The Little Widow of the Sixties
The Little Widow of the Sixties Chapter 12.1

Chapter 12.1

“Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou!”

Following the matchmaker into a large courtyard, the woman in the yard called out towards the main room. However, after calling for a long time without a response, it seemed like there was no one at home.

The matchmaker was clearly familiar with the Zhou family. Without receiving a reply, she directly lifted the curtain and entered the house. The main room was tidy and clean but completely empty.

The bedding on the bed was neatly folded into blocks. Luo Lan glanced at it with a smile. She had seen many men who were indifferent to household chores, so encountering someone who took care of their home like this gave her a favorable impression. A home should be maintained jointly by both partners.

“Where did everyone go?” the matchmaker muttered to herself, not seeing anyone from the Zhou family. They had agreed to meet today, so how could no one be around?

“Hey, are you relatives of the Zhou family or are you here for a matchmaking meeting?” A person came in through the door, and judging by their tone, they seemed familiar with the Zhou family.

“Sister, where did everyone from the Zhou family go?” The matchmaker didn’t answer directly, unsure of the person’s relationship with the Zhou family.

“Ugh, don’t mention it. That madwoman from the Zhou family ran out early this morning, and the kids have gone to look for her.” After saying that, her gaze fell on Luo Lan and her sister. “You’re here for a matchmaking meeting with that Zhou boy, right? Qingshan is quite pitiful, having such a mad mother. Several prospective matches have already been scared off.”

Luo Lan maintained a calm expression and smiled politely at the other person. “Auntie, does his mother often behave like this?”

“More or less. Ever since the Zhou family’s youngest son passed away, she has been acting erratically, suddenly running off saying she’s going to find her son. Qingshan had no choice but to transfer out of the army to take care of her.”

Luo Mei was very interested in this question and asked, “Wasn’t it said that he transferred out due to an injury?”

“It wasn’t just because of the injury. He was injured and reportedly needed a long time to recover, though he seems fine now. He had to transfer out to take care of his elderly mother, otherwise, he would have had better prospects in the army. He’s at the age to get married, but when women see his mother like this, they’re unwilling to take on such a burden.”

Hearing this from the neighbor, Luo Mei’s expression relaxed. If it was only about a difficult mother-in-law, there would be time to manage it, as no mother-in-law would live with the couple forever. The most important thing was the man. If he had no health issues, then the matter could still be discussed.

She didn’t notice the neighbor’s expectant expression as they pondered what to say next to subtly break the news about the Zhou family.

Luo Lan observed the Zhou family’s situation. The main house was divided into three rooms, with the eastern side set up as a separate bedroom. Inside were a bed, a desk, and two single sofas. The outer room was similar, but it had an additional dining table.

There were four people in the Zhou family, and after marriage, the living space would not be very spacious. This was a concern for another time. The condition of his mother was still uncertain. If she was mentally unstable to the point of running around and causing trouble, and if others couldn’t control her, it would be better to avoid such complications. Taking care of a seriously mentally ill person was not an easy task.

“Miss, which commune are you from?” The neighbor curiously eyed Luo Lan, taking in her appearance from head to toe. Then she clicked her tongue, full of admiration.

“What a beautiful girl. Is it the promise of work that attracted you to the Zhou family? Child, let me tell you sincerely, you must be cautious when choosing a spouse.”

Well, just as the matchmaker was speaking, this neighbor was already undermining the proposition. Luo Lan smiled in response to the neighbor’s comments and didn’t say much. It was too early to judge before meeting the person. One had to see, hear, and experience things firsthand to make a proper conclusion.

People at that time were very straightforward, but to avoid suspicion, everyone waited in the courtyard. The matchmaker sat next to Luo Lan and whispered to her after the neighbor went inside.

“Don’t listen to what others say, especially neighbors. People may seem friendly, but often wish for others to fail. Only your own parents truly hope for your happiness. Oh, but sometimes even parents might not want their children to do better. Neighbors are even worse; they don’t want others to surpass them.”

“Hmm, I understand.”

She was not a child anymore and had seen and heard a lot. Sometimes, strangers might show kindness, while acquaintances often exhibit jealousy and competition. She understood the principle.

The three waited in the courtyard to cool off. After about twenty minutes, they finally saw the main character of the day. Zhou Qingshan returned with a woman who had somewhat disheveled hair. The woman immediately hid behind her son when she saw strangers.

Zhou Qingshan apologized with a smile and explained, “Sorry, it was my fault for not keeping my promise. My mother usually doesn’t act like this. Today, she saw someone outside the gate who looked very much like my deceased brother, so she followed them.”

Luo Lan smiled in understanding and looked at the woman Zhou Qingshan was holding. From the descriptions she had heard, the woman was often called crazy, but she didn’t seem too mad. Instead, she appeared to be shy and a bit pitiable.

Noticing her gaze, the woman lifted her head. Words can be faked, but expressions and eyes usually reveal the truth. Sensing her kindness, the woman shyly smiled at her.

“I’m sorry.” After saying this, she glanced at her son. Her expression, after a moment of confusion, became much clearer. “Is this Qingshan’s partner? Qing Shan, go cut some meat to entertain our guests.”

Zhou Qingshan, relieved that his mother was better, quietly let out a sigh of relief. “Mom, there’s no rush. Let me get some water for you to freshen up first. Your hair’s a mess from running around.”

“I can get the water myself,” the woman pushed him gently. “Quickly, go cut the meat. Don’t neglect the guests.”

The matchmaker, who was familiar with the woman, turned her gaze back and forth before settling on her. She went up and took her hand. “Sister, do you remember me? I’m the girl from the back street who married into the Xu family.”

The woman looked at her and then suddenly seemed to recognize her, clapping her hands. “Oh, I know you.”

The two chatted, reminiscing about the past. Luo Lan silently brought water for the woman, who then noticed her and looked at this young and beautiful girl.

“Child, you must be Qingshan’s partner? I’m truly sorry; I’ve been a bit confused. But don’t worry, I don’t often act like this. After you’re married, you’ll manage your own life. I can take care of myself.”

Luo Lan smiled and pointed to the basin. “Go ahead and freshen up. We can talk more later.”


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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