Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 1

Chapter 1

When Yi Siling received the news that would ruin her good mood for the day, a young gentleman was standing by her table, inviting her for a drink.

He was the third young master of Yuxin Bank, usually arrogant with numerous admirers around him. Now, he stood there with a somewhat comical expression.

Yi Siling smiled at him, her jewel-adorned fingers tapping her phone screen, indicating she was busy.

She shifted her gaze away, ignoring him.

The message was from a socialite friend, someone she occasionally played mahjong with, not too close but not distant either. Unexpectedly, this message almost knocked Yi Siling out.

“[YI SILING , I heard you’re getting married soon! Congratulations!]”

Yi Siling didn’t understand, biting her lip in confusion, and after pondering for a while, she sent back a question mark.

Her friend teased her for pretending: “[Oh come on! Everyone knows, just spill it! Who’s the big shot fiancee?]”

The young Master, having waited a long time, was slightly impatient but didn’t dare to show it. He simply turned to toast the woman sitting opposite Yi Siling.

The woman helped Yi Siling handle the socialite situation, smiling perfunctorily and taking a sip. The young master had an excuse to leave without losing face.

Yi Siling had no time for these socialite intricacies. Her mind was full of “marriage” and

“fiancee,” causing an inexplicable irritation. She squinted her bright eyes and absentmindedly gazed out the floor-to-ceiling window.

The view was excellent, overlooking the entire Victoria Harbour.

Light rain had fallen early in the morning, leaving the sky clean and blue. Skyscrapers shimmered along the open riverbank, and a helicopter slowly descended onto some tycoon’s helipad.

The glaring light made her turn back.

The occasion was lively, celebrating the opening of this Thai restaurant. The owner, being well-connected and sociable, had many guests attending. A few acquaintances wanted to  have a toast with Yi Siling, but seeing her distracted, they wisely stayed away.

Why risk displeasing the lady when even Young Master Yu couldn’t gain her favor?

“What on earth is wrong with you?” Yi Leling had glanced at her several times without getting a response, finally speaking up.

Yi Siling threw her phone onto the sofa, “I’m getting married.”

The steam from the tom yum soup blurred her face, making it hard to see her expression clearly.

Yi Leling was stunned by this bombshell, her mind blank for several seconds before she asked, “… Getting married to whom?”

“That’s the point, getting married to whom,” Yi Siling sulked, crossing her arms in frustration.

Yi Leling couldn’t help but laugh, her ears tingling from Yi Siling’s petulance. She said helplessly, “Which paparazzi made up this rumor about you getting married? Why are you upset about it? Without the old man’s approval, who would you marry?”

Despite her words, neither of them felt certain.

Last month, Yi Kunshan publicly accepted an interview with Finance World. Hong Kong media Siling, known for their gossip, threw in a few non-fiancee questions to boost ratings—

“Mr. Yi, people are interested in you and, of course, in your four precious daughters and your future sons-in-law. Could you share if there are any suitable candidates?”

Yi Kunshan waited for the laughter to die down before responding leisurely, “There are some good prospects.”

The host joked, “So it seems good news is coming soon?”

Yi Kunshan also joked, “I’ll try. I’ll strive to find a Yi Siling husband for my eldest daughter before I turn fifty.”

The audience roared with laughter, and the host concluded, “Mr. Yi is really humorous! Let’s all look forward to and bless this event together!”

Yi Siling was the unlucky eldest daughter. Her marriage was always a hot topic of discussion, speculation, and gossip in their socialite circle.

“But…” Yi Leling sighed, “The old man has been acting weird lately, going crazy in interviews and hinting left and right… Last week, I saw him playing golf with Mr. Zheng, all chummy. Do you think…”

“Think what!”

Yi Siling’s eyes widened, “I warn you, Little sister, don’t jinx me!”

Yi Leling was the second daughter, two years younger than Yi Siling.

Yi Leling knew she had stepped on her sister’s tail, but she had to speak up: “You broke up with that scumbag. If your ex becomes your husband, it’s bad luck. But thinking it over, Dad is most likely to choose the Zheng family. You need to be prepared.”


