The Days of Raising a Baby with My Socially Anxious Husband
The Days of Raising a Baby with My Socially Anxious Husband Chapter 1

Chapter 1

When Jiang Yu woke up, she discovered something terrifying.

She was three months pregnant.


She sat on the bed, staring blankly at her belly, completely stunned.

She had just pulled an all-nighter. Did the heavens have to be so harsh on her?

Looking at her stomach, she felt that having an older child by several years would be far better than this.

Just thinking about the pain of childbirth made her want to die.

But the next piece of information that came into her mind made her feel that dying was indeed a possibility.

In this identity, she was actually the troublesome aunt of the male lead in a novel. Originally, she had planned to seduce the male lead, but an accident occurred, and when she woke up, the person in bed with her was the male lead’s young uncle instead.

The young uncle of the male lead was about the same age as the male lead, only two years older. He was the late-born child of the male lead’s grandfather. Due to a strained relationship with the male lead’s mother, he didn’t live at home much and preferred living alone.

He didn’t talk much and liked being alone. Such a personality was something the original Jiang Yu disliked. Using her pregnancy as leverage, she often abused and threatened him, making his life miserable.

Eventually, Jiang Yu’s mistreatment went too far, injuring him. The male lead’s family, who were generally kind-hearted, couldn’t tolerate her anymore. They spoke harshly to her, which she, being spoiled, couldn’t stand. In a fit of anger, she aborted the child.

After the abortion, her life took a turn for the worse. She was scammed out of her divorce settlement, then deceived by an ex-boyfriend into working at a bar. In despair, she ended her own young life.

Realizing her tragic end, Jiang Yu suddenly didn’t want to die. Having a second chance at life, she decided to cherish it.

She was very hungry.

Jiang Yu touched her belly and slowly got up, heading towards the door.

Passing by a mirror, she looked at herself. She looked quite similar to her original self, but with more delicate skin. The original Jiang Yu came from a good family, with both parents being respectable teachers. However, her high ambitions led her to target the male lead, ultimately getting involved with the young uncle. Her parents were ashamed but still urged her to marry Jiang Zhe.

Later, when the original Jiang Yu frequently abused Jiang Zhe, calling him names like “mute” and “fool,” her parents felt deeply guilty towards Jiang’s family. After she aborted the child, her parents were completely disappointed in her.

Thus, the original Jiang Yu had good family conditions, and Jiang’s family was well-off too. Although Jiang Zhe was quiet, he was generous towards her. As long as she didn’t cause trouble, her life would be comfortable and far better than many others.

The original Jiang Yu brought her downfall upon herself due to her overly ambitious nature.

So hungry.

There was no food in the room, so she went outside to check the fridge.

Their house had three bedrooms and a living room, kept clean and tidy. For an average family, it was quite nice, and apparently, Jiang Zhe bought it with his own money.

But the original Jiang Yu’s goal was the male lead with a wealthy father, so she didn’t appreciate this young uncle’s decent living conditions.

Heading straight to the kitchen, Jiang Yu opened the fridge, hoping to find something ready to eat. It was full of ingredients but no prepared food.


In her previous life, Jiang Yu was a working professional who couldn’t cook and always ordered takeout. Though the fridge was stocked, she didn’t know how to cook.

The man in the study knew how to cook. After their marriage, he was responsible for all three meals. However, she had said some harsh words to him at lunch, making it difficult to ask him for help now.

Maybe she should order takeout, but it would take half an hour. The thought of takeout made her lose her appetite due to her pregnancy.

Jiang Yu, clutching her belly, sat in the living room, worrying about food.

So hungry. Should she get dressed and go out?

But the weather outside looked cold. 😭

Even heroes struggle on an empty stomach.

If only a magical helper girl would appear now.

While Jiang Yu sighed over her meal dilemma, she heard a noise at the door. Looking up, she saw a man coming in.

He was wearing gray loungewear, his black hair looking soft and smooth, and his eyes clear. His arm was slightly swollen, likely from the original Jiang Yu’s outburst at noon.

Handsome, indeed, but the injury was real too.

Due to her pregnancy, the original Jiang Yu often abused and insulted the male lead’s uncle. As a result, Jiang Zhe had many such hidden injuries.

Seeing her there, he paused before walking past her to get a glass of water.

Probably due to the harsh words she had said at noon, Jiang Zhe seemed reluctant to engage with her, his face tight and his demeanor cold.

Jiang Yu couldn’t bring herself to ask for help. She simply sat in a chair, planning to wait for him to leave.

As for how to solve her hunger… that could wait.

Just when Jiang Yu thought her nominal husband would turn and leave her coldly, she suddenly heard a low male voice above her.

“Are you okay?”

This was the moment!

Jiang Yu, with a pitiful look on her face, told him, “I’m hungry.”

Of course she was hungry, she hadn’t eaten anything for lunch. She had just come out and had yelled at him, saying that what he cooked was fit for pigs and scolded him for always having a cold expression. If it weren’t for the fact that no one else was interested in him, he wouldn’t be relying on her.

In her anger, she had even flipped the dining table, splashing soup onto his hand, and that was how he got the injury on his arm.

Jiang Zhe thought she really wasn’t going to eat, but now she was pouting and telling him pitifully that she was hungry.

He turned back, put down the cup in his hand, opened the fridge, and said, “It’s probably too late to cook a meal now, but there’s some leftover rice in the pot. If you don’t mind, I can fry it for you.”

Having something to eat was better than nothing. Jiang Yu wasn’t picky at all.

“Okay, sounds good.”

Jiang Zhe moved swiftly as he prepared the fried rice. He rolled up his sleeves, washed the pan, and then put the leftover rice from lunch into the pot along with some ham, lean meat, eggs, and green onions. Soon, the fragrant fried rice was ready.

His fried rice was golden and fluffy, each grain distinct. Unlike Jiang Yu, who lost her appetite at the thought of takeout, the aroma and appearance of this dish made her feel very hungry.

Jiang Yu gave him a thumbs up, praising Jiang Zhe.

“You cook so well.”

Taking a bite, she was moved to tears by how delicious it was; her previously empty stomach was instantly satisfied.

This was the first time in a long while that Jiang Yu didn’t find his cooking distasteful. Jiang Zhe paused for a moment, his expression unchanged, before walking out of the room.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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