Madam, She Has A Tender Heart
Madam, She Has A Tender Heart Chapter 50: The Money Is Gone

“Dad, why are you here?”

As soon as Su Qingyu walked into the yard, she saw Father Su walking towards her.

“Something happened.”

Su Qingyu led Father Su to the main hall for entertaining guests. Seeing that he looked worried, she poured him a cup of tea and said, “Dad, drink some tea first to moisten your mouth.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Dad, is there something wrong at home?”

Father Su had a worried look on his face. He put the cup on the table and shook his head: “Everything is fine at home. It’s your dàgū.”[1]eldest paternal aunt

“My dàgū? What’s wrong? Dad, have you been to her house?”

When Su Qingyu got married, her dàgū’s family only sent gifts, but no one came. Father Su was a little worried. When Su Youwen got married and no one came, he wanted to go and see her. But for various reasons, he didn’t go, and only went to her house after he sent Su Youwen away.

Only then did he realize that something really happened.

Dà gūfù [2]husband of paternal aunt was crushed by a huge rock in the quarry and one of his legs was broken and bloody.

“Ah, how did this happen? How are the people?”

“He is awake, but his internal organs were compressed. He can’t even breathe and bleeds when he coughs. One of his legs is also broken. Your dàgū sold all five mu of land and borrowed some money from your cousin’s in-laws to buy wild ginseng to keep him alive. He is awake now, but there is no money to treat his legs. Your uncle insisted that your aunt take him home, saying that he couldn’t be treated. He costs one or two taels of silver a day in the clinic, and the whole family has to eat and drink in the county…”

Su Qingyu sighed. It had been the same since ancient times. Poor people couldn’t afford medical treatment.

“What does the doctor say?”

“The doctor said that the internal injuries can be healed in a few months, but if the leg is not treated, once the meridians are necrotic, it will have to be amputated. He said that if it is treated, although it cannot be restored to its original state, at least the leg can be alive and can be used even if it is lame.”

Su Qingyu nodded. It would be so inconvenient to amputate. Even if he was lame, if he had both legs, he could still walk and run.

“Gūfù refuses to treat himself?”

Father Su shook his head: “He said the family had no money and refused treatment. They sold everything that needed to be sold, and only those mud and thatched houses were left. They were worthless and no one wanted them. Your gūfù was sorry for the money, so he asked the doctor to saw off his leg…”

“If it can be cured, we must treat it.” In a farmer’s family, losing a leg made everything inconvenient.

“Dad advised him the same thing. Your dàgū and biǎojiě [3]older female cousin from father’s sister also said they wanted to treat him. But they’ve borrowed money all the way, and it’s not enough. Dad couldn’t bear to see your Gūfù half dead… Your dàgū had a hard life. Your biological naǐ nai [4]paternal grandmother died early, and she managed everything by herself. Dad was raised by her. Your step-naǐ nai married her to a family in the mountains who didn’t have a few acres of land. They didn’t even have an acre of land, and they had to work in a quarry to support the family…”

“Your biǎogē [5]male cousin from father’s sister older in age was drafted into the army the year before last, and your biǎosǎo [6]wife of an older male cousin from father’s sister also ran away last year, leaving her children behind… Your biǎodi [7]younger male cousin from father’s sister and biǎomèi [8]younger female cousin from father’s sister ​​haven’t gotten married yet, and they have cultivated five mu of wasteland, but it’s only enough to feed the family, with nothing left…”

Su Qingyu was silent for a moment, then said, “There was an accident at the quarry. Didn’t the quarry provide compensation?”

Father Su was a little angry when he heard this: “Not even a cent of compensation! They even said your gūfu had damaged a good piece of stone and wanted your gūfu to pay for it! Fortunately, your gūfu’s co-workers spoke up for him, and the boss said he would not pay, but he also fired your gūfu.”

Su Qingyu let out a long sigh. It has always been the case that thin arms cannot twist thick thighs.

Father Su saw that Su Qingyu was frowning and not saying anything, and he didn’t know how to start.

“Dad, if you have something to say, just say it.”

Father Su was a little embarrassed to speak: “That’s right, Dad came here today, just to ask you to ask your father-in-law to see if you can borrow some money from him. Seeing your gūfu lying on the bed with a dead look on his face, Dad really can’t bear it.”

“Father originally didn’t plan to come looking for you. You just got married, and now your husband just went away. Father didn’t want you to have to endure their disdain. However, your dàgū is too pitiful; she has never enjoyed a single day of happiness…”

As Father Su spoke, his eyes turned red.

