Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 9

Chapter 9


Who would be unhappy?

Yi Siling stared awkwardly at Xie Xunzhi, waves of heat flushing her cheeks. In her twenty-four years, she had never been this embarrassed, her brain nearly crashing.

Wait, where did her beloved boyfriend come from? Who would be unhappy?

A blurry image flashed through her mind.

A waiter had slumped over, asking if a Mr. Xie wanted to have a chat with her in the private room. At that time, she was in a terrible mood and just wanted to vent. So, this unfortunate Mr. Xie became the target of her frustrations.

—”Tell that Mr. Xie, I have a boyfriend, we’re in love, and I’m not in the mood to chat with anyone else. Tell him to go wherever he feels cool.”

Yi Siling’s mind blanked. Her gaze settled on the man before her, staring for several seconds, finally piecing together the fragmented details into a whole story.

“…You… are that Mr. Xie?”

Xie Xunzhi didn’t say a word, implying.

Yi Siling took a deep breath, finally grasping a handle, sweeping away her shame and embarrassment.

Her confidence surged instantly, her voice ringing out loud, “Oh yes, oh what a Mr. Xie you are! You said you were going to Hong Kong to find out about me, but clearly, you’re a liar. Calling me to the private room in front of so many people… Do you know how embarrassed that made me?”

Xie Xunzhi felt her argumentative tone was so… coquettish, he couldn’t resist apologizing.

The situation that day was special, and there really was no better way to invite her to the private room. As for where she was embarrassed, he didn’t quite understand. It didn’t matter that he didn’t understand; it didn’t stop him from comforting her.

She was like she could pounce on him at any moment, to bite him.

Yi Siling turned her head, continuing to get angry: “Sorry is not enough.”

Helpless, Xie Xunzhi could only apologize and let her blame him for what had happened, with himself as an object.

Yi Siling even want to Die now was

Xie Xunzhi :“……”

“I respect Miss Yi’s choice. If Miss Yi intends to annul the marriage, I can cooperate. Externally, we can say it was you who was dissatisfied and proposed annulment, so you needn’t worry about losing face. I’ll take responsibility for all of that.”

His words were patient and thoughtful, enough to be considered graceful by anyone who heard them, not pushing anyone beyond their limits.

But Yi Siling couldn’t hear that. She just felt wronged and said, “But you took the initiative to bring this up to me, and I’ve already lost face because of you.”


“How could you bring up the topic of annulment first? If anyone was to bring it up, it should have been me, and then you could reject it. I would threaten you a few times, and then you would have to agree… That’s how it should be… Why are you now the one unwilling…”

By the end, she was almost talking to herself, her bright eyes filled with sadness, as if he had bullied her.


Xie Xunzhi finally understood her unreasonable logic. She could refuse to marry him, but he had to be willing. He had to coax her and accommodate her, then reluctantly accept her annulment, and feel sad because of being annulled.

Her delicate nature didn’t allow any man to invade or test her.

She enjoyed the feeling of being adored by the stars.

Xie Xunzhi had encountered this kind of woman for the first time. Helpless, he had to comfort her, otherwise, she would keep thinking about it, nagging incessantly, disturbing the peace of the whole room.

“Alright, I’m unwilling to annul it, Miss Yi.” Xie Xunzhi’s tone was warm and deep, tinged with a hint of teasing and accommodation. “It was because I thought you had a boyfriend that I had to resort to this strategy. I’m very willng to marry you.”

It was as if he was coaxing a child.

Yi Siling swallowed hard, her lips slightly pouting again. She didn’t want to be treated like a child, and he wasn’t an elder, so why was he adopting such a tolerant posture?

So, she rolled her eyes and said, “Whether you want to annul it or not, I don’t care. Besides, I don’t have a boyfriend. Who knows if it’s because you have a girlfriend that you want to annul it and make me take the blame.”

Ending the engagement between the two families wasn’t a small matter.

Xie Xunzhi: “”

“I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Who would believe that? You said you came to Hong Kong Island to test me.”

Xie Xunzhi didn’t argue with her. He had long known that she was unreasonable. If they kept quarreling, it could last until dawn.

