Would You Confess Your Love To A Mafia Heiress?
Would You Confess Your Love To A Mafia Heiress? Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Advanced Skills, Extraordinary Body

Su Jiang walked home, the sky completely dark, feeling a bit weary.

Since the appearance of the system, his life had been anything but peaceful, with various troubles coming one after another.

Su Jiang had a feeling deep down that no matter how he tried to avoid it, he couldn’t escape these troubles.

“Is it fate, or am I just overthinking…”

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and receiving a random reward!]

[Random reward being drawn…]

The system’s voice sounded, and Su Jiang felt numb.

However, as time passed by, the system notification sound didn’t ring, causing Su Jiang to furrow his brow, feeling a hint of doubt.

Has it taken this long for the reward to be drawn?

Just as Su Jiang was silently pondering, the system notification sound rang out.

[Congratulations to the host for drawing a special reward – Blank Skill Scroll!]

[The Blank Skill Scroll is extremely rare. After use, it can provide the host with the most needed skill at the moment!]

[Would you like to use the Blank Skill Scroll?]

Su Jiang was taken aback, immediately responding in his mind, “Yes!”

[Successful use of the Blank Skill Scroll!]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the advanced skill – Extraordinary Body!]

In an instant, an unprecedented sense of power surged from within Su Jiang.

He could feel every cell in his body brimming with vitality, making his movements incredibly light.

Although his muscle mass hadn’t significantly changed, each contraction and relaxation now contained immense energy.


Casually throwing a punch into the air, it generated a gust of wind.

The current Su Jiang seemed to have undergone a transformation. If Li Cai from a few hours ago faced the current Su Jiang, even a kick would result in at least a third-degree disability.

Su Jiang’s mood improved with the Extraordinary Body, which was the crucial ability he needed to compensate for his physical shortcomings.

Combined with his previously acquired expertise in combat, Su Jiang now could be said to fear no combat with any cold weapon.

Back home, it was already 8:30 in the evening.

Tomorrow was a rare weekend, and although he didn’t know when An Rou would come to pick him up, he planned to sleep until he naturally woke up.

After taking a hot shower, Su Jiang lay down on the bed, ready to drift off to sleep.

Suddenly, he remembered something and got out of bed, walking to the living room. He picked up a glass that he rarely used and hung it lightly on the door handle.

This way, if someone tried to quietly open the door to enter the house, the glass would fall and make a sound due to the movement of the door handle.

This was a precaution against retaliation from the Lin family. Although Su Jiang wasn’t sure if these underworld families engaged in midnight assassinations, it was better to be safe than sorry.

After making sure the door was locked, Su Jiang finally fell asleep peacefully.

Meanwhile, at the An family, in An Mingjie’s study.

An Mingjie sat on the sofa in the study, his left leg casually raised, and the tips of his right fingers holding a slowly burning cigarette.

Amidst the swirling smoke, his face appeared particularly profound, lost in thought.

On the other side, Li Cai sat quietly, facing An Mingjie, his expression serious.

“…That’s the situation. Lin Hui probably won’t let it go easily. As for Su Jiang, should we protect him?”

Li Cai leaned towards protecting Su Jiang, believing that if Su Jiang joined the An family, it would significantly boost their strength.

An Mingjie remained silent, deep in thought. The development described by Li Cai was too unbelievable.

If it weren’t for their long-standing relationship, An Mingjie would have thought Li Cai was joking.

After a long pause, An Mingjie tapped the table and spoke, “From your perspective, is there a possibility that this Su Jiang is affiliated with the Feng family?”

Li Cai was taken aback by the question and replied, “It’s unlikely. He seems to have no contact with the three major families, and we’ve checked; his background is clean.”

“Clean background? Are you saying his student status?” An Mingjie chuckled, shook his head, and continued, “A student who can make you suffer in hand-to-hand combat?”

“A student who can cleanly deal with Scar, even intimidate Lin Hui by firing a gun?”

“A student who is so proficient with firearms, not only possessing terrifying shooting accuracy but also dismantling a handgun like performing magic in front of you?”

Listening to An Mingjie’s words, Li Cai’s forehead kept sweating. He indeed hadn’t delved deeper into these thoughts. He only saw the uniqueness in Su Jiang but hadn’t carefully considered why a student would have such abilities.

“Could it be that he’s not a student?”

“No, he is indeed a student.” An Mingjie stood up, walked to the window, gazing into the night, “However, we can’t treat him as just a student.”

“Just like Lin Hui, if we continue to see him as a student, today’s Scar will be tomorrow’s An family!”

Li Cai nodded in agreement. The reason Scar and Lin Hui acted as they did today ultimately stemmed from not taking Su Jiang seriously from the start.

“We don’t need to rush with Su Jiang’s matter; I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”

“What’s urgent now is the meeting between the Feng family and the Gray Zone family.”

Passing through the soft light of the study, An Mingjie walked slowly to a simple wooden table.

On the table, a chessboard lay quietly. He absentmindedly picked up a black piece from the chess box, holding it gently in his hand.

“Yes, tomorrow night they are meeting with the leading family from the Gray Zone. What should we do?”

Li Cai’s face showed clear anxiety. He knew the importance of this meeting for the An family; any misstep could affect the fate of the entire family.

“Relax, don’t be so nervous…” An Mingjie’s voice was as gentle as a spring breeze, devoid of any panic, “It’s impossible for the leading family in the Gray Zone to join forces with the Feng family.”

“Why?” Li Cai asked in confusion.

An Mingjie smiled slightly, gently placing the black piece in his hand on the chessboard, producing a crisp sound.

He looked up, his gaze deep as he stared at Li Cai, “Because the Feng family lacks the capability.”

“Throughout history, any alliance is based on mutual benefits. While the Feng family may have some resources in the short term, their decline is inevitable in the long run.”

“The younger generation of the three major underworld families in Jiangdu City – An family has me, Lin family has Lin Hui, but what about the Feng family?”

“The younger generation of the Feng family lacks capable individuals. To this day, the old family head, Feng Chengye, is still at the helm.”

“Any sensible leading family in the Gray Zone wouldn’t invest in a family destined to decline.”

Upon hearing An Mingjie’s analysis, most of Li Cai’s doubts dissipated, but he was still puzzled, “If the leading family in the Gray Zone won’t ally with the Feng family, why arrange a meeting with them?”

“Hehe.” An Mingjie chuckled, “They don’t want to meet the Feng family; they want to meet the leaders of the three major families in Jiangdu City!”

“They deliberately leaked the news of this meeting to make us and the Lin family restless. Once we know, we will undoubtedly find a way to the Fengting Tavern. This way, they can meet the leaders of all three major families at once, achieving their true goal.”

“Lin Hui must have seen through this, which is why he informed you.”

Li Cai nodded, suddenly enlightened, looking at An Mingjie with admiration, feeling fortunate.

Fortunately, the An family had a figure like An Mingjie. Without him in recent years, the An family wouldn’t have been able to suppress the Lin family.

At that moment, An Mingjie paused in moving the chess pieces, seeming to have a realization. He smiled faintly, a glint of determination in his eyes, murmuring:

“So, it seems tomorrow presents an opportunity…”

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