Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Almost as expected, his uneasy fiancée became angry and stormed into the jewelry store. Xie Xunzhi didn’t need to argue with her. If she wanted him to say he was jealous, he would say so. That would make her happy, comfortable, and gladly wear the ring. Just like during the dinner, she treated him as a tool to show affection. Now, he was a tool providing emotional value. He could say he was just soothing her, and he could indeed. But for some reason, he didn’t want to.

He had been accommodating her, but he couldn’t always do so.

Setting aside these thoughts for now, Xie Xunzhi followed Yi Siling inside.

As soon as they entered the store, a salesperson immediately approached. Recognizing Yi Siling, they appeared surprised but quickly brightened up, greeting her as if she were a goddess of wealth. Their smile was different from the standard one just moments ago.

“Miss Yi, good evening!”

Yi Siling, not particularly pleased, returned the greeting politely. Xie Xunzhi thought she might redirect her emotions onto the innocent salesperson and get upset, but she didn’t.

In reality, she was quite different from the image portrayed by those paparazzi and entertainment reporters.

Late in the evening, with no other customers in the store, several other staff members and even the store manager came over upon hearing the news to greet Yi Siling warmly, calling her “Miss Yi” with affectionate voices.

Turning his head slightly, Xie Xunzhi asked her, “Do they all know you?”

Yi Siling, without even looking at him, lifted her chin arrogantly and replied, “In Hong Kong, if even the salespeople I don’t know recognize me, they’re just freeloading. Wherever I go, I’m a VVVIP. Tonight, you’re benefiting from my presence.”

The surrounding staff members all nodded in agreement, their expressions more sincere than pearls. There was no exaggeration in her words. If luxury stores across Hong Kong were to vote for their most favored customer, Yi Siling would undoubtedly take the crown. Her record of spending HK$28 million in a single day at Landmark plaza remains unbroken to this day.

Buying generously without considering price, not fussing over details, enjoying being flattered, and easily pleased—what salesperson wouldn’t like that? Having her on their client list ensures top sales for the year.

Xie Xunzhi smiled faintly, picturing just how intimidating Yi Siling could be when she went shopping.

During the matchmaking process arranged by Yan Wanqui, both families praised each other extravagantly, but it wouldn’t be fair not to mention shortcomings. So, they casually mentioned some insignificant faults. Xie Xunzhi wasn’t sure what Aunt Yan said about his faults, but he vaguely overheard something about Yi Siling while passing through the living room at that time.

Aunt Yan Wanqiu said, “That girl splurges like there’s no tomorrow. Her mother mentioned she can spend over 20 million in a day on clothes and bags. Ordinary families can’t handle her spending habits. I’ve watched you grow up, always modest in your expenses. I just worry that you two might not see eye to eye on this.”

When his mother asked for his thoughts, he remained silent. He didn’t like discussing others’ character flaws, even if the extravagant Miss Yi wouldn’t hear about it.

“A gentleman is cautious even when alone.”

The manager personally brought over two glasses of sparkling water and handed one to Xie Xunzhi, subtly observing him with a calm demeanor.

Holding roses, was he the new favorite of the young lady? Previously, by Yi Siling’s side was Master Zheng. Both were exceptional handsome men. The previous one had a roguish charm, while this one seemed unattainably wealthy. He looked very affluent, but whether he would spend generously remained uncertain. Recommending something too expensive might deter him, yet too cheap might not meet Yi Siling’s standards, potentially affecting their relationship. It was a delicate balance to strike.

“Miss Yi, what would you like to see today?” The manager tentatively inquired.

“Rings,” Yi Siling replied, hesitating slightly before clarifying, “Engagement rings.”

“Please show us the engagement rings,” Xie Xunzhi interjected.

Yi Siling discreetly pinched the back of his hand, but Xie Xunzhi gently held onto her hand, effortlessly keeping it in his palm.

The manager, eager to assist, quickly responded, “Of course, we have a wide selection of engagement rings. Please follow me this way to make your choice.”

