From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Yan Feng said, “Previously, for the Paradise Resort project, the company did look into his preferences, but he is extremely low-profile and his whereabouts are very mysterious, so we don’t know much about him.”

Yan Feng lowered his head and asked, “Why are you asking about him?”

Xia Ling replied, “The station said that if I can get an exclusive interview with Bo Jinxiu, I’ll be given the 7 PM prime time hosting position. But when I called BJ today, they said the station’s appointment would be pushed back to six months later.”

Yan Feng frowned and thought for a moment. “The only thing we’ve found out is that this crown prince has a habit of playing golf at the Royal Golf Club in the morning. I think you could try to get in through that.”

Xia Ling still looked troubled. “But the Royal Golf Club is the most exclusive members-only course in Rongcheng, with a membership fee of up to two million. How can I possibly get in?”

Yan Feng said, “My grandfather is a member of the Royal Golf Club. I used to go there often with him, and the manager there knows me. Tomorrow, I will call the club, and you can go as Mrs. Yan.”

Xia Ling’s eyes sparkled with some excitement. “Really? I can use Mrs. Yan’s identity to get in?”

Yan Feng looked at her with a pleased and hopeful expression and tapped her nose. “Of course, in my heart, you are the real Mrs. Yan.”

When Xia Ling went to take a shower, Yan Feng called Jiang Ciyou.

“Jiang Ciyou, if you bully Xia Ling again, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Jiang Ciyou was puzzled by the call. She chuckled and said, “What, did Xia Ling complain to you?”

“Xia Ling is not like you; she won’t pretend to be nice to your face and then stab you in the back. You already have enough, so don’t think you can take everything from her.”

After hanging up, Jiang Ciyou sulkily tossed her phone onto her desk.

Sometimes, she admired Xia Ling a bit. Clearly, Xia Ling had taken what rightfully belonged to her, and in the end, it was Xia Ling who played the villain.

Jiang Ciyou looked at the document on her desk computer, which had the words “Resignation Letter” written on it.

She abruptly closed her laptop.

Why should she resign just because Xia Ling arrived?

She had previously taken Yan Feng from Xia Ling, becoming the villain, and now she was supposed to give up her job?

Of course, she had many reasons for wanting to resign, and the thought had been on her mind for a long time.

But now, she suddenly changed her mind.

If she were to resign, she would do so only after she became the prime time host.

After closing the laptop, Jiang Ciyou picked up her phone again.

She opened her contact list and found “Pretty Boy.”

Jiang Ciyou didn’t hesitate and called him.

The call was quickly answered.

“Miss Jiang, what can I do for you?”

The term “Miss Jiang” felt distant. It was probably because he was still angry about the last time she stood him up.

Perhaps he had come to terms with it and wanted to cut ties with her.

This was exactly what Jiang Ciyou hoped for.

Jiang Ciyou used a formal tone. “Master Bo, this is Jiang Ciyou, a news reporter from Rongcheng TV. I’d like to schedule a personal interview with you. Do you have some time?”

On the other end of the line, Bo Jinxiu sneered.

He knew it was about this matter.

She wouldn’t contact him otherwise.

Bo Jinxiu was silent for a few seconds before speaking. “Jiang Ciyou, you really have thick skin. You stood me up last time, and now you want to schedule an interview?”

Jiang Ciyou paused and responded calmly, “That’s a different matter. Master Bo, you might not know, but I always keep my public and private affairs separate.”

The other party seemed to be amused by anger: “If you want to schedule an interview with me, come to the Green Villa and apologize now. We can discuss other matters later.”

Jiang Ciyou glanced at the wall clock.

It was ten o’clock in the evening.

She knew exactly what would happen if she went now.

That place never had a visit without consequences.

Jiang Ciyou declined, “Since this is a professional matter, let’s schedule it during the day. Master Bo, please suggest a time, and I will definitely come to apologize.”

Bo Jinxiu was aware of Jiang Ciyou’s temperament.

Although she appeared charming, she was actually very stubborn.

Even if it meant breaking the net, she would not do anything she didn’t want to.

Bo Jinxiu coldly replied, “Then tomorrow morning at nine o’clock, at the Royal Golf Club.”

Jiang Ciyou had never been to the Royal Golf Club.

However, she knew that Yan Haifeng was a member there. Although he went rarely each year, the membership fee of two million was paid annually.

The club had a benefit where family members of the members could visit the club as long as they reported the member’s name.

One card, convenient for the whole family.

The next morning at nine o’clock.

Jiang Ciyou arrived at the Royal Golf Club on time.

After entering, she went to the registration desk.

A handsome young man greeted her.

“Miss, you look unfamiliar. Are you a member here?”

Jiang Ciyou said, “Yan Haifeng is my father-in-law. I should be able to get in.”

The young man showed a surprised expression. “You’re also Mrs. Yan?”


Jiang Ciyou’s beautiful brows furrowed. “Are there other Mrs. Yans?”

The young man pointed to a figure not far away. “That person also claims to be Mrs. Yan. Mr. Yan is a prominent figure in Rongcheng, with only one son and one daughter. It’s impossible to have two daughters-in-law.”

Jiang Ciyou followed the young man’s gesture and saw Xia Ling.

Xia Ling also noticed her and seemed somewhat surprised.

The young man was momentarily at a loss. “Wait a moment, I’ll check with our manager.”

The manager soon arrived.

He began scolding. “I already mentioned that a Mrs. Yan would come today. Mr. Yan had informed us in advance, so you should have let her in. What’s taking so long? You’ve been negligent, and now you’ve made a mess of it.”

The manager scolded the young man while hurrying over.

The young man, looking aggrieved, said, “You said there would be a Mrs. Yan, but you didn’t mention there would be two.”

“Two Mrs. Yans? How is that possible?” The manager was also surprised.

At this moment, Xia Ling had already approached Jiang Ciyou.

“Ciyou, why are you here too?”

Jiang Ciyou smiled and said, “How would I know if someone is flaunting my identity outside if I don’t come?”

“Ciyou, what are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

The manager arrived just in time.

He looked at Jiang Ciyou and then at Xia Ling. “Which of you is the real Mrs. Yan?”

Many people had come to play golf that day.

These young elite were always keen on gossip.

Seeing the commotion, many gathered around.

“What’s the show this morning, real or fake Mrs. Yan?” someone joked.

Bo Jinxiu, surrounded by a crowd, walked over.

Today, he was dressed casually, in a black sweatshirt and black sweatpants. However, because his skin was much whiter than most, he always seemed to exude an air of superiority.

Standing with others, the people around him seemed like mere accessories.

That cold and regal demeanor seemed innate, as if he were born a king.

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