The Little Widow of the Sixties
The Little Widow of the Sixties Chapter 6.2

Chapter 6.2

The voices got closer, and the two inside still hadn’t found their clothes. They didn’t dare use a flashlight, fumbling around in the dark without success, like ants on a hot pan.

Old Wang panicked, pushing the woman in the opposite direction. “You go first, I’ll hold off my family.”


Old Wang was wearing only a sleeveless vest, and without underwear, he was left covering his lower body, wishing he could disappear.

“I was just about to rest, what are you doing here? Don’t come any closer.”

Old Wang tried to keep them away, while Old Lady Xu, in just her underclothes, tried to escape. But Luo Lan wasn’t going to let her go easily. As Old Lady Xu emerged from the straw stack, Luo Lan reached out and grabbed her.


Old Lady Xu was startled and couldn’t help but start to yell. Who is it? Who else was there? In her moment of shock, Luo Lan pulled her back into the open, making sure she was in plain view.


Another scream echoed as a flashlight beam suddenly illuminated her. Startled, she hugged herself tightly, too frightened to run, instinctively crouching down to hide.

Luo Lan didn’t have a flashlight, this one was borrowed by the Old Wang’s fourth daughter-in-law. As the light swept across, Luo Lan kicked the similarly undressed Old Wang towards Old Lady Xu, ensuring he landed right on top of her.



The flashlight from Old Wang’s fourth daughter-in-law oscillated between the two, clearly showing Old Lady Wang what was happening. There they were, in the dark, empty threshing ground, a man and a woman, both without pants—an utterly scandalous sight. There was no need for words. Old Lady Wang exploded in anger.

You dead woman, how dare you steal my man?” Old Lady Wang shouted, grabbing Old Lady Xu by the hair. “People say you raised your three sons by sleeping around. I didn’t know you’d even go after mine! Women like you should be drowned!”

Luo Lan began walking away, but the system urgently called her back. “Where are you going? This is a big melon, you can’t leave!”

“Call people to watch the fun.”

“I’ll double your points. Go back quickly. If you’re any later, the two will have finished fighting.”

“How many times?”



“Four times.”


“Ten times! Now, hurry back!”

Silence was her best weapon. Having achieved her goal, she returned to the scene. The system was ecstatic, thrilled by the spectacle. This melon was huge, making up for the one with her previous host’s husband.

“Shout, shout louder!”

Luo Lan whispered to her former sister-in-law, and they started loudly shouting while pretending to intervene. Despite the fatigue from harvesting wheat, the promise of drama quickly drew a crowd.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“Old Lady Xu is being beaten by Old Lady Wang!”

“Look, Old Wang and Old Lady Xu don’t have any pants on!”

“Haha, so ugly!” A woman covered her eyes, peeking through her fingers.

“See? I heard about an affair between Old Wang and Old Lady Xu, and it’s true!”

As the crowd murmured, Old Lady Wang continued to beat Old Lady Xu, pulling out clumps of her hair and scratching her face. Old Wang tried to intervene, making excuses.

“We fell into the water, I just helped her up! It’s not what you think, please stop.”

“That’s nonsense! Don’t lie to me!”

Luo Lan stood silently, watching as things unfolded as planned. The system enjoyed the drama alongside the crowd.

“Really, I swear! If I had any improper intentions, I would be struck by lightning.”

In a few months, such an event would have had serious consequences. But at this time, people were just enjoying the spectacle.

Old Lady Wang had been pummeling Old Lady Xu, who was now defenseless. Finally exhausted, she started questioning her. “Where are your pants?”

“They got stuck in the mud. It was dark, and I didn’t see where they went.”

Old Wang quickly chimed in, “They got pulled into the mud. We really fell into the mud, stop making a scene.”

Old Lady Wang hesitated, wondering if she had wronged them. Just then, Luo Lan threw two pairs of pants into the light. Though it was too dark to see who threw them, the onlookers clearly saw the pants illuminated by several flashlights.

The pants only had some wheat straw on them, with no mud as they claimed. As Old Lady Wang stood stunned, her daughter-in-law provided the final blow.

“One pair for a man, one for a woman, and there’s no mud on them!”

“You filthy pair!”

The situation, which was about to calm down, flared up again. Luo Lan silently watched with the system, which was busy enjoying the drama and discussing the situation.

“Hey, do you think any of Old Lady Xu’s three sons might actually be Old Wang’s?”

“Who knows?”

“Right, there’s no paternity testing yet. But this is quite the drama.”

As they whispered, the situation escalated. Old Lady Wang kicked them both repeatedly, while Old Lady Xu curled into a ball. Suddenly, Old Wang, who had been covering himself, started convulsing, his eyes rolling back as he lay still.

In just a sleeveless shirt, naked from the waist down, he lay on the ground. Someone noticed and shouted, making Old Lady Wang stop. Seeing her husband unconscious, the crowd suggested solutions.

“Take him to the health clinic.”

“Get Old Xu, let him do acupuncture. Is this a stroke?”

Old Lady Wang, still furious, did nothing. “Serves him right! Let him die. It’d be better that way.”

Luo Lan didn’t care about Old Lady Wang’s actions. She confirmed with the system, “Can I exchange all my points for white flour?”

“Yes,” the system replied, still engrossed in the drama. “What do you need white flour for? Selling it for money?”

“Yeah, I want to buy fabric and make clothes.” Since she decided to remarry, she wanted to dress nicely.

“I have chiffon, silk, modal—all of high quality and affordable. Much better than the fabrics you have now, and cheaper.”


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