Yi Lelingpatiently and earnestly said, “Yi Siling, what if Dad insists you marry into the Zheng family? What would you do?”

Yi Siling was silent for a long time, then she raised her chin and scoffed, “Then I’ll marry. If the scumbag dares to marry me, why wouldn’t I dare to marry him? Am I afraid of him?”

Yi Leling tap her temples, softening her tone to a gentle mix of coaxing and reasoning: “Yi Siling , I need to remind you, the scumbag hooked up with a model a month after breaking up with you. Don’t say you’re going to tolerate it. I’m telling you this so you’re prepared and know how to handle it, not to argue… okay?”

The “scumbag” they referred to was Zheng Qijun, the second young master of the Zheng family and Yi Siling’s ex-boyfriend.

When they first got together, Young Master Zheng doted on Yi Siling, complying with her every whim. But for some inexplicable reason, two months ago, a minor disagreement made him adamant, declaring that if Yi Siling didn’t relent, he wouldn’t back down.

But he forgot that Yi Siling was never one to back down.

Words once spoken couldn’t be taken back. For the sake of his pride, Young Master Zheng ended the relationship abruptly.

The next news about him came last month when paparazzi caught him and his new fling entering a luxurious hotel—Yi Siling’s hotel.

This incident made Yi Siling a laughingstock in their circle, a humiliation she couldn’t shake off.

“I’m not arguing with you. This isn’t about tolerance. I’m just playing along with him. It’s called acting, do you understand?” Her tone was spoiled, flippant, and unreasonable.

Yi Leling head was about to explode. She wanted to strangle her but held back, knowing it would cost a fortune to appease her later, which wasn’t worth it.

At this moment, a waiter came over, asking if they had time as a Mr. Xie wanted to buy them a drink.

Annoyed, Yi Siling dismissed him and continued, “Whoever I marry, it’s all just an act. At least with Zheng Qijun, he’s familiar. The others, I don’t even know.”

“Do you think I want this?”

Her voice lowered, her long lashes drooping. She fiddled with the almond bracelet on her wrist, her beautiful face blurred by steam, an inexplicable sadness overtaking her.

She rarely ever felt sad.

Yi Leling felt awful. She knew Yi Siling’s arranged marriage was inevitable, and she herself might not escape the same fate.

It was just a matter of time.

Her usually cold face showed a hint of frustration and sadness. “Fine, I can’t argue with you. If it’s really the scumbag, you should find a new boyfriend to spite him.”

No sooner had she said this than Yi Leling regretted it, berating herself for speaking such inflammatory words to Yi Siling. But before she could backtrack, she saw the dim light in Yi Siling’s eyes rekindle—

“Yi Siling! You really are my little strategist!” Yi Siling was excited, her tone changing, “If I find a man now, real or fake, the Zheng brat will be furious. Maybe he’ll lose face and call off the engagement! Is that what you mean?”


Yi Leling pressed her l ips together, wanting to say that wasn’t her point, but she stayed silent.

She didn’t want to dampen Yi Siling’s spirits.

The last two desserts were berry crumble ice cream and coconut milk pudding. The owner, Lumi, came over to toast and once again thanked Yi Siling for leasing her the space.

This restaurant was located on a high floor of the, Xing  Ding hotel one of the best spots in Hong Kong, extremely valuable. Many wanted to rent it, but Lumi only secured it by keeping Yi Siling happy.

Because the hotel belonged to Yi Siling, along with the building and the land.

Yi Siling, in a s lightly better mood, was po Lite. Lumi, even more attentive, effortlessly flattered her. Lumi had been a Miss Hong Kong, married into a wealthy family a few years ago, relying on her charm and socialite skills.

During the chit-chat, the waiter returned, respectfully saying, “Miss Yi Siling, Mr. Xie is asking if you have time to join him in his private room for a chat.”

The waiter, unaware of the socialite intricacies, simply relayed the message, not realizing how awkward it made the situation.

