Because I am a Fairy
Because I am a Fairy | Chapter 30: Guarantee

@WildPlayer-m4: After all the recent commotion, I feel it’s necessary to come out and clarify a few things.

~ My teammate Cheng Yu’s past part-time job is completely legitimate. The malicious online attacks are being met with ten times the backlash.

~Why is it that when a girl makes a minor mistake, she’s subject to public scrutiny, while if a boy dates multiple girlfriends, he’s seen as charming? Let’s not have double standards.

~Thank you to our supporters. All the malicious attacks won’t affect our performance in the finals. Please rest assured, we will definitely win in the finals!

    Comment section:

    【Some people online are truly malicious with hidden agendas.】

    【Hugs to the girls, don’t let these things affect your mood for the competition, keep going!】

    【Some people are hypocrites, Miss M, don’t pay attention to them.】

    【I think, competitions are one thing, and a player’s personal life is another. Let’s not mix them up.】

    These are supportive comments, but of course, there are opposing voices as well.

    【If we follow the logic above, then celebrities using drugs shouldn’t matter as long as they act well, right?】

    【Real-life competition isn’t meant for girls to play, honestly, don’t embarrass yourselves.】

    【Please beg for a way out in real-life competitions, don’t want to see disgusting individuals.】

    Under m4’s Weibo post, a heated debate erupted, with comments reaching over tens of thousands in just a few days. Riding on this momentum, 【X-Cici】 retweeted a comment for Lu Manman: “I vouch for m4.”

    This move left netizens completely puzzled.

    【What’s going on?】

    【How…how did X-Cici step in to speak up for m4?】

    【Their relationship has always been good.】

    【I think it’s better for the husband not to get involved in this mess, the right and wrong of this matter is still unclear.】

    The X team members gathered around a simulation sand table to discuss tactics. First, Yuan Xiu’s phone rang, but he didn’t answer. Then Ah Heng’s phone rang, and he nervously took it out to check—it was their manager, Yang Chen.

    Ah Heng glanced at Yuan Xiu, who also didn’t pick up the call.

    Next, Ren Xiang’s phone rang, but he remained as steady as a rock, not even glancing at his phone. Finally, the ringing passed to Gu Zhefeng’s phone.

    Pointing at Ren Xiang, Gu Zhefeng said to Yuan Xiu, “I’m going to neuter this Xiang.”

    Yuan Xiu responded, “Permission granted.”

    So Gu Zhefeng also didn’t answer the call.

    After a cycle, the call ended up back on Yuan Xiu’s phone.

    “Boss, why don’t you just answer it?” Ah Heng advised, “If you don’t pick up, who knows, Yang might cross mountains and rivers to ‘console’ us.”

    Ren Xiang knocked down a row of green figurine models on the sand table with a stick, finally pointing at Yuan Xiu, “Across a thousand mountains and rivers, directly take his life.”

    Gu Zhefeng said seriously, “Ah Heng, you’re in charge of digging graves, I’ll be the captain, feeling great.”

    Ignoring the playful banter of his teammates, Yuan Xiu picked up the phone and walked out to the balcony.

    As he looked up, he saw the deep blue sea, the coastline curving gracefully like a silver fan, meandering and extending.

    The sea breeze brushed his face, slightly salty.

    He answered Yang Chen’s call, receiving a hysterical interrogation:

    “What did you say when you joined the team?! Just focus on playing, and don’t meddle in anything else. Now you think you’re all that and your wings are strong, right?”

    Yuan Xiu moved a bit farther while talking on the phone, his brows slightly furrowed.

    “Almost thought it was the old man,” he said casually, “The old man is so talkative, just like you.”

    But Yang Chen exploded on the other end, “I already told you not to give m4 any likes!”

    “I didn’t like anything,” Yuan Xiu replied.

    Yang Chen, clearly worked up, exclaimed, “Fine, you didn’t like anything, but you retweeted comments!”

    “Oh, watch your language, mind your manners,” Yuan Xiu remarked.

    “It’s all because of you!” Yang Chen huffed, “I told you to keep your distance from her. Now that you have a large fan following, any slight slip-up or rumor could be detrimental to your career.”

    Yuan Xiu replied firmly, “My career is solely related to competitions.”

    “We’ve discussed this issue many times. Without fans who admire you, love you, and support you, who would watch you compete?” Yang Chen argued.

