You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 33.3

Chapter 33.3

When Meng Zhengrong arrived at the banquet hall, several business friends immediately came up to greet him. Shen Ming and his wife, who were flushed with excitement, also approached.

Meng Zhengrong handed a gift box to Shen Ming. “Uncle, this is a gift from Xu Yuan and me. Happy birthday.”

Shen Ming cheerfully accepted it. Having had a few drinks, he was in high spirits and didn’t notice his son’s desperate signaling.

Mrs. Shen, however, did notice. She looked around but didn’t see Xu Yuan, her heart sinking. She asked, still holding onto a sliver of hope, “Zhengrong, where’s Xu Yuan? Why didn’t I see her?”

Xu Yuan couldn’t have not come, right?

How could that be? Today was her uncle-in-law’s birthday!

Meng Zhengrong apologized, “I’m really sorry. Xu Yuan wasn’t feeling well before we left. I think she might have eaten something bad. I told her to rest at home. Uncle, Aunt, please don’t take it to heart. We’ll visit another day to apologize in person.”

A nearby businessman flattered, “Mrs. Meng is truly virtuous. I’ve heard she is well-mannered and filial.”

Meng Zhengrong nodded slightly. “No, no, it’s just what the younger generation should do.”

Shen Ming and his wife were completely stunned.

They had considered many possibilities but never imagined Xu Yuan wouldn’t come!

Their plan to have her run into Chen Hao was now useless!

What would Meng Zhengrong think if he saw Chen Hao here? For a moment, both Shen Ming and his wife felt a chill down their spines.

With Xu Yuan absent, Meng Zhengrong would surely direct his anger towards them… What were they to do?

Though their minds were in turmoil, Mrs. Shen forced a smile. “Xu Yuan isn’t feeling well? She should see a doctor and not delay.”

Being her husband, Shen Ming immediately understood his wife’s meaning and quickly added, “Yes, yes, Zhengrong, you should go back. If Xu Yuan feels unwell and you’re stuck here, my sister will scold me.”

They just hoped Meng Zhengrong would leave quickly. They weren’t sure if Chen Hao had arrived yet.

They hadn’t considered that if Xu Yuan didn’t come but Meng Zhengrong did, it would be like lifting a rock only to drop it on their own feet!

Meng Zhengrong could tell from their behavior that there was indeed something fishy, and it involved Xu Yuan. Otherwise, why would they be so anxious to send him away upon learning she didn’t come?

In the past, he would have left to avoid embarrassing his uncle, but things were different now. He needed to understand what was going on.

Because they were targeting Xu Yuan.

Meng Zhengrong looked at Shen Ming and said meaningfully, “Uncle cares too much about us juniors. It was Xu Yuan’s fault for not coming today. She should have been here. But since she wasn’t feeling well, I couldn’t make her come and ruin everyone’s mood. As for Xu Yuan’s health, there’s no need to worry. We have a doctor at home, and if she feels really unwell, she’ll call me.”

He paused, looking at his aunt, and smiled, “Unless I’m so unwelcome that I can’t even have a piece of cake?”

Shen Ming and his wife didn’t know how to respond, forced to laugh awkwardly. “What are you talking about? We’re just worried about Xu Yuan.”

“No need to worry, it’s just a minor issue. We have a doctor at home watching over her. If she feels worse, she’ll call me.”

At this moment, Shen Xin also came in, delighted to see Meng Zhengrong. She ran up and clung to his arm, pouting and acting spoiled, “Cousin, I haven’t seen you in so long. Finally, I see you today.”

Those who didn’t know better might think Shen Xin and Meng Zhengrong had a good relationship.

In reality, Meng Zhengrong disliked Shen Xin very much. Although he didn’t care much about Meng Pingting, he was very protective of his sister. When they were young, Shen Xin often bullied Meng Pingting, who only learned to fight back as she got older.

Shen Xin used to always take Meng Pingting’s clothes and shoes, which Mother Meng naturally gave to her. Meng Pingting, feeling wronged, would often complain and cry to Meng Zhengrong.

Although Meng Zhengrong was dissatisfied with Shen Xin and his mother, he felt it was wrong to directly express his dissatisfaction towards a little girl. So, whenever Meng Pingting cried to him, he would take her to buy new things, which made her happy again.

Shen Xin had always liked Meng Zhengrong and would cling to him whenever she visited Meng’s house.

Meng Zhengrong subtly pushed her hand away and smiled, “Xiao Xin has grown taller.”

