The Villain’s Spoiled Daughter
The Villain’s Spoiled Daughter Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3.1

So, for the next month, Sheng Zexi was always busy.

Meanwhile, Nuo Nuo remained her usual delicate self.

One day, Sheng Zexi managed to get off work early and return home, expecting to hear the usual sounds of the little crybaby. However, the house was eerily quiet, with no sign of her.

Not entirely free, he had a video meeting to attend later. Assuming they were out, he went upstairs to work until dinner time.

When he came down for dinner, the house was still empty except for him.

Sheng Zexi was confused, wondering what they were up to that they hadn’t returned even for dinner.

He asked Auntie Lu, “Where did the Madam and the Young Miss go?”

Sheng Zexi’s cold demeanor and flat tone made Auntie Lu even more intimidated. She kept her head down and barely dared to breathe, replying, “Madam and Miss went to visit friends. They will be away for a few days.”

Sheng Zexi’s voice was as cold as jade, freezing the air around him. “How many days?”

Auntie Lu, still not looking up, replied, “Madam didn’t specify the exact number of days.”

Hearing Auntie Lu’s words, Sheng Zexi felt bewildered. It had been so long since he was home that he had forgotten how Xu Ai used to handle her outings. Back then, she would inform him even if she was just going shopping, but he was often too busy to respond to her messages.

Sheng Zexi took out his phone and checked the last message from Xu Ai, which was before he left. She had furiously threatened him: “Sheng Zexi, if you leave, don’t bother coming back.”

After staring at the message for a moment, he placed the phone on the table and silently finished his dinner alone.

The night outside was silent, and the dining room, lit by warm yellow lights, was also quiet, with only one person eating elegantly and quietly.

With all the accumulated work handled, Sheng Zexi wasn’t as busy these days. Although he didn’t particularly enjoy eating alone at home, he found it even less appealing to dine out with clients, drinking and eating without any real satisfaction. So, for several consecutive days, he ate at home, finding it strangely cold and empty without the little crybaby.

In contrast to Sheng Zexi’s solitary meals at home, Xu Ai and Nuo Nuo were having a wonderful time. They visited Xu Ai’s long-lost friends and took beautiful photos at various scenic spots. Little Nuo Nuo, in her purple dress and hat, standing in front of a flower shop, looked exceptionally lovely in the pictures.

Sheng Zexi also noticed some mutual acquaintances commenting on Xu Ai’s photos:

[Wow, your daughter is so beautiful!]

[Where was this taken?]

[Can I borrow your daughter for a few days?]

Xu Ai replied to them in the comments, sharing that they were in another city.

After watching for a while, Sheng Zexi exited the page and returned to work.

In the middle of his tasks, he developed a headache and went to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor advised him to take better care of himself, get enough rest, and maintain a lighter diet.

However, whether he could rest properly was not something Sheng Zexi could control. He had always struggled with sleep. Insomnia often led to headaches, and despite consulting numerous doctors, none provided effective solutions. The medication he received only served to alleviate symptoms temporarily.

Xu Ai and Nuo Nuo returned after being away for more than a week. They appeared refreshed, with Xu Ai looking vibrant in a flowing ink wash dress, radiating beauty.

Little Nuo Nuo was holding a cute gray heart-shaped teddy bear, her complexion rosy and her eyes sparkling. Her hair, once styled with a side fringe, had been trimmed into straight bangs.

Upon seeing the mother-daughter duo return, Auntie Lu greeted them while taking their belongings. Xu Ai and Auntie Lu chatted cheerfully about their trip, but when Xu Ai noticed Sheng Zexi upstairs, her smile vanished. After a moment of lowering her long lashes, she asked Auntie Lu, “Why is he at home?”

It was three in the afternoon, a time when Sheng Zexi typically wouldn’t be there.

Auntie Lu quickly explained, “Sir has been feeling unwell these past few days, so he’s resting at home.”

