From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 15

Chapter 15

All eyes in the room were on the woman speaking. She wore a white shirt paired with a khaki midi skirt and white high heels—typical office attire. However, the lace trim on her shirt’s collar and sleeves softened her overall appearance. Her face, while not particularly striking in its features, was delicate and graceful when put together. Her smile was gentle and non-threatening, like a pure and harmless rabbit, evoking a natural desire to protect her.

Jiang Ciyou’s gaze also fell on Xia Ling. Her beautiful eyes were filled with coldness.

“I’m the new recruit. Since I’m just starting, I hope to get a lot of guidance from all of you senior colleagues in the future.”

After speaking, Xia Ling even bowed to everyone.

Despite her impressive resume, she maintained a low profile and referred to everyone as seniors. The people present began to show their favor towards Xia Ling. Xia Ling greeted everyone in turn and finally approached Jiang Ciyou.

“Ciyou, from now on we’ll be colleagues. Since I’m new, I hope you’ll look after me.”

There was a flicker of surprise in everyone’s eyes.

Vivian spoke up, “Do you know each other?”

Xia Ling smiled at everyone, “Ciyou and I were high school classmates and once the best of friends.”

Jiang Ciyou also smiled but her eyes were icy. “We were high school classmates, but I don’t deserve the title of best friend.”

Xia Ling’s expression showed some embarrassment as she lowered her head. “Yes, I’m not worthy of being your friend. I come from a humble background, and it was my own wishful thinking.”

The atmosphere fell silent immediately. Xia Ling bit her lip, tears seeming to shimmer in her eyes. Her pitiable appearance could evoke sympathy even from an indifferent observer.

As expected, Vivian stepped up to Xia Ling. “Ciyou, what are you being so proud about? Xia Ling is a top graduate from Columbia. Her calling you her friend is just a form of flattery. You really don’t know what’s good for you.”

Vivian then took Xia Ling’s arm. “Don’t mind her. She’s known for being disliked around here. From now on, we’re all your friends.”

Tang Fei’s expression was also a bit awkward. “Xia Ling, why don’t you follow Vivian to get familiar with things? Oh, and the news department meeting is at nine.”

Watching as Xia Ling was surrounded and led away by a crowd, Jiang Ciyou felt a brief moment of turmoil but quickly regained her composure.

Xia Ling was exceptionally skilled at pretending. If she weren’t, she wouldn’t have fooled her for three years during high school. Xia Ling always showed her most vulnerable side to elicit protective instincts from others, even going as far as having others fight battles and shield her.

Just now, Xia Ling had deliberately portrayed herself as coming from a humble background, making others think that’s why she was looking down on her. Vivian immediately took her side.

Jiang Ciyou could certainly defend herself, but she didn’t want to explain in front of a group eager to see her downfall. Moreover, she knew that no matter what she said, others’ prejudices wouldn’t change. Indeed, her reputation at the TV station was extremely poor.

Jiang Ciyou had once tried to mend relationships with her colleagues. However, she soon realized that her efforts were futile because of the inherent conflicts of interest. The more she tried, the more she was seen as scheming. Over the past year, she had given up on trying to please everyone and just focused on being herself, regardless of what others said.

Though her work went smoothly, the complicated interpersonal dynamics left her feeling unhappy. Being a news anchor had fulfilled a childhood dream, but leaving this position didn’t mean she lacked survival skills. On the contrary, her interests were broad and her skills numerous, each capable of supporting her future. Just from the annual dividends of QUEEN, she had already achieved financial freedom.

Jiang Ciyou didn’t know Xia Ling’s purpose for coming here, but she was already tired of competing with her. Perhaps leaving this place wouldn’t be so bad after all.

At nine o’clock, everyone went to the meeting room. Jiang Ciyou was not only a host but also a news reporter.

Tang Fei said, “Sister Lin will complete her handover and leave the TV station in a week. So within a week, we need to determine who will take the prime-time anchor position.”

Vivian spoke up, “Director, I think Xia Ling would be a good fit. I just saw her footage from BNC. She’s outstanding, even served as an international host at BNC, switching between Chinese and English fluently, and she’s very professional.”

Tang Fei smiled. “Xia Ling is indeed excellent, but this position was originally meant for Ciyou. After all, she has the most advertising contracts and the highest popularity.”

“But our news department isn’t the advertising department. We focus on professional competence. If it’s only about who has the most advertising contracts, everyone’s focus would shift from doing news to finding sponsors.”

Vivian’s mention of “finding sponsors” was particularly pointed, clearly implying something.

Jiang Ciyou casually played with her hair. “The day before yesterday at the Tianheng Group’s business dinner, I overheard their employees talking. They mentioned a single-eyelid girl from our TV station who frequently visited General Manager Li. Mrs. Li saw this girl sitting on General Manager Li’s lap calling him ‘Daddy.’ Mrs. Li slapped her, and now General Manager Li and his wife are arguing about a divorce. I’m curious, does our TV station really have such a person?”

Vivian’s face instantly fell. She stood up angrily. “Jiang Ciyou, stop spreading baseless rumors.”

Jiang Ciyou smiled. “I didn’t say it was you. The TV station is so big; a single-eyelid girl isn’t just you.”

“I just think you’re right. The focus should be on doing the news. Finding sponsors is risky. Mrs. Li is known for being fierce. Once, a secretary from Tianheng Group flirted with General Manager Li and ended up having her clothes torn off and left in a mall. Coincidentally, I added Mrs. Li on WeChat at the last business dinner, and yesterday, she was still asking me about the single-eyelid girl…”

Vivian’s expression gradually changed from anger to panic. “What did you tell her…”

A single sentence exposed Vivian’s unease. Everyone’s eyes were different, but Vivian could no longer care about that. She knew Mrs. Li’s methods and was relieved she had escaped quickly last time without being recognized. However, she hadn’t expected Mrs. Li to remember her single-eyelid feature.

Jiang Ciyou smiled at Vivian. As Vivian neared being overwhelmed by fear, Jiang Ciyou leisurely continued, “This concerns the reputation of our TV station. I haven’t responded because I haven’t investigated it thoroughly. I had almost forgotten about it until you mentioned the topic of sponsors just now.”

Vivian sighed in relief. At that moment, her gaze toward Jiang Ciyou was filled with apprehension. Jiang Ciyou was indeed deep and calculating, knowing that Mrs. Li was inquiring about her but not revealing it, using it as leverage.

Vivian was now helpless and sat back in her seat, unwilling to say another word.

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