”

Xiao Ye grunted, “I asked Big Brother to go talk to Sister-in-law, but he insists on following etiquette.”

Xiao Yan glanced at Xiao Zhen, stroked his chin, and chuckled, “Big Brother is just like that. He never follows etiquette. If it wasn’t for him, Three Sister-in-law wouldn’t have married me.”

Last summer, the brothers had encountered a caravan on their way home from the military camp, which had been raided by bandits. Almost everyone was killed, leaving only a young lady and her maid at risk of assault. They rushed in and fought off the bandits, saving the young lady and her maid.

The young lady was remarkably beautiful and homeless, so she had no choice but to seek refuge with them. Xiao Zhen had suggested taking her to a nearby village for resettlement, but Xiao Yan couldn’t bear to part with her. After consulting the young lady, he had married her that very night and brought her home.

Among the four brothers, Xiao Zhen, the second eldest, was the most capable and could easily manage his three younger brothers. If Xiao Zhen had shown any interest in the beautiful young lady, Xiao Yan would never have had the opportunity to marry her.

Thinking of his own Third Sister-in-law at home and glancing at the bridal sedan behind him, Xiao Ye wondered if the new Sister-in-law wasn’t as attractive as the Third Sister-in-law. Wouldn’t his elder brother be at a loss?

“Enough talk,” Xiao Zhen stopped his three brothers from further discussing old matters.

Xiao Yan raised an eyebrow. “Is Big Brother worried that Sister-in-law might hear and feel uncomfortable?”

Xiao Zhen countered, “Without a matchmaker, do you feel honorable?”

Xiao Yan fell silent.

Tong Sui dozed lightly for a while, though she wasn’t sure how long exactly. She lifted the curtain slightly at the west side window and peered out. The sun was bright in the western sky, indicating they still had about half an hour’s journey left.

“Rest for a quarter of an hour,” Xiao Zhen’s voice instructed, and the sedan bearers halted, carefully placing the sedan on the ground.

Tong Sui listened to the chatter outside while quietly massaging her legs, which were starting to stiffen. Footsteps approached— it was Tong Gui.

Glancing at the Xiao brothers seated diagonally across from her, Tong Gui bent down and asked his sister, “Ah Man, how are you feeling? Is anything uncomfortable?”

Tong Sui replied, “I’m fine. How about Second Brother?”

Tong Gui glanced over at the matchmaker from the Xiao family and rubbed his temples. “That woman talks too much. She makes me want to chase her away.”

Tong Sui smiled. “We’re almost there. Just endure a bit longer.”

“I know,” Tong Gui said. “On your big day, even if she lives in my ear, I’ll endure her. Are you thirsty? Is there water inside?”

Tong Sui was a bit thirsty but dared not drink water. Once they arrived at the Xiao family, there would be more to do, and it wouldn’t be appropriate to request to use the restroom with so many people watching.

After ensuring his sister was alright, Tong Gui saw Tong Ye waving at him and walked over.

Tong Ye graciously vacated the spot next to his elder brother for Tong Gui to sit, pulling out a piece of biscuit. “Younger Brother, are you hungry? Have some food to fill your stomach.”

Tong Gui, at twenty years old, was the youngest among the four Xiao brothers. Xiao Zhen was twenty-six, Xiao Yan was twenty-four, and Xiao Ye was twenty-three. Only Xiao She was younger than Tong Gui by two years.

Fortunately, Tong Gui was tall and robust, able to hold his own among the sturdy and well-built Xiao brothers.

“You go ahead and eat. I had a hearty meal at midday,” Tong Gui said, glancing at Xiao Zhen.

Xiao Zhen nodded. “We’re almost there. Once we’re home, I will treat you to good wine and meat when we get home food.”

Tong Gui smiled genuinely.

Xiao Ye patted Tong Gui’s knee, “Tong Gui, our families are far apart and we’re not familiar with each other. Now that Second Sister-in-law has joined us, why don’t you tell us about her temperament? What does she like or dislike normally? Once we understand, it’ll be easier to take care of her, so we don’t accidentally offend Second Sister-in-law. Originally, I wanted Second Brother to ask her directly, but he insisted on following the rules.”

Xiao She nodded in agreement, “That’s right. I’m clumsy with words and often upset Third Sister-in-law. I don’t want to offend Second Sister-in-law too.”

Tong Gui’s curiosity was piqued, and he jokingly asked, “What have you done to upset Third Sister-in-law?”

Xiao She rubbed the back of his head and gave an example, “This morning, when the wedding procession arrived at our house and I saw Third Sister-in-law staring at the bridal sedan, I asked if she wanted to sit in it. She glared at me fiercely several times. It’s just my clumsiness that got me in trouble.”

Xiao Yan flicked his younger brother on the head, “You stir up trouble wherever you go.”

Xiao Zhen signaled to Xiao Ye, who promptly urged Tong Gui to speak up.

After considering for a moment, Tong Gui spoke cheerfully, “My sister is gentle in temperament, diligent in her tasks. As long as you treat her like family, she’s easy to get along with. She doesn’t have any obvious likes or dislikes.”

