Sleepless Spring Waves
Sleepless Spring Waves Chapter 28

Chapter  28

Upon entering the teahouse, Yi Siling was unsurprised to receive a cold glance from Yi Kunshan and Liang Yongwen. She remained silent, feeling wronged as she pursed her lips.

Xie Xunzhi noticed her displeasure, smiled faintly, and gestured for her to come over and sit, appearing completely at ease as if he were the host of the house, not at all unfamiliar.

Yi Siling thought to herself that he was quite shameless; after all, this was her home. After a brief hesitation, she obediently sat down under Yi Kunshan’s stern gaze.

Although guests had arrived at the house, she had overslept, making the guests wait for over an hour, which was a bit too much. If not for this, she would never have been so compliant.

“Taking such a long nap, you, you, still made Xunzhi go wake you up.” Yi Kunshan pretended to be angry, but in reality, he was lying.

Yi Siling opened her eyes and spoke nonsense, “Who told me to wake up at seven in the morning? I’d be tired if I didn’t take a nap. Besides, how was I supposed to know they would come so early?”

Yi Kunshan remembered the last time Yi Siling woke up at seven in the morning was during her senior year of high school. He was amazed at how shamelessly she could lie without blushing.

Xie Xunzhi pretended not to notice the father and daughter’s act, elegantly picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea for Yi Siling, placed it gently by her side, glanced at the jade bracelet on her wrist, and then looked deep into her eyes.

He never expected her to wear it.

“Always late and still complaining, it’s all because your mother and I spoiled you too much,” Yi Kunshan sighed. “Xunzhi, in the future, you’ll have to indulge her more. This girl has been like this since she was young, no one can control her.”

Yi Siling rolled her eyes discreetly.

Xie Xunzhi, with a hint of a smile on his lips, didn’t say anything else, just remarked, “Uncle, don’t blame Zhaozhao. Zhaozhao’s arrival at this time is actually perfect. Like aged tea, it’s the fourth brew that truly brings out the best flavor. Whether early or late, you can’t taste the best if you come too soon or too late.”

To be just right is the best.

Late or early, you can’t taste the best essence of this tea.

Just like them, too early or too late, may not necessarily lead to the success of this union.

His voice was warm and deep, mixed with the lingering aroma of tea, making everyone feel refreshed. He was always like this, refined and thoughtful, qualities ingrained in his character.

Yi Kunshan and Liang Yongwen exchanged a glance, both silently acknowledging that they had not misjudged him. Using tea to smooth over the situation, everyone felt comfortable, a skill not just anyone with ordinary emotional intelligence could possess.

Yi Siling didn’t realize the level of emotional intelligence Xie Xunzhi displayed with his words; she only heard the two syllables of her nickname.

He called her by her nickname.

How did he know her nickname?

Her heart raced, her fingers touched the warm tea cup, recoiled slightly, and she looked up, only to meet Xie Xunzhi’s forever inscrutable deep gaze.

Yi Siling quickly averted her eyes, picked up the tea cup, and gulped it down like chewing on bitter peony petals. She didn’t like these bitter teas; she preferred English breakfast tea with milk.

Fragrant, smooth, and delicious.

“How is it?” Xie Xunzhi asked her.

Yi Siling thought to herself that she should thank him for saving face for her, so she replied, “It’s alright.”

Xie Xunzhi chuckled softly, no longer focusing on her, but instead engaging Yi Kunshan in a discussion about the latest economic policies in the Greater Bay Area.

By five o’clock, Yi Leling and Yi Qiong Ling arrived home one after the other. Their cars met at the entrance, one in front of the other.

As soon as the cars came to a stop, Yi Qiong Ling couldn’t wait and jumped out of the car, rushing to the extended Land Rover where Yi Leling was. She hurriedly opened the door for her sister and blurted out, “Is the old man here, Second Sister?”

Yi Leling glanced at her sister in silence, “Can you please watch your mouth?” She picked up her handbag from the front seat, got out of the car, and handed the keys to the butler to park.

