Because I am a Fairy
Because I am a Fairy | Chapter 28: Rain and dew are equally shared

The text describes a cold winter scene where Lu Manman and Xia Tian wrapped themselves up like chubby little bears, while Cheng Yu wore a down jacket, silk stockings, a short skirt, and knee-high boots, standing out from the two chubby bears beside him.

“It’s really cold here,” Lu Manman, holding a breakfast box, said to Xia Tian, “I’m wearing two pairs of autumn pants, but my feet still feel as stiff as wooden sticks, I’ve lost all sensation.”

“I’m wearing three pairs of autumn pants and ten warm patches,” Xia Tian replied.

“How did you fit into three pairs of pants? Teach me!” Lu Manman asked.

“Just force them on! I’ll help you put them on when we get back,” Xia Tian said.


Cheng Yu looked disdainfully at their chubby legs, “Wearing two or three pairs of autumn pants, you two are a disgrace to women! Especially you, Lu Manman, coming from the sinful city of New York as a fashionable lady, what’s with all those layers of flesh-colored warm autumn pants!”

Lu Manman curled up, holding her pale hands, “The fashionable lady now just wants to get into bed and become a fluffy ball.”

Just then, they saw a middle-aged couple standing at the dormitory door, with a young person nearby.

Lu Manman recognized them; they were Cheng Yu’s younger brother, Cheng Tian, and her mother, and the man who looked honest and straightforward beside them must be her father.

Seeing Cheng Yu return, her mother hurriedly asked, “Your manager contacted me, saying you quit your job!”

Lu Manman looked surprised at Cheng Yu. No wonder she hadn’t seen her come home late these past few days; she had actually quit her job.

Cheng Yu casually glanced at the three of them and said, “The whole family is here to talk to me about work?”

“Why didn’t you discuss quitting your job with us?” her mother asked indignantly. “We are a family.”

Cheng Yu replied coldly, “The three of you are a family; I am not.”

“Look at what she’s saying, such rebellious words!” the mother exclaimed.

“My rebellious phase is long over,” Cheng Yu said expressionlessly. “Now it’s not rebellion; it’s just seeing through all of you.”

The father, who had been smoking and silent all this time, suddenly spoke up, “Cheng Yu, I heard you’re involved in some competition.”

Cheng Yu asked warily, “Who told you that?”

“Regardless of who told me, is it true? Did you quit because of this competition?”

“Yes, I did quit for the competition,” Cheng Yu said frankly. “So what?”

Angry, her mother said, “You actually quit for a silly competition! From now on, we won’t give you a penny.”

Cheng Yu pointed at the silent Cheng Tian beside him, “Make sure your son doesn’t cause trouble; don’t come to me. Even if I starve outside, I wouldn’t ask you for a penny. Likewise, whether I quit or keep working, earn money or not, it’s none of your business. If your son wants to buy a house, he won’t get a cent from me, let alone talk about taking out a loan.”

Her mother, hands on hips, said fiercely, “Ungrateful child! We raised you through hardships, and now that you’ve grown wings, you want to cut ties with us? Not that easy.”

A passing girl pointed and whispered to her friend.

Cheng Yu cared about her reputation, feeling embarrassed. She turned to walk towards the dormitory door, but her mother stopped her, “Cheng Yu, listen to me. You must have a job, now and in the future. Stop this competition immediately. I’ll contact your manager right away; tell him you need to continue working!”

Seeing this, Xia Tian quickly stepped forward and said gently, “Auntie, Sister Cheng works very hard. She often can’t come home at night, sometimes she has to drink with clients to promote alcohol, and sometimes she drinks until she vomits. It’s not good for her health. Besides, bars are full of dangers.”

“Who doesn’t work hard? Your father and I work at the factory every day, laboring for over ten hours. Don’t we work hard? We’ve raised her, it’s only fair she contributes to the family,” the mother grumbled. “Furthermore, all those bosses of hers are generous; she enjoys their company, and they casually reward her with enough to cover our living expenses for months.”

Lu Manman stayed silent for a while before speaking up, “Of course the bosses are generous. If Cheng takes the stage, they’d be even more generous. As long as you’re happy with the money, it doesn’t matter how she earns it, even if she has to sell her blood and flesh.”

Lu Manman’s sharp words made Cheng’s mother’s face turn purple. She pointed at Lu Manman in agitation, “Where did this eloquent little wench come from? Do you have any right to meddle in our family affairs…”

“Let’s ignore them,” Cheng Yu said, pulling Lu Manman away, with Xia Tian following closely behind.

The parents and Cheng Tian were not allowed into the women’s dormitory, blocked by the caretaker auntie at the iron gate. The mother’s hysterical outburst could be heard several floors up.

Inside the dorm room, Lu Manman closed the window, tightly shutting the window bars.

The room fell into a silent and tense atmosphere.