    “Admiration, love, and support should also be based on my skills and performance,” Yuan Xiu countered.

    “Do you think your popularity has nothing to do with your looks?”


    Damn, he was speechless.

    Instinctively rubbing his jaw, Yuan Xiu wanted to retort, but he had no comeback. The truth hit hard.

    After Yang Chen calmed down, he softened his tone and earnestly advised, “Your teammate Cheng Yu has some bad rumors circulating. Getting involved won’t benefit you. Think it over. Don’t stir up trouble for the sake of an amateur player, Yuan Xiu. Cherish what you have now.”

    After hanging up, Yuan Xiu stood on the balcony for a long time, letting the cold wind chill him to the bone.

    As the cigarette butt extinguished, he took out his phone, scrolled through his contacts, found a number, and made a call.

    “To the organizing committee, this is Yuan Xiu. Regarding being the guest presenter at the National University eSports Championship, I’ve made my decision. I’m willing to come.”

    “I’m not concerned about the pay, but I have one condition.”


    Due to Yuan Xiu’s guarantee on m4’s statement, a large influx of fans of rival teams flooded in, starting to speak up for Lu Manman and Cheng Yu. Initially, Lu Manman had considered hiring a water army, but with the support from these rivals, the situation began to turn in a positive direction.

    【I personally visited the bar where the lady works, she’s perfectly clean and just part-time selling drinks, not as dirty as they claim.】

    【Spreading rumors has no cost now, say whatever you want.】

    【Spreading rumors may be fun for a moment, but it’ll lead you to the crematorium.】

    【Supporting m4 and Miss Cheng Yu! They will definitely win in the finals!】

    【Believing in the guarantee from my shy husband, keep going, Miss!】

    Lu Manman and Cheng Yu set aside their online troubles and focused on preparing for the competition. Fortunately, the organizing committee didn’t cause them any trouble, allowing them to showcase their skills in a series of exciting matches. With their performance, they completely turned the tide of online public opinion and gained a large number of enthusiastic fans.

    In the national finals, Lu Manman and Cheng Yu aimed to secure the highest score and ultimately win the championship.

    Scores directly impacted the number of team members left, so Lu Manman and Cheng Yu collaborated from the start of the game. Cheng Yu collected supplies and ammunition indoors while Lu Manman sniped from a high vantage point, providing cover for her.

    They played aggressively, taking down enemies wherever they went.

    As the game progressed, Lu Manman and Cheng Yu entered a standalone building, with their ammunition running low.

    Someone peeked out from a window and Lu Manman shot them in the head, bullets then rained on the window frame. Lu Manman took cover against the wall, avoiding the bullets.

    It seemed like their position had been exposed.

    “How many rounds do you have left?”

    Cheng Yu set down her camouflage backpack and checked their supplies.

    “I have hardly any bullets left, maybe fifteen rounds at most,” Lu Manman replied.

    Lu Manman also had only three rounds left in her gun.

    Carefully moving to the door, Cheng Yu asked, “How many headshots have we collected?”

    “I counted, twenty-five,” Lu Manman replied.

    “Even if we use up our bullets in this round, it’s worth it,” Cheng Yu noted.

    Lu Manman checked her wristwatch again, “There are still fourteen players left, and we don’t have enough bullets.”

    Cheng Yu peered out the window, and as a shot rang out, bullets sprayed around them.

    “Someone’s targeting us,” Lu Manman observed.

    “It must be a sniper,” Cheng Yu said indignantly, “The safe zone is shrinking, and they’re not retreating.”

    “We’re easy targets, they’ll come for us first,” Lu Manman added.

    “I want to grab the bag dropped by the person outside, there must be supplies in it,” Cheng Yu suggested.

    In the game, when a player is eliminated, they must leave all the resources they’ve collected in the same spot. So, in the game, it’s “death in a box,” while in the real-life competition, it’s “death in a bag.”

    “Just showing ourselves will turn us into Swiss cheese, right?” Lu Manman remarked, “Let’s not take any unnecessary risks.”

    Cheng Yu turned her backpack inside out, “I really have no bullets left, just a dozen or so rounds. We won’t last until the final showdown circle, we’ll have to resort to using pans to hit people.”

    Lu Manman suggested, “Let’s hold out a bit longer. Once the safe zone starts shrinking, they’ll leave. Then we can speed up and run, we’ll make it in time.”

