Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 26

Chapter 26

“Do you know she’s lazy, why don’t you wake her up now?” Yi Kunshan thought of Yi Siling still sleeping, sleeping until one thirty in the afternoon, his anger rising.

“What day is it today, and she’s still sleeping in if it’s the day of the grand gift, she’d still sleep on her wedding day, too.”

Liang Yongwen, also feeling aggrieved, looked over with a pair of charming and clear eyes, angry and annoyed, “What can I do? I just wanted to fix her laziness problem, who knew she would be so out of line today, sleeping until this time.”

“You never scold her normally, but you have to today.”

“Scolding her normally doesn’t work, she sleeps all day and nothing happens, I can just say she’s napping if you scold me.”

Yi Kunshan thought it was a good idea; one or two o’clock is nap time. He then went to coax his wife with a smile, saying he didn’t mean to get angry, and after a few words, Liang Yongwen forgave him.

The couple walked into the living room one after the other.

Xie Xunzhi group of three cars, a black Bentley surrounded by two Mercedes in the middle.

The road up the mountain is not steep, very smooth, with a sweet air, a very bright taste. The surrounding vegetation is dense, the scenery is excellent, looking into the distance, you can see that the mountains in this area surround a bay shaped like a crescent moon, the sea water as clear as a gem, shimmering with waves, and many people playing on the beach.

Xie Wenningis visiting Hong Kong Island for the first time and also visiting Repulse Bay for the first time. She leans out the car window, wanting to get a clearer view of the bay.

“Ningning, it’s dangerous,” Xie Xunzhi shouted to her.

Xie Wenning stuck out her tongue, pulled her head back, “Is the Repulse Bay Hotel written by Eileen Chang here, big brother, can you take me to see it?”

She had only seen the outside world in novels, books, and on her phone.

Xie Xunzhi replied to the secretary’s message, saying, “It might not be possible today, but in a couple of days, I’ll find time to take you.”

Xie Wenning nodded and praised, “Little sister-in-law’s house is so beautiful, the scenery is better than Xie Garden.”

Xie Garden is only beautiful on the inside; the outside is just ordinary alleys. It can’t compare to here, nestled by the mountains and sea, with a wide and bright view.

Xie Wenning starts to worry that if her sister-in-law doesn’t like Xie Garden, what should they do? Would they have to move out?

Beijing doesn’t have the sea; the air and weather can’t compare to here.

Xie Zhiqi was disturbed last night, didn’t sleep well all night, and was forcibly woken up by Xie Xunzhi at eleven in the morning, still sporting two huge dark circles under his eyes.

“What’s so good about it? It’s all foreign stuff,” he yawned, “Not even half as good as Xie Garden .”

Xie Wenning frowned, “Big brother, you’re getting lazier. You slept until eleven again today.”

Xie Zhiqi sighed, “You wouldn’t understand.”

“I don’t want to understand,” Xie Wenning spoke gently, “Just don’t let your sister-in-law know you’re lazy, it’ll tarnish big brother’s image.”

Xie Zhiqi scoffed, crossed his arms, feeling a bit lazy, “Always calling her ‘sister-in-law,’ Xie Ningning, I advise you not to flatter her too much. She’s not as good as you think.”

The scene from the nightclub last night was vivid in Xie Zhiqi’s mind, and he was burning with anger. That woman went to the nightclub behind big brother’s back, watching naked men dance provocatively, engaging in deceptive tactics, acting like she’s the princess choosing her male concubine, indulging in debauchery. She’s not a decent person at all.

Big brother is also foolish, stubborn, insisting on going through with the wedding despite all this. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt. Just as he was about to say something, a deep voice came from the backseat.

“Be quiet.”

Xie Zhiqi fell silent, his handsome face looking dejected.

Last night, he had sworn in front of big brother that he would keep this matter to himself and guarantee not to disrespect Yi Siling in any way or make her unhappy. If he couldn’t do it, big brother would confiscate all his motorcycles.

Motorcycles are his lifeblood.

The Yi Mansion is grander than Xie Wenning imagined. A Greek-style white building stands on the bay, occupying an entire small mountain. The floor-to-ceiling windows are bright, with a dazzling glow. Even during the day, both inside and outside the house are lit up, giving off a brilliant feeling.

As the car drives through the gate, they are greeted by a beautifully picturesque garden.

“So beautiful,” Xie Wenning murmured in awe, leaning against the car window.

Tall royal coconut and palm trees are planted all around, and a wide rectangular lawn is neatly divided into four sections, with well-trimmed flower beds filled with pink roses. In the center of the lawn is a fountain water feature, extending from the entrance deep inside. The car follows along the water feature and finally stops at the front door of the villa.

