Transmigrated as the Delicate Beauty in the 1970s
Transmigrated as the Delicate Beauty in the 1970s Chapter 25.2

Chapter 25 ☆ Shaqima and Xin (Part 2)

There were some snacks and biscuits in the original owner’s box that Cheng Yaoyao tasted. The snacks were flavorful and made with real ingredients, but Cheng Yaoyao found them too rough to eat.

After moving out of the dormitory, Cheng Yaoyao wanted to start making her own snacks and save some food coupons.

After buying the snacks they wanted, Cheng Yaoyao and the others headed to other counters.

Cheng Yaoyao took out the menstrual belt tickets she had just exchanged and bought several menstrual belts.

It’s a bit embarrassing to talk about, but women have their period every month. Imported sanitary napkins are expensive and mostly available only in big shopping malls in Shanghai and Beijing as samples.

The choices for menstrual belts were limited, mostly in red, green, and blue. Cheng Yaoyao chose the most expensive pink one with white dots and used up all her tickets. Liu Xiaoli wouldn’t need menstrual belts for at least half a year due to her pregnancy, so she gladly gave all her stock to Cheng Yaoyao.

The salesperson took the receipt and money, wrapped the menstrual pads in brown paper, and handed them to Cheng Yaoyao, who put them in her bag.

Han Yin clicked her tongue and said, “You’re generous with snacks, but why buy so many menstrual belts?”

Zhang Xiaofeng whispered, “Aren’t you embarrassed to discuss this publicly?”

Cheng Yaoyao had no shame about it and said, “These are consumables, so I need to stock up.” It was very inconvenient to have to buy them secretly at the supply and marketing cooperative every time she went to the city.

Unfortunately, disposable sanitary napkins weren’t available. Even if Cheng’s father could buy them, it was unlikely he could send them.

Han Yin and Zhang Xiaofeng misunderstood her intent and blushed. Nowadays, women use menstrual belts and need at least 6 to 7 at a time. Menstrual belts are consumables and need to be washed and aired after use. They are often lost, and women have to buy extra to keep as backups.

This is one of the frustrations of living in the countryside.

Cheng Yaoyao also needed brown sugar, white sugar, fruit candy, and milk candy. Brown sugar was 1 yuan per pound, white sugar was 0.78 yuan per pound, fruit candy was 1 yuan per pound, and milk candy was 1.60 yuan per pound.

Cheng Yaoyao, being well-off, bought five bags of brown sugar, five bags of white sugar, one pound of fruit candy, and one pound of White Rabbit candy, spending a total of 11.5 yuan and 12 pounds of candy coupons. She used all the candy coupons sent by Cheng’s father. Han Yin and Zhang Xiaofeng also bought two pounds of brown sugar each.

Cheng Yaoyao pointed at the milk powder on the counter and asked, “Is there any milk powder in stock?”

The salesperson, seeing that Cheng Yaoyao was well-dressed and appeared to be from a good family, improved his attitude: “Red Star brand milk powder is out of stock. We have milk powder from Inner Mongolia for 3.08 yuan per bag, which requires a milk powder ticket. We also have goat milk powder for 2.70 yuan, which doesn’t require a ticket.”

“I have the tickets,” Cheng Yaoyao said, producing two milk powder coupons marked “special needs for infants.” No one knew how Cheng’s father obtained them. “I’d like the Inner Mongolia brand.”

When Han Yin heard that the goat milk powder didn’t require tickets, she asked eagerly, “What does goat milk powder taste like? Are you sure you don’t need tickets?”

The salesperson confirmed, “The goat milk powder doesn’t require a ticket. You came at the right time. If you had come later, it would have been sold out.”

Han Yin decided to buy a bag to try it out.

In this era, people don’t lack money but do struggle with obtaining food and other necessities due to the scarcity of tickets. When they come across a high-priced item that doesn’t require a ticket, they rush to buy it.

Cheng Yaoyao also bought two kilograms of salt and a few boxes of matches. Matches were two cents a box, and salt was 15 cents per kilogram, with no tickets required.

Next, they went to the daily necessities counter. Cheng Yaoyao bought two boxes of Tiger Balm, at 5 cents each. There were so many mosquitoes in the countryside during the summer, and Cheng Yaoyao had wanted to buy some for a long time.

The salesperson at the daily necessities counter was quite enthusiastic. Seeing Cheng Yaoyao and the others carrying numerous bags, he probably assumed they were educated youth from the city. “We just got White Cat soap; it smells like jasmine and is wonderful!”

The salesperson placed a few bars of soap on the counter. Soap options were limited these days: Lux was the most high-end but unfortunately wasn’t available here. The options included Shanghai Bee Flower soap in sandalwood and peach blossom for 1.46 yuan each, Beijing Lighthouse soap for 1.40 yuan, and Tianjin White Cat soap in jasmine for 3.5 yuan. Regular soap was cheaper at 1.60 yuan but required a soap ticket.

Toothbrushes and toothpaste did not require tickets, in response to nationwide hygiene calls.