Xu Ai nearly rolled her eyes in response. “Oh.”

She showed no concern for his condition and led Nuo Nuo upstairs. As they passed Sheng Zexi, the little girl looked up at him with her bright eyes, holding her teddy bear high. 

“Bear, mine!” she exclaimed, eager to share her toy.

This was still Nuo Nuo’s home, and despite Sheng Zexi’s long absence, the little girl seemed to recognize him as part of her family.

Sheng Zexi was unsure how to respond, so he simply nodded and complimented her, “Nice.”

It was that simple to win over the little one. A casual compliment made Nuo Nuo’s eyes sparkle even brighter, as if a small lantern had been lit within them. Her cherubic face glowed with joy, and she even wore a slight smile.

Sheng Zexi was momentarily stunned, feeling he should do something more, but Xu Ai had already taken Nuo Nuo into the room and closed the door behind them.

Isolated outside the closed door, Sheng Zexi felt an unexplainable discomfort. He sensed an overwhelming feeling of alienation, as if he no longer belonged in this home.

Suddenly, he realized that since returning, Nuo Nuo hadn’t called him “Daddy” even once.

That evening, Sheng Zexi came downstairs after finishing some urgent matters. He was preoccupied with a phone call and missed dinner with Xu Ai and Nuo Nuo. By the time he made it down, Xu Ai had already eaten and gone upstairs, while Nuo Nuo was crying in the living room, her eyes red. Auntie Lu was trying to console her, searching for a toy, but Nuo Nuo shook her head, insisting, “Not this. I don’t want this.”

Being so young, she couldn’t express herself clearly, and her voice was muffled. After straining to understand her for a while, Sheng Zexi furrowed his brows and headed to eat.

In the living room, Auntie Lu was still trying to soothe the crying child. Whenever Sheng Zexi was home and the little girl cried, Auntie Lu felt tense, worried about his displeasure.

Once Sheng Zexi left, Auntie Lu breathed a sigh of relief, but Nuo Nuo continued to cry pitifully. Unable to find the toy, Auntie Lu called in other maids to help. There was chaos over a small toy, and by the time Sheng Zexi finished dinner and returned to the living room, they were still in a frenzy.

Seeing the commotion, Sheng Zexi frowned and said, “It’s just a toy. If you can’t find it, just buy a new one. No need to make such a fuss.”

Nuo Nuo immediately shook her head in protest, insisting on finding her lost toy.

Sheng Zexi’s displeasure grew. He thought Nuo Nuo was being spoiled for being so demanding at such a young age.

Not wanting to indulge her, he instructed the maids, “If you can’t find it, stop looking. Just buy a new one, and if she doesn’t want it, forget it.”

This made Nuo Nuo burst into tears, and her cries soon brought Xu Ai downstairs. Seeing Sheng Zexi standing there, she quickly inquired about the situation, but without waiting for an explanation, she took Nuo Nuo upstairs to search for the missing toy.

After about half an hour, they finally found Nuo Nuo’s lost building blocks in her room. Xu Ai returned with the little girl, half exasperated, half amused. “Nuo Nuo, you can’t be so temperamental! Crying because you can’t find something? You need to keep track of your toys!”

As she looked up, she spotted Sheng Zexi standing in the doorway, his tall figure silhouetted against the light.

This man had genuinely believed Nuo Nuo couldn’t find her toy, so he had bought a new set, which now served no purpose since Nuo Nuo had already found her old one.

With a sarcastic smile, Xu Ai spoke again, still scolding Nuo Nuo while making her way upstairs. The living room was left with just Nuo Nuo, Sheng Zexi, and the maids watching him closely.

Holding the newly purchased toy, Sheng Zexi was unsure how to handle the situation. However, Nuo Nuo showed no signs of disapproval. Upon seeing the toy in his hand, she rushed over, reaching out for it eagerly.

“Daddy, give it to me!”

Sheng Zexi handed the toy over to her.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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