Neither of them spoke, and suddenly, the bedroom fell silent. Xie Xunzhi Lifted the covers and got up. Since he had been pretending to sleep, he was still wearing the outfit from the party: shirt, suit pants, and even the waistcoat wasn’t removed. His sleeves and collar were loose, and his pants had a few creases, neat but lazy.

Putting on his shoes, Xie Xunzhi turned on the main light.

Yi Siling was still sulking, not used to the sudden brightness. She blinked and, in the corner of her eye, saw him adjust his shirt cuffs and put on a pair of diamond cuff links that were on the bedside table, his movements deliberate and pleasing to the eye. Following that, he buttoned up the undone button on his shirt collar, against his full Adam’s apple.

He was back to being meticulous.

Yi Siling pursed her hips, thinking he looked so stiff. Even in private, he had to dress so neatly. Who was he trying to impress with such a dignified demeanor?

No wonder Dad likes Xie Xunzhi. Dad hoped she could be as obedient.

“Miss Yi, your thing.” Xie Xunzhi straightened up, adjusted his appearance, and reached over to pick up the osmanthus flower that had fallen on the bed. It had just been rubbed all over his face.

His fingers, with distinct joints, now carried the fragrance of osmanthus.

Yi Siling didn’t want it anymore, “I picked it from you.”

Xie Xunzhi said nothing more and casually put it in the vase. The sky-blue Ru kiln vase looks very elegant with the osmanthus.

 Like this person.

Yi Siling glanced at the flower vase for a few more moments, wondering if it would look good with a Freud in it.

Maybe not.

It doesn’t match at all.

Xie Xunzhi coughed lightly, interrupting her train of thought. “Miss Yi, regarding this matter, I think we need to talk further. Can we discuss it in the tearoom?”

They haven’t confirmed their relationship yet, and it’s inappropriate for an unmarried man and woman to be alone in a bedroom.

Yi Siling was stunned, watching Xie Xunzhi walk away. It seemed he noticed her lack of response, so he stopped and looked back at her.

“Miss Yi?” His gaze was calm and gentle.

Yi Siling expression was complex, with countless ripples in her heart.

Strange emotions filled her heart; she felt increasingly irritated by his gentlemanly behavior. She couldn’t quite articulate what was bothering her—perhaps it was the first time she had taken the initiative in her life and stumbled. Truly embarrassing.

He refused to spend even one more minute alone with her in the bedroom, pretending to be asleep to avoid her. He even entertained the idea of breaking off the engagement, pretending it was all for her sake.

Her fragility, forged by countless men, and her invincible beauty had faltered in front of him.

She was starting to believe that Xie Xunzhi was different from other men.

Other men had the vision, but Xie Xunzhi didn’t. That was the biggest difference.

“Miss Yi,” Xie Xunzhi called her again, in his deep tone .

Yi Siling suddenly rolled her eyes at him, crossed her arms, and stomped past him in her high heels, her face cold, her makeup exquisite, not saying a word to him.

Xie Xunzhi frowned, not understanding why the girl, who was perfectly fine, was suddenly throwing a temper tantrum.

Yi Xinling was concerned and waited for more than an hour without a message from Yi Siling. She decided to come to the Yunxi Hotel first. Her driving skills were poor, and she only dared to drive vehicles with good handling. Yi Siling Ferrari had left her at a loss, and it was raining, so she decided to take a taxi.

After arriving at the hotel, she sat in the lobby for half an hour before Yi Siling finally appeared.

Walking beside Yi Siling was a man—a gentleman in a suit and leather shoes, immaculate in appearance.

Yi Xinling’s face was cold, but the man appeared calm and composed.

Yi Xinling quickly stood up and waved in her direction. “Princess, over here!”

Yi Siling quickened her pace, leaving Xie Xunzhi far behind. She didn’t hear him softly chuckle.


Xie Xunzhi silently repeated the word, his eyes profound.

“Are you cold?” Yi Xinling rubbed Yi Siling exposed arms. This woman, she cared so much about her appearance that she didn’t consider anything else.

It was very cold today, especially at night. The outdoor wind and rain were harsh, and Yi Siling felt she was underdressed, shivering uncontrollably.

“I’m not cold.” Yi Siling stubbornly straightened her chest and raised her head, her teeth chattering.