Yi Siling refused to budge, stubbornly resisting. Xie Xunzhi exerted some force in his palm and gently pulled her over.

Inside the glass display case, there were seven or eight different rings arranged sparsely. The diamonds sparkled brilliantly, platinum gleamed, rose gold exuded elegance, and yellow gold displayed its richness. At first glance, it seemed like a dazzling array, but Yi Siling shook her head upon inspecting them.

“These diamonds are smaller than grains of sand,” she remarked bluntly, not mincing words. She casually flaunted her exaggerated South Sea golden pearl ring on her hand, saying proudly, “See this? The main diamond alone is five carats. Only big diamonds look beautiful. Chips like these are worthless.”

Xie Xunzhi chuckled softly, “Engagement rings are meant to be worn every day. Too extravagant ones aren’t practical.”

Afterwards, he gently patted her head, “We can take our time with these purchases.”

It was a light touch, just a tap on her head. Yi Siling was taken aback, her face inexplicably blushing.

“Oh,” she murmured, reaching for the sparkling water and taking a big sip.

“That’s too much,” she thought to herself, feeling sulky. Holding hands was one thing, but how could he pat her head like that?

The manager knew Yi Siling’s preferences well and didn’t hold much hope. If Yi Siling chose a ring with smaller diamonds, it would undoubtedly show true love from Xie Xunzhi.

After a moment’s thought, the manager retrieved a dazzling ring from under the counter and presented it to Yi Siling with enthusiasm, “Miss Yi, this one features emerald-cut diamonds. Each diamond may be only half a carat, but there are twenty of them, totaling ten carats. It’s both stylish and impressive as an engagement ring!”

Yi Siling took the ring and tried it on, surprisingly finding it a perfect fit.

The manager continued to praise Yi Siling endlessly, complimenting her fair and tender skin, how luxurious the ring looked on her, and comparing her beauty to that of a celestial being descending to earth. “The size fits perfectly. This ring arrived just two days ago and hasn’t been tried on by anyone else. It’s practically tailor-made for you!”

Yi Siling couldn’t recall when she hadn’t found the manager so noisy before. Feeling a bit embarrassed by the excessive praise, she wiggled her fingers and presented them to Xie Xunzhi. “Do you think it’s beautiful?”

The jewelry store’s bright lights made her hand even more radiant than usual. Her skin appeared even more fair and translucent, like the tender core of a peeled spring onion.

No matter what ring she wore, it looked beautiful on her.

“Beautiful,” Xie Xunzhi said.

Yi Siling turned her head away, ignoring him, and focused on admiring her ring. After appreciating it, she almost decided on this design and told the manager, “I want a men’s ring in this style too.”

The manager hesitated, “Miss Yi, wouldn’t it be too extravagant for a man to wear a full diamond ring?” She presented another option, “How about this one? It’s a platinum band with a single diamond in the center, also emerald-cut and half a carat. They would look like a matching pair.”

Xie Xunzhi thought it was nice and was about to speak up when he heard Yi Siling dismissively say, “How can there be only one diamond? At the very least, he’s Yi Siling’s man.”

Store Manager: “………”
Yi Siling realized belatedly what she had said, pretended to calmly stroke her long hair, and casually glanced at Xie Xunzhi.
The man acted nonchalantly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, his gaze falling on that ring, appearing quite satisfied. He took it, wore it on his left ring finger, unexpectedly finding the size just right, fitting so perfectly.

It’s as if these two rings lying in the cabinet were waiting for their arrival.
Xie Xunzhi placed his left hand next to Yi Siling’s right hand, the two silver colors reflecting each other.

Yi Siling gazed fixedly at their intertwined hands, as if suddenly entangled in an inexplicable bond with the man beside her. Even though they were not familiar with each other.

Their interaction was like blind men feeling an elephant. Yet, they became a pair. This feeling was so strange, yet so wonderful.

“Just this one.”