Shen Xin was thrilled to be praised by him. “Right? Right? I’m even taller than Xu… uh, cousin-in-law, right?”

Meng Zhengrong didn’t respond, just smiled.

Shen Xin had completely forgotten the family’s plan, her mind full of Meng Zhengrong. She actually disliked her brother, thinking he wasn’t handsome or smart. She envied Meng Pingting for having such an outstanding brother. When she was in middle and high school, if she ran into Meng Zhengrong while shopping with friends, she would greet him, making her friends envious, thinking Meng Zhengrong was her real brother.

When Chen Hao and Sun Zhi arrived, they didn’t immediately see Meng Zhengrong, who was surrounded by people wherever he went.

Sun Zhi ignored Chen Hao’s habit of looking around as soon as he entered.

It’s no use for Chen Hao to regret it now, because Xu Yuan is already married. She was here today to keep an eye on Chen Hao because Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong would definitely come together. If Chen Hao suddenly lost his mind and did something inappropriate, it would anger Meng Zhengrong and cause trouble for everyone. She had to keep a close watch on this fool.

Chen Hao kept looking around until he accidentally made eye contact with Meng Zhengrong.

He shrank back in fear.

Meng Zhengrong’s gaze turned cold upon seeing Chen Hao.

What was he doing here?

He looked at Shen Ming and then at Mrs. Shen. One glance from him made them both silent. If possible, they would have liked to turn and leave, not wanting to face Meng Zhengrong’s anger.

Now Meng Zhengrong understood the Shen family’s plan.

He really wanted to applaud them for their audacity.

Exactly! According to normal thinking, as long as the couple had conflicts and disagreements, they naturally wouldn’t have time to care about who was responsible for the charity project.

They didn’t dare to touch him, so they targeted Xu Yuan, thinking they could manipulate the situation. But did they really think he was the type to let personal feelings interfere with work? Since he had already decided to replace Shen Ming, even if he had conflicts with Xu Yuan and she quit, would that stop him from taking action?

If he was that easily swayed, the Meng family business would have closed down long ago!

In fact, Shen Ming and Mrs. Shen had hit a sore spot for Meng Zhengrong. He had been determined to pursue her for a while now, yet she showed no reaction. And now, this worthless guy who couldn’t compare to him in any way was standing before him, reminding him of his failures. How could he not be furious?

Chen Hao didn’t see Xu Yuan and didn’t know what was going on, but he just wanted to turn around and leave.

The problem was, his male pride was kicking in. He hadn’t done anything wrong, so why should he run away like a coward?

Shen Ming, gritting his teeth and stomping his foot, decided to attend to other guests, temporarily ignoring the situation. Mrs. Shen was so angry she could have jumped. She couldn’t believe her husband was so irresponsible. Despite this, she quickly followed him, pulling Shen Xin along before leaving. She wasn’t worried about her son, but her daughter was too foolish. She had to be taken away to prevent Meng Zhengrong from venting his anger on her.

Meng Zhengrong kept an eye on Chen Hao. When Chen Hao entered the restroom, Meng Zhengrong followed him.

Sun Zhi noticed Meng Zhengrong entering the restroom and knew things were going south. But what could she do at this point? She just hoped Chen Hao would be smart enough not to provoke Meng Zhengrong. No matter how wealthy his family was, she didn’t want to be involved with someone who couldn’t handle such a situation.

When Chen Hao came out, he saw Meng Zhengrong leaning against the wall, unbuttoning his sleeves.

Chen Hao instinctively took a step back.

Seeing this, Meng Zhengrong became even angrier, thinking about how Xu Yuan could like someone like this. Despite his inner turmoil, he didn’t show it on his face. He straightened up and walked slowly toward Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was shorter than Meng Zhengrong and felt even less confident now.

“Listen up.”

Meng Zhengrong’s voice was low, with a chill that made people shiver.

“I don’t care who invited you here. Today, I’m warning you. From now on, if you happen to run into my wife, you better avoid her and make sure she doesn’t see you. If you deliberately try to meet her…” Meng Zhengrong paused, then actually smiled. “Then your whole family won’t have a good day.”

“Do you hear me?”

Chen Hao’s body trembled. He didn’t even dare to look up at Meng Zhengrong and could only whisper, “I hear you.”

Right now, Meng Zhengrong really wanted to rush home, grab Xu Yuan by the shoulders, and shake her, demanding, “What did you see in this coward? Were you blind?!”


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Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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