She had been in a warm tearoom all this time, and only now did she feel too cold to bear.

Xie Xunzhi walked over just as he heard her say, “I’m not cold,” and discreetly glanced at the skin exposed to her. It had a very fine layer of goosebumps.

“I have a car ready. Let me take you home first.”

“No need. My sister has a car. She’s here to pick me up.” Yi Siling looked over at Yi Xinling, who was daydreaming. “Where’s the car?”

Yi Xinling was daydreaming, sizing up Xie Xunzhi. She was caught off guard by the sudden question and awkwardly averted her gaze, whispering, “I took a taxi here. I can’t drive your Ferrari.”

Yi Siling gave her a sharp glance. Useless! She couldn’t even drive a car!

Yi Xinling pretended not to notice, her eyes just playful, “Who’s this?”

“Xie Xunzhi,” Yi Siling replied dryly.

Xie Xunzhi politely greeted, “Hello, I’m Xie Xunzhu, your sister’s…” He smoothly covered a pause, “friend.”

Yi Xinling exaggeratedly widened her eyes.

Beliving Yi Siling’s one-sided account, she had imagined Xie Xunzhi to be some greasy, old, ugly man. In reality, he was not only not greasy but also very refined and gentlemanly, with an otherworldly aura. This made her worry all along!

Dad and Mom seemed to have good taste, preferring him over her ex, who was clearly a scoundrel.

Yi Xinling let out an odd laugh, “Wow!” She waved her hand dramatically, “So, you’re my sister’s husband! Hi, I’m the third daughter of the Yi family. Just call me Yi Xinling or Xinling.”

Yi Siling hadn’t expected this guy to switch sides so quickly, so she pinched her sister, “What nonsense!”

Yi Xinling yelped, covering her buttocks, no longer daring to speak nonsense.

Xie Xunzhi remained unruffled, neither confirming nor denying, smiling as he greeted, “Nice to meet you, Miss Xinling.”

“She’s still a child, don’t listen to her nonsense,” Yi Siling said, embarrassed, not daring to look up.

“No worries,” Xie Xunzhi noticed her cheeks turning pink again. She seemed to enjoy blushing, probably both delicate and thin-skinned. Who was the real child here?

“Since there’s no car, let me drive you both,” Xie Xunzhi tactfully changed the subject. He looked outside at the drizzling rain, “It’s raining, and it’s the weekend. It’s not easy to get a cab.”

Yi Siling wanted to act coy, but Yi Xinling pulled her into an embrace, coaxing and teasing, “Alright, alright. Since there’s a private car, why bother with a ride in a cab this wind and rain? Your designer clothes, your suede shoes, your birdcage bag—they’ll all be ruined.”

Finally pushed along by her sister, Yi Siling muttered, “Ruined, then I’ll just buy new ones.”

“And your makeup getting ruined in the rain, aren’t you afraid of unflattering photos?”


“You’re a traitor.”

“I think he’s more handsome than that guy surnamed Zheng.”

“Shh, shh, he’s right behind us, can’t you hear him?”

Xie Xunzhi followed behind the two girls, maintaining a proper distance, occasionally catching snippets of their hushed chatter, his deep eyes narrowing slightly.

A black Maybach Pullman was already parked at the hotel’s main entrance, raindrops shimmering on its glossy surface.

As they exited through the revolving doors, Xie Xunzhi called out to Yi Siling, taking off his suit jacket and walking over to her.

Amidst the soft glow of the lights, Yi Siling looked at him puzzled.

“It’s colder here than on Hong Kong Island at night. You’re dressed too lightly,” he said calmly, approaching her and gently draping the suit jacket over her shoulders. “Otherwise, you might catch a cold. That would be my oversight.”

The finely tailored suit, even its lining soft and silky, now imbued with the man’s scent and warmth, enveloped her like a gentle embrace.

Yi Siling’s calves tensed slightly, her breath catching for a moment.

Yi Xinling took in the scene, her face showing a blissful smile.

These two indeed had something going on. Who knew what they had done tonight for their relationship to progress so rapidly?

With another man, daring to take the initiative to drape his suit jacket over her, Yi Siling would probably have thrown him out long ago.

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