Transmigrated as the Delicate Beauty in the 1970s
Transmigrated as the Delicate Beauty in the 1970s Chapter 26.2

Chapter 26 ☆ Milk Powder and Fireflies (Part 2)

This was their secret code. Shen Yan glanced at Cheng Nuonuo. The setting sun cast a warm glow on her face, highlighting her plain features.

Shen Yan was taken aback, seeing that Cheng Nuonuo’s face was still fair and her eyes filled with admiration and shyness.

He swallowed, his mood lifted by the primitive desire that momentarily brightened his spirits.

Bashang Village and Taoan Village were on the same route as Tianshui Village, and soon the educated youths parted ways. By the time Cheng Yaoyao and the others returned to Tianshui Village, it was already dusk.

Xie San carried his large basket on his back and walked away without looking back. Cheng Yaoyao stared at his retreating figure, pursing her lips.

Han Yin asked, “What’s wrong?”

“My legs hurt!” Cheng Yaoyao pouted.

Feeling guilty for leaving Cheng Yaoyao alone earlier, Han Yin was extra attentive. “Okay, it’s our fault we didn’t catch a ride. I’ll get you some bath water when we get back, alright?”

“That’s what you said.” Cheng Yaoyao smiled, her anger forgotten.

Back at the educated youth camp, Han Yin and the others busied themselves unpacking their purchases and organizing them. Cheng Yaoyao took out a bag of milk powder and sachima, placed them in her bag, and quietly sneaked out when no one was watching.

The secretary’s family hadn’t had dinner yet. The dining table was set in the main room, with the aroma of green peppers and bacon wafting out, indicating that they had guests.

Cheng Yaoyao was embarrassed to see they hadn’t eaten yet. “You may have guests at home; I’ll come another day.”

Wang Cuiping took Cheng Yaoyao’s hand affectionately. “It’s okay! Come, let’s talk in the main room.”

Cheng Yaoyao declined and eventually went to the west wing.

Wang Cuiping’s grandson, Shuanzi, was only two months old, and the room smelled strongly of milk. He lay in the cradle, blowing bubbles. Cheng Yaoyao carefully held him for a while, and the child smiled at her.

Wang Cuiping said happily, “The little one knows what’s beautiful and what’s not. Let him look at you more; I hope he’ll be as pretty as you in the future! Isn’t that right, little darling? Look at your aunt more.”

Cheng Yaoyao smiled, pursing her lips. “Since Xiao Shuanzi calls me aunt, I didn’t give him anything when he was one month old. Today, I went to the city and bought a pack of milk powder. This will be my one-month gift to my nephew.”

Cheng Yaoyao took out a pack of milk powder and a box of sachima wrapped in red paper. Wang Cuiping kept insisting she didn’t need to, but once Cheng Yaoyao placed the items on the kang, she said with mock sternness, “Look at you, being so polite. I won’t dare let you come to my house again!”

Her tone was much more intimate, as if she were treating Cheng Yaoyao like family.

Cheng Yaoyao gave a sweet, lovable smile. “I will come! I want to visit my little Shuanzi often. Isn’t that right, little Shuanzi?”

Xiao Shuanzi giggled and reached out his chubby hands to grab Cheng Yaoyao’s hanging black hair.

Wang Cuiping was also amused by her grandson and hurriedly grabbed Xiao Shuanzi’s hand. “Look how happy this little guy is. His mother had a rough summer and has not given him milk since he was born. He’s been drinking rice porridge. He looks like a baby who’s missed out for a month.”

Cheng Yaoyao responded, “Children shouldn’t go hungry! This pack of milk powder was sent to me by my father. I’ll write to him and ask if he can get me a few more milk powder tickets.”

“Really? Do you have a way to get milk powder tickets?” Wang Cuiping was genuinely excited. “If you can get them, I’ll exchange them with you, even if it costs a bit more!”

Cheng Yaoyao agreed, “I’ll definitely help find out.”

Her serious demeanor convinced Wang Cuiping of her sincerity, and her affection for Cheng Yaoyao grew stronger. She looked Cheng Yaoyao up and down and remarked, “City girls are different. Look at your delicate skin. Can you handle working in the fields every day?”

Cheng Yaoyao bit her lower lip shyly. “I didn’t do my job well and ended up holding everyone back.”

Wang Cuiping said, “It’s Lin Dafu and my old man who don’t know how to be considerate. What can a delicate city girl like you do?”

Cheng Yaoyao started to respond but was interrupted by Wang Cuiping. “Stop talking. I know why you’re here. The farm work is busy right now, so just bear with it for now. Once this is over, I’ll make sure you get a lighter job.”

