From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The secretary hung up the phone, her expression unsettled, as if she was still trying to process what had happened.

“Who was on the phone?” someone next to her asked.

“It was the… president,” she replied.

The president was actually very low-key and never accepted interviews from the outside world. The public knew almost nothing about him. However, as the front desk was the busiest and most gossipy part of the company, they were naturally well-informed about the president’s affairs. So, they could easily recognize his voice.

The sharp-chinned receptionist’s gaze towards Jiang Ciyou changed, now mixed with envy and jealousy. What kind of relationship did this woman have with the president to have him personally call the front desk? Could her earlier call have been to the president?

“The president’s office is on the 32nd floor,” the sharp-chinned receptionist reluctantly said.

Jiang Ciyou thanked her and headed for the elevator.

The elevator quickly reached the 32nd floor.

After crossing a corridor, Jiang Ciyou stopped at the door of the president’s office.

Without hesitation, she knocked on the door.

The door was opened by a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses who looked very refined.

The man introduced himself, “I’m Secretary Gao Cen. The president is currently in a meeting. Miss Jiang, you can wait here for a while.”

Jiang Ciyou politely said, “I’d prefer to wait in the reception area.”

“With your relationship with the president, Miss Jiang, you can treat this place as your own.”

Jiang Ciyou was taken aback for a moment and then blushed slightly. However, she still smiled gracefully, “Alright.”

It seemed that Secretary Gao was very well-informed about her and Bo Jinxiu’s relationship. There was no need for her to pretend to be reserved.

After Secretary Gao poured a glass of water for Jiang Ciyou, he left the office.

Jiang Ciyou sat on the sofa in the office and took a look around. The office was spacious, like a suite, with not only the office area but also other rooms.

However, the doors were closed, so Jiang Ciyou didn’t know what was inside.

What caught her attention was the large floor-to-ceiling window behind the desk. She slowly got up and walked towards it.

The window was entirely transparent, offering a panoramic view of the city. It seemed like the bustling cityscape was flowing below, with the traffic on elevated highways resembling the city’s lifeblood, endlessly flowing.

After admiring the view for a while, Jiang Ciyou turned around, her gaze landing on the large desk.

The desk was covered with documents, all neatly arranged. Among the pile of files, a crystal photo frame stood out.

Inside the frame was a photo of a five-year-old girl in a pink tutu, with cute pigtails and holding a plush rabbit, smiling happily. The photo was not very high in resolution, looking like an old picture from years ago. The girl’s face was somewhat blurry, but her bright smile seemed like a ray of sunshine, as if it could dispel any gloom.

Although Jiang Ciyou did not know the girl in the photo, she felt a sense of familiarity from it. Just as she was about to closely examine the photo, the door to the room opened.

A tall figure stood in the doorway.

Their eyes met.

Seeing the woman holding the photo and studying it, the man’s brow furrowed. However, he did not enter, seeming to wait for her to speak.

Jiang Ciyou smiled and naturally asked, “Is this your daughter?”

The man’s brow furrowed even more. With a look of exasperation, he walked over, took the photo from her, and placed it back in its original spot. “Not my daughter, you big head.”

“Even the esteemed prince of the capital swears?” Jiang Ciyou teased.

But the man’s words made Jiang Ciyou feel a bit more at ease, as their previous conversations had been similarly casual.

The man looked at her, his gaze now cold and distant.

“What are you here for?”

Bo Jinxiu’s words were marked by clear indifference and detachment.

In the past three years, Jiang Ciyou had never felt that this man was aloof. In fact, he had always seemed warm, clingy, and insatiable in her impression.

But the man in front of her now exuded a chilling coldness from head to toe. How could someone’s demeanor change so drastically in just a few days? So which version of him was the real one—this current self or the one from three years ago?

Jiang Ciyou also shifted back to a businesslike tone.

“Can we not involve the Yan family in our personal matters? Yan Corporation is among the top ten construction companies in the country. Surely Bo Corporation wouldn’t deny us even the chance to bid, right?”

The man sat down in his office chair, casually picking up a document from the desk. His voice remained indifferent.

“So, it’s Yan Feng who sent you here?”

“I came on my own. I know I’ve offended you, but I believe the head of such a large business empire must be someone who can distinguish between public and private matters.”

The man looked up, a faint, wicked smile appearing on his pale face, making him seem somewhat devilish. “Mrs. Yan, there’s no need to flatter me. I’m best at mixing business with personal grudges and seeking revenge.”

A trace of helplessness flickered in Jiang Ciyou’s eyes.

“What will it take for you to give Yan Corporation a chance?”

The man patted his lap. “Come here.”

Jiang Ciyou walked over and naturally sat down on the man’s lap. The man’s eyes darkened suddenly. They had started countless nights this way.

Jiang Ciyou knew that this man was very responsive to this approach.

The man chuckled and then grabbed Jiang Ciyou’s chin and kissed her. Jiang Ciyou had never been this docile before. She had always been the one to enjoy such moments, but today, she was unusually keen to please him.

The man was clearly becoming lost in the moment. Watching his gradually intoxicated eyes, Jiang Ciyou pulled away slightly and leaned towards his ear, her voice soft and alluring like a budding lily, carrying a hint of intoxicating scent and seduction. “How about sending a bid document to Yan Corporation?”

The man’s eyes were deep and dark, with the haze slowly clearing from his gaze, becoming increasingly clear. Could he still be calculating while kissing her?

He held Jiang Ciyou’s chin, their eyes meeting. His gaze was extraordinarily clear. “The beauty trap doesn’t work on me during the day.”

Jiang Ciyou abruptly got up from the man’s lap. “If it doesn’t work, you should have said so earlier. I’ve been pretending for so long.”

The man felt a surge of frustration. This woman was heartless and ungrateful. She wouldn’t hesitate for a second when it was of no use to her. He had almost fallen for it, and it turned out she was just pretending.

“Is there really no room for negotiation?”

The man fixed his gaze on Jiang Ciyou. It was evident that a trace of helplessness had appeared in her beautiful eyes. If he were to firmly say there was no chance, she would leave without a second glance. Her patience with him was just that thin.

The man spoke, “Agree to one condition, and I’ll give Yan Corporation a chance.”

“What condition?”

“Move out of the Yan family home and live in the Green Garden Villa.”

The Green Garden Villa belonged to her, but she had already given it to Bo Jinxiu when they broke up a few days ago. Without hesitation, Jiang Ciyou agreed, “Fine, then send the bid documents to Yan Corporation now.”

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