I Confessed to the Male Lead’s Brother by Mistake
I Confessed to the Male Lead’s Brother by Mistake Chapter 13

Chapter 13

On the way back to the base, Ji Linyu drove.

M Province has been heavily promoting tourism recently, making the nightlife vibrant with street stalls and people enjoying the night market.

While waiting at a red light, Ji Linyu noticed Zhu Xinyue in the passenger seat gazing out at the bustling street scene.

“Have you had a chance to explore M Province since you arrived?” he asked.

Zhu Xinyue withdrew her gaze and gently shook her head. “No, I came straight from the airport to the training base and have been there ever since.”

As the traffic light turned green, the car started moving again, but instead of heading back to the training base, Ji Linyu turned towards a nearby parking lot, skillfully parking the car.

Zhu Xinyue looked at him in confusion.

“I’ve taken the night off for you. Let’s go for a walk,” Ji Linyu said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car first.

Zhu Xinyue wasn’t one to stick rigidly to rules. She had already dared to sneak outside food into the base in front of the staff; skipping a class didn’t bother her much.

Especially with the boss backing her up. How could she not make the most of this opportunity?

She opened the car door and stepped out.

Ji Linyu was already waiting by the rear of the car.

The temperature at night in M Province was just right for the season. The cool evening breeze lifted her long hair, making it tickle her face. Zhu Xinyue casually tucked her hair behind her ear and quickly walked to Ji Linyu’s side.

There was a short distance from the parking lot to the night market, but even from afar, they could hear the lively noises of the market and smell the enticing aroma of food.

Reflecting on her life, Zhu Xinyue realized she had never really had a proper vacation.

As a child, family trips always ended in arguments over trivial matters, leaving everyone unhappy. In college, she had the time but no money; later, when she started working, she had the money but no time.

The signs at the entrance of the night market were written in both the local ethnic language and Chinese, indicating that this entire street area was designed for tourists.

To highlight the local cultural features, even the street signs and lamps were different from what Zhu Xinyue was used to, perfectly catering to tourists and making everything seem novel and exciting to her.

Entering the night market, strands of tiny light bulbs hung overhead, illuminating the stalls, most of which were food vendors near the entrance.

However, having just eaten, Zhu Xinyue wasn’t interested in any main courses. Yet, the aroma of some snacks was so enticing that she couldn’t help but stop and watch the vendor expertly flipping some unknown flatbread.

“Do you want to try it?” Ji Linyu’s voice interrupted her reverie, reminding her of his presence.

Zhu Xinyue shook her head, “I just ate. It would be a waste if I couldn’t finish it.”

Though the portion was small and could be eaten in a few bites, her eyes remained glued to the vendor’s actions—sprinkling sesame seeds on the sauce-covered flatbread, lifting the crispy edges with a spatula, rolling it up, and placing it into a paper bag, emitting a faint buttery fragrance.

Seeing her practically salivating, Ji Linyu’s lips curled up slightly. He turned to the vendor, “Excuse me, I’d like one of those.”

Without looking up, the vendor continued his work, speaking with a local accent, “35 yuan, please scan to pay.”

Zhu Xinyue’s eyes widened in disbelief. That small sesame roll cost 35 yuan? It was daylight robbery!

Well, if the boss wanted it, she wouldn’t spoil his mood with complaints. She watched as Ji Linyu scanned the code to pay and waited with him for the vendor to prepare the roll.

When the vendor handed over the roll in a paper bag, Ji Linyu didn’t take it but looked at Zhu Xinyue instead.

What was this supposed to mean? She had just forgiven him for making her wait over half an hour. Now he expected her to hold his roll for him?

Hmph! Bosses were indeed high and mighty. Well, whatever, bosses were entitled.

In her mind, she was staging a little drama, but in reality, under his gaze, she obediently took the “expensive roll” with both hands and stepped aside.

“Ouch… it’s hot.” Zhu Xinyue exaggeratedly scrunched up her face, hinting for Ji Linyu to take his roll.

It was Ji Linyu’s first time buying such snacks at a street stall. Misjudging its temperature, he quickly supported the bottom of the paper bag when he saw her pained expression.

The temperature was actually just right for eating hot. Ji Linyu assumed she had delicate skin and found it too hot.

Once he had a good grip on the roll, Zhu Xinyue let go, intending to wait for him to finish before moving on to the next stall.

But Ji Linyu, still holding the roll, brought it to her lips.

Tempted by the food, Zhu Xinyue instinctively opened her mouth and bit into the fragrant roll.

As she bit down, the crisp sesame-covered flatbread crumbled, and the sweet and savory sauce, along with fresh cucumber and perfectly roasted meat, created a harmonious flavor.

So, it was meant for her.

Chewing happily, Zhu Xinyue glanced up at Ji Linyu from his wrist, catching his eyes fixed on her, making her heart race. She looked down, took the roll from his hand, and said, “It’s delicious.”

After ensuring she had a good grip on the roll, Ji Linyu released his hold. “No rush, take your time.”

Though he said so, Zhu Xinyue wasn’t used to making others wait. Holding the paper bag with both hands, she quickly finished the small roll.

When she looked up again, her cheeks were stuffed full.

Noticing some sesame seeds on her lips, she swallowed the food and was about to ask the vendor for a napkin when Ji Linyu handed her a pack of tissues.

“…Thanks.” Zhu Xinyue accepted the tissues from Ji Linyu and wiped her lips.

Having enjoyed his treat and accepted his tissues, Zhu Xinyue shifted to compliment mode. “The boss is always thoughtful, bringing tissues along.”