Cheng Yu sat back at her place, venting her frustrations by pushing the bottles and jars on the table forward, burying her face into the desk.

Xia Tian said, “Cheng Yu, quitting was the right decision. I feel that your current job, with its upside-down schedule, is not good for you at all.”

Lu Manman looked at Cheng Yu, asking, “Was it because of the competition?”

Cheng Yu lifted her head, took a deep breath, adjusted her long hair, and looked at Lu Manman, “It’s not just about the competition. Don’t feel pressured; I didn’t want to continue that job, it’s not something I enjoy doing.”

Lu Manman nodded in understanding.

Xia Tian suddenly murmured, “Enjoy doing…,” as she looked down at her English IELTS vocabulary book and asked, “Cheng Jie, what do you enjoy doing?”

Cheng Yu walked to the window, pulled back the curtain, and looked downstairs where her parents and brother were still sitting by the flower bed, arguing and scolding each other.

She looked up, gazing into the distance, “I like the blue sky, I like freedom, to be as free as a bird, unrestricted. I want to go home when I want, and never go back when I don’t.”

She suddenly turned to Lu Manman, “W, can you take me to compete?”

“Haven’t we been competing all along?”

Cheng Yu turned back, “Not that, I mean competing professionally!”

Lu Manman looked at Cheng Yu, surprised, and asked, “You want to compete professionally?”

A glint shone in Cheng Yu’s hazel eyes, “Can I do it?”

Lu Manman hesitated slightly, even Xia Tian put down her book and curiously looked at her.

Cheng Yu seemed a bit nervous, quickly asking, “What do you think of me? Can I do it, compete professionally?”

Lu Manman hesitated for a few seconds, remaining silent, and Cheng Yu sighed, “Forget it, I was just saying…”

“Of course, no problem,” Lu Manman tilted her chin, smiling, “W, I’ll take you, no problem!”

Cheng Yu laughed, “You tease me so much, stinky brat.”

“Don’t worry,” Lu Manman said confidently, “I’ve guided many newcomers, and many with lesser talent than you have made it to the American professional team. You truly have talent, so going pro should be no problem.”

Cheng Yu’s confidence soared, “That’s amazing!”

“Let’s call W, the Goddess Master, to listen,” Lu Manman suggested.

“Go to hell!”

Xia Tian poured cold water on the excitement, “Don’t forget, even she is finding it difficult to join a professional team now, let alone taking along a tag-along like you…”

Lu Manman and Cheng Yu shot her sharp looks simultaneously, causing her to quickly shield her face with the book, “Forget I said anything.”


Below the women’s dormitory, 8 o’clock was the busiest time with people coming and going.

Cheng Tian leaned against the lamppost by the dormitory, impatiently saying, “How long do we have to wait here?”

“We’re waiting for your sister to come down,” their mother said stubbornly, “That person promised, if they can get your sister to give up the competition, they’ll give us twenty thousand, take it without hesitation.”

Father smoked a cigarette and said, “I’ll go up and pull her down, she’s gone too far.”

“Don’t go, you can’t enter the women’s dormitory,” their mother insisted, “Let’s wait here, sit down. Our whole family is waiting here in this cold wind. I don’t believe this girl is really that heartless.”

Cheng Tian scoffed, “You really underestimate her. Every time I come to school to ask her for money, she beats me up. She’s heartless.”

“Even if she’s heartless, she’s still your sister,” the mother said firmly, “She’s tough on the outside but soft on the inside. Anyway, if she doesn’t come down today, we won’t leave.”

As she finished speaking, Cheng Yu marched down the stairs with determination towards them.

The mother nodded knowingly, “See, I know my own daughter.”

Many curious onlookers, mostly female students, whispered and discussed among themselves nearby.

The family had thick skin, but Cheng Yu was concerned about her reputation. She walked straight towards Cheng Tian.

Cheng Tian, not wanting to confront her, kept retreating, sensing trouble. Cheng Yu took out a small folding knife from his bag and skillfully opened it.

Seeing this, Cheng’s mother was shocked and hurried to protect Cheng Tian, fearing that Cheng Yu, in her desperation, might harm her son.

But Cheng Yu took a few steps back, then directly placed the blade against her own face.

Her father angrily exclaimed, “What are you trying to do!”

With emotions running high, her voice hoarse and unsteady, Cheng Yu said, “So, you all expect me to rely on this face for a living, right? Well, I’ll shatter that illusion right now!”

She moved the sharp blade down a few inches, and bright skin oozed crimson blood, resembling a red worm emerging from the soil.

“Ahh!” Cheng’s mother screamed, “What are you doing? Are you crazy!”

At that moment, Lu Manman and Xia Tian rushed out through the door, both shocked. Xia Tian, in a panic, said, “Cheng Yu, please put the knife down!”

The blood slowly dripped down her pale cheeks.

Cheng Yu swept her gaze over her family, her voice incredibly cold, her dry lips uttering a single word.