“I went to look for your èrgū [9]second sister of father. I originally thought she had married well, and her husband’s family had fields and shops, so they could lend some money to your dàgū. But she said that the shop needed capital turnover, and she didn’t have much, so she only lent one or two taels.”

This èrgū was also amazing.

It turned out that since she was not born to the same mother, she couldn’t empathize with her father.

“Dad, wait for me here for a while.”

Su Qingyu turned around and went back to her room, taking out fifty taels of silver and giving it to Father Su.

“Dad, take this fifty taels and give them to my dàgū first so that my gūfu can treat his leg. We can slowly figure out a way to get the rest of the money.”

Father Su was shocked: “Where did you get so much money?”

“Your son-in-law saved this. Dad, you can give it to your eldest aunt. I originally wanted to use this money to start a small business. I’ve already picked a shop. Now that your dàgū needs it, I’ll lend it to gūfu to treat his leg.”

Father Su stared at the banknotes in a daze: “This is so much. Dad originally only planned to borrow ten or twenty taels from your father-in-law, and your grandfather secretly gave me two taels. Now with this money, your gūfu can also treat his leg. No matter what, he must keep his leg.”

Su Qingyu nodded: “Well, then you go, Dad. Do you want me to go with you?”

Father Su shook his head: “Dad can go alone. It’s not good for you, a newly married daughter-in-law, to run around everywhere. After a few days when your gūfu’s mood is more stable, Dad will take you to visit him.”


Su Qingyu watched her father leave and let out a long sigh.

It seemed that she wouldn’t be able to sign the appointment for tomorrow.

She wanted to make money more and more. She wanted to make a lot of money, otherwise she couldn’t afford medical treatment. She didn’t want to beg for help from everyone, borrow money from everywhere, and have to accept other people’s advice when she got sick.

To achieve financial freedom, you must first solve the problem of freedom in eating and drinking, then freedom in seeing a doctor, then freedom in buying a house and a shop, and then…

The short-term goal was to ensure freedom in eating, drinking, and seeing a doctor, and the medium-term goal was to ensure freedom in buying a house, a shop, a field and land.

Su Qingyu, you can do it!

Looking at the remaining ten taels of silver in her purse, Su Qingyu was depressed.

She couldn’t afford the rent. She liked the shop so much. It was big and spacious, with a big backyard, a well, a house, and a warehouse. Five taels was really worth it. If she was afraid, it might be robbed.

Twenty taels, where could she get twenty taels?

The next day, at the appointed time, Su Qingyu showed up on time. The shop owner showed up at the brokerage firm almost at the same time as her.

Su Qing’an looked at the owner of the shop, who was a kind-looking old man, and she breathed a sigh of relief. When Li Yaren took out the lease agreement, Su Qingyu immediately pressed the agreement.

She smiled at the owner and said, “You are about the same age as my grandfather, so I will call you Uncle Xie. I have some special circumstances today, so I hope you will understand.”

Seeing Li Yaren and the kind-looking Mr. Xie looking at her in confusion, Su Qingyu organized her words and said, “I am very satisfied with your shop, but I don’t have enough money today…”

Li Yaren frowned, and Mr. Xie leaned back in his chair and looked at Su Qing’an: “Young lady, you are not trying to get something for nothing, are you? If you had told me earlier that you didn’t have enough money, I wouldn’t have to make this trip. Many people are waiting to rent, and you are not the only one.”

After saying that, he stood up to leave.

Su Qingyu quickly stood up and held him back: “Uncle Xie, don’t worry, just sit down and listen to me slowly, it won’t take up much of your time.”

“You are insincere, little lady.”

“Master, I am sincere! I paid the money for the broker yesterday, two taels of silver!”

“So are you going to give me some money or not? You have already paid two taels of silver, and now you’re saying that you don’t want to give me some? Are you just throwing away two taels of silver for nothing?”

After the old man finished speaking, he complained in his heart, whose wife was this? There was no man with her. Was she out of her mind?

(End of this chapter)


1 eldest paternal aunt
2 husband of paternal aunt
3 older female cousin from father’s sister
4 paternal grandmother
5 male cousin from father’s sister older in age
6 wife of an older male cousin from father’s sister
7 younger male cousin from father’s sister
8 younger female cousin from father’s sister
9 second sister of father

Chaitali Das[Translator]

Hi, A mom of two sons who is obsessed with Cnovels, Kdrama and cooking. And now my interest also includes making the MTL's of the novels I read more legible, use AI to generate image for my chapters and of course will love to hear from fellow booklovers. I unlock one chapter each from my two novels that have paid chapters. If I don't unlock one in a week, the consecutive week will have two.

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