Xie Xunzhi tapped the glass counter with his index finger, his voice steady and cold, gesturing towards the purchase order. Yi Siling pursed her lips, about to say something more, when Xie Xunzhi’s broad hand suddenly covered the back of her hand.

She didn’t know how many times she had felt off balance today.
From the boyfriend to the sudden appearance of roses, to him holding her hand and touching her head.

Yi Siling, with remnants of intoxication in her eyes, looked over. His deep features became even more prominent under the cold white light, his straight nose, sharp and lean jawline.

Xie Xunzhi tightened his grip, firmly holding onto her racing pulse, “Yi Siling, one is enough, I don’t want any more.”
After dropping Yi Siling off at Repulse Bay, the Bentley headed towards the Shek O Peninsula.

It was past ten o’clock, the road still bustling with traffic, crimson glaring taillights shining through the windows, illuminating the man’s dark eyes, then quickly dimming.

Only the silver ring on his ring finger remained radiant in the dimly lit car.
Flickering with a faint but persistent fire.

Xie Xunzhi raised his hand, gazing at this sparkle, a circle not too big or too small, but fitting snugly around his finger.

Not quite used to having an extra ring on his hand, but from today on, this ring would not come off. The thought made his throat constrict slightly.
The next day, Xie Xunzhi’s internal clock still woke him up at five-thirty.

Hong Kong Island brightened early. Shek O Peninsula, nestled between mountains and the sea, with vegetation covering far more than any upscale area in Beijing, had boundless azure sea views. The mountain roads were gentle, shrouded in jungle, with clear air, comfortable temperatures, perfect for a leisurely jog.

Running an extra half-hour than usual, Xie Xunzhi returned to the villa, showered, dressed neatly, then headed downstairs for breakfast. Xie Zhiqi and Xie Wenning were still fast asleep, so he didn’t have them woken up. It was rare for him to relax like this, and since there was nothing urgent, he treated it as a vacation, allowing himself some extra sleep.

Uncle Mei adapted to the local customs and prepared a Hong Kong-style breakfast for Xie Xunzhi. A tablet played monotonous political news in the background. Xie Xunzhi listened to the news, blew on the hot tea in his cup, and took a leisurely sip.

He wore a neatly pressed white dress shirt with mother-of-pearl buttons fastened to the top, paired with black suit pants and brown brogue leather shoes. A clean and understated outfit, devoid of any visible logos or marks.

In this manner, it was no surprise that Uncle Mei immediately noticed the sparkling ring. A diamond set in a platinum band, accentuating the man’s jade-like fingers with exquisite elegance.

“I mean my eyes are hurting today,” Uncle Mei suddenly said.
Xie Xunzhi glanced at him, not sure what mischief he was up to.

This person had been quite unpredictable lately.
Uncle Mei shielded his eyes with his hand, “Something is flashing in my eyes, oh no, got flashed again!”

Xie Xunzhi set down his tea cup, “You’re wasted being a butler for me. You should consider a career change to become an actor.”

Uncle Mei chuckled as he lowered his hand, “I don’t have the personality for acting. Why be an actor? It’s just that I’m happy you and the young madam are both wearing your matching rings. I must share this good news with the mistress.”

Xie Xunzhi said, “Instead of idling, you’d better prepare the gifts for tomorrow’s meeting. If anything is missing or lacking by then, even if I don’t blame you, you’ll be regretful for days.”

“I’ve already prepared them! Wine, cigarettes, tea, pastries, candies, bird’s nest, ginseng, cordyceps, a bag for Mrs. Yi, a watch for second lady, skiing equipment for the third lady, jewelry for Miss San, and red packets for the servants at the Yi Mansion. Everything is ready, not missing a thing. You can rest assured,” Uncle Mei listed each item enthusiastically, as if his own son was getting married, his face beaming with joy.

“Of course, there’s also the pair of jade bracelets for our young lady,” he added.

Xie Xunzhi withdrew his gaze, his expression as composed and distant as ever.

He blew the foam on his cup, paused for a moment, then spoke in an indifferent tone, “And her favorite flowers. Order them from Secrets Flower Shop, 99 of them.”

