You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 37.3

Chapter 37.3

Thirty-one-year-old Meng Zhengrong was experiencing the feeling of dating again. The two of them going to work and going home together every day sounded cozy, but it was also a bit like an old married couple, somewhat boring.

Xu Yuan glanced at Meng Zhengrong. Their relationship had been developing well recently. She had gotten used to his kisses, and he seemed quite happy. Everything was moving in a good direction. Xu Yuan thought they might cross the final boundary in a few months.

Thinking of this, she nodded, “Okay, but I don’t want to eat steak again.”

“What do you want to eat?” Meng Zhengrong asked.

“Hotpot, Chongqing hotpot, very spicy hotpot.”


A few minutes later, Meng Zhengrong left the Finance Department but didn’t return to his office. Instead, he went to the department where Song Yu was.

“Help me out.” As soon as Meng Zhengrong said these four words, Song Yu understood. The unspoken bond between brothers was undeniable. He took out a strip of pills from his drawer and handed them to Meng Zhengrong, “Take two before the hotpot and two after. It will keep your rear end safe.”

Meng Zhengrong took them and put them in his pocket, “Thanks.”

Song Yu sighed, “It’s tough being a man. You can’t handle spicy food, but because your wife likes it, you have to eat it.”

“Isn’t that the truth?” Meng Zhengrong paused, thought for a moment, and continued, “Of course, now you wouldn’t even be able to accompany a certain someone, even if you wanted to, so I’m still luckier than you.”

People should learn to be content. At least Xu Yuan still let him accompany her to eat hotpot. Song Yu must be secretly envious of him now. Thinking of this, Meng Zhengrong felt much better.

“If I told you to get lost, would you fire me?” Song Yu said expressionlessly.

“I would.”

“Alright, President Meng, please go.”

Seeing Song Yu’s expression, even though he had to eat hotpot tonight, Meng Zhengrong felt very happy. He left in a good mood.


Xu Yuan didn’t intentionally want to make things difficult for Meng Zhengrong, so after work in the evening, they didn’t go for Chongqing hotpot but opted for a Yuanyang hotpot, with one half spicy and the other non-spicy.

Seeing the Yuanyang pot in front of him, Meng Zhengrong was moved.

He found that since marrying Xu Yuan, his level of gratitude was getting lower and lower. In the past, no matter what his other girlfriends did for him, he felt nothing. But now, just by ordering a Yuanyang pot, Meng Zhengrong felt deeply moved.

She still cared about him.

It seemed the medicine he had prepared wouldn’t be necessary today. Oh, yeah.

The hotpot was boiling, and the beef balls and shrimp balls were rolling around, releasing a tantalizing aroma that made his mouth water.

Meng Zhengrong didn’t like the drinks at the hotpot restaurant. Since he was driving today and couldn’t drink alcohol, even if he was eating from the non-spicy pot, it was still quite hot on such a sweltering day.

Coincidentally, as they left the hotpot restaurant and walked toward the parking lot, they saw a convenience store nearby with an ice chest outside.

At this moment, a popsicle would be like heaven.

However, eating a popsicle in front of Xu Yuan? Ugh, too embarrassing to tolerate, but he really wanted one. What to do?

Meng Zhengrong turned to Xu Yuan and said, “You go ahead to the car. I have something to do, I’ll be right there.”

Saying this, he handed the car keys to Xu Yuan.

Although Xu Yuan didn’t know what he needed to do, she took the car keys and walked toward the parking lot.

Once Xu Yuan left, Meng Zhengrong quickly bought a popsicle and started eating it at the convenience store entrance.

To his surprise, before he finished, Xu Yuan suddenly appeared in front of him.

Holding the half-eaten popsicle, Meng Zhengrong stared at Xu Yuan, feeling the atmosphere become unbearably awkward.

“Why are you back?” Could he still destroy the evidence in time? Would she think he was uncool for eating this?

Xu Yuan looked at the popsicle in his hand and said, “I don’t remember where you parked, so I came back to ask.”

“You could have called.”

Xu Yuan pointed to his popsicle and then to the convenience store, “You bought this here, right?”

If he had a chance to do it over, he would rather die of thirst than eat the popsicle.

How to restore his image in his wife’s eyes, urgent, online.

Xu Yuan didn’t explain why she came back, turned around, and walked into the convenience store. Among the variety of ice creams and popsicles, she chose the same popsicle and went inside to pay.

When Xu Yuan came out, Meng Zhengrong had already thrown the remaining popsicle into the trash can.

Seeing Xu Yuan also eating a popsicle, Meng Zhengrong was a bit stunned.

“Not bad,” Xu Yuan licked the popsicle and commented.

She liked ice cream, but having had a lot of it, she found it a bit cloying. Eating this refreshing popsicle after hotpot felt pretty good.

“???” Not bad?? What was she saying?

Xu Yuan licked it again, “Want to buy another one? It’s pretty good.”

Actually, Xu Yuan’s action wasn’t a big deal, but sometimes love is like this. The same thing done by someone else might not affect you, but when done by someone you like, it’s different.

She didn’t find it strange for him to eat this cheap popsicle, as if it were as normal as drinking water, and she even bought one herself.

Many people liked popsicles, but both he and she liked them; wasn’t that rare?

Suddenly, four words flashed through Meng Zhengrong’s mind: soul mate.

So, did this mean he could freely eat these in front of her without being laughed at?

Ah, what a beautiful summer!

A few minutes later, Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong each held a popsicle, eating as they walked to the parking lot.

Who said this wasn’t the best moment of summer?

Eating refreshing, cool popsicles while walking with someone you like after having hotpot—so youthful, so romantic.


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Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

1 comment
  1. M&M's has spoken 1 week ago

    Who knew popsicles could determine your soul mate, lol. It’s nice that he doesn’t have to hide his passion for popsicles from her, though, because it’s the little things like this that will bring their relationship closer.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀


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