Lumi stood awkwardly on the side, unsure how to smooth things over, only able to observe Yi Siling’s expression.

Yi Siling just smiled lightly, tucking a stray hair behind her ear and casually remarked, “Who invited this Mr. Xie to have me go to his private room for a chat? Quite interesting.”

Lumi’s face slightly changed, sensing Yi Siling’s words were a s Light against her as the hostess.

But today’s gathering wasn’t too formal. With her drafted guest list and friends bringing friends, she couldn’t possibly know everyone, silently cursing this troublemaker in her mind.

She smiled apologetically, “Isn’t it just that our Yi Siling is too charming! Even with my small circle, six or seven have been asking about you, Yi Siling. Don’t worry, I’ve ignored them all! These clueless men, knowing you have a fiancee, still insist on approaching. It’s annoying…”

As she spoke, she suddenly noticed Yi Leling quietly observing her with a warning look, immediately falling silent.

Yi Siling hadn’t realized her impending marriage had become such a big deal, known even to Lumi, while she, the main person involved, remained unaware.

Connecting the dots, it was likely about the Zheng family. The old man didn’t dare to talk to her directly, so he kept it from her.

Yi Siling clenched her hand briefly, then pulled out a thousand-dollar Hong Kong bill from her bag, handing it to the waiter with a cold tone, “Please tell Mr. Xie that I’m deeply in love right now and not in the mood to chat with irrelevant men. Tell him to go wherever he feels cool, but not make a fool of himself.”

She wanted to vent, so she spoke harshly, putting the blame on this foolish Mr. Xie who had provoked her.

The waiter felt utterly unlucky, thinking, “Is it so hard to get a tip?”

Lumi swiftly intervened, “Isn’t it sweet how you and your fiancee are?”

Yi Siling looked innocent, “Did I say he’s my fiancee?”


**Note:** The conversation continues with Yi Leling nudging Yi Siling to calm down and Yi Siling suggesting bringing her boyfriend next time to play it off,  Likely leading to further gossip within three days about Zheng Qijun hearing of Yi Siling’s attitude.

This is not an exaggeration.

Currently, Hong Kong Island is affected by the crisis, with the market sluggish and tied closely to the mainland. As one of the five major mainland finance conglomerates, the Blue Gem Group has responded to policies by increasing investments in the entire Bay Area, with projects worth hundreds of billions in the past two years. During this visit to Hong Kong, the Chief Executive personally received them throughout, accompanied by the Mayor of the city.

Xie Xunzhi’s eyes were half-closed, relaxed but not lazy against the seat, his mind leaving people guessing, “She and I are not married yet, she has the freedom to love now.”

Xie Zhiqi felt that his eldest brother was crazy, saying such nonsense. He was heartbroken and said, “…Brother, wake up, she is obviously showing you who’s boss. I admit that she looks decent and you may have been seduced for a moment, but you really can’t wear that green hat… Second Sister, what do you think?”

Xie Mingsui pinched his nose disdainfully and chose not to hear it.

Xie Xunzhi looked calm and looked at his restless younger brother, saying gently, “Xo Xie Xhuqi, if you continue to be unable to control your mouth, you’ll return to Beijing immediately and think over it for a month.”

The man’s tone was calm, but Xie Zhiqi shivered.

When the older brother said to think it over for a month, it meant that not even a day, minute, or second would be missing.

He closed his mouth and sat down dejectedly, and Xie Mingsui took advantage of the opportunity to pinch the brat’s ear.

This situation had developed unexpectedly. This time, he accompanied his elder brother to Hong Kong, firstly for official business, and secondly for marriage.

In the midst of their busy schedule, they squeezed in this lunch, wanting to see Miss Yi.

They met, but it was unexpected—

Miss Yi was very beautiful, with an imposing manner. Her whole body was probably worth tens of millions, but her manner of speaking was so impolite, and it was unknown if it was intended to show off to Big Brother Xie.

She was increasingly unable to understand her mother’s strategy, looking over so many years, in the end, picking Miss Yi.