At noon, Xie Zhiqi finally got out of bed, feeling famished. He rushed to the dining room only to find that his elder brother and sister had already finished eating. One had gone to inspect a subsidiary company on Hong Kong Island, while the other had gone to the Palace Museum to see an exhibition.

 Xie Xunzhi instructed the kitchen not to save food for Xie Zhiqi, and if he woke up, not to bother preparing for him. “Is there anyone who treats their own brother like this?” Xie Zhiqi exclaimed, with his hand on his hip, pacing around the dining room, letting out a frustrated yell.

Unlike Xie Zhiqi, where the kitchen was always bustling, with food available 24/7 and sweet soups to nourish even if one woke up at three or four in the morning, Xie Zhiqi searched the kitchen and found only a cold basket of shrimp dumplings left from breakfast.

“What’s going on here?”

Xie Zhiqi, feeling indignant, took out his phone, snapped a picture of the cold shrimp dumplings, and posted it in the “Elder Brother’s Red Packet Group,” tagging Xie Xunzhi: “Elder Brother, was this left for me?”

Xie Mingsui happened to be free and chimed in the group chat: “Little Qi, Big Brother saved you some shrimp dumplings, not bad treatment, be good, don’t be picky.”

Xie Wenning also joined in with her update: “Little Brother, we had char siu, egg sausage, roasted goose, water chestnut cake, steamed yellow croaker, and sea cucumber with fish maw chicken for lunch.”

Xie Zhiqi: …
He also wanted to eat the yellow croaker and fish maw chicken.
Xie Zhiqi: “@Big Brother @Big Brother @Big Brother!”

Meanwhile, Xie Xunzhi was in a high-level meeting at the subsidiary company when his phone kept vibrating. Thinking it was Yi Siling, he interrupted the financial department’s executive’s report to check his WeChat.

The executive saw the young master from the headquarters, Xie Zunzhi, frown, his previously soft demeanor replaced with a serious expression as he checked his phone.

Xie Xunzhi: “The Xie family doesn’t save meals for lazy bugs. If you sleep until one in the afternoon, is that reasonable?”

Xie Zhiqi pouted with a hint of grievance. Being hungry in the early morning was one thing, but getting scolded by his elder brother was another.
“…I don’t sleep in every day,” he added.
He usually woke up at eight in the morning to do weightlifting at the training camp.

Xie Xunzhi, not wanting to argue further, exited the chat. His gaze inadvertently fell on the conversation box with Yi Siling, pausing for a few seconds.
There were no new messages.

He focused his attention, getting into work mode, and resumed listening to the executive’s report.

Back at the villa, Xie Zhiqi scrolled through his list of friends, looking for someone on Hong Kong Island to join him for a meal. Due to competitions taking them all over, his friends were scattered far and wide, but on Hong Kong Island, Bruce was his closest connection.

Xie Zhiqi had met Bruce at a championship, where despite being opponents, they got to know each other. Bruce’s father was from Hong Kong, and his mother was German, and they usually resided on the island.

They arranged to meet in Jordan in an hour. Bruce mentioned he would take him for some exciting activities on the island and advised Xie Zhiqi to dress up. Not quite understanding what “exciting” meant, Xie Zhiqi thought he might be taken to drift in the city, so he changed into a cool racing jacket and even brushed his bangs back intentionally.

With well-defined eyebrows, fair skin, a slightly mischievous smile, and being young, wealthy, and cheerful, a handsome young man naturally attracted attention from girls. Xie Mingsui often teased him for having a face that attracted trouble and being a playboy who raced cars, not taking anything seriously. Standing next to his elder brother, he seemed like the adopted younger brother.

Xie Zhiqi felt irritated; he wasn’t someone picked up off the street.

Upon arriving in Jordan, Bruce burst into laughter at the sight of him, casually draping his arm over Xie Zhiqi’s shoulder. “Bro, why are you dressed in racing gear? You don’t think I’m taking you drifting, do you?”

