Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 8

Chapter 8

The top floor of Yunxi Hotel is Xie Xunzhn private suite. Whenever he has too many business socials and no time to return to Xie Garden, he rests here.

Unlocking the fingerprint lock, Xie Xunzhisteps inside.

Uncle Uncle Mei is in the dressing room ironing Xie Shuzhi’s daily suits. Hearing movement, he comes out and sees the man standing there, loosening his tie, his expression unusually cold.

Uncle Mei: “Why are you here at this hour?”

Finally undoing his Windsor knot, Xie Xunzhi takes off his tie. “I’ve been waiting long enough.”

Uncle Mei’s expression is subtle, hinting indirectly: “Didn’t Madam say Ms. Yi would come? You should chat with her for a while.”

Xie Xunzhi glances at him.

Uncle Mei adjusts his expression, full of subtle movements. He’s been entrusted by Madam to report everything that happens tonight, and now is his chance to ask.

He smiles knowingly, “Let me tell you, last time was probably a misunderstanding. As long as you talk to Ms. Yi clear up the misunderstanding, everything will be fine.”

He refers to Yi Siling having a boyfriend. It’s kept secret from the elders; no one in the family dares to speak of it, not even Xie Zhiqi, who usually has a loose tongue.

Xie Xunzhi his tie on the hallway stand, walks over to the sofa, and sits down. Then he raises his hand to remove his diamond watch worth millions. “Don’t jump to conclusions.” His voice is hoarse, dropping the three words heavily.

Only then does Uncle Mei sense something off in his voice, as if he’s had too much to drink.

Xie Xunzhi can’t handle alcohol; those who know him well are aware. He barely manages two glasses of red wine. During social gatherings, no one persuades him to drink; they just raise their glasses and toast. At his level, whether he drinks or doesn’t affect the outcome.

“Why drink so much again? Weren’t there cocktails?” Uncle Mei walks to the kitchen island, pours a glass of warm water, adds two spoons of their homemade lemon passion fruit honey, stirring as he thinks of something. He then smiles knowingly, implying:

“Is it for Ms. Yi?”

Otherwise, who would have the face to make Xie’s young master drink so much at a social gathering?

Xie Xunzhi pauses in the motion of removing his watch, ” Mademoiselle, Mademoiselle..” It sounded harsh. With the marriage still uncertain, the likelihood of it failing is high given the current situation.

Thinking like this, the diamond watch in his hand becomes ironic. Was he foolish to listen to his mother and sister’s bad advice and dress himself up like a glittering peacock?

Was it necessary to attract Yi Siling’s attention? With these diamonds? Who did Yi Siling look at tonight?

The day was absurd, making him restless. He tightens his grip on the watch, looks darkly at Uncle Mei, and his tone is icy, “Who is your Mademoiselle?”

That rigid suit, sharp jawline—all are stern lines, almost devoid of warmth.

This inexplicable anger truly befuddles people.

Uncle Mei feels wronged, thinking it’s not a big deal, and it’ll change sooner or later if not sooner, right?

Xie Xunzhi rarely gets angry. The last time he got angry was three years ago when the young master got into a conflict at school and broke someone’s arm, landing them in the police station.

Always gentle and composed, a person of equanimity, when his emotions stir, it only makes people more apprehensive.

“If my words were inappropriate, please don’t blame the young master.” Uncle Mei laughs off the situation and places the honey water on the coffee table. “Miss Yi, it’s Miss Yi.”

Xie Xunzhi swallows, finding it tiresome. He picks up the honey water, calms down, and says lightly, “I’m sorry, Uncle Mei. I didn’t mean to blame you.”

Uncle Mei sighs, “No need to apologize to me.” This is too much for him.

The young master is good, good to the lower people.

In the group, even ordinary employees greet him, and he nods with a smile, never putting on airs. However, there aren’t many employees who dare to greet him. He’s the kind of person who commands respect effortlessly due to his status, position, power, and ability cultivated since childhood.

“I just hope you’re well, and Madam is healthy. The Xie family will prosper more and more.” Uncle Mei suddenly feels sentimental.

He’s been working at Xie Garden his whole life, watching the young masters and young misses grow from small children into mature adults capable of standing alone.

 Looking back, it’s quite miraculous. He doesn’t have many wishes; he just hopes everyone lives a good life. Thinking of this, he adds, “Of course, what I hope most is that you and Miss Yi live a good life together.”

Why mention Yi Siling again? Xie Xunzhi frowns.

The delicate princess was dancing with someone, her face flushed with excitement.

