Because I am a Fairy
Because I am a Fairy | Chapter 26: Appreciate

“Winning games is because I want to win.”

Yang Chen, however, remained unfazed, “I know you have passion, but you can’t deny that this industry’s prosperity is largely supported by the fervent fans obsessed with competitive gaming.”

“It’s not like sports with the Olympics and Asian Games, backed by countries,” he analyzed calmly, “In this field, without fans, there are no games, no champions, and definitely no ‘win’ as you put it.”

Yuan Xiu looked at him indifferently, “So?”

“So, I need to know what’s going on between you and that m4.”

Yuan Xiu leaned back on the sofa, nonchalantly saying, “No need to make a big deal out of it. Previously, fans even shipped me with Smiling W.”

“That’s because they knew you couldn’t reach the level of Smiling W.”


Yang Chen continued, “Unfollowing now would seem guilty. In the future, don’t comment on her anymore, avoid any additional interaction, not even liking her posts.”

“That’s going too far.”

Yang Chen snorted, “Those who know you think you want to promote a newcomer, those who don’t think there’s something between you and her.”

Yuan Xiu didn’t respond to his remark but instead asked, “What do you think of m4?”

After some thought, Yang Chen replied, “Objectively speaking, she’s experienced, plays aggressively with skillful tactics, and shows great talent.”

“X is still missing a team member.”

Yang Chen looked at him, surprised, “You wouldn’t…”

Yuan Xiu confirmed his suspicion, “I want m4.”

Yang Chen stared at Yuan Xiu, making sure he wasn’t joking, before saying, “m4 does seem promising, but this is just an amateur competition. Amateurs and professionals are on different levels entirely, and she has only won at the school level. Joining our X team might not be easy for her.”

“You old fox,” Yuan Xiu scoffed, “It’s not that it won’t be easy for her, it’s that you think she’s not up to par.”

Indeed, nothing could escape this sly guy.

Yang Chen admitted, “The goal of the X team is to break into the global competition and win major championships. I can’t convince investors to add a girl into the mix.”

“I don’t need you to convince investors; she’ll convince them with her performance,” Yuan Xiu said. “Last year, you wanted to recruit Chen Jingming, who won both the provincial competition and the points championship, to X, but he declined. This year, investors still favor him, but now m4 is overshadowing him. Why not consider m4?”

Yang Chen paused and finally revealed the reason, “m4 is a girl.”

It was indeed because of that…

“In this field, boys have more potential than girls, that’s an undeniable fact,” Yang Chen stated.

Yuan Xiu’s expression turned cold as he bluntly said, “That’s because you never give girls the opportunity.”

“In professional gaming, from eighteen to thirty is the golden age for boys. They can focus solely on their careers, but girls can’t. After twenty-five, they have to consider marriage and having children.”

“Don’t act rashly; let’s leave it at that,” Yang Chen ended the conversation, getting up to leave.

“Laoyang, stay for dinner,” Ah Heng called out as Yang Chen was about to leave.

At the door, Yang Chen chuckled, “No, I reckon certain people will give me a hard time tonight.”

By the sofa, Yuan Xiu met his gaze and as he turned to head back to his room, he said, “Stay for dinner.

Five minutes later, Yuan Xiu’s specially followed Weibo feed showed that Lu Manman had posted a new Weibo.

@WildTeammate-m4: “Tomorrow, the doubles competition with my older sister advances to the quarterfinals, retweet for a chance to win 998 red envelopes.”

@X-Yuan Xiu retweeted and replied: “Good luck.”

【Quick reply?】

【Cheeky, you keep watching our m4’s Weibo!】

【What’s the relationship between you two?】

Outside the door, Yang Chen knocked insistently.

“Darn it! Yuan Xiu, are you intentionally going against me?”

Yuan Xiu changed into his casual white cotton outfit at home and lazily opened the door, “Hmm?”

Yang Chen held up his phone, “I just told you not to like, comment, or retweet her posts! Did you forget?”

Yuan Xiu casually remarked, “You warned me not to interact with Wang Nima before.”