Cheng Yaoyao selected two peach blossom soaps, two jasmine soaps, and after some consideration, added a sandalwood soap. Han Yin and Zhang Xiaofeng also bought two of each. In the countryside, where they were always tired and sweaty, soaps were used up quickly.

After purchasing so many items, the three of them struggled to carry all the bags. Zhang Xiaofeng said, “I’ll go find some male educated youth to help. You two wait here.”

Zhang Xiaofeng then left.

Cheng Yaoyao and Han Yin placed their things on the counter and looked at the fabrics. Several young girls stared at Cheng Yaoyao’s skirt and asked where she bought it.

Cheng Yaoyao smiled and replied, “My dad brought it to me from a business trip.”

The other girls were fine with this explanation, but a girl in a yellow blouse stared at Cheng Yaoyao’s skirt and said forcefully, “I’ll pay you 100 yuan for that skirt. Will you sell it to me?”

Her tone was overbearing. Cheng Yaoyao’s peach blossom eyes swept over her. Her beautiful face was expressionless and even more aloof: “I’m not short of money.”

Before the girl could say anything else, Cheng Yaoyao pulled Han Yin and asked, “Do you want to eat popsicles?”

There was a popsicle vendor across the street, and Cheng Yaoyao had long envied the treats. Han Yin eagerly agreed: “Yes!”

The two asked the salesperson to watch their things and ran off holding hands.

The one-legged man selling popsicles had a tanned face and a friendly demeanor: “Red bean popsicles are 4 cents, cream ice cream is 8 cents, and the premium cream ice cream is 15 cents. Soda is 5 cents a bottle, and you can get a 2-cent refund if you return the bottle.”

The green wooden box was wrapped in a quilt. When opened, a burst of cold air escaped. The ice cream was frosted. Cheng Yaoyao chose a cream ice cream, and Han Yin bought one as well. The two stood in the shade by the roadside, enjoying their treats.

The cream ice cream, made with real ingredients, was rich and smooth. Cheng Yaoyao took a bite and offered Han Yin a taste: “Is it good?”

Han Yin nodded, “It’s so sweet! Ice cream is definitely better than popsicles!”

As Cheng Yaoyao was laughing, someone suddenly yanked her braid, causing her to nearly fall backward. “Ouch!”

Fuming, Cheng Yaoyao turned around to see a group of ruffian youths surrounding her. The leader, wearing a crooked hat and with a crooked smile, said, “Hey, glaring at me? Got a bad temper?”

Han Yin quickly grabbed Cheng Yaoyao’s hand and pulled her back.

Cheng Yaoyao faced the little ruffian calmly, “Wearing a hat in this heat—don’t you get prickly heat?”

The crooked-mouthed young man was momentarily stunned. His followers burst into laughter. The young man then turned and slapped his followers on the head, took off his hat, and faced Cheng Yaoyao: “Sister, I’ve seen you a few times. Where do you live?”

The popsicle vendor said, “Xu Xiaojun, they’re educated youth from the city. Don’t provoke them.”

Xu Xiaojun kicked the popsicle box and said, “Dutui, this is none of your business! Get lost!”

Cheng Yaoyao was furious and glared at Xu Xiaojun: “What gives you the right to bully others?”

“Young ladies from the city are different. They even stand up for others and fight for justice. Haha,” Xu Xiaojun grinned and reached out to touch Cheng Yaoyao’s braid.

Cheng Yaoyao’s eyes reddened, and she slapped him across the face.

Cheng Yaoyao had encountered many men trying to take advantage of her since she was young and had perfected her palm technique.

Xu Xiaojun’s ears rang from the slap. He glared at Cheng Yaoyao’s beautiful face with a menacing expression: “Damn it, you dare hit me? Today I’ll…”

Xu Xiaojun raised his hand, and Cheng Yaoyao, with her back against the wall, closed her eyes tightly, bracing for what she feared might come.

A scream echoed.

When Cheng Yaoyao opened her eyes, she saw Xu Xiaojun being lifted by the wrist like a chicken and thrown to the ground. The young man in the torn coat stood with a stern expression, looking down at him.

“Brother Xie San!” Cheng Yaoyao hurried to Xie San and complained, “He bullied me and touched my braid.”

Xu Xiaojun struggled on the ground, cursing, “Damn…”

Xie San kicked him in the chest, sending Xu Xiaojun back to the ground.

Xu Xiaojun rolled on the ground, crying and yelling at his followers, “Are you all dead?!”

The followers seemed to finally react and rolled up their sleeves to attack Xie San.

Xie San protected Cheng Yaoyao and took a hit to the back. Cheng Yaoyao felt his muscles tense momentarily. He pushed her out of the crowd, turned, and grabbed a small follower, throwing him over his shoulder. Xie San’s fighting moves were swift and efficient, while the followers were chaotic, brandishing sticks.

The weather was dry, and tensions ran high. The sound of fists and feet hitting flesh was alarming.

Cheng Yaoyao, seeing Xie San being hit on the shoulder, began to scream, “Help! There are hooligans! Someone is bullying the educated youth!”

It was unclear which of her cries worked, but soon a group of educated youth rushed from the end of the street, shouting, “Who’s bullying the educated youth?!”


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