Just as he was about to say not to mention her again, there was a knock at the door.

Uncle Mei walks over to open it, and the bodyguards come in, standing at the entrance. Xie Xunzhi sips his honey water, not lstening to what they say, but still hearing the words “Miss Yi.”

After the bodyguard left, Uncle Mei returned and reported directly, “Young Master, Miss Yi is outside and wishes to see you.”

Xie Shuzhi: The honey water in his cup swayed as he considered. “Why does she want to see me?” He gently placed it down.

Uncle Mei: “I don’t know.” After a moment’s thought, he added, “But Miss Yi wanting to see you shouldn’t need a reason.”

Xie Xunzhi glanced at him. Uncle Mei shrunk back a little, thinking he hadn’t said anything wrong.

His head began to ache at this moment. Already cloudy from drinking, now aggravated by the mention of Yi Siling’s name.

He admitted he was a traditional man. Once married, he could promise to give his whole heart. Thus, he couldn’t tolerate his fiancee having a passionate boyfriend outside, nor could he accept numerous admirers who could flirt with her. He could accept differences in personality, style, and habits but not an open marriage. Such a marriage had no reason to exist and would only invite mockery, posing a risk to both families.

The only thing he could do was respect her, privately conveying his desire to annul the engagement. If she agreed upon hearing it, he would readily accept.

If he were to publicly propose annulment, it wouldn’t be good for her. As such a delicate princess, she would likely consider it a great shame.

Now was not the time to discuss these things; his condition wasn’t good. It was clear he had drunk too much.

Standing up, Xie Xunzhi said, “I’m going to rest inside. Tell her I drank too much and have already gone to sleep. Just handle it tactfully.”

She’ll naturally leave once she hears that.

Uncle Mei was dumbfounded, unable to believe Xie Xunzhi had left the mess for him and gone upstairs to sleep as if no one else was there.

Madame was still outside!

Uncle Mei’s head began to throb. The pain was unbearable. But Miss Yi was still outside waiting. He could only steel himself and go out. He didn’t even have time to prepare his excuse properly. As he opened the door, he saw a radio woman standing in the hallway.

The corridor lights were cold and white, dozens of magnificent crystal chandeliers hanging in a row overhead. The dazzling light and shadows mercilessly exposed every imperfection on people’s skin, but not on her; she seemed to have passed the test of perfection.

If Uncle Mei didn’t know she was Yi Siling, he might have mistaken her for a dazzling female star. After all, there had been female stars who came to knock on the young master’s door before.

Uncle Mei was excited, genuinely happy for the young master from the bottom of his heart. The children born to these two would be so adorable, intelligent, obedient, and clever! He could already imagine them!

Approaching her respectfully, Uncle Mei said, “Miss Yi, hello.”

Yi Siling turned to look at him.

Before she could ask, Uncle Mei introduced himself, “I am the young master’s steward, Uncle Mei.”

“Hello, Steward Uncle Mei,” Yi Siling greeted. “Where is Mr. Xie Xuzhi?”

Uncle Mei thought about how to handle this tactfully, but he wasn’t good at lying. Following Xie Shuzhi’s plan, he said, “Miss Yi, the young master couldn’t handle his drinks and went to rest as soon as he returned to his room. He didn’t expect you to come, so he feels embarrassed.”

Yi Siling frowned. Who does that? Halfway through the banquet and he runs upstairs to sleep. Is his elderly body so weak?

“Is he asleep?”

Uncle Mei sensed a hint of displeasure in Yi Siling’s words, and his heart skipped a beat. He wanted to leave a good impression of the young master on Mademoiselle, so he quickly changed his approach, “Would you like to come in first and have a hot drink? I’ll go wake him up for you.”

“Do you have milk tea? Unsweetened.” Yi Siling wasn’t going to be polite to him. Besides wine and cocktails at the reception, she was tired of them.

Uncle Mei nodded repeatedly, “Of course! We have all kinds! Which flavor would you prefer?” As he spoke, he invited Yi Siling inside, pondering how to inform the young master while she was already entering.

Entering this suite, Yi Siling raised an eyebrow. It was just a top-floor suite, complete with an open-air garden, a private infinity pool, and an internal elevator, like a villa in the sky.

This Xie Xunzhi seemed to know how to enjoy himself; the banquet couldn’t compare to the comfort here.

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling window to admire the night view of Beijing.

“What do you prefer? I have skim milk for you.” Uncle Mei was about to prepare freshly brewed milk tea for Yi Siling.

