I’m Not Familiar With Him!
I’m Not Familiar With Him! Chapter 17

Chapter 017

Because they set out early, it was only seven o’clock when they arrived at No. 2 Middle School, which was the peak time for day students to enter.

He Ye followed Lu Jin to the outside of the supermarket.

Lu Jin handed her the umbrella and glanced at her bicycle. “Go to the classroom first. I’ll park the bike for you.”

He Ye said, “I’ll handle it myself. Thank you for this morning. I’ll also ask you to buy an extra umbrella.”

Lu Jin smiled and turned to enter the supermarket.

He Ye was pushing the bike with one hand and holding the umbrella with the other. Not long after, a green umbrella with cartoon dolphins appeared beside her.

He Ye initially thought it was a female classmate and looked under the umbrella…

Lu Jin naturally exchanged umbrellas with her. “My umbrella is clearly used by boys. Some classmates might recognize it. It’s better to give you a new one.”

He Ye realized that using Lu Jin’s old umbrella would be even more difficult to explain than the photo from the sports meet.

“Then this is my umbrella. How much is it?”

He Ye insisted.

Lu Jin said, “Two cups of milk tea. I’ll treat you later?”

He Ye smiled and said that it was a good idea.

Now that the umbrella issue was resolved, there seemed to be nothing more to say.

He Ye glanced around nervously, worried that she might be seen by any classmates she knew.

“You really don’t need me to push the bike?”


“Then I’ll head to class.”

He Ye breathed a sigh of relief, watched Lu Jin’s back as he walked away, and continued to push the bike slowly.

After entering the teaching building, she waved at a few classmates holding umbrellas at the door before heading to her classroom.

Almost all the boarding students had arrived. Zhu Qing, yawning in her seat, waved when she saw He Ye.

At the back of the classroom, Lu Jin was already reading a book, and the seat next to Zhou Xiangming was empty.

He Ye took a quick glance and then looked away, smiling at her deskmate, Wu Yuanyuan, who was tidying up her desk.

Wu Yuanyuan’s expression seemed a bit strange, and she smiled ambiguously.

He Ye didn’t understand why.

As soon as she sat down, Wu Yuanyuan came over and whispered in her ear, “Are you and Lu Jin together? I saw him holding an umbrella for you just now.”

When adults talk about topics related to men and women, “that” usually refers to intimate relations. High school students, however, are more innocent, and “that” more often implies being in a relationship.

He Ye’s heart raced. Someone had actually seen them!

Fortunately, she and Lu Jin had an innocent relationship, so there was no need to feel guilty.

“No, you misunderstood. I don’t know him very well.”

He Ye explained in a low voice, detailing how Lu Jin had met her by chance because he was feeling carsick.

Wu Yuanyuan’s eyes widened. “That’s it?”

He Ye pointed at her slightly damp hair and shirt, indicating that she had been caught in a bit of rain before meeting Lu Jin.

This evidence suggested that their encounter had been coincidental.

Wu Yuanyuan still found it hard to believe. However, if Lu Jin had deliberately gotten off the bus to help He Ye, his affection would surely be evident at school. But Lu Jin and He Ye hardly interacted.

So, it really was a coincidence?

Seeing that Wu Yuanyuan finally believed her, He Ye added, “Don’t tell anyone. I’m afraid people will misunderstand.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t even tell Zhu Qing.”

He Ye trusted Wu Yuanyuan and took out her English book to read in the morning.

After paying Lu Jin back for the two cups of milk tea, He Ye felt free of debt and continued to focus on preparing for her exams.

In the second placement test for senior high school students in early April, He Ye ranked 43rd in her grade, an improvement from the previous test.

He Yong happily rewarded his daughter with another thousand yuan, and promised that if she could really get into Peking University or Tsinghua University, he would reward her with ten thousand yuan in pocket money!

In early May, during the third and final placement test, He Ye performed steadily and moved up two places in the grade ranking.

This was the best score He Ye had ever achieved in her three years of high school. Moreover, her scores in the three baseline tests had been stable, without much fluctuation.

He Ye was very satisfied with her performance.

She aspired to be admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University but knew she had little chance. Based on her situation, she had set her ideal university goal for Shanghai Jiao Tong University— a prestigious university with her favorite majors and close to home, reachable in an hour by high-speed rail.

