Hagakure Sakura Does Not Lament
Hagakure Sakura Does Not Lament  Chapter 177

In Akaguchi Town, after informing Bell of my intention to head towards the contaminated forbidden area, I was met with an incredibly displeased expression. Apparently, not only the Japanese gods but also foreign gods dislike that place.

I’m very curious about what the Star of Dawn was trying to descend, but since there are gods whose names alone can have negative effects, it might be best to remain ignorant.

Despite Bell’s reluctance, we finally agreed to explore the forbidden area next Saturday. Incidentally, Bell won’t be accompanying me.

There are two reasons for this: firstly, she simply doesn’t want to go because it makes her feel bad, and secondly, if there are weak gods in the forbidden area, they might flee upon sensing Bell’s powerful presence. If that happens, there’s no point in going to check. Thus, she won’t be coming along this time.

Though Bell understands the inherent risks of entering the forbidden area, she plans to lend me an artifact with protective effects for the day. Of course, this is without government permission, so she’ll be negotiating—no, barging in—on Yatagarasu for that.

I really appreciate her concern, but I’m worried that she might overdo it and get herself in trouble again.

After setting those plans, I reported the schedule to Tono. The next night, I was consulted by Chidori about meeting with Yozuru.

“I contacted Yozuru Grandpa this evening, and he said next Saturday or Sunday would work for him. Are you free those days, Tsugumi?”

“…Ah, sorry. I have an unmovable commitment next week. It might stretch over a day, and even at night, it might be difficult.”

Although it should only take a day to go to the forbidden area and return, since I don’t know what might happen and the contaminated divine power is scary, I want to avoid meeting people right after leaving the area. Chidori would probably be fine due to her resistance, but I didn’t want to burden the elderly Yozuru.

“Really? That’s troublesome. Grandpa is making time between other engagements, so it would be inconvenient to reschedule…”

As Chidori began to worry, Shiro, who was sitting on her lap, spoke up.

“Is this about your foster parent? Hmm, isn’t it fine if only Chidori goes? It seems Tsugumi is disliked by him, so your presence wouldn’t make a difference.”

Tsugumi winced at Shiro’s blunt statement. There are things you should and shouldn’t say. This is definitely the latter.

“…You might be right, but it’s thoughtless comments like that which make ‘the elder sister’ resent you. I think you should be more considerate.”

Having lived with this white rabbit god for nearly a year, I know he’s prone to such blunt remarks. He means no harm, but he never considers how others might feel.

The problem is that he’s often right, which makes his comments more annoying.

…I might be rude for thinking this, but Shiro’s sister probably disliked these traits as well.

When I said that, Shiro visibly panicked, his ears perked up dramatically as if emitting a ‘gaarn’ sound, then he curled up, holding his head.

It seemed he was more shocked than I expected. …Maybe I said too much.

“Now, now, Shiro-sama is sensitive, so don’t bully him too much. It’s not fair,” Chidori said, siding with Shiro.

I sighed lightly. I don’t mind Chidori pampering Shiro, but considering his true form is a strong male god, it feels a bit odd.

Moreover, sitting on a young girl’s lap with such entitlement would be a crime if he were human.

Setting aside such jealousy, I pondered how to adjust my schedule. Since I couldn’t change my plans to visit the forbidden area, it was uncertain if I could make time for Yozuru.

I believe it’s proper to discuss important matters like my future face-to-face, but as Shiro suggested, Yozuru probably doesn’t want to meet me.

…Perhaps it’s better not to meet. While it’s annoying to agree with Shiro, this time, I have no choice.

“If Yozuru-san can’t adjust his schedule, I’ll refrain from meeting this time. I’ll write a letter to him, so could you deliver it for me, Chidori?”

Chidori nodded reluctantly. Shiro on her lap seemed to be saying, “If that’s the case, why did I get scolded earlier?” but I ignored it. The issue wasn’t the outcome but how it was said.

