From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Xia Ling smiled gently and spoke, “Our news department is filled with graduates from prestigious schools and well-educated professionals. I believe there must be some misunderstanding here. Even if it’s true, it certainly isn’t anyone from our news department.”

“As for the prime-time anchor position, I won’t compete with Ciyou for it. She can have it.”

Xia Ling’s voice was soft and soothing, like a gentle songbird of the forest. She quickly changed the topic.

Vivian looked at Xia Ling with gratitude. Not only did Xia Ling protect her dignity, but she also proactively gave up the prime-time anchor position to shift everyone’s attention.

Jiang Ciyou, however, only laughed.

“It sounds like you’re saying this position was already yours, and now you’re graciously giving it to me.”

“Ciyou, you misunderstood. That wasn’t my intention at all.”

“Then what is your intention?”

“Alright, everyone, let’s stop arguing.”

Tang Fei finally interrupted with a pained expression.

“Regarding the anchor position, here’s the plan. Our TV station is about to interview a very important person. Whoever secures the first interview with this person will get the prime-time anchor position.”

“Of course, the interview must be completed within a week, so you both need to act quickly.”

Someone asked curiously, “Director, who is this important person you’re talking about?”

Director Tang replied, “The crown prince of the Beijing circle, Bo Jinxiu.”

Everyone looked shocked. “Shouldn’t the crown prince of the Beijing circle be in Beijing? Besides, hasn’t the Beijing TV station never interviewed him? How could he possibly agree to an interview with our small local station?”

Zhao Yuan from the photography department spoke up, “How can you news reporters not know this? The crown prince of the Beijing circle has been living in Rongcheng for three years. The most mysterious BK Group in Rongcheng is actually a branch of the Bo family. Rongcheng is about to develop a centrally approved resort project, and this project is managed by him, though it hasn’t been publicly announced yet.”

“How do you know this since it’s not yet public?”

“I don’t know much about the project, but my sister’s classmate’s cousin knows the Jiang family’s young lady. She recently attended the Bo family’s matriarch’s seventieth birthday banquet, and the top aristocrats of Rongcheng were all invited. That’s how the news of the Beijing crown prince living in Rongcheng became known.”

Tang Fei added, “That’s right. I’m sure everyone has heard of Bo Jinxiu. The Bo family is the wealthiest in the country, and Bo Jinxiu is the only heir. To this day, he hasn’t granted any media interviews.”

“Since the crown prince has never given an interview, it shows he’s extremely low-key. It might be very difficult to succeed.”

“The resort project is about to be announced, and this is a good opportunity. I think we should give it a try. Of course, it’s a significant challenge, and if we fail, so be it. But if we succeed, our Rongcheng TV station will have achieved something even the Beijing TV station hasn’t.”

Tang Fei’s eyes gleamed. “I have high hopes for both of you. Whoever succeeds will naturally get the prime-time anchor position. If neither of you succeeds, I’ll have other ways to evaluate.”

After leaving the meeting room, Jiang Ciyou’s expression was unusually serious.

Xia Ling approached her position. “Ciyou, you also attended the old lady’s birthday banquet. Why doesn’t anyone at the station know you’re also a daughter of the Jiang family?”

Jiang Ciyou looked up. “Xia Ling, why did you come to work at the TV station? Is it not enough to compete with Yan Feng, now you want to take my job too?”

Xia Ling’s face remained innocent. “You’ve misunderstood me. I just think my expertise is most suitable here. I never intended to take your place, and I didn’t take Yan Feng’s either.”

“Oh?” Jiang Ciyou, lounging in her soft leather chair like a lazy cat, said, “I’m very curious about what happened between you and Yan Feng during that summer camp. Yan Feng doesn’t seem like someone who can be easily swayed.”

When Yan Feng was with her, he cared for her deeply, and Jiang Ciyou could sense his love. But after returning from the summer camp, Yan Feng changed completely, his love turned to hatred.

Xia Ling’s face flushed slightly as she seemed to recall events from years ago.

Jiang Ciyou seemed to guess something. “Never mind. I’m not too interested in these dirty matters.”

“No, it’s not what you think,” Xia Ling hurried to explain.

Jiang Ciyou, losing patience, stood up. “Xia Ling, don’t cause me trouble, or I might revert to the person I was three years ago.”

“Excuse me, I need to go get my makeup done.”

Jiang Ciyou needed to prepare for the noon news broadcast, so she went off to get ready.

Xia Ling watched as Jiang Ciyou disappeared from view, and her expression suddenly turned cold.

“Jiang Ciyou, I will take everything from you—your husband, your job, your family. I will take it all. You will be abandoned, left with no support, and your reputation will be ruined. I am waiting for that day. Then you will understand why I have done all of this.”

In the evening, Xia Ling returned to the suite at the Kyoto Grand Hotel.

Yan Feng was already back.

Xia Ling approached him with surprise. “Didn’t you say you were going to return to the Yan family’s old residence today?”

Yan Feng walked over, wrapping his arm around Xia Ling’s shoulders and placing a hand on her lower abdomen. “I missed you and the baby.”

A hint of shyness appeared on Xia Ling’s face. “With those words from you, I would be content no matter where you are.”

Yan Feng held her close. “Xia Ling, I’m sorry for making you follow me like this. I feel like I’m wronging you.”

Xia Ling’s voice was soft and gentle. “As long as your heart is with me, I don’t feel wronged. Ah Feng, once the baby is born, we will be a happy family of three.”

Yan Feng said, “Don’t worry. I will resolve the issues with Jiang Ciyou as soon as possible. I will give you and the baby a proper status.”

When Jiang Ciyou was mentioned, Yan Feng’s face suddenly turned cold.

He seemed to recall something. “Today was your first day at the TV station. Did Jiang Ciyou give you any trouble?”

Xia Ling’s eyes seemed to flicker. “No… she knows that she resents me for taking you away, so she’s been like that toward me.”

“Of course, she bullied you. I knew it. I’m going back to settle scores with her now.”

Xia Ling held onto Yan Feng’s arm, her voice gentle yet seemingly submissive. “Don’t do that. If I can be with you, this little grievance is nothing. If you go back now, it will only escalate the situation, and your parents will dislike me even more. Some things, I can just endure and let them pass.”

Thinking about his parents’ prejudice against Xia Ling, Yan Feng stopped.

He hugged Xia Ling again and said, “If you’re wronged, you must tell me. I won’t let Jiang Ciyou bully you, and remember, I never belonged to her. It’s not that you took me from her, but that Jiang Ciyou doesn’t deserve me.”

Xia Ling leaned against Yan Feng’s chest, a gleam of light in her eyes.

Then she gently asked, “Ah Feng, have you met Bo Jinxiu? Do you know anything about this crown prince of the Beijing circle?”

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