Xiao Ye chuckled, “She sounds just like my Second Brother—quiet and capable, rarely gets upset.”

Tong Gui made a mental note of this information, then went back to the bridal sedan to chat with his sister again. He speculated, “Earlier, the matchmaker mentioned that Third Brother’s wife is a wealthy young lady he married outside. It’s probably not a formal marriage proposal, so she hasn’t ridden in a bridal sedan before.”

Tong Sui nodded, “Got it. Thanks, Second Brother, for your concern. We’re about to depart. You should hurry over there.”

Seeing Xiao Yan repeatedly looking over in their direction, Tong Gui patted the sedan and walked away.

In the latter half, Tong Sui remained very alert. As the light outside the window dimmed, the wedding procession finally arrived outside Lingshui Village.

The master suona players blew energetically, and the four sedan bearers swung the bridal sedan vigorously, aiming to entertain the villagers. The louder the applause, the more festive the atmosphere became.

Tong Sui supported the sides of the bridal sedan with both hands, firmly planted her feet on the ground. Fortunately, despite her gentle appearance, her strength surpassed that of ordinary girls, allowing her to endure the rough ride.

With a burst of firecrackers, the bridal sedan touched ground once more.

Tong Sui quickly adjusted her red head covering, and when she lowered her hands, they were trembling faintly.

“The groom kicks the sedan door!”

The sedan trembled slightly, and in the next moment, the matchmaker opened the curtain, speaking a string of auspicious words and helping Tong Sui out with a smile.

The villagers crowded around the Xiao family’s doorway, each more excited than the last. Their clamor seemed to echo in Tong Sui’s ears.

Someone accidentally pushed into her, and the matchmaker stumbled towards Tong Sui. Unable to see, Tong Sui stood there dumbly until a hand steadied her shoulder and separated her from the matchmaker.

“Ah, the groom really cherishes his bride, protecting her even before stepping inside!”

Tong Sui suddenly realized that the hand on her back belonged to Xiao Zhen.

At the same time, that hand quickly withdrew.

The matchmaker, now back on her feet, jokingly scolded them and continued to preside over the wedding ceremony.

With both of Xiao Zhen’s parents deceased, the one sitting solemnly in the main hall was Grandpa Xiao Mu.

Covered by the headgear, Tong Sui didn’t bother to observe everyone’s movements and, guided by the matchmaker, completed the three bows with Xiao Zhen.

“The ceremony is complete. Escort them to the bridal chamber!”

When the marriage was first arranged, the matchmaker had mentioned the three courtyards of the Xiao family: Xiao Mu lived in the central courtyard, the main house was in the eastern courtyard, and the second house was in the western courtyard. In reality, it was three houses side by side, with the walls between the courtyards all opened up, and they usually dined together in Xiao Mu’s section.

Tong Sui followed the groom from the central courtyard to the eastern courtyard, then turned into the groom’s residence in the eastern wing, which would be their bridal chamber tonight.

Country weddings have fewer formalities; men, women, elders, and children all crowded inside, filling the space under the heated bed, leaving only a slight gap next to the groom.

Xiao Ye and his two brothers shielded Xiao Zhen with their hands, both helping to shield the spectators and eager to catch the first glimpse of their new sister-in-law’s charm.

Amidst the lively atmosphere, the matchmaker handed the wedding scale pole to Xiao Zhen: “Groom, lift the veil quickly!”

Xiao Zhen took the scale pole, glanced at the bride’s restless, delicate white fingers on his knee, paused for a moment, and lifted it up.

The veil flew off, revealing the bride’s face, untouched by powder, with delicate eyebrows, dark eyes, and cheeks blushing like sunset.

Tong Sui dared not lift her head, nor look at the groom closest to her, nor did she have the courage to face the crowd of onlookers.

A moment of silence fell over the crowded room, until someone shouted “Beautiful!” and the crowd became lively again.

“Alright, alright, let the bride rest. Everyone, let’s go outside for the banquet!”

After the ceremony in the bridal chamber, Xiao’s brothers ushered the guests outside.

Like a storm had passed, the bridal chamber suddenly quieted down, leaving only the matchmaker and four women of varying ages.

Tong Sui naturally didn’t recognize them, so the matchmaker smiled and introduced them to her.

The dignified woman in her forties was Xiao’s aunt.

The gentle woman with almond eyes and peach cheeks was the widow of Xiao Zhen’s eldest brother, Liu Chu, who would be Tong Sui’s sister-in-law.

The graceful beauty who clearly was a young lady of a noble family was Lin Ningfang, Xiao Yan’s wife and Tong Sui’s sister-in-law.

Next to Xiao’s aunt was Xiao Yu-chan, Xiao Yan’s younger sister who had moved back to her maternal home after becoming widowed.

Tong Sui greeted each of them respectfully.

Xiao’s aunt kindly asked, “Are you tired? There’s water in the southern room. Would you like to wash your face first?”

Afraid that Tong Sui might feel shy, Xiao’s aunt warmly led her to the southern room of the eastern wing. When Tong Sui entered, she found a small wash basin prepared.

Xiao’s aunt stepped back to the doorway and smiled, “As someone who’s been through this, I understand. Go ahead and wash up. I’ll wait outside.”