The two sisters walked side by side towards the villa.

“Call him Mr. Xie, or call him brother-in-law, don’t get it wrong,” Yi Leling reminded her once again.

“I only call him old man in private, in front of him, I call him brother-in-law,” Yi Qiong Ling replied.

Yi Leling’s tone was stern, “But once you get used to it, slip-ups are easy. It’s best to use it less even in private.”

“Okay,” Yi Qiong Ling muttered softly, “Whether I call him or not, he’s still an old man. I haven’t even seen a photo, who knows if he’s really handsome.”

“If he’s even slightly below par and doesn’t match up to the princess, I’ll definitely put him in his place,” Yi Qiong Ling emphasized her stance. “Even if he looks good, he still can’t escape being put in his place. The old man needs to know that mistreating the princess means stirring up the three major troublemakers.”

Yi Leling glanced at her, thinking to herself how could her younger sister, who was still growing, shorter even when tiptoeing, dare to threaten anyone.

Moreover, who even called them the three major troublemakers?

“Are you as arrogant outside?” Yi Leling narrowed her eyes.

Yi Qiong Ling pretended to be pitiful, “Second Sister.”

“I’m not an AI, I won’t turn a blind eye to your behavior. If you cause trouble by acting this way outside, I’ll be the first one to not forgive you,” Yi Leling lectured her with an elder sister’s authority.

This matter required caution; if the youngest sibling accidentally blurted out “old man” in front of Xie Xunzhi due to being quick-witted, the situation could become awkward. Whether it was innocent or not, if it got out, everyone’s dignity would be at stake. Yi Siling would be living in the Xie household in the future and couldn’t afford such a scandal before marriage.

Yi Qiong Ling pouted her lips high, realizing she had to behave and not even dare mention the words “old man” anymore. Second Sister was much scarier than the princess; the princess could join her in causing mischief, but Second Sister wouldn’t. Yet, Second Sister was always the one quietly resolving things for everyone.

Seeing the young girl obedient, Yi Leling smiled warmly and informed her that the pink i key she had been longing for had been arranged for delivery by SAES and would be available by next month at the earliest.

Yi Qiong Ling was overjoyed instantly.

However, all of Yi Leling’s teachings and efforts were in vain as soon as Yi Qiong Ling saw Xie Xunzhi. She was completely smitten, and in no time, the scene turned into this:

The small garden outside the teahouse.

Yi Siling and Xie Xunzhi were arranged by Yi Qiong Ling to take couple photos.

Yi Qiong Ling held a Fujifilm camera, directing Yi Siling, “Princess, move a bit to the side, yes, get closer to your husband, maybe link arms, let’s capture that, I’ll take a few shots for you two.”

Yi Siling’s face darkened, unable to believe how quickly her youngest sister had turned against her, catching her off guard. She thought back to what her sister had promised her just a few days ago.

“Don’t worry, Princess. When that old man arrives, I’ll definitely take the lead and show him who’s boss, let him know our family isn’t to be messed with.”

“I’m not afraid to be laughed at, who do I fear? If Dad scolds me, let him scold me, I can talk back.”

It turned out that the one who spoke the harshest words was the first to betray her.

Yi Siling coolly looked at Yi Qiong Ling, refusing to react until she felt a firm yet gentle force wrapping around her shoulder, making her turn her head.

Xie Xunzhi had a faint smile on his lips, with the golden sunset behind him, the blue sky fluctuating, and the sea breeze rustling through the coconut trees. With such a picturesque backdrop, he looked elegant and charismatic.

“What are you doing?” Yi Siling nudged his side with her elbow, whispering softly.

She dared not speak loudly, as there were onlookers around them, including Yi Kunshan, Liang Yongwen, her second sister, the pretty sister, the younger brother, the housekeeper Mei, Aunt Li, and the bustling flowers all around.

“You have to cooperate a bit, Zhao Zhao,” Xie Xunzhi held her shoulder tightly, his palm dry and slightly rough. “Little Sister enjoys photography, as older siblings, we should support her, right?”