She recalled the soft handkerchief he had used to wipe her tears last time.

Ji Linyu responded, “Hmm, just in case someone uses my jacket to wipe their tears again.”

Catching the teasing tone in his voice, Zhu Xinyue pretended to be angry and gave him a righteous glare before pocketing his tissues and heading to the next stall.

Ji Linyu watched her cheerful back and smiled before following her.

As the night market reached its peak, the crowd grew thicker.

The narrow street, divided by street lamps and benches for resting, was now so packed that walking side by side became difficult.

Hearing tourists mention a performance by a professional troupe in the square that only happened on Sunday nights, Zhu Xinyue wanted to join the fun.

However, navigating the crowded path between a plump tourist and a long queue at a small shop, she felt someone grab her left wrist.

Turning around, she met Ji Linyu’s dark eyes.

The surrounding people turned into a blurry mosaic, leaving the man before her crystal clear. His eyes were filled with the night, and his brows relaxed only after confirming she was fine.

Ji Linyu didn’t release her wrist but moved closer.

“Too crowded. I’ll go first. Call me if you need to stop.”

This time, Ji Linyu led the way through the crowd.

With a tall, broad-shouldered man nearly 1.9 meters tall clearing a path, Zhu Xinyue had an easier time moving forward.

Perhaps to match her pace, Ji Linyu walked slowly. Zhu Xinyue could have leisurely enjoyed the market, but her focus was now elsewhere.

His warm palm completely encircled her wrist, heating her skin and making her feel like she was burning.

Staring at his broad back, Zhu Xinyue felt her face grow hot. She held her free hand protectively over her chest, her heart pounding.

Zhu Xinyue hoped the walk would be faster, lest he feel her racing pulse and infer something.

They walked for a while, Ji Linyu slowing down and turning to look at her.

Zhu Xinyue snapped to attention.

“Am I walking too fast? Do you want to stop and look around?” Ji Linyu, never having walked through a night market or any street with someone before, was unsure of the pace or when to stop, noticing she hadn’t wanted to stop so far, hence he asked.

Zhu Xinyue shook her head, “I…”

Her voice was a bit tight initially.

“Ahem.” She cleared her throat, “I want to check out the square ahead.”

“Okay.” Ji Linyu quickened his pace, now with a destination in mind.

Zhu Xinyue pursed her lips, suddenly not wanting the walk to end quickly.

She couldn’t figure out her feelings, her thoughts in a jumble, her vision filled with his figure.

Regardless of her conflicting desires, the street wasn’t long. They soon exited the street into an open central square.

A crowd surrounded the central performance area, several layers deep. Latecomers could only catch glimpses of the performers in brightly colored costumes, beating drums, dancing with bells on their wrists and ankles.

Ji Linyu still hadn’t let go of her wrist.

Zhu Xinyue’s ears reddened, unsure if she should remind him.

Before she could speak, he led her toward the less crowded stands.

Though the stands were farther from the center, they were less crowded and had seats available.

Only after they sat did Ji Linyu release her wrist.

The cool evening breeze dispersed the clouds covering the moon, and the bright moonlight shone on the stands.

Ji Linyu intended to ask if she wanted to move closer to hear the music better but noticed her slightly red ears.

Against her fair skin, the blush looked like a bright plum blossom in the snow.

He subconsciously clenched his palm, said nothing, and quietly looked away.

Zhu Xinyue leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees, holding her face, pretending to watch the distant performance. She saw the performers’ formations and dancers’ difficult moves, but her mind was elsewhere.

She thought the boss only held her hand to prevent her from getting lost since she didn’t have her phone. He had said he had no other intentions toward her. Ji Qingyuan also said his brother was kind to everyone, and she shouldn’t misunderstand. Ji Linyu was just a good person, kind-hearted, and treated everyone the same.

With that in mind, Zhu Xinyue’s cheeks cooled down, and she focused on the performance.

Ji Linyu wasn’t interested in the show. He had seen similar or better performances before.

Sitting beside her, he could only see her profile from his angle. Every time the wind blew, her long hair would rise, cover her side face, form a soft arc, and then reveal her profile again.

It was like playing hide and seek.

Zhu Xinyue saw a dancer spinning continuously, both individually and around the inner circle of spectators, her skirt flying beautifully. She straightened up and applauded with the crowd.

The moment she moved, Ji Linyu shifted his gaze to the performing troupe.

The dancers bowed and exited the stage, and a choir was next.

As the music started, Zhu Xinyue excitedly shared with Ji Linyu, “I learned this song before. We sang it in a choir competition.”

Watching her animated expression, Ji Linyu’s mood lifted.

Zhu Xinyue sang along softly with the choir below, “…The night is enchanting, making my heart flutter, in this charming evening…”

She closed her eyes, relaxed, hands propped behind her, leaning back, her shoulder brushing against Ji Linyu’s. She turned to look at him.

Ji Linyu asked, “Are you happy?”

Zhu Xinyue nodded, “Very happy! I didn’t expect such a benefit as your employee!”

Her eyes curved into crescents, her smile sweet.

“It’s not a benefit.”

Zhu Xinyue was taken aback. Before she could react, he had already looked away toward the choir.

The song continued to the next verse, “My sweetheart sits beside me, secretly watching me without a sound…”

Her heart pounded against her chest.

She looked at him and asked, “If it’s not an employee benefit, what is it?”

In the quiet night, he turned to meet her gaze.

Silver moonlight reflected in his eyes, his lips curving into a gentle smile.

“It’s to make you happy.”


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