From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Bo Jinxiu woke up in the middle of the night.

Instinctively, he reached out to pull the woman into his arms.

But he found the space beside him empty.

He sat up and then heard the sound of an engine starting in the yard.

Bo Jinxiu got up and went to the balcony.

He saw Jiang Ciyou driving away from the Green Villa.

A trace of irritation appeared in Bo Jinxiu’s eyes.

It was always like this—using him and then leaving.

She never considered his feelings.

But thinking about how fierce she had been tonight, as if she was venting something,

It was clear she must have encountered some trouble.

It couldn’t just be about the interview.

Could it be because of him?

Bo Jinxiu’s expression darkened.

The next morning.

When Jiang Ciyou arrived at the TV station, everyone was gathered around Xia Ling.

News of Xia Ling’s interview with the prince of the capital had spread throughout the entire station.

Including her extravagant spending—980,000 yuan for a single meal—had become a topic of conversation.

Even people from other departments came over, eager to curry favor.

Xia Ling had also done extensive preparation for the interview.

The lineup for this interview was very impressive.

Normally, a news interview would only require a reporter and a cameraman.

But this time, there were over a dozen people, and Xia Ling had two assistants.

Of course, since this was a premiere interview,

The station had assigned a team to assist.

For this interview, the station even created a special column called “Elite Figures.”

And Bo Jinxiu was the first issue of this column.

This showed how much the station valued it.

Although the scheduled time was nine o’clock,

Xia Ling and her team set off at eight.

Before leaving, the station director came over.

Everyone was astonished.

The director was usually busy with tasks and rarely came to the station.

It was evident that the director was also there for Xia Ling.

He gave a few words of encouragement.

Xia Ling humbly replied, “Director, I promise to complete the interview successfully.”

The director nodded and patted Director Tang on the shoulder, “You’ve really found a treasure for us. Yesterday, the capital station called me, and I finally had a chance to show off in front of him.”

The director, in his sixties, spoke with a steady demeanor and an air of authority.

At eight o’clock, Xia Ling’s team set off punctually.

Jiang Ciyou sat at her desk, reviewing the script.

Vivian was deliberately chatting with her colleagues next to Jiang Ciyou.

“Xia Ling is really impressive. In just two days, she managed to secure an interview with the prince of the capital. Looks like someone’s glory as the interviewer of the war god is going to be overshadowed.”

“The station director even came personally. It seems Xia Ling’s position as the prime-time female host is a done deal.”

“Next month’s Golden Microphone Host Competition has only one spot from our station. It looks like it’s going to Xia Ling as well.”

Jiang Ciyou remained silent.


At 8:20 AM, Xia Ling and her team arrived at the BJ Building.

As soon as they got out of the car, someone came over to greet them.

“Hello, you must be from the TV station. I’m Gao Cen, the President’s secretary. The President sent me to pick you up.”

The group followed Gao Cen into the BJ Building.

The two assistants next to Xia Ling were thrilled.

“The President’s secretary is personally receiving us. Our Sister Ling is so impressive.”

“Yeah, could Sister Ling be friends with the prince? Ordinary interviews don’t come with this kind of treatment.”

Xia Ling heard their whispered discussions.

She maintained a humble and gentle smile, but the curve of her mouth deepened slightly.

Xia Ling wasn’t entirely sure.

Neither she nor Jiang Ciyou could get Bo Jinxiu to agree to the interview yesterday.

So why did he change his mind and call the station himself?

After thinking for a while, she felt it might be because of her previous win-win proposal.

After all, he had shown his dislike for Jiang Ciyou so clearly at that time.

He even humiliated her in front of everyone.

If Bo Jinxiu agreed to the interview because of that engagement with Jiang Ciyou,

Then it must have been reluctant.

That’s why he didn’t specify who would host the interview when he called.

Her appearance might just fit Bo Jinxiu’s intention.

In either case, she would be the winner.

Gao Cen arranged everyone in the conference room.

Gao Cen said, “Our President is in a meeting right now. He will come over to do the interview once the meeting is over. You can start preparing.”

Xia Ling nodded, “Secretary Gao, don’t worry. We are all ready.”

Ten minutes later, the door to the conference room opened.

Xia Ling quickly stood up from her seat and went to greet Bo Jinxiu.

She stood in front of Bo Jinxiu, politely extending her hand, “Mr. Bo, I’m Xia Ling, the interviewer for today. We met yesterday. I’m very glad you agreed to our exclusive interview. I’m also honored to be the host for your first interview.”

But Bo Jinxiu didn’t seem inclined to shake her hand.

He frowned slightly.

This made Xia Ling feel a sense of foreboding.

To avoid any unexpected situation,

Xia Ling withdrew her hand, intending to get straight to the point, “Mr. Bo, we are all set. Let’s start the interview now.”

“Hold on.”

Bo Jinxiu spoke coldly, “The host we agreed on wasn’t Miss Xia, was it?”

Xia Ling’s heart sank.

But she still forced herself to remain calm, trying to turn the situation around, “Didn’t I tell you yesterday that Rongcheng TV is willing to create a win-win situation with Bo’s? Afterward, if Bo’s has any requirements, Rongcheng TV will fully cooperate.”

Xia Ling still hoped that her proposed conditions might persuade him.

But Bo Jinxiu remained completely indifferent.

“Yesterday, I lost a game to Miss Jiang. The interview was part of the prize for her victory. Miss Xia was there and should understand this better than anyone.”

Bo Jinxiu’s words were cold and carried a hint of disdain.

“I, Bo Jinxiu, am a man of my word. I agreed only to Miss Jiang’s interview. Therefore, only she can be the host. If Miss Jiang doesn’t come, then today’s interview is off.”

With that, Bo Jinxiu turned and left the conference room.

Xia Ling felt icy cold.

People behind her began to whisper among themselves.

“So it turns out that securing the prince’s interview wasn’t Xia Ling’s achievement.”

“Mr. Bo mentioned Miss Jiang. Could it be that Miss Jiang is Ciyou? It seems the prince lost a game to her and agreed to the interview.”

“There’s only one Jiang in the entire TV station. It seems Ciyou really is the interviewer of the war god—there’s no interview she can’t conquer.”

“But clearly it was Ciyou’s achievement. Why did Xia Ling claim it was her own?”

“It’s so embarrassing to be exposed on the spot.”

Xia Ling felt the world spinning around her.

But she gritted her teeth, pretending to be nonchalant as she turned around and said calmly, “I must have misunderstood yesterday. Let’s get Jiang to host the interview.”

The assistant quickly called Director Tang, recounting everything that had just happened.

Director Tang was also very surprised after hearing this.

He then found Jiang Ciyou.

“Jiang, you were supposed to handle this interview. Why didn’t you clarify? We almost misunderstood everything.”

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