Tears and Triumph: Doing It All
Tears and Triumph: Doing It All Chapter 1 : Marriage

Chapter 1

“Song Cheng, stop drinking.”

Her friend snatched the drink from Song Cheng’s hand and poured it out, teasing, “If I let you get drunk, how am I going to explain it to Wen Xiangyi?”

Under the influence of alcohol, Song Cheng felt dizzy. She held the empty glass that her friend returned and tipped it back and forth, finding it was completely empty.

Wasn’t she just like someone lying in Wen Xiangyi’s bed?

Her life was so miserable.

Song Cheng’s frustration could no longer be contained, and her nose grew sour.

“Don’t mention her.”

Song Cheng sat on a bar stool, her right leg bent in irritation, her posture both relaxed and strong.

Zhou Ying watched her with amusement. “Had a fight? That shouldn’t be the case… Hey, you two have been together for ten years, right? Your relationship has always seemed so good.”

Zhou Ying said the latter part with a hint of surprise.

She and Song Cheng had been high school roommates and college classmates, and she never expected Song Cheng would end up with Wen Xiangyi, and for a decade no less.

Although Song Cheng was also seen as an aloof beauty by others, Wen Xiangyi was something else.

Initially, no one thought the relationship would last, but over the ten years, Wen Xiangyi’s loyalty and the absence of scandals made people gradually offer their sincere blessings.

Always so good?

Song Cheng’s grievances were about to spill out, but she swallowed them back.

She had always been strong-willed, and even in front of old friends, she refused to show weakness, hiding all her complaints in casual remarks.

“It’s just like that.”

“That’s not right. Even though I’m your friend, I have to be fair. Wen Xiangyi has been incredibly attentive to you. Last year’s class reunion, for example—Wen Xiangyi came back from a business trip abroad and went straight to pick you up.”


At that reunion, Song Cheng had been shocked to see Wen Xiangyi show up. Wen Xiangyi said she was there for a surprise check to see if Song Cheng had met her high school first love. Song Cheng had known it.

Was Wen Xiangyi crazy?

“And remember that singer you like? Wen Xiangyi personally accompanied you to the concert, arranged a private meeting with the singer afterward, and even took a photo for you to post online. Not many people have the means and dedication to make your dreams come true.”


Oh right, there was that. She had been quite touched at the time, but Wen Xiangyi later touched her neck and asked whether she loved the singer or her.

Wasn’t Wen Xiangyi really sick?

“And you love her too. Don’t be stubborn. She likes you to keep your hairstyle the same for ten years, and we’ve all seen it.”


Because Wen Xiangyi wouldn’t let her change her hairstyle!

She was definitely sick!

Zhou Ying listed these examples, and Song Cheng’s anger grew.

Finally, Zhou Ying changed the topic abruptly.

“I’ve been meaning to ask—when are you two going to get married abroad?”

Song Cheng was stunned, her inner rant halting abruptly as she incredulously asked, “Me, and Wen Xiangyi, get married?”

“What? Haven’t you had enough of the long-distance relationship?”

Song Cheng was nearly frightened out of her wits.

Imagining her marriage with Wen Xiangyi made her feel faint.

Seeing Song Cheng’s prolonged silence, Zhou Ying tentatively asked, “Do you really not want to get married? Are you afraid of it?”

Song Cheng poured another drink, drank it, and muttered, “It’s enough as it is. Why get married?”

Zhou Ying looked at her friend in silence.

In the past, Song Cheng, like Zhou Ying, had come from a small county. But unlike other people from similar backgrounds, Song Cheng had a face that seemed out of place for her class. So, even though they came from similar origins, their paths had diverged greatly.

Since dating Wen Xiangyi, Song Cheng’s style was understated but exuded a sense of luxury built from wealth, mirroring Wen Xiangyi’s style.

Her well-toned hand held a whiskey glass, and her custom shirt’s sleeve peeked out from under a high-end watch.

Accustomed to all this, she remained unaware of the surrounding stares, lost in her own emotions. Her aloof demeanor grew more pronounced, making the surrounding crowd feel a sense of intimidation and hesitate to approach.

The light revealed a hint of blue highlights in Song Cheng’s hair, contrasting with the person approaching from behind her.