“That’s because interacting with Wang Nima would expose your silly side. Silly humor and cool guy persona are two incompatible traits!” Yang Chen said angrily.

“I worry about your game performance and your fan popularity. Do you have to deliberately go against me?”

Yuan Xiu shrugged, “I really like Wang Nima.”

“What about m4! Do you like m4 too?”

Gu Zhefeng, wearing cat ear pajamas, happened to pass by and overheard Yuan Xiu’s words, lifting his head.

“I admire her, just like I admire Smiling W, admire Zhefeng Youth, admire all the kids who dedicate their youth and passion to competitive gaming and never give up,” Yuan Xiu said.

Looking at Yang Chen, he added, “You say you won’t consider m4 because she’s a girl, but that doesn’t convince me.”

Blushing, Yang Chen responded fervently, “Who to hire, who to let go, it’s up to the manager to decide. As the team captain, your responsibility is to lead the team in competitions. We each have our roles, and we shouldn’t interfere with each other.”

“Yang, do you really want it to be this way?” Gu Zhefeng suddenly spoke up.


“Each to their own responsibilities, without interference.”

Gu Zhefeng murmured to himself, “If it wasn’t for the captain’s insistence back then, maybe I wouldn’t have made it into the X team.”

After all, at that time, he was just a sophomore engrossed in competitive gaming, uncertain about the future. With high expectations from his family to get into a top university and become a lawyer, the board didn’t dare to invest in him.

It was Yuan Xiu’s stubborn persistence that got him into the team.

Back then, Yuan Xiu personally went to Gu Zhefeng’s house, had him and his parents sign a guarantee promising not to let training affect his studies. After getting his family’s approval, he took him to meet the board’s biggest boss, persuading them for nearly half a month before they decided to give him a trial.

Starting as a substitute, Yuan Xiu personally guided him.

“If it weren’t for the captain, maybe there wouldn’t be the Gu Zhefeng we have today,” Gu Zhefeng said, hands in his pockets, looking down at his shoes, his gaze soft, murmuring, “Someone has to be willing to believe in the impossible.”

In this field, some chase money, some get lost in cheers, and some revel in the glory. But there are others who stay silent, grit their teeth, and push forward with fervor and passion, eager to take Chinese competitive gaming to the world.

There has to be someone who believes in what seems impossible.

Just like how no one believed that the Chinese team could make it to the world championship.

But Yuan Xiu led X to achieve it.

Yang Chen looked at Gu Zhefeng, then at Yuan Xiu. After a while, he sighed in resignation, “You two… I can’t argue with you. This matter must be approved by the board.”

“I won’t make it difficult for you,” Yuan Xiu said firmly. “The weight of the national championship trophy for university students will convince the board.”

Yang Chen gazed at Yuan Xiu, “The provincial competition hasn’t even happened yet, and you’re already so sure she will win the national championship. Although this is an amateur competition, on a national scale, there are others with talent, not just her.”

“She can,” Yuan Xiu affirmed without hesitation.

The small square room had minimal furniture, with an abandoned brown sofa where a beautiful woman sat.

Her curvaceous figure was outlined by the green camouflage outfit, and there was a playful twist to the way the bottom of her clothes was rolled up, hinting at a touch of casualness. The tight camouflage pants hugged her slim, straight legs as she sat with her legs crossed on the sofa, an AK rifle placed beside her.

The man cautiously entered the room, aiming his gun at Cheng Yu.

However, he didn’t shoot immediately because Cheng Yu was smiling at him, her charming face radiant.

He chuckled foolishly, “So it’s a beauty.”

Cheng Yu held the gun, speaking in a flirtatious tone, “Little brother, take me out for chicken.”

Her calling him “little brother” made him feel weak in the knees. “Sure, come on, let me take you. By the way, is your companion dead?”

Cheng Yu shook her head, “No, not at all!”

Before he could process her response, there were two shots from the window, hitting the man in the back.

Following that, the door was kicked open, and as the man instinctively shielded his eyes with his hand, he saw Lu Manman walking in against the light, the afternoon sunlight gleaming, outlining her slender silhouette.

