The Little Widow of the Sixties
The Little Widow of the Sixties Chapter 11.2

Chapter 11.2

“I was asked to make a pair of cotton shoes for the old couple every year. You know, there are three daughters-in-law, and she only assigns the shoe-making to me. She gives the simpler shoes to the second daughter-in-law. She just bullies the weak and fears the strong, and thinks I am easy to control.”

“You should protest and say it should be one pair per person. Cotton shoes need a lot of fabric and cotton.”

“As soon as I spoke up, she cried and said I was unfilial. My husband said if I didn’t agree, we’d still live with his parents. I was so scared I quickly agreed. Even if it takes more effort and materials, I don’t want to serve her anymore. Now that the old man is bedridden, life would be tough if we didn’t divide the property. At least now we can take turns.”

Luo Lan listened silently. Based on what she knew about Old Lady Wang, this matter wasn’t over. Even if you did the shoe-making, you’d still have to spin cotton and weave fabric. If you weren’t firm enough, she’d continue to make trouble.

But these issues didn’t concern her directly. She earned points from the gossip, and even if she wasn’t on-site, she still received half the points. She was happy to listen to gossip and share in the benefits.

Every night before going to bed, she checked her points. Watching them gradually increase felt like being on a plane, soaring comfortably in the clouds.

“System, can I exchange for a thermos now?”

“Yes. It will cost one hundred twenty points. Are you sure you want to exchange?”


As soon as she confirmed, a thermos appeared on the floor of the hut. This thermos was different from the ones sold at the supply and marketing cooperative; it was larger and had a colorful, beautiful exterior.

“This thermos is really nice. How much water can it hold?”

“Three point two liters. It’s equivalent to…” The system hesitated, struggling to find a suitable comparison. “It’s one liter more than the ones sold at your supply and marketing cooperative.”

“It’s so beautiful. What material is the outer shell made of?”

“It’s made of tempered plastic, which is sturdy and durable.”

After exchanging for the new thermos, she immediately filled it with boiling water. She placed it in a corner overnight, and the next morning, her first task was to pour out a bowl of water.

The moment she opened the lid, she knew the insulation effect was excellent. The heat remained intense even after a whole night. She was very satisfied with the temperature of the water.

In the morning, while working in the field, she was with the fourth daughter-in-law of the Wang family again. They worked and chatted, and the fourth daughter-in-law had a lot to say about her mother-in-law.

“Do you think she’s just looking for trouble? Early in the morning, she complained that I had placed the chamber pot incorrectly and started scolding me at the outhouse. I really wonder why I married into such a family.”

“She wasn’t like this before. Ever since you married into the family, she cares less and less about her reputation, and her true nature is no longer hidden.”

“Oh, I’m so unlucky. She’s about to harvest the first batch of cotton from her private field. After scolding me today, she assigned me the task of spinning all that cotton into thread.”

“How much did she say she’d give you?”

“Ah, Sister Lan, you know her well. She promised me half. But I know her well enough to expect only a third. Who knows, after all my hard work, I might end up with nothing.”

“The eldest grandson is about to get married. There will be many expenses.”

“Yes, she must have planned this in advance. Hmph, I won’t be fooled this time. I’ll just cry and say I can’t do it.”

You’re just naive. This isn’t the first time you’ve been tricked. How could you expect to get a third? With Old Lady Wang’s scheming, she’ll make you work for nothing. You might as well spin cotton, weave fabric, and make quilts and pants yourself. She wouldn’t want to give you anything.

Old Lady Wang criticized her for corrupting her youngest daughter-in-law, but Luo Lan ignored it. The Wang family’s drama was like a soap opera, providing her with points. She was genuinely benefiting from it.

The weekend arrived, and she cleaned up and put on her new clothes to go out. Her sister had helped her look neat and pretty, and she had exchanged for a pair of inexpensive but stylish white shoes from the system. Her sister noticed them in the corner and admired them for a while.

“These shoes are really beautiful. They’re clean and attractive, much better than the ones we make. When did you buy them? I didn’t know.”

“I bought these at the market earlier. I just hadn’t been willing to wear them until now.”

“Perfect, wear them today. Oh, look at how good my sister looks!”

Dressed in a white floral top, dark blue pants, and paired with stylish white shoes, Luo Lan’s outfit was fresh and clean. Her natural beauty, combined with the new attire, made the small hut seem brighter.

“You look great.”

Her sister was so pleased she didn’t know how to praise her further, taking every opportunity to admire her. When the sisters met with the matchmaker, the latter was also impressed, smiling warmly. No wonder the man from the Zhou family wasn’t deterred by Luo Lan being a second marriage candidate; with such a stunning daughter, who would guess she was remarried?

Their commune was very close to the city, only a few miles away. The bus quickly entered the city station. As the group disembarked, Luo Mei looked at her sister’s elegant figure and sighed silently. She had never told her sister what she was thinking.

Stories often say that beauty is fleeting, and a woman’s fate depends more on luck and marriage than on looks. Despite her sister’s striking appearance, her marriage had been unfortunate. Now, after her husband’s death, Luo Lan was living in a small shed and contemplating her next steps. What kind of man would she meet today, and what would her future hold?


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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