Would You Confess Your Love To A Mafia Heiress?
Would You Confess Your Love To A Mafia Heiress? Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Wearing Couple Outfits to the An Family

The next day, sunlight streamed in through the window.

Su Jiang slowly opened his eyes, a hint of confusion still lingering in his gaze.

He reached for his phone, and the screen displayed seven o’clock, which was clearly too early for a student at this time.

Initially planning to drift back to sleep, as in his circadian rhythm, this time should still be deep in slumber.

However, no matter how Su Jiang tossed and turned, he couldn’t fall back asleep. This sudden sense of wakefulness was extremely rare for him, even seeming somewhat unreasonable.

Normally, he should at least sleep until noon.

How could a university student naturally wake up at seven in the morning?

“Could it be… the Extraordinary Body?”

After pondering, it seemed that only this possibility could explain his current unusual state.

The advanced skill of the Extraordinary Body not only enhanced Su Jiang’s physical strength but also provided a comprehensive body upgrade. It made his body cells more active, accelerated metabolism, significantly reducing the need for sleep.

In other words, while a normal person needs a full eight hours of sleep a day, Su Jiang only needed six hours or even less to maintain high energy levels and mental clarity.

“Ugh, what a rubbish skill, depriving me of the joy of sleeping in.”

After silently complaining, Su Jiang reluctantly got up, freshened up, and then went outside the residential area for breakfast.

“Boss, the usual – a serving of soup dumplings and a bowl of soy milk.”

“Sure thing, please have a seat over there,” the boss replied warmly, swiftly preparing the order.

Su Jiang took a seat by the window, and in no time, the boss arrived with a steaming tray of soup dumplings. Following that, he brought a bowl of hot soy milk for Su Jiang, placing it on the table.

“Thank you.”

Su Jiang ate buns while scrolling through his phone. It seemed that Old Zhang had sent a message in the class group chat last night, but he hadn’t seen it.

“A recreational activity? Since when does Jiang University have such things?”

Su Jiang read through it; Old Zhang’s message roughly indicated that the school would organize a recreational activity next week to relieve the academic pressure on first-year students.

For this, the school even went all out and booked the largest amusement park in Jiangdu City.

“Is the school really this kind-hearted?” Su Jiang was skeptical, but then he quickly realized, “Most likely it’s the education department pressuring the school. They’re probably aiming for some ‘most beautiful university’ award or something, hence all these oddities.”

Interestingly, Old Zhang mentioned in the group chat that participation in this activity was voluntary. Those interested had to sign up in the group chat and even sign a liability waiver, stating that the school would not be responsible in case of any incidents.

Su Jiang casually glanced at the group chat records, his mouth twitching involuntarily.

“Not a single person signed up… What are these people waiting for?”

Su Jiang didn’t care much. Since the school was willing, he decided to go. He replied in the group chat to sign up.

Almost the next second after he sent the message, several sign-up responses appeared in the group chat one after another.

Su Jiang noticed that Wang Ziyang’s sign-up reply almost immediately followed his, just a few seconds behind.

“These guys, are they waiting for someone to take the lead?”

Su Jiang felt both amused and annoyed, but he didn’t dwell on it. After quickly finishing breakfast, he paid and went home to study.

Yes, you read that right – to study.

Although Su Jiang’s grades were already good, he still made time every day to practice past competition questions for upcoming matches.

At eleven o’clock, An Rou called.

“Rascal Su Jiang, are you awake?”

An Rou’s clear and ethereal voice came through the phone, leaving Su Jiang stunned for a few seconds.

“……Awake, can we change the way you address me?”

“No, wait at the entrance of the residential area in ten minutes. I’ll come to pick you up. If I can’t find you, you’re in trouble.”

After An Rou finished speaking, she hung up before Su Jiang could respond.

*Beep beep beep…*

Su Jiang put down his phone, shaking his head helplessly. This young lady’s temper was beyond help.

Walking to the wardrobe in his room, he casually picked a refreshing white short-sleeved shirt and layered it with a beige jacket. He lightly patted the clothes to ensure there were no wrinkles.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he felt it was decent.

Then, he leisurely walked out of the room, heading towards the entrance of the residential area at a relaxed pace.

A few minutes later, a familiar black car slowly entered his view. The door opened gently, and An Rou gracefully stepped out.

Coincidentally, An Rou had also chosen a beige coat that day, paired with an exquisite white Western-style blouse underneath. She wore a black skirt on the lower half, her slender legs perfectly wrapped in black stockings.

Standing together, the beige coats and white inner layers complemented each other, almost resembling couple outfits. Both of them had quite high attractiveness, drawing the attention of many around them.

An Rou slightly furrowed her delicate eyebrows, carefully examining Su Jiang from head to toe.

“You’re meeting my brother dressed like this?”

“Why, is it not okay?”

“Too juvenile, immature.”

“I’m just a student.”

Su Jiang shrugged helplessly. “Should I go back and change?”

An Rou gave him a displeased look. “It’s too late now. My brother can’t wait long.”

With that, she grabbed Su Jiang’s wrist and led him into the car, with the two familiar bodyguards still in tow.

After meeting so many times, Su Jiang wanted to ask the names of the two bodyguards.

However, An Rou kept chattering on the side, continuously advising Su Jiang.

“When you meet my brother later, be serious.”

“If he tries to scare you with a gun or something, don’t be afraid. He won’t actually shoot.”

“Although we are part of the underworld, we don’t indiscriminately kill innocents or oppress ordinary people.”

“If there’s any special situation, follow my eye signals.”

“And, if he asks you to stay for a meal, you must not agree…”

An Rou spoke earnestly, occasionally furrowing her brows. Her beautiful large eyes kept moving, as if carefully recalling any details she might have missed.

“Alright, Miss An, look at you. Why do you seem more nervous than me about meeting your brother?” Su Jiang smiled at An Rou, finding her tense face cute.

He couldn’t help but reach out and gently ruffle her soft hair.

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine. Your brother won’t eat me, will he?”

An Rou glared at Su Jiang, muttering, “Hmph! I’m just worried that if you get scared and something happens, I’ll be responsible…”

Mid-sentence, An Rou suddenly realized that Su Jiang had just ruffled her hair.

She paused, then widened her eyes, glaring angrily at Su Jiang. “You dare mess up my hair, you jerk!”

An Rou’s anger erupted instantly. She waved her small fists, the space in the car limited, but An Rou’s punches were harmless. Su Jiang took a few punches, letting her vent.

Meanwhile, Su Jiang’s attention was focused on the window, memorizing the route from his home to the An family.

After about twenty minutes, the black car entered the An family’s compound.

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