“Get out.”

Knowing Cheng Yu’s intense personality, the family didn’t dare linger, fearing she might do something impulsive. They pushed and nudged each other as they left.

Cheng Yu set down the dagger, and Xia Tian quickly ran over, pulling out tissues from her bag to wipe away the blood on her face.

“The clinic is probably closed, we need to go to the hospital!”

There were many onlookers around, watching Cheng Yu’s drama unfold. Some of them enjoyed the spectacle, even showing satisfaction when Cheng Yu cut herself.

Ignoring them all, Cheng Yu let Xia Tian and Lu Manman assist her as they walked towards the school gate.

At the 24-hour outpatient clinic outside the school, Cheng Yu’s face was bandaged. Xia Tian and Lu Manman sat on iron chairs by the corridor. When she came out, they quickly stood up.

“Cheng Yu, what did the doctor say? Will there be a scar?”

Cheng Yu replied, “The cut isn’t deep, so with good healing, there shouldn’t be a trace.”

Xia Tian breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good.”

Cheng Yu turned to Lu Manman, jokingly saying, “American lady, today you got to witness the drama of Chinese parents quarreling. Were you shocked?”

Lu Manman remained silent, walking over to tightly hold Cheng Yu’s arm.

Feeling a bit embarrassed by the sudden intimacy, Lu Manman coughed lightly, “It’s nothing.”

Lu Manman spoke solemnly, “I won’t let you down.”


She looked at Cheng Yu, her gaze determined, “You chose to believe in me. I won’t let you down. In the professional competition, Cheng Yu and m4, the whole world will hear about us, will remember our names! I promise you that!”

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Yuan Xiu, Yuan Xiu, Yuan Xiu.

Yuan Xiu: Here, here.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Are you asleep?

Yuan Xiu: In bed, not wearing clothes.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: No need to emphasize not wearing clothes. Goodnight!

Yuan Xiu: …

Yuan Xiu: If there’s something, let’s discuss it.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: There’s nothing.

Yuan Xiu: …

Distant Little Lame Donkey: I watched your match against ESC yesterday.

Yuan Xiu: Hmm?

Distant Little Lame Donkey: I hope you won’t get mad if I’m honest? [Sincere]

Yuan Xiu: You can try.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: You played really poorly in yesterday’s match!

Yuan Xiu: …

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Although you got the chicken dinner in the end and had a high score, your gameplay was really hard to watch. Those three shots behind the tree in the final showdown circle, missing the target and exposing your position – if Ren Xiang hadn’t drawn the fire for you, you would’ve been swimming across the Han River yesterday to deliver a package!

Yuan Xiu…

Ten minutes later.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: ???

Yuan Xiu: Hmm.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Are you mad? You made me say it. [Innocent]

Yuan Xiu: I’m not mad. You’re right, I didn’t play well yesterday.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Why do I still feel like you’re upset?

Yuan Xiu: I’m not.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Look! You even added a period. You’re so serious but claim you’re not mad!

Yuan Xiu: …

Yuan Xiu: [Winks] [Grins]

Distant Little Lame Donkey: [Wipes sweat]

Yuan Xiu: Whether it’s online comments or commentary, the analysis of yesterday’s match against Team X received unanimous praise. You’re the only one daring to say my gameplay was poor.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Everything else was great, but those final three shots were sloppy. However, the seamless coordination among X team members was exceptional, so even if one player faltered, it didn’t affect the overall performance. I believe X’s greatest strength lies in teamwork, which is the deciding factor for your success in global competitions.

Two minutes later.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Was I wrong to say that? [Anxious]

Yuan Xiu: No, you were right, it’s just…

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Hmm?

Yuan Xiu: It’s rare to hear these things. Online commentators usually focus on me and Gu Zhefeng, overlooking Ah Hong and Ren Xiang’s support.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Because you and Zhefeng are the main damage dealers.

Yuan Xiu: [Smiles]

Distant Little Lame Donkey: Why are you making those weird expressions again!

Yuan Xiu: Just wanted to chat with you when you have time.

Distant Little Lame Donkey: I’m in bed, go ahead.

Yuan Xiu: I’ll video call.

Lu Manman, lounging cross-legged on the bed, sat up abruptly when she read the message. She turned to the two under the bed, “Yuan Xiu wants to video call me, is that okay?”

Xia Tian quickly put down her book, “Oh my, Cheng Yu, help me with makeup!”

Cheng Yu swiftly opened the wardrobe, rummaging through the clothes pile, “Don’t rush! Let me put on a dress! Do you think I should wear the black one or the red one?”

“The black one, the black one, it looks better in black!”

Lu Manman speechless, “He’s video calling me, why are you two so proactive?”

Cheng Yu waved her hand with a smile, “Oh, come on, the national husband shouldn’t be stingy, everyone gets a share of the rain and dew!”

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