Rebellious Game
Rebellious Game Chapter 24

Chapter 24

After moving to a new city and having her internet connection restored, Yun Xin started mass-applying for jobs again. It turned out that as long as she lowered her standards and wasn’t picky, she could always find work.

In just a few days, Yun Xin received an interview notice. This time, the interview was for an assistant position at a design company, and it was conducted by the company’s secretary.

As soon as they met, the secretary asked, “How’s your physical condition?”

Yun Xin’s first thought was, “Do they want me to have a healthy body so I can handle their 996 working hours?” Thinking of this, she cautiously answered, “Pretty good, I rarely get sick throughout the year.”

The secretary then asked, “Are you strong? Can you run fast?”

Yun Xin found it hard to understand why an assistant needed to be strong and fast, but she still nodded, “I have natural strength and I’m good at sports.”

Hearing this, the secretary’s eyes lit up. She led Yun Xin to a suitcase and encouraged her, “Try lifting it.”

Yun Xin lifted the suitcase with one hand and walked around the room with it, finishing without breaking a sweat or increasing her heart rate.

The secretary was very satisfied and praised her repeatedly.

“One last question, are you okay with business trips?” The secretary added, “Of course, the company will provide generous allowances. But during the trips, you have to follow all arrangements.”

“Sure,” Yun Xin agreed.

That settled it.

Before applying, Yun Xin had researched the company. It was a design firm primarily engaged in designing peripherals. It also had a partner factory where they sent finalized designs for mass production before delivering them to clients.

After joining, Yun Xin waited for her superior to assign her tasks. Unexpectedly, the secretary told her, “Today, you can leave early and go home to pack your bags. Tomorrow morning, meet me at the company entrance. We will be accompanying the boss on a business trip.”

Yun Xin was puzzled, “Leaving early on the first day of work and going on a business trip the next day?”

The secretary replied with a meaningful look, “Yes, because it’s an important trip.”

Yun Xin wanted to say, “Don’t do this, it makes me feel like I might have to find another job soon.” But she held back.

The next day, Yun Xin arrived at the designated spot on time, even a few minutes early to make a good impression on her new colleagues.

To her surprise, she found the secretary, a young master from a wealthy family, two bodyguards in black, and a young colleague standing at the entrance.

Yun Xin was stunned and felt she might be in the wrong place.

The young master glanced at his watch and said discontentedly, “Why are you so late?”

The secretary intervened, “The newbie doesn’t know better yet, it’ll get better.”

The young master hummed noncommittally, “It’s getting late, let’s go.” He then got into the car first.

Yun Xin clearly saw the young colleague sitting close to the young master. One bodyguard drove while the other sat next to the young master.

Yun Xin quickly pulled the secretary aside, “Weren’t we supposed to go on the trip with the boss?”

The secretary corrected her, “Yes, we’re accompanying the boss, but we’re not the only ones. The men in black are bodyguards, the big guy is Brother Zhao, and the tall one is Brother Qiu. The young one is Lu Lei, a designer in our company who has a good relationship with the boss. You can just call him Brother Lu.”

“Oh—” Yun Xin acknowledged, indicating she understood.

The car drove all the way to the airport before stopping.

Yun Xin got out and froze when she saw the plane outside.

After getting the tickets, the secretary briskly walked back, “The flight departs in twenty-five minutes.”

Boss Lin Qin found a place to sit and was about to take out his phone to pass the time.

Yun Xin suddenly said, “Return the tickets and switch to the next flight.”

The secretary was stunned.

Lin Qin, puzzled, looked up at the new employee, “Why?”

Yun Xin said, “I have a very bad feeling about that plane.”

Lin Qin was at a loss for words. He turned to the secretary, “Is this the new hire you recruited? Did you make everything clear during the interview?”

“I did,” the secretary said, pulling Yun Xin aside with a smile but gritting her teeth as she spoke, “What’s wrong with you? Didn’t I tell you that during business trips, you have to follow all arrangements?”

“Anyway, I won’t get on that plane, and I advise you not to either,” Yun Xin said.

Lin Qin laughed in frustration, “Then tell me, what’s wrong with the plane? What bad thing will happen if we get on it?”

Yun Xin straightforwardly replied, “I don’t know.”

She just felt that if she got on, the danger level would be C-grade. Moreover, ever since the secretary bought the tickets, a dark gray mist had enveloped everyone.

Once the plane was in the air, they’d have no place to run if something went wrong. Yun Xin wasn’t willing to take that risk.

“Are you afraid of flying?” Lin Qin asked again.

Yun Xin shook her head, “No.”

“Not afraid of flying, can’t say what’s wrong, but still telling me not to get on and to wait for the next flight?” Lin Qin was exasperated. “Do you hear yourself? Does that make sense?”

“A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall,” Yun Xin said, breaking her usual restraint on her second day at the job.

“I think you should stay here by yourself,” Lin Qin said coldly. “I announce, from this moment, you’re fired.”

He then strode off.

“Fine, don’t believe me,” Yun Xin said, dragging her luggage to find a place to sit down.