Xie Wenning is used to wealthy families, but the wealthy she’s seen have been reserved, commanding respect without flaunting their wealth, unlike the ostentation she’s witnessing now.

When encountering someone who doesn’t understand, they wouldn’t even realize the homeowners were showing off their wealth, like the seemingly ordinary rockery in the courtyard worth millions or the tea cup casually used being a rare Northern Song Ru kiln piece, and so on.

(note: Ru kiln means “Dynasty”)

This kind of lavish display from a Hong Kong-style tycoon, she’s seeing for the first time.

“Little sister-in-law’s family is really wealthy,” Xie Wenning hesitated for a moment before asking, “Big brother, will little sister-in-law look down on our Xie Garden?”

Xie Xunzhi smiled and patted her head, “Our family is not lacking. Ningning, be confident.”

Xie Zhiqi suppressed his laughter, his stomach aching; this house might look impressive, but compared to Xie garden, it’s really not in the same league. Still, he didn’t want to dampen Ningning’s excitement.

Xie Wenning has inherent frailty, with weak qi and blood, often relying on Chinese herbal medicine for supplementation. Therefore, she rarely leaves Beijing, especially since she’s been well protected by family and friends, her character carrying a pure and innocent demeanor untouched by worldly influences.

“Alright, Xie Wenning, don’t let others’ prestige overshadow our family’s spirit. Be careful not to be disappointed when you see the real person.” As the car came to a stop, Xie Zhiqi playfully went to open the door for Ningning.

Xie Wenning furrowed her brow, not understanding why her brother was being so cryptic.

Big brother is getting married; is he really jealous? Truly shameless.

The group gets out of the car. Uncle Mei directs the accompanying bodyguards to unload the gifts from the trunk.

Xie Xunzhi walks at the front, Xie Wenning closely following him, while Xie Zhiqi falls back a few steps, walking alongside Uncle Mei.

Yi Kunshan and Liang Yongwen personally came out to greet. Yi Siling was not there.

The parents came out, but she wasn’t present, which goes against etiquette, but Xie Xunzhi didn’t mind; she might still be sulking.

He had truly offended her last night.

Xie Xunzhiquickly approached, politely greeted them, then introduced his siblings, and finally explained why they arrived an hour early, “We were worried about traffic, so we set off an hour in advance, didn’t expect smooth sailing all the way, hope it didn’t inconvenience you.”

“Smooth sailing is a good sign; Uncle and Auntie were waiting for you to arrive early,” Liang Yongwen said.

Xie Xunzhi smiled gracefully, “Visiting Uncle and Auntie must be a good omen.”

Yi Kunshan liked hearing these words, feeling pleased by the flattery, he patted Xie Xunzhi shoulder, “The earlier you arrive, the earlier we can have tea. Come in quickly, the sun is shining outside.”

As they walked in, Liang Yongwen’s gentle gaze swept over Xie Wenning and Xie Zhiqi, “The house is full of handsome young men and beautiful young women; Xie Tai is indeed fortunate. When the second and fourth siblings come back in the evening, you young people can have fun together.”

Xie Wenning smiled shyly, “Auntie, you are the fortunate one; Yi  is the school’s beauty queen.”

Liang Yongwen was surprised, “You know the third child?”

Xie Xunzhi  explained, “Ningning and Miss San are roommates.”

Liang Yongwen marveled at how fate works in mysterious ways; her fondness for Xie Xunzi grew even more. In this vast world, it’s incredible how Yi Xinling is not only attending the same school as the Xie family’s children but also their roommate.

The master’s prediction was truly accurate; Xie Xunzhi and Zhao Zhao are truly a match made in heaven.

“Big brother, where’s little sister-in-law?” Xie Wenning curiously scanned the magnificent living room of the Yi Mansion, circling around, but not spotting Yi Siling’s figure. She had to ask quietly.

Liang Yongwen, being close by, overheard Xie Wenning’s question; her smile froze.

“She’s taking a nap. Didn’t expect you all to arrive so early; have a cup of tea first, I’ve already sent someone to wake her up,” Liang Yongwen gestured towards Hu Lili not far away.

Hu Lili understood and nodded, indicating that she had already sent someone to fetch her.

Xie Zhiqi scoffed quietly, “Intentional, isn’t it?”

He felt this was Yi Siling asserting her authority. They all came, yet she was still sleeping; she clearly didn’t regard big brother highly.

Xie Xunzhi glanced sideways at Xie Zhiqi, who immediately lowered his head, pretending to study the tea leaves floating in his cup.