Zhou Ying shifted her gaze toward the woman drawing nearer.

Unaware of anything, Song Cheng downed another half-glass of alcohol and, under its influence, spoke out what she usually kept to herself.

“I never thought about marrying Wen Xiangyi. How could I marry her? It’s impossible. What I want is…”

Song Cheng hesitated again when it came to the crux of her feelings.

“What is it?”

Zhou Ying’s gentle inquiry gave her courage, and she mustered up the resolve to say quietly:

“To break up with her.”

Once those words were out, Song Cheng waited for two seconds, wondering why there was no response.

She looked at Zhou Ying with bleary eyes, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”


Zhou Ying, with no time to spare, quickly stood up and addressed someone behind Song Cheng, “Wen Xiangyi… Song Cheng is drunk and talking nonsense.”


The sound of that word exploded in Song Cheng’s ears, making her instantly sober up.

Wen Xiangyi was behind her?

Did she hear everything just now?!

Song Cheng’s neck instantly felt a chill.

A soft voice spoke from above her:

“Song Cheng, are you drunk?”

Panicking, Song Cheng opened her mouth, but the hand resting on her shoulder interrupted her already jumbled thoughts.

The delicate, smooth hand seemed to comfort her unease, but its fingertips were close to her vulnerable neck.

The owner of the hand, smiling and chatting with others, said:

“Song Cheng doesn’t handle alcohol well. I hope she didn’t cause you any trouble.”

“No, no.”

“I remember you’re not working in Shanghai now?”

“I’m here on a business trip, so I arranged to meet her.”

“Song Cheng didn’t mention it to me. As her friend of so many years, I should accompany her.”

“Oh, Wen Xiangyi, you’re usually so busy…”

Though Wen Xiangyi’s demeanor was gentle, her long-standing presence in high positions gave her an undeniable aura. Zhou Ying, facing Wen Xiangyi’s seemingly ordinary conversation, was so nervous that her mouth felt dry.

Zhou Ying managed to respond while glancing at Song Cheng.

Wen Xiangyi followed her gaze, and their eyes met on Song Cheng.

Wen Xiangyi asked, “You’re really drunk. Can you still walk, Song Cheng?”

Song Cheng replied, “I’m not drunk.”

Wen Xiangyi said, “Hmm, okay, not drunk.”

Zhou Ying added, “I’m keeping an eye on her. She didn’t drink much.”

As she spoke, Zhou Ying shot a meaningful look at Song Cheng. Look how Wen Xiangyi is accommodating and pampering you.

Song Cheng saw Zhou Ying, who looked as if she were enjoying some romantic drama, and felt the hand on her shoulder shifting, lightly stroking with a suggestive, intimate touch.


Taking a deep breath, Song Cheng stood up, using the movement to avoid Wen Xiangyi’s hand.

Wen Xiangyi’s hand slid off her shoulder, her expression remaining unchanged with a faint smile.

“I’m heading home first,” Song Cheng said.

“Alright, rest well when you get back,” Wen Xiangyi replied.

Song Cheng gave a slight nod and turned to leave.

After taking a few steps, she stopped reluctantly to wait for the person behind her.

Wen Xiangyi calmly pulled out a business card and handed it to Zhou Ying.

“This is my private number. If you have time before you leave, let’s meet again.”

Her smile widened a bit. “Friends of Song Cheng are my friends.”

Zhou Ying took the card, surprised and flattered.

Only then did Wen Xiangyi move toward Song Cheng.

Throughout the exchange, Song Cheng paid no attention to what Wen Xiangyi and Zhou Ying were discussing. She remained lost in her own emotions, waiting for Wen Xiangyi to approach and leave.

In the car, they sat in the back seat. Song Cheng remained silent, and Wen Xiangyi seemed busy with something, not paying much attention to her.

Song Cheng, initially tense, soon fell asleep due to exhaustion and alcohol, slumping against the window.

She slept soundly all the way home, only waking when Wen Xiangyi called her.

Yawning, Song Cheng followed Wen Xiangyi into the house.

Wen Xiangyi, who had a cleanliness obsession, kept her home spotless, and she herself was always clean.

