After Spending Real Money to Raise a Powerful Official, She Got Seduced Instead
After Spending Real Money to Raise a Powerful Official, She Got Seduced back Instead chapter 6

Chapter 6: Wei Zhaoxian

From that moment, Madam Wei knew that Shen Shilang was of great importance to Wei Zhaoxian.

She speculated that Wei Zhaoxian’s refusal to put Shen Shilang under her name stemmed from his deep love for Shen Shilang’s mother. He couldn’t bear to have her child call another woman “mother.”

He would rather let outsiders suspect Shen Shilang was his illegitimate son.

Given this, how could Madam Wei possibly like Shen Shilang?

Consequently, whenever Wei Zhaoxian was away, Madam Wei paid no heed to Shen Shilang’s welfare, content as long as he lived.

Each time Wei Zhaoxian returned, Madam Wei would put on an act.

Surprisingly, the boy seemed tactful and never complained to Wei Zhaoxian.

Perhaps he knew his background was shameful and felt guilty.

However, Madam Wei never shared this suspicion with her children.

She let them believe Shen Shilang was merely a relative seeking refuge.

In their eyes, Wei Zhaoxian was upright and brave, refusing to take a concubine—a rare gem among men.

Madam Wei didn’t want to tarnish Wei Zhaoxian’s image in their minds.

“Alright, he…” Madam Wei said, “Just treat him as if he’s invisible. There’s no need to interact with him or concern yourselves with his affairs.”

Seeing Shen Shilang approach, Madam Wei fell silent.

“Madam,” Shen Shilang greeted her with a respectful bow.

“The General will return soon. You may wait with us,” Madam Wei said coldly.

Shen Shilang silently stepped aside.

Madam Wei wasn’t kind to him. Though their encounters were infrequent, she maintained a polite facade.

However, the servants often mistreated him, and today’s breakfast wasn’t an isolated incident. As the one managing household affairs, Madam Wei surely knew of these matters.

Shen Shilang understood Madam Wei’s attitude and thus avoided appearing before her.

After all, he couldn’t hide in the Wei mansion forever.

Shen Shilang gazed towards the capital. He was determined to return there.

At that moment, the sound of approaching hooves broke the silence.

“Madam, the General has returned,” Steward Zhou announced hurriedly, entering through the main gate.

“Quickly,” Madam Wei said, taking Wei Ruyan’s hand in her left and Wei Jianming’s in her right, heading towards the gate without noticing Shen Shilang.

Shen Shilang followed quietly behind.

Wei Zhaoxian rode up on his fine steed, halting at the gate of the Wei mansion with a “whoa.”

He dismounted, tossed the reins to a waiting groom, and strode up the steps.

“The General has returned,” Madam Wei greeted him.

Seeing everyone waiting at the door, Wei Zhaoxian said, “I’m not on some long journey; there’s no need to wait at the door every time I return.”

“It’s because we haven’t seen Father for over a month, and Mother missed you terribly,” Wei Ruyan said, pouting.

Madam Wei blushed at her words. Wei Zhaoxian took her hand, saying, “You’ve been taking care of everything at home—thank you for your hard work.”

“You face more danger and hardship in the army,” Madam Wei replied softly, looking around but not seeing their eldest son. “Did Jianlang not return with you?”

“He stayed with the troops. We can’t both come back; someone needs to oversee things,” Wei Zhaoxian explained, glancing around Madam Wei. “Where’s Shilang?”

Wei Zhaoxian looked past Wei Jianming, spotting Shen Shilang at the back of the group. He released Madam Wei’s hand and walked towards Shen Shilang. “Why are you standing so far back?”

Wei Jianming glared at Shen Shilang with venom. Father hadn’t even looked at him properly and had only exchanged a few words with Mother before seeking out Shen Shilang.

It was always like this! Why did Father treat this poor relative so well?

Shen Shilang bowed to Wei Zhaoxian, “I feared the General would test my studies upon your return, so I thought to hide and avoid being seen.”

“I didn’t expect the General would still find me,” Shen Shilang added with a hint of helplessness.

Wei Jianming scoffed inwardly. At least the boy was smart enough not to complain about their mother. It seems beating him wasn’t for nothing!

Wei Zhaoxian laughed heartily, “Well, since I’ve caught you, you must come to the study for a test.” He then turned to Wei Jianming, “You come along too.”

“Yes…” Wei Jianming replied reluctantly. He wanted his father’s attention, but not a test.

Madam Wei approached, “General, there’s no need to rush. You must be tired from your journey. Why not rest and have some tea first? Have you eaten?”

“No need,” Wei Zhaoxian replied, “I’m neither tired nor hungry. I’ll come to see you after I finish speaking with them.”

With that, he left with Shen Shilang and Wei Jianming.

“Mother,” Wei Ruyan whispered, holding Madam Wei’s arm, “Every time Father returns, he only has eyes for Shen Shilang. It’s too much.”

Madam Wei patted Wei Ruyan’s hand, “Alright, let’s go back and wait. Who knows how your brother’s studies are progressing? If he’s not doing well, he’ll be punished.”

“He must be doing better than Shen Shilang,” Wei Ruyan pouted.

“Don’t concern yourself with such matters,” Madam Wei said as they walked. “The Flower Viewing Banquet will be held after the provincial examinations. Are you prepared? Don’t embarrass yourself with poetry.”

“Mother, what are you saying? I’m a renowned talent in Chong’an. Those things won’t be a problem for me,” Wei Ruyan said confidently. “But I can’t find the right accessories for my outfit for the banquet.”

Wei Ruyan shook Madam Wei’s arm, “Mother, could you give me some silver? I’d like to visit the jewelry store. It’s been ages since I bought a new hairpin.”

“I’m tired of wearing old ones and being laughed at,” Wei Ruyan pouted.

“How much do you need?” Madam Wei asked.

“A hundred taels will suffice,” Wei Ruyan said softly.

“Are you mad? Your monthly allowance is only so much,” Madam Wei exclaimed. “You know your father despises extravagance. Most of our funds go to support the army. How can we spend so much on a hairpin!”

“But Mother, you have your own money,” Wei Ruyan persisted.

Madam Wei’s dowry included shops and land, which brought in significant monthly income.

“And there’s Shen Shilang’s monthly allowance,” Wei Ruyan added. “We’ve supported him for fifteen years, giving him quite a bit each month. Now that he’s grown, should he still rely on our family?”

Madam Wei paused, then said, “He’ll be taking the provincial exams soon. He won’t be staying with us much longer.”

“Exactly,” Wei Ruyan replied. “If he doesn’t pass, he should find a way to support himself. He’s a grown man now; why should he continue living off us?”


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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