You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 43.2

Chapter 43.2

Xu Yuan investigated Fang Mingyang’s background. In such a small rural village, everyone knew about the Fang family’s misfortune. A little inquiry revealed the details.

Seeing Fang Mingyang’s smile made Xu Yuan feel a bit sad.

She wasn’t exceptionally kind. If Fang Mingyang didn’t resemble her cousin, she might only feel some sympathy. But seeing his face, knowing his suffering, she couldn’t help but feel compassion. Not quite heartache, but certainly empathy.

How could she help him within reasonable bounds?

Xu Yuan wouldn’t use Meng Corporation money for her charity; her compassion wasn’t enough to make her forget her role as a businessman’s wife.

So, what was the best way to help Fang Mingyang?

Interestingly, the people in the village have certain opinions that can’t be categorized as right or wrong. They believe that since Father Fang is already of an advanced age and has contracted such an illness, he should just let it be rather than burden his children.

Xu Yuan thought that for such a family, this might be considered the best solution. However, who could guarantee that the three children of the Fang family would not live in guilt and regret in the future?

After all, sometimes filial piety is about trying to lessen your own future guilt a bit.

While Xu Yuan was pondering how to help Fang Mingyang, it wasn’t long before payday arrived.

Fang Mingyang, holding his pay slip, was extremely excited, even more so than when he earned his first salary. He sent most of his earnings back home, keeping only the rent and living expenses for himself. On the phone, his parents were very happy because the money had eased the family’s financial pressure a bit, even if it was just a small relief. It was enough to bring a slight smile to their faces amidst their heavy burdens.

Fang Mingyang thought about how he could repay Xu Yuan for her kindness this month. After all, thanks to her meal card, he hadn’t lived too miserably.

Every morning now, Fang Mingyang would bring Xu Yuan a portion of white fungus soup. It wasn’t expensive. One day, after work, Fang Mingyang originally went to the supermarket to buy steamed buns, but somehow found himself in the high-end gift section.

He squatted down and carefully examined the bird’s nest products on the shelf. They were very expensive, costing enough to buy steamed buns for him and his brother for a month.

For some reason, even though it was expensive, the thought of buying it for Xu Yuan made him feel it was worth it.

She is Mrs. Meng; she must have tasted all kinds of delicacies and precious supplements. He wondered if she asked him to bring snow fungus soup to ease his burden. She would surely prefer bird’s nest soup.

After much deliberation, Fang Mingyang chose a moderately priced bird’s nest, just a few small pieces.

Returning home, Fang Mingyang excitedly borrowed a stewing pot from the landlady and followed online instructions to stew the bird’s nest.

His younger brother, Xiaowu, came back from the construction site, saw Fang Mingyang fiddling with something, and curiously approached. Just as he was about to ask what it was, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the supermarket receipt on the table. Picking it up, he exclaimed, “Brother, why did you buy bird’s nest! It’s so expensive!”

Fang Mingyang didn’t answer, and Xiaowu quickly understood. “You’re going to make it for your boss’s wife, aren’t you?” He slapped his thigh excitedly. “Brother, you finally figured it out! Wait a few days until I get my salary too, and you can buy more!”

To get something, you have to give something first. Xiaowu understood this principle.

Fang Mingyang ignored him, fully focused on the stewing pot in front of him. He just wanted to repay her kindness, nothing more.


Early Wednesday morning, as usual, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan went to work together, but they pressed different elevator buttons. On a whim, Meng Zhengrong suggested, “I’ll go with you to the Public Welfare Project department. I haven’t been there in a while; let’s go take a look.”

“Look at what?” Xu Yuan asked casually.

“Just a casual look.”

Just as women have a sixth sense, men do too. Meng Zhengrong felt that Xu Yuan had an inexplicable concern for the new assistant. This feeling wasn’t strong enough to feel threatening, but it was still uncomfortable.

Previously, Meng Zhengrong had been busy with work and, out of male pride, couldn’t pick a fight with an employee without reason. But today, he couldn’t resist the urge to check it out.

“Alright.” Xu Yuan had no objections, thinking that Meng Zhengrong visiting could let the subordinates know that the boss cares about this department, fostering their enthusiasm for work.

When the two arrived at the charity project department, it was almost time for work. As soon as Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong appeared, the colleagues who were still reading the news immediately stood up and greeted with unprecedented enthusiasm, “Good morning, President Meng! Good morning, Manager!”

Xu Yuan chuckled, “You guys really differentiate between the boss and the manager, don’t you?”

The department was full of young, energetic people who had a good relationship with Xu Yuan. One of the bolder ones joked, “Manager, don’t break our hearts by saying that.”

“Yeah, yeah, aren’t we always like this when you come?”

Xu Yuan smiled and nodded at them, then went to her office with Meng Zhengrong.

The employees whispered among themselves—

“Good thing I left early today, otherwise I’d be in trouble if I got caught being late by the boss.”

“Hey, where’s Xiao Fang? He hasn’t come yet, has he?”

“If he didn’t come, who poured the water on your desk? He went to the front desk to get printer ink.”

“Oh, right.”

On Xu Yuan’s desk was a small, delicate porcelain lunchbox, which caught Meng Zhengrong’s attention. He pointed at it and asked, “What’s this?”

Xu Yuan was pulling out documents from her drawer, not even looking up as she replied, “The assistant bought white fungus soup.”

“Do you like it?”

“Not really, but it’s nice to have some in the morning.”

Meng Zhengrong leaned in and opened the lid to take a look.

To his surprise, he realized it wasn’t white fungus soup.

Meng Zhengrong calmly closed the lid and said to Xu Yuan, “Can I have it?”

Xu Yuan glanced at Meng Zhengrong and said casually, “Sure, if you want it, take it.”

“Thanks.” Meng Zhengrong didn’t want to stay there any longer, so he took the small lunchbox and left.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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