“Oolong, please.”


Yi Siling continued to survey the room.

It exuded a simple and elegant Song dynasty style, with furniture made entirely of exquisite yellow rosewood, finely crafted with carved lotus patterns visible from afar. Behind the sofa, there was a six-fold lacquer inlaid screen with precious treasures, including delicate ornaments on the antique rack, such as porcelain vases, teacups, and incense burners. They were all elegant and refined but not to her taste.

There were graceful green plants but few fresh flowers, lacking her favorite Freud roses. Instead, there were elegantly sparse orchids, bamboo, and bonsai trees, giving a tranquil and distant atmosphere.

The case flowers in the corner of the wall were blooming brilliantly and fragrant. She walked over, plucked one, and held it to her nose.

The milk tea was quickly brewed. Uncle Mei brought it over, sneaking a glance at Yi Siling who was leisurely playing with a golden case branch.

“Winning the case branch!” The implication was auspicious!

Uncle Mei got excited again, rubbing his hands and trying to keep his tone casual. “Shall I go and call him for you?”

Actually, he wasn’t sure. He might just end up getting scolded.

Yi Siling nodded, then stopped herself a moment later. “No. No need.”

Uncle Mei: “?”

“I’ll go find him myself.” Yi Siling took a sip of milk tea, squinting in the steam, “Where is his bedroom?” Finally, she added with effort, “May I go find him?”

“Uh, yes, of course! On the second floor, turn left, the room furthest inside, you can take the elevator.”

Yi Siling didn’t forget to take the cassia branchwith her. Her elaborate gown was cumbersome, but she carried herself elegantly, her high heels tapping lightly on the ground.

Wherever she walked, her fragrance lingered effortlessly, dominating the space.

The bedroom was dim, illuminated only by a floor lamp.

Xie Xunzhi lay on the bed with his eyes closed, resting. His drowsy mind, heavy like soaked cotton, grew even more weary against the pillow.

As the pattern of footsteps grew clearer, like the drizzling of spring rain, the half-open door made a slight creak, causing Xie Xunzhi brow to twitch and dispel his drowsiness.

What was Uncle Mei doing? How could he let someone in, and into his bedroom no less!

Yi Siling’s steps were light, and her push of the door was gentle.

The room was spacious to the point of wastefulness, dimly lit, with a faint scent of aloeswood in the air, though not from perfumed aloeswood.

Soon, she noticed a faint wisp of smoke, like thin veils floating and dispersing—there was an incense burner placed on the bedside table, emitting a translucent and hazy halo under the dim light. It was probably made of jadeite or glass.

The man lay quietly on the bed, breathing steadily and evenly.

Yi Siling had thought the steward was lying, and she intended to expose his deceit. She hadn’t expected him to be truly asleep.

This man was uninteresting. The banquet tonight was quite enjoyable with celebrity performances, and handsome men and beautiful women were pleasing to the eye. The atmosphere was lively yet not overly decadent, which she enjoyed.

But Xie Xunzhi… he came upstairs to sleep.

Yi Siling pursed her lips, looking at the sleeping man from afar, idly scratching the cassia branch with her nails.

What a rare opportunity.

At this moment, she wanted to consult with someone about what to do next. Her phone was downstairs, and she had lost the three kite strings that constrained her. She had no idea how much chaos had unfolded in the group chat.

Second Brother, Third Brother, and Fourth Brother were all bombarding her, telling her not to be foolish.

With no one pulling the strings, Yi Siling felt completely unrestrained. She could do whatever she wanted. So, playing with the golden cassia branch, she walked over.

Arriving at the bedside, she first bent down to fiddle with the exquisite incense burner. Sure enough, it was made of glass, and wisps of smoke scattered when she approached. Unbeknownst to her, the man lying in bed, peacefully asleep, also had his breathing disturbed.

Xie Xunzhi didn’t know what she was up to, only that she was approaching. The overpowering fragrance quickly overwhelmed the ancient scent of the incense, like a rising tide of the sea, or a climbing moon, surging forth. But he could only pretend to be asleep.

Having had enough fun with the incense burner, Yi Siling glanced at the man on the bed out of the corner of her eye.

He was over six feet tall! Otherwise, why would she have to strain her neck even in high heels to meet his gaze? Now he lay quietly in bed, allowing her to look down at him from above.

At the banquet, everyone was dressed neatly, like masked fake people. Now there was no need for pretense, yet there seemed to be no difference. He was just asleep, his refined and elegant temperament intact.

His sleeping posture was too neat.