Cheng Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief. It was easy to communicate with someone so understanding.

Seeing that the secretary’s family was about to have dinner, Cheng Yaoyao decided not to stay any longer and said goodbye. Wang Cuiping insisted, “Stay for dinner; it’s all home-cooked food…”

As Cheng Yaoyao was leaving, she almost bumped into a young man. Looking up, she said, “It’s you!”

The young man was wearing a military green short-sleeve shirt, tall and handsome. He was the first person to rush into the fray this afternoon when he passed by on a bicycle.

Wang Cuiping said happily, “This is my second son, Jiaqi, who just retired from the army. Have you met him?”

Lin Jiaqi looked at Cheng Yaoyao intently and said, “We met at the village entrance when I was coming back.”

Cheng Yaoyao met his gaze briefly and then hurriedly left. Lin Jiaqi watched until her slender figure disappeared at the alley entrance.

When Cheng Yaoyao arrived, the sky was filled with rosy clouds, but as she left, the last traces of the sunset faded. The sky grew darker.

The countryside, devoid of electric lights, was quiet and dark. As Cheng Yaoyao walked through the alley, she saw villagers eating and chatting at their doors, holding bowls. Further along, the street was empty.

The road from the village to the educated youth point seemed long at night. Cheng Yaoyao felt a sudden sense of fear. She hesitated for a moment, then decided to pick up a stick from the ground and continue walking determinedly.

“It’s only two or three hundred meters; I’ll be there soon,” she encouraged herself as she took a few steps forward. As she turned around a clump of banana trees, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Ahh!!!” Cheng Yaoyao screamed, closing her eyes and swinging the stick wildly.

The stick hit the figure, who caught it. “It’s me!”

The deep voice was cold and had a metallic edge.

Cheng Yaoyao’s heart sank, and she said in a tone of grievance she didn’t realize she was using, “You scared me to death! It’s so dark; I don’t even dare to go home.”

Xie San’s tone was slightly annoyed. “Where did you go?”

“I went to the village party secretary’s home,” Cheng Yaoyao explained. “I gave them a bag of milk powder and a bag of sachima. Was that enough? The party secretary’s wife seemed very happy.”

She felt she had been too generous, a trait of a city girl who wasn’t accustomed to worldly hardships. Xie San considered this but responded with rare gentleness, “You did a good job.”

Cheng Yaoyao’s face lit up with happiness. She told Xie San that the young man who helped them fight earlier and then disappeared was the second son of the Party Secretary.

Xie San was silent for a moment. “I know.”

His voice turned cold, but Cheng Yaoyao didn’t notice. She asked Xie San, “Why are you here?”

“Your things are with me,” Xie San said.

Cheng Yaoyao replied, “Yes, I’ll leave them with you for now.”

Xie San handed her the handle of the axe. Cheng Yaoyao felt it, then pushed it away and reached out to grab the hem of Xie San’s coat, struggling to see clearly in the dark and nearly stumbling.

Xie San was silent for a moment, and Cheng Yaoyao waved her hand. “Let’s go. I’m in a hurry to get back and take a shower.”

The warmth of Cheng Yaoyao’s body, even through the thin fabric between them, made Xie San’s blood race. Finally, he stepped forward, leading her toward the educated youth point.

The path from the village to the youth cadre site was about two or three hundred meters long, with dense grass and bushes on both sides. Despite the darkness, Cheng Yaoyao felt brave walking beside him. Meanwhile, the anger Xie San had been holding back was reignited by the little hand resting on his waist, turning into an overwhelming sensation.

With Xie San by her side, Cheng Yaoyao’s tense nerves relaxed. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she discovered that rural nights had their own unique charm.

The sky was filled with stars like broken diamonds, and there were stars in the grass as well—

Cheng Yaoyao stared in amazement at a firefly resting on a blade of grass. The golden firefly danced lightly, flashing before her eyes.

Cheng Yaoyao stopped and whispered to Xie San, “Look, fireflies!”

In the darkness, Cheng Yaoyao’s sweet voice felt like a gentle caress, stirring something indescribable in Xie San. She spoke softly, as if afraid that a slightly louder voice would shatter the magical moment.

Xie San pulled out his hatchet and struck the bushes hard, startling the fireflies.

Cheng Yaoyao said angrily, “What are you doing… Oh my God!”

Countless fireflies rose from the grass, dancing in all directions and creating a mesmerizing display that harmonized with the stars in the sky, surrounding Cheng Yaoyao and Xie San.

It was as beautiful as a dream.


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