Once again being called Zhaozhao, Yi Siling took a deep breath, feeling her face flush, and she stared at him unblinkingly.

The wind, carrying the scent of coconut trees and warm sea waves, now brushed through her long hair, lifting a few strands to dance in the air. One wisp brushed against her cheek, gently pushed aside by Xie Xunzhi’s slender fingers.

Their eyes locked, entwined in their gaze, even the wind passing between them seemed denser than elsewhere.

Yi Qiong Ling quickly snapped multiple shots.

“These photos are stunning, what a perfect match in looks.”

“I’ll edit the pictures tonight and share them in the group for everyone to enjoy.”

Yi Qiong Ling chattered excitedly, and Xie Wenning approached, asking if she could see the original photos. Yi Qiong Ling generously handed her the camera.

Yi Siling couldn’t hear anything, hurriedly avoiding Xie Xunzhi’s gaze, like a butterfly evading a spider’s web, like a deer avoiding a powerful lion.

Xie Xunzhi’s smile remained unchanged as he gently released her shoulder after a moment.

Dinner was a meticulously prepared feast from the kitchen, with the head chef specializing in Cantonese, French, and Japanese cuisine. From selecting the ingredients to designing the menu and preparing the dishes, it took several days of effort, all for this evening.

Liang Yongwen claimed it was just a casual family dinner, but it was far from ordinary. Each person had seven main dishes and two desserts, served by the servants one by one, with the head chef introducing each dish. The carefully selected wine glasses and fresh flowers on the table were telltale signs of the meticulous preparation.

Yi Kunshan enthusiastically recommended his collection of wines to Xie Xunzhi for tasting. There were four types in total: a sweet sparkling wine as an aperitif, two different red wines to accompany the meal, and a rich brandy to pair with dessert.

Uncle Mei, who joined them at the table, was concerned about Xie Xunzhi’s tolerance for alcohol. With these rounds of wine alternating between red and brandy, the young master might end up in trouble.

Following the etiquette of the social circle, on his first visit to his future father-in-law’s house, even if the food was not to his liking, he must finish it all, and even if he couldn’t handle the alcohol, not a drop should be left. Sincerity was key.

Xie Xunzhi glanced at Uncle Mei and Xie Wenning, reassuring them not to worry. Next, Yi Kunshan kept pouring drink after drink for Xie Xunzhi, showing no signs of stopping until he was drunk.

Yi Siling nibbled on the bird’s nest with red bean paste, casting a sidelong glance at Xie Xunzhi across the table. His complexion was healthy, with a faint blush at the moment, but his bright eyes were more captivating than ever.

Noticing her observation, Xie Xunzhi glanced back at her, smiled, raised his glass, and toasted her from across the table.

Yi Siling gave him a glare, feeling somehow uneasy about him. This feeling was new and unusual; she had never felt this way before. Perhaps it was just the effect of the alcohol.

The atmosphere at the dining table was harmonious and lively, with the two most likely to clash already defused.

Yi Qiong Ling was entranced by the looks of Yi Siling and Xie Xunzhi as a couple, repeatedly calling him brother-in-law. Yi Siling, under the table, kept discreetly stepping on her sister’s foot.

Xie Zhiqi, having his beloved motorcycle confiscated by Xie Xunzhi, felt both aggrieved and obedient. When Yi Siling jokingly called him little brother, he playfully responded, “What can I do for you, sister-in-law?” making Yi Siling feel uninterested.

Yi Kunshan had many bad habits; in his youth, he was a well-known playboy on Hong Kong Island, charming and charismatic, always at the center of fun and excitement. He was once known as Second Master Yi.

Xie Xunzhi also felt like he was going to end up in trouble at the Yi residence tonight.

Dinner ended at 8 o’clock, with the night growing darker.

Yi Kunshan, thoroughly intoxicated and acting wild, insisted on Xie Xunzhi staying the night at the Yi residence, refusing to let him leave.