    Cheng Yu’s gaze shifted to Lu Manman’s left leg, questioning, “Can your leg run fast?”

    The current m4 team was no longer the invincible force they used to be under W; they had weaknesses.

    After training together for so long, Cheng Yu and Lu Manman knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses well. They were aware that Lu Manman struggled with quick movements.

    W’s once-prided speed advantage had now become m4’s weakness. Cheng Yu attracted enemy fire and gathered resources, while Lu Manman sniped from a hidden position.

    Calculating the distance, Cheng Yu said, “We’re about a kilometer away from the safe zone. To cover that distance in 2 to 3 minutes, while also being wary of enemy attacks, is nearly impossible at your current speed.”

    “I can run,” Lu Manman asserted, “Don’t treat me like a cripple.”

    Cheng Yu frowned as she looked at her, a hint of stubbornness in her deep eyes.

    m4 wasn’t helpless, not at all.

    Cheng Yu shook her head, “There’s another way.”

    “No,” Lu Manman firmly vetoed.

    Cheng Yu sighed, “I haven’t even said anything yet.”

    “I know what you’re going to say,” Lu Manman walked to the window and glanced outside, “You want to go out to get the supplies for me, then throw them in through the window. If you’re lucky enough not to get shot at that moment, you’ll go out to draw the sniper’s attention and allow me to escape safely.”

    Cheng Yu raised an eyebrow, “So, in your mind, I’m incredibly fearless.”

    Lu Manman questioned, “Can you honestly say you’re not thinking that way?”

    “In this game, I’m here to support you, so we should be coordinating our tactics,” Cheng Yu turned off the audio devices and looked at her, “Let’s be professional, you’re W, a world champion level player.”

    “You’re my teammate, and I would never let my teammate sacrifice for me. W wouldn’t have, and m4 definitely won’t!” Lu Manman stood resolute, blocking the door to prevent Cheng Yu from leaving, “My leg injury has healed, running a kilometer in four minutes is no problem.”

    “There’s no problem now, but can you guarantee that you won’t strain your tendons again after the game? I looked it up online, this is a chronic condition developed over time. If the doctor said you shouldn’t run, then don’t run,” Cheng Yu argued.

    “I can run,” Lu Manman insisted.

    Cheng Yu, being impatient and a bit angry now, raised her voice, “Do you still want to win the national championship? Do you want to join a professional team, return to the American League, and show your skills?”

    “Of course, I want to, I dream of it, but not at the cost of abandoning my teammate. This is a doubles competition, we have to win the championship together!” Lu Manman emphasized.

    Cheng Yu lowered her head, feeling the strength in Lu Manman’s grip on her wrist, a weighty pressure. “I’m W, believe in me.”

    After a while, she finally rolled her eyes and scolded, “Damn, I really don’t understand how someone like you managed to achieve so many undefeated victories.”

    Lu Manman chuckled lightly, “Well, that’s how you become a goddess, isn’t it?”

    Cheng Yu, not in the best mood, sarcastically remarked, “Clearly, you’re a unique and pure white lotus.”

    Lu Manman looked at Cheng Yu’s slender thighs, then suddenly flashed a mischievous smile, “I have an idea.”

    Through a small gap in the room’s door, Cheng Yu peered outside and saw the bag she had hit just half a meter from the door.

    Stretching her long leg out through the crack in the door, Cheng Yu tried to hook the strap of the package.

    Bang! A shot rang out, hitting the wall just half an inch above Cheng Yu’s leg. She muttered under her breath, thinking Lu Manman’s plan was quite risky—without leg protection, a bullet hit would surely leave a bruise.

    However, even if a bullet hit her leg, it wouldn’t be a fatal injury and wouldn’t result in elimination. The sniper hidden in the shadows didn’t seem to have good aim; despite firing multiple shots, they hadn’t hit Cheng Yu’s leg.

    Of course, it could also be due to her slender legs.

    Finally, she managed to retrieve the package.

    Cheng Yu grabbed the package and swiftly closed the door. A few more shots were heard from outside.

    Checking the package, she found thirty rounds of m4a1 ammunition, more than enough.

    “Ha-ha, ready to go! Miss, we’re definitely going to win!” she exclaimed.

    Turning around with a smile, she noticed the room behind her was empty—Lu Manman was nowhere to be found.

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