Curious, Xie Zhiqi asked, “Is there something more thrilling than drifting?”

Bruce looked at his innocent teenage appearance and smirked, “Let’s eat first, what do you want?”

“Hot pot,” Xie Zhiqi suggested, noting a Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot restaurant nearby. “Can you handle spicy food?”

“I can, I can,” Bruce replied.

The two walked arm in arm towards the hot pot restaurant. Bruce asked Xie Zhiqi what brought him to Hong Kong Island and if he was there for a competition.

Hong Kong Island was a motorcycle-friendly city with a strong motorcycle culture. You could often hear the roar of motorcycles in the streets at night. The World Motorcycle Championship held its regional competitions on the island, along with numerous local races, supercar clubs, and motorcycle clubs.

Xie Zhiqi didn’t mention he was there to accompany his brother for a marriage proposal. He never discussed family matters outside the house, and not many in the racing team knew he was from the wealthy Xie family. Bruce was unaware as well, only knowing that Xie Zhiqi was well-off and enjoyed spending money on cars.

“I’m here on a trip with my family. Just having some fun,” Xie Zhiqi replied, his hand in his pocket, taking long strides with his legs.

“Well, let your family know you’ll be back later tonight. I’ll take you to a great place. If you’re lucky enough to have me today, you might not have the same luck tomorrow,” Bruce said mysteriously.

Xie Zhiqi, unsure of what Bruce was up to, had a sudden thought and quickly pushed him away, “Don’t you dare take me to any shady places!”

He recalled a time when his teammates took him to a massage parlor, thinking it was a legitimate massage. However, when he walked into the room and was greeted by two girls in short skirts, calling him “boss” and asking about his preferred services, he sensed trouble. Without even changing his shoes, he ran out, becoming the joke of the entire team the next day.

Laughs were harmless, but being involved in something shady was a different story.

If his elder brother and sister found out he frequented such places, they would be furious.

“Don’t worry, it’s totally legit!” Bruce assured, then added with a mischievous tone, “But whether we can get in is another story.”

Tonight’s plan was strict on entry—only men were allowed, not women. That’s why Bruce wanted Xie Zhiqi to dress up a bit.

After scrutinizing Xie Zhiqi from head to toe, Bruce brimmed with confidence, “But if someone like you gets turned away, those rich ladies must be blind.”

Xie Zhiqi furrowed his brow, a bit puzzled.

After finishing the hot pot around 4 p.m., they spent two hours at a nearby old-school arcade. Later, Bruce wanted to get a haircut, and Xie Zhiqi had no choice but to accompany him. Sitting lazily on the sofa, he watched videos of his racing competitions.

Once Bruce finished his haircut and checked the time, it was precisely 8:50 p.m.

Rubbing his hands together, Bruce slung his arm around Xie Zhiqi, saying, “Let’s go, bro, I’ll show you something different.”

Xie Zhiqi coolly replied, hand in pocket, “I’ve seen plenty already.”

“Well, not what you’ll see tonight!” Bruce retorted.

Fifteen minutes later, Xie Zhiqi found himself led to a bustling alley. On either side were various bars and clubs, with colorful neon lights flickering. Well-dressed men and women brushed shoulders as exotic cars roared by. The street was vibrant and alive, exuding a wild energy.

“You’re being so mysterious, and you bring me to a nightclub?” Xie Zhiqi observed the various signs, confirming they were on a bar street.

“Not just any nightclub,” Bruce teased, eyes shining with excitement.

The two navigated through the crowd and arrived at a dazzling bar named BOX. It was evident that this bar was the largest, most luxurious, and priciest on the street, with a long line of people waiting outside.

Xie Zhiqi scrutinized the queue of people and made a startling realization—they were all men. More precisely, they were good-looking, well-built, and stylishly dressed young men.

Xie Zhiqi: “……”
Damn! He knew this guy wouldn’t hold back! His handsome face flushed red, and through gritted teeth, he muttered, “You bastard, you brought me to a gay bar!?”