Warmth flooded Tong Sui’s heart, even though she didn’t really need to wash up at that moment.

After washing her hands and face, Tong Sui opened the door and returned to the northern room with Xiao’s aunt. Everyone gestured for her to sit on the heated bed.

Because everyone was scrutinizing her, Tong Sui mostly kept her head down, blushing—a typical demeanor for a newlywed bride.

Soon, dinner was served. The helpful women brought dishes to the table. Xiao’s aunt and the others were there to accompany the bride tonight.

There were chicken, fish, and several vegetarian dishes—a feast Tong Sui hadn’t enjoyed in many years.

Xiao Yu-chan remarked somewhat sourly, “Second brother marries second sister-in-law, and Grandpa is so pleased, he’s scattering money like water.”

The affairs of the Xiao family weren’t something the matchmaker intervened in, so she swiftly served dishes without comment.

Tong Sui glanced towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao’s aunt scolded her niece, “You talk too much. Have you forgotten that your wedding feast was just as lavish back then? Now eat!”

Xiao Yu can pursed her lips, eating and continuing to observe her new sister-in-law.

After the meal, it grew dark outside. Xiao’s aunt Ye and the others gradually left, leaving Tong Sui alone.

Tong Sui let out a long sigh.

After resting briefly, a bright-eyed maid carrying a bucket of hot water arrived. She grinned and said, “Second Madam, I’m Afu, the maid from our main house. I’ve brought hot water for you.”

The Xiao family wasn’t affluent enough to hire maids; Afu had come over during the wartime chaos and was taken in by Xiao’s grandfather to do chores like sweeping and laundry. The second house also had a maid named Zhen, brought by Lin Ningfang, so the two maids served different sides.

It was Tong Sui’s first time being attended to, and she felt uncomfortable. However, she couldn’t argue with Afu and reluctantly allowed the young maid to assist her in washing her face and rinsing her mouth. Only when Tong Sui needed to wipe herself dry did Afu step outside to stand guard.

Meanwhile, the male guests in the eastern courtyard were still feasting. Tong Sui listened to their voices nervously and hurriedly tidied herself, loosening her clothes.

With nothing else to do, Tong Sui sat nervously on the bridal bed, awaiting anxiously.

“Entering the bridal chamber!” Finally, the groom was pushed in by the guests.

Tong Sui’s heart pounded nervously as she looked at the man suddenly entering. Before she could speak, Xiao Zhen abruptly turned around. With one hand, he pressed against the two door panels that were about to be pushed open and swiftly closed the latch.

Outside, the men slapped the door, urging loudly.

Frowning slightly, Xiao Zhen glanced towards the bed.

Tong Sui lowered her head in panic.

The two sat like this, awkwardly listening to the commotion outside. Fortunately, the guests weren’t really trying to barge in, and soon they dispersed.

Xiao Zhen looked at the blushing bride who still couldn’t raise her head and whispered, “I’ll go close the outer door and tidy up a bit. You, rest for now.”

Tong Sui nodded silently.

Xiao Zhen left.

Tong Sui glanced at the neatly stacked red bedding and obediently spread the sheets.

She had only caught a fleeting glimpse earlier and hadn’t really seen Xiao Zhen’s face clearly. She only knew that his features seemed somewhat stern, but she hadn’t paid much attention to distinguishing handsome from unattractive.

Feeling more uneasy with the increasing unfamiliarity, Tong Sui did as he suggested and crawled under the covers without undressing.

Nervously waiting, she could faintly hear the sound of water from the southern room. Was he washing up too? Would he also wipe himself dry?

Suddenly, the two little porcelain figures hidden in the wooden gourd came to her mind, and Tong Sui felt herself getting even more nervous.

When Xiao Zhen returned with the scent of bathing, the guests had already bid farewell, leaving only Xiao’s family tidying up the tables and chairs in the courtyard.

Outside, there were occasional noises, but inside the bridal chamber, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. On the red-painted wooden cabinet stood a pair of red candles, their flames flickering.

Xiao Zhen closed the door, his gaze falling on the head of his new wife lying under the covers.

He had married her openly and brought her back with great fanfare from twenty miles away.

Xiao Zhen climbed onto the heated bed directly, lifted the covers, and scooped the curled-up girl to lie properly.

Her breath immediately grew heavier, and Tong Sui tightly closed her eyes, feeling the heat from her body, separated only by layers of wedding clothes, transferring to Xiao Zhen’s palm.

The silly girl didn’t move, allowing her husband to examine her.

Xiao Zhen asked softly, “Don’t you recognize me?”

Tong Sui’s eyelashes trembled, stuttering, “Just now, I saw you.”

Xiao Zhen didn’t say much more. Seeing that she didn’t seem eager to talk to him either, he began to undo her clothes.

She seemed to want to stop him, her hand lifting slightly before she pressed it back onto the bed. It was only when he reached the last layer that she turned her head, using both hands to cover herself.

Xiao Zhen kissed her shoulder.

He bound her as though she were made of iron and bronze, and Tong Sui had nowhere to hide, nor any reason to. That night, she could only whisper two words repeatedly

Gently gently

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