You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 31.2

Chapter 31.2

In the evening, after Xu Yuan showered and was applying skincare at the dressing table, Meng Zhengrong was watching TV on the bed. Though they didn’t speak, the atmosphere was pleasant.

Xu Yuan, after some internal deliberation, casually asked, “We’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t had time to visit the family. Do you think they’ll mind?”

Meng Zhengrong responded nonchalantly, “Don’t worry about it.”

Typically, in a marriage, interactions are more frequent with immediate family, whereas extended relatives, like uncles, are usually seen only during holidays.

“Could you tell me about the family relatives? I don’t want to make any mistakes and be a laughingstock.”

Hearing this, Meng Zhengrong looked at her, understanding her intention. She wanted to know about the relatives’ personalities, which was essential.

“Don’t worry about that,” Meng Zhengrong said. “Other relatives will likely leave Meng Corporation voluntarily after my uncle is gone.”

Even Father Meng wouldn’t tolerate multiple freeloaders in the company.

Why target Shen Ming specifically?

Because he was a prime example. There were other relatives in Meng Corporation who behaved properly, only taking annual dividends and not causing trouble. Meng Zhengrong didn’t mind them. However, if they ever acted like Shen Ming, he wouldn’t hesitate to deal with them.

Mainly, it was a few relatives from the Shen family. Previously, it wasn’t much of an issue, but in the past few years, perhaps seeing Shen Ming becoming a bit unscrupulous, they have also started to get bolder.

Shen Ming is his maternal uncle. If even his uncle leaves Meng Corporation, the others will also be like startled birds, and it won’t benefit them to tear their faces. They will definitely obediently submit their resignations and leave.

The reason Meng Zhengrong didn’t act before was, first, because there was no suitable candidate, and second, because of his mother. After all, his mother’s relatives were also his relatives. If it wasn’t too excessive, he wouldn’t want things to reach this point.

“What about uncle’s children?” This was Xu Yuan’s concern. If Shen Ming’s children had hopes of working at Meng Corporation in the future, she wouldn’t make things too difficult for Shen Ming. If Meng Zhengrong didn’t have that intention, she wouldn’t need to be concerned.

Meng Zhengrong thought about what his mother said today, and his face darkened. “You have met them before, one son and one daughter. The eldest is the son, named Shen Cheng. He doesn’t have much ability and is still an undergraduate. I won’t let another parasite come in after having one.”

Okay, she could be a bit more at ease then.

After all, the company belonged to the Meng family, and no matter what, Shen Ming was Meng Zhengrong’s uncle. He was now determined to kick Shen Ming out, but would he allow his children in the future, considering their relationship?

As he said this, Xu Yuan had already gotten onto the bed and sat beside him.

“What about the other cousin?” Xu Yuan pursued further.

Meng Zhengrong seemed not to like this cousin much, as his eyebrows furrowed. “My cousin’s name is Shen Xin, a year older than Pingting. Speaking of which, it reminds me of something. Back then, my uncle and aunt had ideas. At that time, my mom wanted to have a daughter but couldn’t conceive. Shen Xin was born shortly after, and my uncle suggested adopting Shen Xin to our family. My mom was tempted, but my dad disagreed. While they were deadlocked, my mom got pregnant.”

Xu Yuan wanted to laugh and applaud Shen Ming and his wife’s cleverness, willing to send their biological daughter away to pave the way. It was truly admirable.

However, what Meng Zhengrong said was quite intriguing. She decided to dig deeper for useful information. “Do Pingting and Shen Xin know about this?”

“How could they not know? Someone taught Shen Xin when she was young to call my mom ‘Mom’. Pingting fought with her several times because of it.” Meng Zhengrong recalled this and couldn’t help but laugh. “You know, Pingting was particularly jealous as a child. She would be unhappy if I treated others well. You know how kids have a possessive nature towards their mothers. They don’t want siblings because they’re afraid of losing their mothers, not their fathers. So when Shen Xin called my mom ‘Mom’, you can imagine how angry Pingting was. The two of them have been at odds ever since.”

This is the useful information Xu Yuan wanted.

Meng Pingting couldn’t stand Shen Xin, and Meng Zhengrong couldn’t stand Shen Cheng. Shen Ming wouldn’t last long at Meng Corporation. This family would be cut off from the Meng Family in the future, so they could boldly deal with them.

“Uncle and my aunt’s relationship with mom is really good. If it were me, I wouldn’t be willing to give my daughter to someone else and let her call someone else ‘Mom’.”

Xu Yuan’s words were artful. What did kids know? If adults hadn’t taught them, why would they call someone else ‘Mom’?

Even if Shen Xin was stupid, she should know who her real mother was, right?

From the looks of it, Shen Ming and his wife were quite greedy, but fortunately, their intelligence seemed limited. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have ended up like this.

Meng Zhengrong realized this too. “Later, Pingting beat Shen Xin so much that she didn’t dare call my mom ‘Mom’ anymore.”

The phrase “an eye for an eye” wasn’t appropriate here. After all, although Meng Pingting was spoiled, she wasn’t evil. However, from Meng Zhengrong’s words, it was clear that Shen Xin was quite afraid of Meng Pingting.

The conversation ended, and Xu Yuan got the information she wanted. She didn’t feel like chatting anymore. Just as she was about to lie down, she noticed Meng Zhengrong’s feet had somehow moved next to hers, touching her feet.

Xu Yuan’s feet were white, smooth, and well-maintained, with rounded nails. Compared to them, Meng Zhengrong’s feet looked a bit dark.

She silently moved her feet away, but Meng Zhengrong followed closely.

“What are you doing?” Xu Yuan turned her head to look at him, her tone calm.

“I’m cold.” Meng Zhengrong thought that chasing someone couldn’t involve dignity. If he wanted to be dignified, he would continue being a cool boy. But if he remained a cool boy, he couldn’t cuddle with his wife or do indescribable things. So he decided not to be a cool boy anymore.

It was almost July, and they had to use air conditioning at night, yet he claimed he was cold?

Xu Yuan saw through Meng Zhengrong’s thoughts but didn’t want to expose him.

If he wanted to be close, let him be close.

Seeing she wasn’t showing any signs of displeasure, Meng Zhengrong felt relieved. Today, he was touching her feet. Tomorrow, he would hold her hand, and the day after, kiss her…

Actually, Meng Zhengrong felt quite timid. Even though she was his wife, he was more cautious and careful than during his first love. In short, thirty-one-year-old Meng Zhengrong felt the sensation of a first love again with twenty-three-year-old Xu Yuan.


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