“Uncle, it doesn’t seem quite appropriate for me to stay over on my first visit,” Xie Xunzhi replied.

“What’s inappropriate about it? My son-in-law staying at home is only natural,” Yi Kunshan insisted.

Seeing that Xie Xunzhi was also quite drunk, though not displaying it overtly, Liang Yongwen suggested, “Why not stay the night? There are plenty of rooms at the Yi residence. Ningning, Xiaoqi, and Housekeeper Mei all have places to stay; it wouldn’t be any trouble.”

Xie Xunzhi cleared his throat and glanced in Yi Siling’s direction, as if seeking her opinion.

Yi Siling, with eyes heavy and tie loosened, was making a concerted effort to stay alert, standing straight but unintentionally exuding a hint of seductive languor.

Yi Siling bit her lip, unsure whether to let him stay or to send him off.

Yi Leling, from a safety standpoint, suggested to Yi Siling, “I think you should let your brother-in-law stay. It’s not safe for him to leave in this state; he might vomit in the car. We have a doctor at home who can take care of him if needed. They are not familiar with Hong Kong Island, after all.”

Second Master Yi had three vices in life: good wine, good tea, good cards, and also beautiful women. However, upon meeting Liang Yongwen, he willingly gave up the last one.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t give up alcohol. Today, with his prospective son-in-law accompanying him in drinking, he was even more delighted. As he continued drinking, the four bottles of wine on the table were quickly finished, prompting him to gesture for the butler to bring two more.

Liang Yongwen tapped him, telling him not to act out in front of the younger family members.

“Can you still handle it? You seem to have quite a good tolerance for alcohol,” Yi Kunshan asked, holding onto Xie Xunzhi’s arm.

Xie Xunzhi’s eyes showed the telltale signs of alcohol-induced bloodshot eyes. Despite feeling like he wanted to vomit, he restrained himself and replied, “Whether I can handle it or not, I’ll make sure we have a good time tonight.”

Yi Kunshan beamed with delight at his response.

Xie Zhiqi leaned in and whispered to Xie Xunzhi, “Bro, shall I help you drink?”

Xie Xunzhi touched his leg, indicating that he didn’t need help and instead suggested he go chat with the two sisters. Xie Zhiqi sighed, realizing that his big brother would surely end up drunk tonight.

Xie Xunzhi also felt like he was going to end up staying the night at the Yi residence.

Dinner concluded at 8 o’clock, with the night growing darker.

Yi Kunshan, thoroughly intoxicated and acting wildly, insisted on Xie Xunzhi staying the night at the Yi residence, refusing to let him leave.

“Uncle, it doesn’t seem quite appropriate for me to stay over on my first visit,” Xie Xunzhi replied.

“What’s inappropriate about it? My son-in-law staying at home is only natural,” Yi Kunshan insisted.

Seeing that Xie Xunzhi was also quite drunk, though not displaying it overtly, Liang Yongwen suggested, “Why not stay the night? There are plenty of rooms at the Yi residence. Ningning, Xiaoqi, and Housekeeper Mei all have places to stay; it wouldn’t be any trouble.”

Xie Xunzhi cleared his throat and glanced in Yi Siling’s direction, seemingly seeking her opinion.

Yi Siling, with heavy eyes and a slightly loosened tie, was struggling to stay alert, standing straight but occasionally revealing a hint of alluring weariness.

Yi Siling bit her lip, unsure whether to let him stay or to send him off.

Considering safety, Yi Leling proposed to Yi Siling, “I think you should let your brother-in-law stay. It’s not safe for him to leave in this state; he might vomit in the car. We have a doctor at home who can take care of him if needed. They are not familiar with Hong Kong Island, after all.”

Yi Qiong Ling and Xie Wenning had become good friends and also wanted them to stay the night. Holding hands with her little friend, they both pitifully looked towards Yi Siling.