Xie Wanning, the considerate little angel, quickly intervened, “My sister is the same way. She wakes up early every day, so she must nap from one to two-thirty, a strict biological clock.”

“Yes, waking up early requires a nap to rejuvenate,” Xie Zhiqi added.

Liang Yongwen chuckled dryly, casting a glance at Yi Kunshan. Yi Kunshan didn’t even bother to look.

No one else noticed this subtle interaction, but Xie Xunzhi saw it. He was extremely observant, with a knack for understanding everything around him.

It seemed Yi Siling wasn’t just napping but oversleeping, still in bed almost two in the afternoon.

She really is…

But Xie Xunzhi wasn’t entirely convinced she could sleep in this late; it was too extreme. So, the likelihood of her pretending to be angry was higher.

Xie Xunzhi, feeling resigned, took a sip of the fragrant tea, very aromatic.

After finishing his tea, he set the cup down and said to Liang Yongwen and Yi Kunshan, “I’ll go check on her and bring her the flowers and gifts.”

Liang Yongwen hesitated.

In the pile of gifts not far away, there was one for Yi Siling, along with a bunch of vibrant Freud roses glistening with dew.

Liang Yongwen couldn’t refuse such a reasonable request, so she reluctantly instructed Hu Lili to take Xie Xunzhi to Yi Siling’s bedroom, then sneakily glared at Yi Kunshan.

Yi Kunshan’s face burned with anger.

Xie Xunzhi got up, “Ningning, Xiao Qi, you guys chat for a bit.”

Xie Wenning watched her brother walk away and blinked.

“Master Xie, this way,” Hu Lili whispered.

Yi Siling’s bedroom occupied a whole floor, the hallway lined with thick sound-absorbing carpets, serene and quiet all around.

Xie Xunzhi nodded in thanks, his calm and cold demeanor blending with the tranquility of the moment. He lifted the flowers in his arms an inch higher, raised his other hand, and turned the heavy doorknob.

The delicate and sensual fragrance belonging to a girl wafted irregularly with the airflow, rushing into Xie Xunzhi nostrils.

He focused and gently closed the door.

The room was fragrant and dark, with only a hint of afternoon sunlight seeping through the tightly closed curtain seams, casting a light golden border on the floor, with no other source of light. Despite it being broad daylight, the room felt as dim as night.

Xie Xunzhi regretted entering for some reason.

He thought Yi Siling was sulking, intentionally avoiding coming out, so he came to apologize, to appease her and make the situation look better.

But now, it seemed she was truly asleep.

Xie Xunzhi sighed internally; since he was already here, he had no choice but to wake her up and leave. He walked forward, bypassed a partition, and finally reached her actual bedroom.

The room smelled lovely, a rich blend of roses and ebony wood.

The fragrance made Xie Xunzhi mind slightly hazy, involuntarily reminding him of the uncontrollable edge of that kiss from yesterday.

He could have restrained himself from kissing her. The atmosphere from last night, along with that insignificant provocation, wasn’t enough to make him lose his senses. He kissed her simply out of annoyance. It was a deliberately purposeful kiss, with no good intentions.

He needed her to feel his presence.

Tangibly, genuinely feel his presence.

He wasn’t just a dispensable tool, nor someone who could only hide behind the door in the dark stairwell, listening to her and her ex-boyfriend’s unlucky ex-fiancé’s entanglements.

He was her man, her future husband. She needed to understand this.

He admitted that his actions last night were ruthless, not his usual style. So, after the kiss, he felt some regret. He spent the entire night copying the betrothal gift list in the study, reflecting on himself, realizing he shouldn’t be frivolous or intentionally provoke her. So, such things wouldn’t happen again, at least not for the next month and a half.

Xie Xunzhi placed the flowers and gifts on the sofa at the foot of the bed, his gaze not looking down from a high vantage point but gently focusing on the woman in the bed.

She seemed to be sleeping restlessly, feeling hot. Her arms and legs were peeking out from under the thin blanket, lips slightly parted, hair in disarray and drenched in sweat. Despite this, she still looked doll-like, cute and superficially beautiful.

Xie Xunzhi paused, then walked over and lightly touched her face with his fingers.

Her skin was damp, warm, exuding a faint heat all over.

Helplessly, Xie Xunzhi turned on the bedside lamp, dimming it to the lowest setting. He fetched a few tissues, bent down, and gently wiped away the sweat from her body.

With the light from the lamp, he could see the rosy pink flush on her cheeks, stunningly beautiful. It was the second time he had seen her without makeup, the first being in Beijing when she wore that improper nightgown while grumbling as she opened the door, an accidental encounter.