Sleeping should be the most relaxing thing, done as one pleases. Yet even his sleeping was so proper, with the corners of the bedsheet neatly tucked in, perfectly square.


“But indeed, quite handsome,” she whispered her evaluation, “Better looking than someone surnamed Zheng.”

Xie Xunzhi eyelids fluttered  lightly. Who was this person surnamed Zheng?

Honestly, Zheng Qijun indeed looks good—a handsome face with a hint of roguishness, very much a standard Hong Kong guy. Otherwise, Yi Siling, who is so particular about looks, wouldn’t have been captivated by him. But Xie Xunzhi is completely different. He’s incredibly handsome, exuding a sense of luxury from head to toe. He lacks the roguishness or frivolity, noble and mysterious, unforgettable at first glance, and difficult to be casual around.

She could easily curse out Zheng Qijun and tell him to drop dead, but somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to say that about Xie Xunzhi.

Yi Siling leaned in again, carefully examining his straight nose, speechless. This man was just ridiculously good-looking.

She cursed herself inwardly for acting like a silly infatuated girl towards this older man. Yet, it was also amusing, and she chuckled.

That flirtatious, not quite dignified laugh, like a cat’s breath, tickled the ear. Xie Xunzhi felt the oxygen in his chest diminishing as her unrestrained fragrance grew hotter.

He waited for her to look enough, play enough, and then leave. But contrary to his wishes, the woman was bold, reckless, and frivolous, drawing even closer. A strand of her long hair fell, brushing against his jaw.

Xie Xunzhi suddenly clenched his fist.

Immediately after, a rich scent of cassia flowers lingered at his nose. It seemed like something soft, like petals or leaves, brushed across his face.

Yi Siling touched the tip of his nose with the cassia branch. “You, on the other hand, are quite something. Ignoring me like this, are you afraid I’ll play some tricks to attract you?”

“Crafty old man. If you’re so capable, wake up. I don’t believe you can keep pretending.”

She spoke with a hint of teasing, the leaves in her hand rustling like a cat’s little claws, a small flower falling onto his eyelid.

Xie Xunzhi muscles were on the verge of eruption, unable to bear it anymore—no more patience needed. Without any warning, he opened his eyes, his arm bursting out from under the covers, grabbing Yi Siling’s delicate wrist.

 Like an arrow that had been suppressed and released in an instant, the strength was fierce, something she couldn’t resist.

Yi Siling didn’t expect him to wake up suddenly. Her heart skipped a beat and she screamed, “Help!”

Xie Xunzhi sat up, his deep black eyes like a black hole, threatening to engulf her. He spoke softly, “Miss Yi, you intruded into my bedroom without permission. If anyone should call for help, it should be me.”


Yi Siling’s mind went blank. Her slender wrist was easily trapped in his grip, unable to move. Her fingertips weakened.

His palm had calluses, warm from whisky and stirred by her frivolity, now gripping her forcefully. His thumb pressed against her pulsing wrist.

Xie Xunzhi stared deeply at her, demanding, “What do you intend to do?”

“I…” Yi Siling’s Linguistic system crashed. For some reason, his indifference to her charms filled her with inexplicable fear and shame.

Moreover, he was a man with a formidable presence.

“I just…”

“Just what?” He pressed on.


In the dim light, the bloodshot eyes of the man flickered  like an incoming tide. He held her firmly, showing neither anger nor annoyance in his calm tone, “Miss Yi, have you heard of ‘fishing under the law’?”

Yi Siling’s cheeks grew hotter. She murmured, “I haven’t…”

She had come to fish under the law.

To lure him in, wait for him to take the bait, and then mock him as a false gentleman.

“I’m not that bored. Don’t label me so casually.” She felt guilty, unable to lift her eyes, and tried to pull her sore wrist away. “Let go of me. Quickly!”

Xie Xunzhi didn’t move.

Embarrassed and annoyed, Yi Siling said, “You still won’t let go? Fine! Let go let go let go let go let go!”

He finally let go.

Yi Siling had stirred him up so much that his arms were covered in goosebumps. She had coaxed him into it. He forced himself to calm down and adjust his emotions back to normal.

He closed his eyes briefly. When he reopened them, he was seventy percent awake. He could overlook the fishing under the law incident, but there was another matter he wasn’t going to let go of  lightly.

Watching the woman before him, furrowing her brows and rubbing her wrist, he calmly said, “Miss Yi, sneaking into my bedroom at night and lying on my bed, aren’t you afraid your beloved boyfriend will be displeased?”

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