Yi Siling found it difficult to refuse and eventually agreed. Liang Yongwen quickly instructed the servants to prepare toiletries. The group of drinkers moved to the living room, had a pot of tea, and half an hour later, the servants had cleaned four rooms, and everyone retired to their respective rooms.

The servant led Xie Xunzhi to his room, which happened to be next to Yi Siling’s. Although they were separate rooms, there was a hidden feature – the wall in between had a sliding door, and they shared a large balcony.

Yi Siling returned to her bedroom ahead of everyone else, ignoring the tipsy group. After bathing and changing into pajamas, she began her skincare routine, settling comfortably in bed. Shortly after, she heard a loud clang coming from the neighboring room.

The little tabby cat sleeping at the head of the bed suddenly sat up, its big round eyes wide open.

Yi Siling was equally startled and sat up in bed.

The room next door had been set up when she was younger to make it easier for Aunt Li to take care of her, but it had been left unused since she started school. The bedroom was much smaller than her living room, but it had all the essentials, including a bathroom and a walk-in closet.

For her mom to have assigned it to Xie Xunzhi was surprising to Yi Siling.

Yi Siling stared at the sliding door.

Clang, another sound came from the neighboring room.

Furrowing her brows, Yi Siling was unsure of what was happening next door; it sounded like a chair falling over.

She bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided to walk over and take a look. She wasn’t sure if Xie Xunzhi was drunk or not, but just in case he was, she couldn’t risk him being found dead drunk in the room, leaving her a widow before marriage.

She made her way across, not entirely certain if Xie Xunzhi was intoxicated or not, but the thought of him being in trouble was enough to prompt her to check on him.

She decided to go and check, not just for the sake of the bracelet and the flowers, but also because Xie Xunzhi had managed to impress her family.

The carpet in the bedroom was soft under her bare feet as Yi Siling approached the door, gently sliding the bolt open with a soft click. The sliding door moved smoothly, unfolding like a scroll painting.

The next moment, Yi Siling stood frozen in place, taking a sharp breath.

The air was humid, carrying the lingering steam from a recent shower, mixed with the scent of shower gel that hadn’t quite dissipated yet – a scent identical to what she was wearing at that moment.

The man sat slumped on the floor, one hand supporting himself while the other rested on his forehead, droplets of water trickling from his hair, leaving it damp.

His bathrobe was undone, his clothes disheveled, revealing a strong and well-defined chest and abdomen, with muscular and distinct lines. An overturned chair lay in disarray near his feet, indicating he had accidentally tripped over it.

He rarely showed such a lazy and carefree side; he was always meticulous, the epitome of a well-dressed gentleman with his tie perfectly fastened.

Yi Siling’s breathing slowed as her eyes stared fixedly, subconsciously swallowing. She knew he wasn’t a frail man who couldn’t lift or resist – his tall stature and muscular arms when rolled up hinted at his strength, but she hadn’t expected him to be this robust.

Xie Xunzhi could maintain composure in public, relying on his strong rationality and willpower to control his drunkenness. However, once in the room, he quickly headed to the bathroom, feeling sick. After vomiting and taking a shower, the steam-filled bathroom left him disoriented. He stumbled, not sure what caused it, and ended up falling to the ground.

His limbs felt heavy and weak, making it difficult for him to get up. He found it amusing, realizing it had been many years since he had been this drunk.

He closed his eyes, fingers pressing against his temples, trying to hold back the rising wave of drunkenness, until he heard the sound of a small scroll wheel sliding by his ear.

Despite being intoxicated, he remained sharp and instantly raised his head alertly to look in the direction of the sound.

As his gaze met that beautiful yet somewhat vacant face, he immediately relaxed, allowing the intoxication to engulf his rationality.

He exhaled a breath tinged with alcohol, smiled at Yi Siling, and beckoned with his finger.

Yi Siling stood there in disbelief, unable to comprehend how the man before her had transformed into this state.

No matter how you looked at it, he seemed a bit reckless.

Xie Xunzhi’s voice was low and hoarse, “Zhao Zhao, come here. Help me up.”

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