Her nightwear that day wasn’t much more proper than the previous one. It was a champagne-colored silk dress with thin straps, accentuating a deep valley between her arms as she pushed herself up, the pristine white resembling the hot milk he used to drink every day when he was young.

Xie Xunzhi throat subtly rolled, reminding himself not to be impolite and to avert his gaze, forcibly looking away from these tempting sights.

His action of wiping away her sweat was gentlemanly, stopping just at the right point, devoid of any frivolity or flirtation.

As he wiped her collarbone…

Yi Siling murmured, turned over, facing up, lips muttering, emitting soft sounds like a little cat, “Xie Xunzhi.”

She was sleep-talking.

Xie Xunzhi doubted if he had misheard, pausing his movements for a few seconds. He leaned closer, trying to hear more clearly.

Xie Xunzhi paused, not wanting to be too gentlemanly or virtuous in peering into her thoughts while she dreamed.

Yi Siling’s warm breath brushed against his ear. In her dream, she murmured, “Xie Xunzhi, I hate you.”

Hate you.

Xie Xunzhi was taken aback, but quickly regained his composure. Knowing she couldn’t hear him, he replied, “Okay, I understand.”

Then, he lightly pinched Yi Siling’s mouth.

The pressure was light, a hint of playful punishment.

Rubbing his fingertips, still feeling the warmth of her disheveled state, Xie Xunzhi eyes were calm and cloudy. He gazed at her and said, “But even though you hate me, you still have to marry me.”

“Even if you like someone else, you still have to marry me.”

It was as simple as that.

Xie Xunzhi continued wiping away the sweat above her chest, finishing the task and tossing the tissues into the trash bin on the table. Yi Siling was still deeply asleep, almost as if she couldn’t wake up, unaware of what she clung to in her dreams, not wanting to awaken.

He had thought of letting her sleep for an extra five minutes, but now he didn’t want her to sleep a second longer.

Xie Xunzhi stood up, walked to the window, and pulled back the curtains. Suddenly, the blinding sunlight flooded the dim room, brightening it up instantly.

Returning to the bedside, he checked the time on his watch.

One second, two seconds, ten seconds…

Yi Siling was abruptly awakened by this forceful method, shielding her eyes with her hand and murmuring, “Aunt Li, close the curtains.”

Xie Xunzhi crossed his arms, looking down at her, “Yi Siling, it’s time to get up.”

The woman in bed remained still. After a few seconds, she seemed to realize something and abruptly opened her eyes, meeting Xie Xunzhi dark and profound gaze.


“Get up.”

Yi Siling was stunned, seeing the person from her dream suddenly before her. She screamed, curling up under the covers, “Oh my, why are you here?”

Xie Xunzhi was a bit helpless. “Miss Yi, I told you yesterday that I would visit your house today. It’s now two in the afternoon, so it’s reasonable for me to be here.”

Yi Siling emerged from under the covers, looking puzzled. “What time is it?”

She was a heavy sleeper, but she never expected to sleep until two in the afternoon on such an important day.

Xie Xunzhi gazed at her flushed cheeks and chuckled softly. “It’s two in the afternoon; even lazy bugs should get up by now, right?”

Yi Siling blushed at his teasing remark and muttered softly, “You’re the lazy one.” She gripped the bedsheet, still resisting, “I was just taking a nap.”

Xie Xunzhi smiled. “Do you talk in your sleep during naps too?”

Yi Siling’s pupils contracted as she suddenly remembered her dream of kissing Xie Zhi, feeling captivated and not wanting to wake up.

Feeling on edge, she cautiously asked, “What did I say in my dream?”

Yi Siling swallowed nervously, anxiously watching him, unaware of how “improper” she might appear at that moment.

With a glistening face, flushed unnaturally, resembling burning sunset, eyes and brows revealing shyness and a hint of coquettishness, the two cups of hot milk were almost overflowing.

Xie Xunzhi gaze darkened subtly, raising an eyebrow teasingly, “You didn’t say anything significant.”

Yi Siling grew anxious, feeling unsettled by his response. “Tell me, please.”

“Maybe it’s better not to say. It’s not very appropriate.” Xie Xunzhi casually brushed it off.

Yi Siling was getting flustered. “Just tell me, please!”

Finally, Xie Xunzhilooked at her seriously, cold and genuine, devoid of any malice or deceit. “You said, ‘Xie Xunzhi, I like you.'”

Yi Siling stood frozen in place, at a loss.

His excessively proper and square appearance made her doubt if he was teasing her, playing a trick, or lying.

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