After Spending Real Money to Raise a Powerful Official, She Got Seduced Instead
After Spending Real Money to Raise a Powerful Official, She Got Seduced back Instead chapter 2

Chapter 2: Shen Shilang: Don’t… Don’t Touch Me!

Su Jinshi cleared her throat and said, “You can also call me Master.”

As soon as Su Jinshi finished speaking, the game fell into a deathly silence.

Although it was just a game, Su Jinshi felt as if even the air around her had sunk into a tense and awkward stillness.

Shen Shilang slightly raised his eyes, and Su Jinshi saw him staring directly at her, his gaze containing a hint of mockery and coldness.

“Heh!” A chilly laugh escaped from Shen Shilang’s mouth.

Su Jinshi: “…”

For some reason, Su Jinshi felt inexplicably nervous. Even through the screen, Shen Shiliang’s aura was intimidating.

“Ahem.” Su Jinshi awkwardly cleared her throat again. “Well, you can also call me Jinshi.”

Shen Shilang suddenly stood up and walked outside, looking around. “Who are you really? Show yourself, you sneaking coward! Why do you hide like a rat?”

“Hey, I already told you I’m not hiding,” Su Jinshi poked Shen Shilang’s shoulder.

“Hiss!” Shen Shilang winced, unable to hold back a pained gasp.

“Alright, let’s treat your wounds first,” Su Jinshi said as she clicked into the store. Noticing that Shen Shilang’s wounds looked like whip marks, she spent another 100 gold coins on wound ointment.

Su Jinshi applied the ointment to one of Shen Shilang’s wounds. “How about now? Can you see me? If I were hiding, how could I apply medicine to you remotely?”

“Hiss!” Shen Shilang flinched, frowning as he saw ointment appear on his wound, but he still couldn’t see anyone. It seemed to have been applied out of thin air.

Shen Shilang couldn’t help but wonder if this person was really a female ghost.

But even if she was a ghost, she appears to be a lecherous one.

Unaware that Shen Shiliang had already categorized her as a lecherous ghost, Su Jinshi was enjoying the interaction of applying the medicine.

Every time she touched Shen Shilang’s wounds, he tried his best to endure the pain silently, but he still couldn’t help trembling.

Each time Su Jinshi touched him, Shen Shilang would shudder, occasionally letting out a pained sound.

Shen Shilang wanted to dodge, but he couldn’t escape Su Jinshi’s invisible hand. He felt a strange, invisible touch constantly moving over his body.

“Give me the medicine, I’ll apply it myself,” Shen Shilang said.

“I can’t,” Su Jinshi said with a smile. “Can you see the medicine bottle?”

Shen Shilang: “…”

Indeed, he couldn’t. The ointment on his wounds seemed to appear out of nowhere, which was very strange.

“Forget it, you don’t need to apply it anymore. I can go buy some myself,” Shen Shiliang said.

“Why buy when it’s already here?” Su Jinshi said, applying ointment to the last wound on his lower back. Her gaze lingered on his pants. “Are there any wounds down there? Let me check.”

Shen Shilang quickly grabbed his waistband. “You lecherous ghost, have you no shame? There… there are no wounds down there.”

“That might not be true. Let me take a look to confirm,” Su Jinshi said, poking Shen Shilang’s butt.

The poked area bounced slightly.

Shen Shilang’s whole body tensed. “You… stop touching me!”

[System: Successfully applied medicine to Shen Shilang, XP +2000]

[Shen Shilang’s Favoribility +0]

Alright, now Su Jinshi was sure there were no wounds down there.

“Why is it so hard to increase Shen Shilang’s favor?” Su Jinshi grumbled.

As Shen Shilang painfully struggled to put on his clothes, Su Jinshi had already noticed his good physique. His body didn’t look like the pitiful figure described in the game’s background.

“Shen Shilang, how did you get hurt?” Su Jinshi asked, inwardly complaining about Shen Shilang’s stinginess in covering up so quickly.

Shen Shilang paused, lowering his eyes. “It’s nothing.”

Su Jinshi was about to ask more when she received a call from her friend Mai Chaoyun.

“Xiao Mai,” Su Jinshi answered.

“I saw your WeChat moment. You’re finally out of seclusion, it’s been so long,” Mai Zhaoyun’s light and excited voice came through the phone. “Let’s have dinner tonight! There’s a new popular hotpot restaurant I’ve been wanting to try. I’ve been waiting for you to come out of seclusion.”

“Sure,” Su Jinshi said. “I’ve been cooped up at home for a month. I feel like I’ve lost touch with the outside world. It’s time to get out and reconnect.”

So Su Jinshi grabbed her phone, got ready, and headed out.

After a month of isolation, Su Jinshi and Mai Chaoyun had endless topics to discuss, leaving no time to check on Shen Shilang in the game.

After having hotpot in the evening and shopping at the mall with Mai chaoyun, Su Jinshi returned home.

After tidying up, taking a shower, and changing into her pajamas, Su Jinshi comfortably settled into her bean bag chair and logged back into the game.

To her surprise, as soon as she entered the main page, a red alert kept flashing.

[System: Warning, Shen Shiliang is in critical condition due to high fever. Please lower his fever immediately!]

Following that, Su Jinshi saw Shen Shilang lying in bed, tightly wrapped in blankets and shivering, his exposed face alarmingly red.

Su Jinshi quickly went to the store and saw the fever-reducer medicine option, which also cost 100 gold coins.

She only had 40 gold coins left from the game’s initial gift. Su Jinshi clicked the “+” next to the gold coin number, and a recharge option popped up.

“What kind of pricing is this? One gold coin costs one yuan!” fever medicine would cost 100 yuan.

But seeing Shen Shilang’s condition, she couldn’t let him die from the fever.

Su Jinshi closed the recharge page and hesitated for a moment before noticing a medicine gift pack nearby, costing 150 gold coins.

Su Jinshi opened it to find it contained fever reducers, wound medicine, antidiarrheal medication, and painkillers.

“This gift pack is quite cost-effective,” Su Jinshi muttered.

Although it was 50 yuan more expensive than a single fever reducer, it offered a variety of medicines.

“Since these medicines appear in the game, it means the subsequent plot will involve these aspects. These medicines will be needed sooner or later,” Su Jinshi analyzed quietly.

From her gaming experience, buying monthly cards and recharging gift packs were the most cost-effective options.

But this game obviously didn’t have a monthly card option.

So Su Jinshi clicked to buy the medicine gift pack.

With 40 gold coins left, Su Jinshi only needed to add another 110 gold coins.

After buying it, Su Jinshi dragged the fever reducer to Shen Shilang’s mouth.

In his feverish haze, Shen Shilang felt someone pry open his mouth and put a pill inside.

As soon as the pill entered his mouth, it quickly dissolved and went down his throat.

Su Jinshi held her tablet, watching a drama while keeping an eye on Shen Shilang’s condition.

About an hour later, Shen Shilang woke up, holding his forehead.

“Not hot anymore?”

Shen Shilang mumbled. He was sure he hadn’t felt wrong; someone must have given him medicine.

“Could it have been that female ghost?”


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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