Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Envious Eyes

When they saw a cart full of things being brought to Luo Qiao’s house, everyone was extremely envious and eager to know what exactly was on that cart.

Luo Qiao opened the door and let them in, saying, “I don’t have any cups here, so I won’t pour you any water. But the cucumbers I grow are good. Let me wash a few for you to taste.”

The party secretary and the Captain helped move the things into the kitchen. Just as Luo Qiao finished washing the cucumbers and prepared a basin of water for everyone to wash their hands, she handed each person a cucumber.

The party secretary and the Captain had other matters to attend to, so they left the cart behind and departed first, leaving Luo Qiao to return the cart to the battalion headquarters later.

Luo Qiao thanked them and saw them out of the door before returning.

She said, “Please sit in the courtyard for a moment. I’ll go prepare something for you right away.”

First, she went to the backyard where she had grown some melons using her abilities to ripen them. She picked over a dozen of them, then harvested various vegetables and some dried vegetables and mushrooms she had previously sun-dried. Additionally, she took out three pounds of dried red dates from her storage space.

She also wrapped two packets of her own pickled spicy cabbage and crispy cucumbers in umbrella paper from her storage space. These items didn’t look impressive, and while they seemed inexpensive, anyone with discernment would recognize their value.

Finally, she took out three fish from the kitchen. However, figuring out how to transport the fish posed a problem. She looked at Qiao Yu and asked, “Do you have any buckets on your car that are used for adding water to the tank?”

Qiao Yu replied, “Yes, I do. Why?”

“Take these fish and pour them into your bucket,” she said.

Qiao Yu replied, “We won’t take these fish. Keep them for yourself to eat.”

Luo Qiao said, “There’s a pool up in the mountains where you can catch fish. Take them back to eat. I’ll go back up the mountain later to catch more.”

Looking at the things in the courtyard, she thought thankfully that the Captain and the party secretary had left the cart behind.

She loaded the things onto the cart, locked the door, and headed to where she parked. After loading everything onto the car, Qiao Yu gave Luo Qiao a piece of paper with their three names, work units, address, and phone numbers.

Seeing that Luo Qiao hesitated to take it, Qiao Yu said, “Take it. In case you need help, you can call the number on it.”

Qiao Aihong added, “Luo Qiao, if you come into town in the future, you must come find me to hang out. I’ll treat you to something delicious.”

Qiao Yu brought over the water bucket from the car and poured the fish into it. The back of the car was packed full, with some things even placed on the rear seats.

After seeing off the guests, Luo Qiao carried the empty bucket to the storage room.

As soon as she entered, someone asked, “Luo Qiao, were those people just now the ones who delivered a package to you?”

Luo Qiao smiled and replied, “No, I helped them out a bit earlier. They happened to come by to take care of some business and stopped by to see me.”

The woman said, “Then they must have come to bring you a thank-you gift. You’re really lucky. How come we never come across such good fortune?”

Next to her, a woman remarked, “Just thinking of good things.” Everyone in the warehouse burst into laughter.

Aunt Qiao had already helped Luo Qiao collect the fertilizer, just half a day’s work for two bags, enough to earn seven work points upon completion.

The woman wanted to ask a few more questions, but Luo Qiao said, “Auntie, we’ve already delayed a bit. If we wait any longer, we might not finish the task on time. I’ll get to work first.”

With that, she took out the gloves Aunt Qiao had given her and sat down where she had been yesterday.

Early in the morning, Lu Yichen had already told Shitou about what he and Luo Qiao had discussed while bringing him food. Shitou, with red eyes, said, “Thank you, Brother Lu Yichen and Sister Luo Qiao.”

After consoling him for a while, Lu Yichen left. Shitou endured the pain and turned his head to watch Lu Yichen disappear at the door of the room, then quietly cried for a while.


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1 comment
  1. Yasumine Mousa has spoken 2 months ago

    oh, changed his address to “brother.” 😂 this kid is perceptive.


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