She wasn’t a tender and delicate flower, but a beautiful flower that was hard to nurture.

How could the eldest brother match up with such a flower?

Xie Mingsui sighed in his heart.

This meal was eaten without taste. Xie Xunzhi asked Mei Uncle to settle the bill, and Xie Mingsui pulled Xie Zhiqi over and quietly taught him to be calm and careful not to get scolded.

Yi Siling also ate without taste, stirring her ice cream into a colorful palette with a fork.

“Your Lipstick is out.” Yi Leling told her not to think about it. Yi Siling immediately took out a compact and  Lipstick from her bag. “But the scumbag lives next door to us, it’s not bad.”

She twisted the lipstick and seriously looked at the mirror’s pretty face: “Next time we argue, come home at any time.”

She is very comforting to herself.

The Easy Mansion is at 28 Shallow Bay, and the Zheng Mansion is 200 meters ahead, No. 29.

Yi Leling  joked with her: “You don’t need to quarrel in person, just send an old fourth.”

Yi Siling smiled and smiled.

Tom Yum soup still emits hot steam, and the meal is nearing its end. Yi Leling went to the bathroom, and after she left, Yi Siling started to daydream, her fingertips spinning the lipstick  like a pen.

She still needs to think about the whole plan, relying on just a false message is definitely not enough, should she hire a fake boyfriend?


A moment of distraction, the lipstick fell with a “bang” on the emerald green enamel floor tiles, s Liding further and further away.

Yi Siling gathered her fingertips, pouting, unmoving.

Her mood worsened again, betting with this lipstick, staring at it slipping further and further, until it stopped slightly trembling at the toe of a pair of men’s leather shoes

The polished Oxford leather shoes, handcrafted in a British style, were spotless and immaculate.

Moving upward, there were well-tailored suit trousers with straight seams and exquisite fabric.

Yi Siling blinked, her gaze involuntarily moving upwards.

Xie Xunzhi stopped expressionlessly, picked up the lipstick blocking the way, and as he stood up, his gaze sharply met hers.

Caught off guard by the gaze of this unfamilliar man, Yi Siling’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes showing a hint of confusion and a touch of amazement.

So handsome… she silently evaluated.

The man had a tall and slender figure, with a strong presence, yet his temperament was completely opposite. He exuded warmth and a profound calmness, approaching infinite serenity. Behind him was a rebellious young man wearing sunglasses and an elegant urban lady.

He stopped, and the other two stopped as well.

There was no conversation between them, and the atmosphere was heavy.

The man then took a step forward. Despite his gentle and courteous gaze, he maintained an aura of profound mystery that seemed to spread over, bringing an invisible yet heavy pressure.

He stopped right in front of Yi Siling.

Yi Siling gathered her fingertips, her heart beating faster for some reason.

She pretended to be calm, smiled, and pointed to the lpstick in his hand, “Sir, that’s mine.”

His voice was very charming, reminiscent of simmering red wine, releasing a subtle yet thick and inviting fragrance into the air.

Xie Xunzhi’s eyes flickered slightly; of course, he knew it was hers.

He had been observing her all along.

A month ago, his mother sent him a picture of a girl, asking for his opinion. He quickly clicked on it during a tea break at a meeting.

Very beautiful.

That was the only impression he had, nothing more.

In reality, she was even more exquisite than the retouched photo, Like a beautiful and luxurious flower in full bloom, almost to the point of being superficial. The corners of her eyes and brows revealed a delicate charm that seemed pampered. With a casual glance, she appeared lazy, arrogant, yet not unpleasant.

She was so beautiful that it was hard to dislike her.

But it was precisely this excessively beautiful woman who, with only two months left until their wedding countdown, was deeply in love with another man and had no time to discuss marriage with him.

He even asked her to leave.

This marriage was probably doomed.

Xie Xunzhi withdrew his gaze and placed the lipstick on the table.

Yi Siling was about to say thank you when the man turned and left, leaving behind a cold and indifferent back view.

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