Bruce was initially taken aback, then nearly burst out laughing. He quickly dragged the about-to-explode Xie Zhiqi to the back of the line, organizing the queue first before explaining slowly.

“Tonight, this nightclub has been booked by a group of wealthy young ladies. These girls have quite the background. Do you know about the five prominent families on Hong Kong Island?”

“I don’t,” Xie Zhiqi replied, though he was aware of the Xie family ranking second in Beijing.

“…Not knowing is fine. Us ordinary folks wouldn’t be able to catch the attention of these young ladies anyway. Tonight is all about a bunch of ultra-rich beauties looking to have fun at a singles party. I heard all the handsome men on the island are here, and all drinks are free! Just as long as—” Bruce teased, pausing for effect.

“Just as long as what?” Xie Zhiqi frowned.

“Just as long as you can get in. Did you see those girls at the entrance? They’re there to screen people; if you don’t look good enough, you won’t get in. Women must have an invitation to enter, so us men can only rely on our looks to get in!” Bruce explained.

Xie Zhiqi’s face stretched long. Wasn’t this like being a gigolo for a group of wealthy ladies?

Without a second thought, he turned to leave.

However, Bruce, being a mixed-blood guy, knew the power of the four-character Chinese idiom, effortlessly resolving all fundamental issues:

“We’re already here,” Bruce grabbed Xie Zhiqi’s arm. “We’re brothers; give me a break!”

Xie Zhiqi: “……”

After waiting for a full half hour, it was finally their turn. By this time, Xie Zhiqi’s face had soured beyond recognition.

At the entrance, the booming music from inside was already audible. Three girls in shiny camisole dresses were chatting and laughing.

“I’ve never seen such a grand scene before tonight.”

“That’s why Tanya is amazing.”

“Mia is amazing too; probably most of the handsome guys are here for her.”

“They’re all amazing; we’re just basking in their shine. Okay, enough talking, let’s move quickly. There are so many people waiting at the entrance.”

The girls chuckled among themselves before getting back to work. One of them glanced at Bruce, furrowing her brow, looking somewhat displeased. Bruce had a rugged and mature mixed-race appearance, with deep green eyes and a beard that didn’t quite fit Asian beauty standards.

Seeing Bruce about to face rejection, he quickly nudged Xie Zhiqi forward, promoting him, “This is my friend. What do you think of him?”

Xie Zhiqi clenched his fists.

The girls surveyed Xie Zhiqi, exchanging glances with each other. Bruce followed up, “We’re together!”

If one gets in, they both get in.

Two wristbands were handed over. Bruce eagerly took them, putting them on without hesitation.

The girl in the silver dress flirtatiously said to Xie Zhiqi, “Hey handsome, have a good time. I’ll come find you for a drink later.”

Bruce swiftly pulled Xie Zhiqi inside before he could go berserk.

Xie Zhiqi was on…

“Cheers, bro!” Bruce felt right at home in the extravagant atmosphere, skillfully acquiring two cocktails.

Xie Zhiqi, with a dark expression, coldly scanned the surroundings. Everywhere he looked, there were handsome men, all towering over six feet tall. The DJ on stage was a top-ranked artist, the lights were dazzling, and the electronic music was deafening.

All the booths were occupied, except for the empty circular booth in the center. Just as he shifted his gaze, a group of beautiful girls strolled down the corridor, chatting and laughing. The girl in the middle was surrounded by admirers, exuding an extraordinary charm.

From his angle, Xie Zhiqi could clearly see the group of women. He squinted, then closed his eyes, and opened them again, focusing intently.

The one in the center… wasn’t that his sister-in-law?

He couldn’t be mistaken. Yi Siling was too distinct to miss.

Xie Zhiqi was petrified on the spot as he watched the group of women escort Yi Siling to the central booth and take their seats. Suddenly, the lights and music changed.

The scene turned dark, and then a group of dancers dressed in white shirts, black ties, and suit pants emerged from all directions, surrounding the central booth and starting to dance.

