The Daily Life of an 80s Gangster Spoiling His Wife
The Daily Life of an 80s Gangster Spoiling His Wife Chapter 9.2

Chapter 9.2

But now, Zhou Yao has changed his mind. The money could go to anyone, just not this family.

One thousand yuan for a bride price was considered a huge sum in the rural area in 1987.

“We’ve raised her for several years too. I don’t care, the money is already in our hands and we won’t give it to you!” Li Huahong glared.

Zhou Yao squinted, lightly tossing out two words: “Is that so?”

The next second, he suddenly overturned the table in front of him. The bowls, plates, and chopsticks crashed to the ground with a huge noise, startling the other three people in the room.

Wen Yue didn’t expect Zhou Yao to act so suddenly. She stood there with her mouth slightly open, staring blankly at the mess on the floor, unsure of what to do.

Should she also throw something to show her displeasure?

But it seemed like there was nothing left to throw…

Zhou Yao continued to sit confidently, smiling at Wen Guoqiang, “So, one word: give it or not?”

Wen Guoqiang could no longer maintain his gentle facade. His face twitches involuntarily, and he said darkly, “Xiao Yao, don’t you think this is a bit too much?”

“Is this too much?” Zhou Yao stood up, looking down at Wen Guoqiang with an air of arrogance and a hint of danger in his tone. “Uncle, you’re a smart man, and smart people always know when to adapt. Today, I’m giving you two choices.”

He extended two long fingers, “One, hand over the land and money voluntarily. Two, hand over the land and money involuntarily.”

Zhou Yao smiled, looking quite pleased, his handsome face particularly striking.

Wen Guoqiang furrowed his brows tightly and tried to struggle: “Xiao Yao, we’re considered family now. There’s no need to make things so awkward between us…”

“So you mean you don’t want to give it?” Zhou Yao nodded, understanding. “Alright, we’ll leave it for today. I’ll bring people back tomorrow. Let’s go home.”

“Huh? Oh~” Wen Yue also stood up and obediently followed Zhou Yao.

She didn’t quite understand what was happening. Was this it? They were leaving?

Zhou Yao casually said, “There might be a lot of people coming tomorrow. Uncle, you’d better prepare.”

Wen Guoqiang detected the threat in the words, and his expression changed again.

He knew Zhou Yao would bring people tomorrow. The whole village knew that Zhou Yao was idle all day long, following a group of young people who were also doing nothing. Young people of this age were impulsive and reckless, so no one wanted to confront them head-on, and usually just cursed at them in private.

But a thousand yuan was a significant amount. Wen Guoqiang was unwilling to give it away like this.

“Oh, by the way,” Zhou Yao stopped at the door to the main room, as if recalling something. He asked, “I remember Wen Hua is a teacher at the county elementary school?”

Wen Guoqiang became more nervous, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants: “Why are you asking that!?”

Wen Hua was his and Li Hua Hong’s eldest son, 22 years old, and the first high school graduate in the village. Although he didn’t get into college, a vocational school graduate was quite impressive at that time.

He had first worked as a small manager in a factory in the county for two years, then used connections to become an elementary school teacher. Wen Hua was their pride!

Zhou Yao smiled lightly: “Oh, nothing much. It’s just been a long time since I saw him. I was thinking of finding time to catch up.”

Wen Guoqiang: “??” They’re not even familiar with each other; what’s there to catch up on!

Li Huahong chimed in sharply: “You’re not allowed to go!!”

This was a threat! An outright threat!!

Wen Hua was their pride, and Zhou Yao had stepped on their Achilles’ heel.

Wen Guoqiang took a deep breath, as if seeing Zhou Yao for the first time, and scrutinized him up and down. Reluctantly and unwillingly, he said, “I’ll give you the money and land.”

“No, we can’t give it!” Li Huahong screamed in protest, “Didn’t we agree to keep the money for Wenhuai’s marriage!?”

Wen Guoqiang glared at her angrily: “Be quiet!”

If the money is not returned, your son will not be able to get married, and it is doubtful whether he will get into trouble! If I had known, I should not have listened to this woman and married Wen Yue. If it was Xiaoyu who married, Zhou Yao would not be able to get the betrothal money back no matter what!

He showed some resolve, commanding Li Huahong to fetch the money. She was reluctant, but he glared at her repeatedly until she complied. Li Huahong didn’t dare defy Wen Guoqiang. With a long face, she slowly went into the house, and a few minutes later, came out with a thick stack of money.

Wen Guoqiang counted it, pulled out a bundle, and handed it over: “Here’s all the money.”

“Uncle is indeed a wise man.” Zhou Yao stepped forward to take the money, smiling meaningfully. He counted the money in front of him, and after confirming the amount was correct, he said, “I won’t bring anyone tomorrow. Don’t worry, Uncle.”

Wen Guoqiang asked, “What about Wen Hua?”

Zhou Yao raised an eyebrow: “I’m not very familiar with Wen Hua. I won’t go.”

Wen Guoqiang let out a deep sigh of relief, but then he thought of the thousand yuan that had flown away, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

That was a full thousand yuan! One thousand yuan!!

Just like that, it was gone! Gone!!!


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