Last year, this goal seemed out of reach, but this year it felt very attainable. As long as she maintained her performance in the college entrance examination, there should be no problem.

Attitude and effort determine results, and results build confidence.

With confidence, she wasn’t too nervous about the college entrance examination.

No matter how anxious or poorly other students performed, He Ye continued studying according to her plan.

“Come on, everyone, take a break. It’s time for our class to take graduation photos!”

After the second self-study class in the afternoon, the head teacher announced it with a smile.

Class 8 became lively as many girls pulled out small mirrors and hurriedly fixed their hair.

He Ye adjusted her ponytail to make sure it looked fine.

After leaving the classroom, she walked out with Zhu Qing and Wu Yuanyuan.

The familiar corridors and campus scenery made He Ye feel a bit nostalgic but also excited about the future.

There was another class ahead, so Class 8 needed to line up at the designated location first.

“According to height, the girls will form two rows in the front, and the boys will form two rows in the back.”

With this arrangement, He Ye smiled and reassured her petite good friend, standing in the second row with Wu Yuanyuan.

When it was Class 8’s turn, everyone moved into position according to the formation. The teachers sat in chairs at the front, and the students took their places on the steps.

He Ye heard Zhou Xiangming’s voice, as if he were talking to the boy behind her. “Brother, let’s switch places. Since everyone’s heads are staggered, it won’t matter if we’re blocked.”

The boy agreed.

Footsteps approached from behind, and soon He Ye’s ponytail was gently touched.

She thought it was Zhou Xiangming, and she glared back at him.

To her surprise, it was Lu Jin standing there, with Zhou Xiangming beside him.

He Ye: …

Lu Jin looked down at her with serious eyes. “It wasn’t me.”

He Ye’s face flushed as she realized her mistake. Of course, Lu Jin wasn’t that naive.

“Okay, everyone, look here and stop talking. After we finish taking the photos, let’s head back to the classroom.”

The photographer, who had a pigtail, lifted his camera and joked.

He Ye quickly stood up straight and stopped being distracted.

The photos were taken quickly, and the group dispersed. He Ye did not confront Zhou Xiangming about the incident.

The graduation photo session marked the start of the students’ commemorative photos. Afterward, students returned to the classroom with their phones or cameras, taking photos with classmates during the afternoon break, or casually capturing class shots.

He Ye was called out several times. Regardless of whether it was a boy or a girl, she always cooperated with a smile.

After all, it was the last time they would be in the same class.

“Lu Jin, can I take a photo with you?”

At noon that day, He Ye had just returned from shooting outside and sat down in a chair when she saw Chen Xuan passing by, extending an invitation to Lu Jin, who was sitting in the last row.

To be honest, almost no classmate would refuse a recent invitation to take a group photo.

Lu Jin was the exception. Without even looking up, he said to the test paper on his desk, “Sorry, I don’t like having my picture taken.”

Chen Xuan’s pretty face showed a hint of grievance. She had mustered the courage to approach him and didn’t want to give up easily, so she softened her tone and coaxed, “Just one photo. If you don’t want to go outside, we can take it here.”

He Ye heard Lu Jin’s cold reply: “Sorry.”

The classroom fell silent, as if everyone were quietly observing the drama between the most popular girl in class and the most handsome boy in class.

Zhou Xiangming suddenly coughed and tried to mediate in a peacemaking tone. “He’s just an awkward person. He even makes me take a picture when I’m photographing him. Just ignore him.”

Chen Xuan, feeling slighted but resigned, grabbed her camera and walked away, looking angrily at Lu Jin.

He Ye remembered the rafting photos Zhou Xiangming had sent her during last year’s National Day, in which Lu Jin appeared candidly.

Maybe Lu Jin really does resist having his photo taken. Perhaps he’s just not the kind of person who would force himself?

The thought crossed her mind briefly, and as her classmates resumed their conversations, He Ye went back to reading.

On Monday, Zhou Xiangming brought a camera to school again.

Since they had a special relationship, He Ye paid more attention to Zhou Xiangming’s actions and noticed that he took several photos of her.

Zhou Xiangming didn’t seem embarrassed at all and even smiled, waving his finger at He Ye. “He Ye, how about we go outside and take a photo too?”