Midway through the dance, they simultaneously ripped open their shirts, revealing their chiseled eight-pack abs. The atmosphere was filled with a sensual surge of hormones.

The audience erupted in screams.

Everyone was thrilled, except for Xie Zhiqi, who felt his vision darken.

“This is… too much…” he whispered to himself.

Bruce danced along with the music, asking loudly, “Bro, what did you say?”

Xie Zhiqi stared fixedly at the group of dancing shirtless men, muttering to himself, “My brother could even graze sheep on the grasslands of Hulunbuir… This woman… dares to treat my brother so disrespectfully…”

At the Xie Villa in Shek O, in the study on the second floor.

Xie Zhiqi was video calling with Xie Mingsui. He had been away from the company for a couple of days, and Xie Mingsui was updating him on a few important matters.

“Bro, Uncle San wants Huang Wei to transfer to the financial sector and is recommending him as the CEO of Lan Yao Group,” Xie Mingsui reported.

Xie Zhiqi smiled and glanced at the high-definition screen, where Xie Mingsui was looking at him with a troubled expression.

“What do you think?” Xie Zhiqi inquired.

“I asked you, and now you’re asking me,” Xie Mingsui replied exasperatedly. “Anyway, Huang Wei said he doesn’t want to sell water anymore. He sounds quite confident.”

The beverage company under lan Yao included the best-selling tea and mineral water brands, with annual sales exceeding 10 billions, making it a lucrative business. However, the fast-moving consumer goods industry had thin profit margins and high expenses, paling in comparison to the hefty profits in the financial sector.

Xie Zhiqi casually remarked, “Ask him tomorrow if he wants to sell cheesecakes.”

Xie Mingsui paused, then burst out laughing, “Bro, you’re quite witty, aren’t you?”

Among all the fast-moving consumer goods brands under Lan Yao Group, “Fuwawa” was a baking brand, the most inconspicuous and marginalized. It was an old brand on the brink of extinction, with few people even aware that it was owned by Lan Yao Group. Out of the dozen or so products under the brand, only the cheesecake sold well.

“If it weren’t for Third Uncle backing him up, would he dare to say he doesn’t want to sell water?” Xie Mingsui exclaimed in frustration. “Forget it, let’s drop it. I’ll ask him like this tomorrow and see what he says.”

“How are things with you and Sister-in-law?” Xie Mingsui changed his tone with a smile. “You even have matching rings now, seems like you’re very affectionate.”

Xie Zhiqi subconsciously glanced at his ring finger.

I wonder if she wore her ring tonight?

As he drifted in thought, his phone vibrated. He picked it up and opened the messages from Xie Zhiqi, who seemed to be sending urgent messages, giving the impression of an emergency.

【Bro, you’ve been played!!】

Xie Zunzhi furrowed his brow, lightly tapping his cold, jade-like finger.

The deafening music shattered the tranquility of the study.

The scene was dazzling, with bright red laser lights flashing rapidly. A group of young, handsome men danced shirtless, screams filling the air. The girls surrounded in the center laughed together, resembling enchanting goldfish swimming through the colorful lights.

Among them, the one being adored held her face in her hands, her smile sweet and shy, her eyes glistening and radiant like the diamond on her ring finger.

She obediently wore the ring, but even with the ring on, it was useless, serving no purpose in reminding her.

She had only mentioned some handsome guys, not that the handsome guys would strip and dance provocatively for her, looking so flirtatious. She was good at playing tricks, cunning, mischievous, and playful. His unease was justified.

Xie Zunzhi calmly closed the video, stood up, and heard Xie Mingsui in the video asking, “What’s wrong?”

Xie Zunzhi replied, “That’s all for now. I have something urgent to attend to.”

Xie Mingsui instantly caught on, couldn’t resist teasing him, “Oh, going to see your little sister-in-law?”

Xie Zunzhi glanced at the ring on his ring finger and casually said, “Going to catch her.”

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