“I’ll make sure to convey it to Yozuru Grandpa.”

“Yeah, please do.”

“Really, Tsugumi, you seem so busy. Is helping with the research that hard? Lately, you’ve been coming home late at night,” Chidori asked curiously.

I smiled evasively. In reality, it’s not research help but substituting as a magical girl. But it’s practically the same thing.

“Well, yes. Mostly menial tasks for me, but the person watching over me is extremely busy. If it continues, they might collapse, so I want to help as much as I can.”

Honestly, I think Hii is reaching her limit handling both roles of magical girl and researcher. But quitting as a magical girl would mean losing the divine support, leading to a fatal overwork scenario. That would be a disaster.

…I hope her workload lightens before I enter university, but it seems unlikely. It’s time to seriously consider adjusting her workload.

“I see. Researchers have it tough too. Even my senior Mebuki at Teito University has been so busy lately that we hardly keep in touch. But if you can’t be there, where should I meet Grandpa? Meeting at home alone is too nerve-wracking,” Chidori mused with a wry smile.

I shrugged lightly.

“How about the hotel lobby? He usually stays at famous hotels, so the lobby should be spacious enough for a chat.”

When he visits, Yozuru stays at well-known hotels even I recognize. The lobby should be fine for a conversation.

Chidori nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll contact Grandpa and arrange it.”

Thus, the matter of Yozuru was settled for now. Though I felt bad leaving everything to Chidori, there was nothing I could do if our schedules didn’t align.

Still, I wondered. Yozuru has been supporting our lives without any obligation. Are we truly unrelated? Perhaps Chidori or I have some connection we’re unaware of.

Logically, it seems more likely to be Chidori. In that case, I must have seemed like a mysterious child. …It made me even more reluctant to meet him.

I know I’ll have to hear his story eventually, but I want to wait until Chidori’s memory returns. It’s a cowardly thought, but I can’t muster the courage yet.

――From the depths of my heart, I wished for the fragile peace, as delicate as a child’s stack of blocks, to continue.

◆ ◆ ◆

――Later that night.

Having received Chidori’s message, Yozuru agreed to meet her in the hotel lobby next Saturday.

It had been a long time since he last saw Chidori, but she must resemble his daughter Akane more now.

Thinking about this made the unhealed wound in his heart throb, but he didn’t dislike meeting his granddaughter. …He just felt ashamed of his own inadequacies.

As for the other pseudo-grandchild not coming, Yozuru was relieved. Frankly, he didn’t know how to face someone who, despite being a man, disguised himself as a magical girl.

Still, he was somewhat relieved. The fact that they were active as magical girls meant they had a decent income.

Especially Tsugumi, active as Juka, likely had more wealth than Yozuru now. Even if they retired immediately, they could live comfortably for life. Considering Yozuru’s inheritance, they would have no problems even if something happened to him.

That’s why Yozuru was able to make such a significant decision.

“Still, next Saturday… Depending on the discussion on the day before, I might not be able to go, but if it’s with a god, it can’t be helped. Truly, I’m deeply grateful to Asakura.”

Yozuru quietly lowered his gaze as he said this.

He had finally managed to arrange a meeting with ‘Yatagarasu,’ thanks to his long-time friend Asakura.

Asakura had used his connections to negotiate with the government, and this finally came to fruition recently. The sudden message this morning was surprising, but it seemed that the other side also wanted to inform them as soon as possible. Asakura was truly a considerate friend.

Since the subject matter was sensitive, they arranged to meet away from government premises and then move to another secure location.

Yozuru didn’t trust the government much, so he felt uneasy, but this time he had no choice but to dive into the lion’s den.

“They got away with a vague explanation last time, but this time, I will get a detailed account. What happened during that great fire? And how was my daughter Akane treated by the government?”

For that, he was willing to risk his life. Yozuru made this strong resolution.


Just a guy translating stuff.

1 comment
  1. KuroNekoQ has spoken 2 months ago

    thanks for the chapter


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