The man didn’t have a chance to see her face clearly. She raised her m4 once again, and with two shots, she eliminated him.


In the competitive club’s office, the computer screen was shaking wildly, playing the video footage of the provincial competition.

Not far away, a swift figure darted through the jungle, moving quickly as the bullets behind her missed with a series of popping sounds.

It wasn’t m4 but her teammate, Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu moved with the agility of a cheetah, skillfully dodging the bullets. She was running boldly around the final circle of the competition, clearly drawing enemy fire.

Yet not a single bullet touched her.

Her speed was truly terrifying.

The fire she attracted directly exposed the enemy’s positions.

Soon, the familiar sound of sniper rifle shots echoed in the video.

One shot, followed by another.

Several players lying in ambush in the bushes were sniped down, yet they couldn’t identify the sniper hidden in the shadows.

The scene shifted as everyone watched the computer screen intently, but they couldn’t locate the mysterious sniper concealed in the darkness.

Cheng Yu was hit by a bullet, the shot coming from Chen Jingming behind the bunker.

However, before he could reload for another shot, he was struck in the back of the head by a burst of bullets.

A headshot, a direct elimination.

He was the last one standing.

At that moment, m4 emerged from the bushes, holding a 98k rifle, surveying the battlefield with a cool expression that still carried a hint of pride.

In front of the computer, Zhou Jialiang’s face darkened.

Seated at his desk was a boy wearing black-framed glasses, with clear lenses indicating they were non-prescription.

It was Chen Jingming, who had just been taken down by Lu Manman in the video.

There were several boys standing around the office, all wearing grim expressions.

Chen Jingming remarked calmly, “You really angered her when you negotiated with her last time.”

“I did that for whom,” Zhou Jialiang’s voice quivered, showing signs of agitation. “Wasn’t it to maintain your popularity and reputation? Seeing that teams like kt, π, and X are all interested in you, winning another double championship this year could boost your market value.”

“Who exactly is this m4?” Chen Jingming adjusted his glasses and asked in a serious tone. “Have you investigated her?”

Zhou Jialiang wheeled his chair to the computer, pulling up Lu Manman’s information. “I had a friend in the student council look into her profile. She’s an exchange student from the US.”

“From the US?” Chen Jingming inquired, “Which school?”

“New York State University.”

“From New York.”

Zhou Jialiang chuckled, “I know what you’re thinking, but how is that possible?”

Chen Jingming remained expressionless, calmly stating, “Why wouldn’t it be possible.”

“Can she compete at this level in our school?” Zhou Jialiang adjusted his collar, sneering, “Are you perhaps scared of this m4?”

Chen Jingming remained composed, simply stating, “Even if she’s not Smiling W, she could be from another top US team.”

Speaking seriously, Zhou Jialiang said, “I haven’t heard of this player from any top US team. I had someone inquire at New York State University, and she’s just an ordinary student there.”

“No matter what, she’s an opponent we can’t underestimate,” Chen Jingming remarked.

Standing by the window, Zhou Jialiang furrowed his brow, “We can’t let her overshadow you at the national competition, it wouldn’t be good for your market value.”

Chen Jingming’s expression turned cold, his eyes showing a hint of determination, “I can beat her.”

“You can beat her, but with what?” Zhou Jialiang retorted angrily, “She could bring along a rookie and still defeat you.”

Chen Jingming pursed his thin lips, silent. After a few minutes, he suddenly asked Zhou Jialiang, “How many followers does she have on Weibo?”

“Nearly 200,000,” Zhou Jialiang said indignantly, “This woman is really something, even Yuan Xiu is following her on Weibo.”

“Isn’t Yuan Xiu fond of mentoring newcomers?”

“Then why isn’t he mentoring you?”

Chen Jingming was left speechless by the retort, “So what do you suggest?”

“I won’t let her smoothly advance to the national competition,” Zhou Jialiang picked up another file placed on top of Lu Manman’s information, his eyes narrowing slightly.

It was Cheng Yu’s profile.

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