Song Cheng often grumbled about Wen Xiangyi’s fussiness, but after so many years, she had developed a reflex to immediately shower, even when half-drunk.

She began to undress.

Wen Xiangyi stood nearby, watching.

As the clothes piled up on the sofa and Song Cheng prepared to enter the bathroom, Wen Xiangyi calmly said, “You’ve been silent all the way. Are you scared?”


Wen Xiangyi looked at her again.

Song Cheng lowered her head and said quietly, “I feel like a dog.”

This feeling stemmed from her overflowing grievances, with the trigger being the few minutes she spent waiting for Wen Xiangyi at the bar. She had been reminded of an Alaskan Malamute she saw yesterday in her apartment complex, waiting obediently while its owner chatted with someone else. It felt like a complete lack of autonomy, just like her own situation.

Song Cheng, feeling deeply sorry for herself and wallowing in self-pity, suddenly heard Wen Xiangyi laugh.


You’re still laughing?

She looked up in disbelief.

In an instant, the world spun around her. When she came to, she was sprawled on the sofa with Wen Xiangyi straddling her, her head resting against Wen Xiangyi’s chest.

The light from the room’s ceiling highlighted Wen Xiangyi’s silk shirt, the beige fabric softly accentuating her curves. Above that, her collarbone was partially hidden, the tightly fastened collar wrapped around her long, graceful neck. A beautifully shining pearl necklace adorned her neck.

The lower part of Wen Xiangyi’s face entered Song Cheng’s field of vision.

Regardless of her feelings, Song Cheng was very familiar with Wen Xiangyi. Even without looking, she could easily picture her pale, delicate face, long eyelashes shadowing her light brown pupils. Wen Xiangyi’s gaze was always measured, except when it was directed at her.

Wen Xiangyi’s gaze slowly traced over her, her breath brushing against Song Cheng’s nose. Her eyes roved from top to bottom, as if trying to see through Song Cheng’s hidden thoughts.

Feeling exposed under Wen Xiangyi’s gaze, Song Cheng finally remembered what she had said at the bar.

In that moment of eye contact with Wen Xiangyi, Song Cheng felt an impending confrontation. She became more fearful and quickly closed her eyes.


Just as Wen Xiangyi was about to respond with a mix of frustration and amusement, a hand rested on her waist.

As Wen Xiangyi’s lips parted to speak, Song Cheng’s arm wrapped around her tightly, pulling her into an embrace and turning them both over.

In the midst of the spin, Wen Xiangyi was momentarily dazed.

Song Cheng’s body was naturally warmer than Wen Xiangyi’s, and the thin clothing could not contain the heat, making it unbearably warm against Wen Xiangyi.

Song Cheng lowered her head and soon ignited a continuous fire on Wen Xiangyi.

When Song Cheng finished work, it was already past two in the morning.

Wen Xiangyi was exhausted, with only her smooth arm exposed beneath the covers, remaining in place for a long time. Her soft fingertips seemed to radiate laziness and satisfaction, resembling a seductress.

Song Cheng, however, was the unfortunate bystander drained by this seductress.

Fortunately, she recovered quickly and, five minutes later, diligently began tidying up.

She cleaned up Wen Xiangyi as soon as possible to ensure her satisfaction; otherwise, she would suffer later.

In her hurried state, Song Cheng had forgotten to throw away some wet wipes properly, and now had to clean the sofa that Wen Xiangyi had soiled. She also needed to put the scattered clothes into the laundry basket.

After a round of cleaning, Song Cheng finally brought a cup of warm water back to the bedroom and handed it to Wen Xiangyi, who had sat up.

It was perfect service, the kind that would earn five stars if Wen Xiangyi were to rate her.

Wen Xiangyi must be very pleased.

The incident at the bar was surely over now, right?

Wen Xiangyi drank half the cup of water, holding it and gazing at Song Cheng with a confident look, her eyes lingering for a while.

As if making a decision, she spoke, her hoarse voice slightly rough:

“Song Cheng, you want to get married, don’t you? I’ll marry you.”


Song Cheng’s vision went black.

The literal meaning.

Before she fainted, her last thought was, Wen Xiangyi, are you repaying kindness with ingratitude?!

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