During boarding, on the plane, Lin Qin was still fuming, “What kind of person did they hire? I almost thought she was the boss, calling all the shots.”

The secretary quickly apologized, “It was my mistake; it won’t happen again.”

Lin Qin’s mood remained foul.

Originally looking forward to the trip, he now closed his eyes and leaned back, not wanting to say anything.

Meanwhile, on the ground tower’s guidance, the plane took off.

During the ascent, the pilot unexpectedly encountered a thunderstorm ahead.

The ground tower indicated that there might be a storm on the route ahead.

To avoid turbulence, the captain decided to fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters, bypassing the storm.

Expecting turbulence, the captain turned on the seatbelt sign, and the attendants reminded passengers to fasten their seatbelts.

Sixteen minutes into the flight, Lin Qin, trying to rest, heard rustling noises.

He opened his eyes to see other passengers standing up, asking the attendants what was happening.

Before the attendant could answer, there was a loud bang, and the front cargo door burst open. The cabin wall and part of the fuselage were torn away, leaving a huge hole in the plane!

Lin Qin was stunned.

Before he could react, the immense pressure difference inside and outside the plane ripped two rows of seats closest to the cargo hold, hurling them out the window.

Seven or eight passengers, along with their seats, disappeared from sight in an instant!

Lin Qin’s heart had never raced this fast, nor had he ever been this close to death.

In his daze, he saw an attendant almost being sucked out of the planeu her.

But the outside suction was strong, and he struggled alone.

Thankfully, before Lu Lei could say anything, the nearby bodyguard also reached out, helping to pull the attendant back in.

The plane made a 180-degree turn, heading back to the airport.

But they had already flown a distance, and returning would take time.

Meanwhile, turbulence caused objects to fly around inside the cabin, hitting passengers.

The secretary got hit on the head, forming a lump, and while protecting her head, she began to deeply regret not listening to Yun Xin.

No amount of salary was worth more than life!

Lin Qin also regretted not heeding the new hire’s advice, stubbornly boarding this flight of doom. But for his pride, he said nothing.

Suddenly, Lin Qin felt short of breath. His face turned red as he struggled to breathe, but he still felt awful.

Bodyguard Zhao’s face was ashen, telling his employer, “The oxygen supply system is probably damaged.”

Lin Qin’s vision darkened. He couldn’t tell if it was from lack of oxygen or the shock of bad news.

With the oxygen system compromised, there was no way to escape from thousands of meters high. What a miserable predicament!

Fortunately, after a while, the plane descended to a lower altitude, and breathing became easier.

Lin Qin finally understood what the new employee had said. He too now had an indescribable premonition, feeling that if anything went wrong, his life might end here today.

Bodyguard Zhao said, “The only thing we can do now is trust the pilot.”

For the first time, Lin Qin experienced the feeling of having his life in someone else’s hands.

In the midst of thousands of meters high, he could do nothing but sit and wait for the outcome.

At this moment, flight attendants reminded passengers to wear their life jackets. Nearby, people had already begun praying, each to their respective deities based on their faith.

Listening for a while, Lin Qin thought to himself, “If prayers could work, every deity in existence would have to come and save us now.”

After a long and tense ten minutes, the plane finally returned to the airport and was preparing to land. The ground control had cleared the airport in advance and had arranged numerous fire trucks in case of a crash.

With a sharp grinding sound, the plane safely came to a stop without overshooting the runway.

Fortunately, over three hundred passengers and more than ten crew members survived, although many sustained minor injuries.

Within the next minute, everyone on board was evacuated in an emergency.

The journey ended without further incident. Back on solid ground, feeling the earth beneath his feet, Lin Qin experienced a sense of relief like never before.

He had intended to find a nearby store to sit down and relax, perhaps have a drink to calm his nerves. But as he looked up, he saw Yun Xin.

Lin Qin had a surreal feeling, as if he had just experienced a thrilling ride at an amusement park. Some had foreseen the ride’s intensity and declined to participate, waiting nearby instead. Those who had gone on the ride were left weak-kneed and stunned, while those who waited casually snacked on treats.

Approaching her, Lin Qin asked, “Did you know beforehand that the plane would have trouble?”

Yun Xin tilted her head, “I had no idea.”

Unconvinced, Lin Qin pressed, “Then why did you adamantly refuse to board this flight?”

“I just had a bad feeling,” Yun Xin explained. “Though my sixth sense doesn’t always come true, life is precious, and I can’t afford to gamble with it.”

Lin Qin recalled his decision not to heed advice and board the flight. Feeling guilty for a moment, he asked again, “If you knew something might happen, why didn’t you inform the airline in advance?”

Yun Xin looked shocked, “I didn’t know what would happen, or if anything would happen at all. Why would I go and tell them?”

To her, the ominous feeling she sensed around her colleagues was not a countdown to death.

Lin Qin was speechless. Indeed, she couldn’t just tell the airline, “This plane feels bad, so don’t fly it.” They would likely dismiss her or worse, report her.

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