From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy
From Gigolo to Crown Prince: The Secret Life of My Kept Boy Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Jiang Ciyou smiled, “Director, it doesn’t matter who interviews.”

“It does matter. Your achievement is your achievement. Now that Mr. Bo says it has to be you, you should go quickly.”

However, Jiang Ciyou did not get up and still wore a faint smile. “Since Xia Ling has already gone, I won’t go. I believe she is capable. We’re all working for the station, and I won’t fuss over these details.”

Director Tang knew very well that Jiang Ciyou was not someone to be trifled with. Saying she wouldn’t fuss over it was actually her way of making a point. He had already said that Mr. Bo insisted on her, but she remained unmoved, which meant she wanted to have her way.

“I’ll have Xia Ling come back and apologize to you.”

Director Tang looked at Jiang Ciyou tentatively. Seeing her silent response, he knew there was still hope.

Director Tang immediately called Xia Ling, asking her to return to the station and invite Jiang Ciyou.

Xia Ling understood what this “invite” meant.

But she had no other choice now. She had miscalculated this time. She didn’t expect Bo Jinxiu to be so stubborn.

Xia Ling quickly returned to the station.

Director Tang spoke with reproach, “Xia Ling, what’s going on? The prince clearly agreed to an interview with Jiang Ciyou. How did you end up claiming it for yourself?”

“Director, I’m sorry. I talked with Mr. Bo for a long time yesterday morning, and he didn’t explicitly refuse. I thought he had tacitly agreed. It was my misunderstanding.”

Xia Ling’s eyes were moist, and she looked pitiful, making it hard to reprimand her.

Director Tang said, “Apologize to Jiang Ciyou.”

Xia Ling bit her lip and walked over to Jiang Ciyou’s seat.

“Ciyou, I’m sorry. This was a misunderstanding. I didn’t mean to take your interview spot. Please go to BJ now; everyone is waiting for you.”

Jiang Ciyou looked up at Xia Ling with a half-smile. “Xia Ling, can everything be solved with just a misunderstanding?”

When she was tangled up with Yan Feng at summer camp, she had returned to explain, saying it was a misunderstanding.

When she was pregnant with Yan Feng’s child, she also said it was a misunderstanding.

Now it’s another misunderstanding.

Xia Ling’s eyes filled with tears, her large eyes innocent and aggrieved. “What do you want me to do? I’ll do whatever you say.”

She had been deceived by those innocent eyes before.

Jiang Ciyou had once truly cared for her—fought for her, shielded her from danger, and still had a half-foot-long scar on her shoulder from it.

The more she had given, the more she felt resentful.

But now, Jiang Ciyou had something she wanted to confirm.

Jiang Ciyou stood up. “Xia Ling, come with me.”

Jiang Ciyou led Xia Ling into an empty conference room.

Xia Ling followed her inside.

Jiang Ciyou shut the door forcefully, isolating them from the prying eyes outside.

Once inside, Xia Ling immediately knelt down and grasped Jiang Ciyou’s hand. “Ciyou, please forgive me this once. If because of me, the station loses this exclusive interview, I definitely won’t be able to stay here.”

The station director had already boasted to the BJ station.

If they couldn’t secure the interview with Bo Jinxiu in the end, it would not only be her loss of face but also the director’s.

Jiang Ciyou pulled her hand away. “Xia Ling, I want to ask you something. Answer me honestly.”

Xia Ling continued to look at Jiang Ciyou with an extremely innocent expression.

“Was it you who told Yan Feng about what happened during the summer vacation in our freshman year?”

Xia Ling’s gaze seemed to waver.

Based on past events, Jiang Ciyou was certain that Xia Ling had told Yan Feng, which led to the strife between her and Yan Feng.

But she couldn’t be 100% sure if it was Xia Ling’s design.

Xia Ling had known that Jiang Ciyou would find an opportunity to ask her.

She had already prepared her response.

Xia Ling did not deny it. “Yes… it was me, but it was an accidental slip of the tongue. I didn’t do it on purpose. Ciyou, please forgive me.”

Jiang Ciyou wasn’t surprised; she just sneered coldly. “Xia Ling, stop pretending.”

Xia Ling remained silent, tears streaming down her face, looking pitiful and heart-wrenching.

Xia Ling, kneeling on the floor, said, “Ciyou, I don’t expect you to forgive me. Whether you believe it or not, I have lived in guilt all these years. If you blame me, just hit me. It would make me feel a little better.”

Xia Ling took Jiang Ciyou’s hand and started hitting her own face.

One slap, two slaps, and soon there were fingerprints on her face.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Ciyou felt a surge of irritation.

Jiang Ciyou grabbed her wrist. “Xia Ling, did you harm me? Was that incident arranged by you?”

Xia Ling’s eyes revealed fear. “No, no, it’s true that I accidentally let it slip to Yan Feng, but this matter has nothing to do with me. I really didn’t do it.”

“Then how did you know about it?”

“You mentioned it in your sleep. You were talking in your sleep a lot during that time.”

Jiang Ciyou stared at Xia Ling’s eyes. There was no sign of guilt from Xia Ling; she looked genuinely sincere.

Jiang Ciyou curled her lips into a smile. “Xia Ling, I will find out the truth. If I find out this matter is related to you, I will never let you off.”

Jiang Ciyou stood up and left the conference room.

As she opened the door, a group of gossiping people was gathered outside.

They saw Xia Ling kneeling inside, with obvious fingerprints on her face.

Vivian couldn’t stand to see Jiang Ciyou’s high and mighty demeanor. “Jiang Ciyou, you’ve gone too far. You actually hit someone.”

Xia Ling quickly ran over. “No, Ciyou didn’t hit me. I did it to myself.”

“You think you can get those fingerprints by bumping into something? Jiang Ciyou, Xia Ling just accidentally took your interview, and you’ve beaten her like this.”

Vivian incited Xia Ling. “Xia Ling, you can accuse her of intentional harm.”

Jiang Ciyou raised an eyebrow and spoke lightly:“I didn’t hit her. She slapped herself to apologize to me. I couldn’t even stop her.”

“Jiang Ciyou, who would believe you? You’re a viper. Who knows what means you used to get the prince’s interview? At least Xia Ling is clean.”

Jiang Ciyou was unwilling to argue further. She took out her phone and snapped a photo of Vivian.

Then she quickly found a contact in her address book and sent it.

“Jiang Ciyou, what are you doing?”

Jiang Ciyou smiled brightly at Vivian. “I’m letting Mrs. Li see if the single-eyelid girl she’s been looking for is you.”

Vivian was instantly stunned.

After finishing her words, Jiang Ciyou left quickly.

She had given her a chance, and yet she continued to act so high-handed. Did she really think Jiang Ciyou was easy to bully?

Director Tang had to coax and persuade Jiang Ciyou to finally get her to the BJ Building.

Gao Cen was still at the entrance to greet her. “Miss Jiang, the president wants you to go to his office first.”

Jiang Ciyou followed Gao Cen to the president’s office via the exclusive elevator.

When the elevator doors opened, they emerged into a room that resembled a bedroom.

Jiang Ciyou finally understood what was behind the two closed doors she had seen the last time she was at the office.

It turned out to be Bo Jinxiu’s rest area, which was just like a bedroom at home.

At that moment, Bo Jinxiu was sitting on the sofa in the “bedroom.”

“Leaving right after sleeping, how irresponsible can you be?”

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