He Ye pretended not to see.

Zhou Xiangming, with an exaggerated expression, said, “I haven’t offended you. Why do you agree to others’ invitations but treat me differently?”

Zhu Qing chimed in, “It’s because you don’t look good.”

Zhou Xiangming retorted, “I don’t believe it. He Ye, I want to hear it from your own mouth!”

With everyone looking at him, He Ye felt both embarrassed and amused. She put down her pen and walked out first.

Zhou Xiangming looked down at Zhu Qing and said, “You should come too. I don’t think many people would want to take pictures with you. I’m afraid your self-esteem might take a hit and affect your college entrance examination.”

Zhu Qing: …

Despite the argument, the three of them took several photos in the corridor.

Back in the classroom, Chen Xuan glanced at Lu Jin several times. Seeing that he kept his head down while doing his homework, she felt much better—apparently, he was indifferent to all female classmates.

After the evening self-study period, He Ye and Lu Jin stayed behind to clean the classroom.

With the other students gone, the classroom was quiet, filled only with the sounds of He Ye putting away stools and Lu Jin mopping the floor.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

He Ye looked up to see Zhou Xiangming leaning against the classroom door with a camera in his hand.

He Ye: …

She glanced back and saw that Lu Jin had clearly been photographed by Zhou Xiangming, so she lowered her head.

“Given our relationship, we should definitely take some photos together,” Zhou Xiangming said with a smile, after checking the photos.

He Ye felt resigned and couldn’t refuse.

Zhou Xiangming then asked Lu Jin, “We’re about to graduate, so how about a picture with the three of us?”

Lu Jin didn’t respond.

Zhou Xiangming took the initiative to walk over to Lu Jin and wave at He Ye.

Remembering Lu Jin’s refusal to take pictures with Chen Xuan, He Ye continued moving the chairs. “Forget it.”

Zhou Xiangming secretly nudged Lu Jin and continued to encourage him.

Lu Jin looked at He Ye and said, “Then let’s take a picture.”

He Ye moved over.

Zhou Xiangming asked her to stand between him and Lu Jin.

He Ye smiled at the camera.

After taking three photos in a row, Zhou Xiangming enthusiastically said, “Come on, both of you take a photo too. You don’t need to move, just stand there.”

He Ye instinctively followed his instructions.

She didn’t look back, and she wasn’t sure what Lu Jin’s expression was behind her.

On the weekend, Zhou Xiangming informed He Ye that the photos had all been developed. He had to go out for something, and Lu Jin would bring her copy.

After confirming the time with Lu Jin, He Ye went downstairs three minutes early.

It was late May, the sun was shining brightly, and she stood in the shade of a tree, waiting.

Cicadas chirped in the trees in the distance, the sky was blue, and there was no breeze.

A figure appeared in her peripheral vision.

It was Lu Jin, wearing a white shirt that was glaringly bright under the scorching sun.


He stopped his bike and handed her an unsealed envelope.

He Ye was curious about the photos. She pinched the bottom of the envelope and poured a few photos into her palm. There were photos of her with Zhu Qing, with Zhou Xiangming, standing between two boys, and the last two were photos of her and Lu Jin.

One photo captured them working together on duty. They were separated by two rows of desks, with Lu Jin on the left and her on the right.

In another photo, she was standing in front with a standard, smiling at the camera. Lu Jin, on the other hand, was casually leaning against the desk, looking relaxed and natural, with his eyes half-closed and not focused on anything in particular.

The classroom, usually bustling with students during the day, looked bright and spacious under the lights, with a large countdown to the college entrance examination on the blackboard in the back.

Since Lu Jin was right next to her, He Ye didn’t scrutinize the photos too closely and remarked to Zhou Xiangming, “He’s quite good at taking pictures.”

Lu Jin responded, “The camera is more reliable.”

He Ye smiled.

Noticing beads of sweat on her forehead, Lu Jin said, “Go ahead and get some rest.”

He Ye nodded and walked briskly into her building, waving at him from inside.

Lu Jin smiled and left.


Hey, I'm Vyl! I share translations of some really captivating stories for you all to enjoy. If you like any of my uploads, kindly show your support on my Ko-fi page. Thanks!

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