You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 43.3

Chapter 43.3

As fate would have it, just as Meng Zhengrong left, Fang Mingyang returned, and the two didn’t cross paths.

Meng Zhengrong returned to his office, opened the lunchbox, and called the cafeteria manager to his office.

When summoned by the boss, no one dared to delay. Soon, the cafeteria manager arrived, looking anxious, unsure of what the boss wanted.

“Is this today’s dessert from the cafeteria?” Meng Zhengrong indicated for the manager to come closer. The manager carefully looked at the lunchbox and sniffed it, then shook his head, “No, President Meng, this is a bird’s nest.”

Meaning, the cafeteria wouldn’t be so extravagant to use bird’s nest as dessert, not unless they had money to burn.

Meng Zhengrong had suspected it was a bird’s nest but hadn’t been sure, so he called the cafeteria manager to confirm.

Apparently, it wasn’t. Makes sense.

“President Meng?” the cafeteria manager called cautiously.

Meng Zhengrong nodded, “From now on, prepare a bird’s nest for my wife every day. Charge it to my account.”

The manager finally relaxed, realizing it was a favor for the boss’s wife. He quickly nodded, “Alright, I’ll have someone buy the best bird’s nest today.”

“Alright, that’s all. You can go now.”

After the manager left, Meng Zhengrong stared at the lunchbox on the table, deep in thought. Xu Yuan had said it was white fungus soup from the assistant, but it clearly wasn’t. Xu Yuan wouldn’t lie; if she intended to deceive him, she wouldn’t have let him take it. This meant Xu Yuan didn’t know it was a bird’s nest either. So, what was the assistant’s intention?

Was he trying to curry favor with Xu Yuan?

It wasn’t impossible, but it still felt off.

Meng Zhengrong decided to have all the personnel files from the public welfare project department sent over, then carefully examined Fang Mingyang’s file.

Resumes are often embellished, and Fang Mingyang’s was no exception. However, basic information like family address, family members, and basic details couldn’t be altered.

Seeing these details, Meng Zhengrong didn’t even need to investigate further to know that Fang Mingyang came from a poor family, even dire straits.

There were two possibilities now.

One, Fang Mingyang was trying to curry favor with his superior, which was understandable and common in the workplace.

Two, Fang Mingyang had ulterior motives towards Xu Yuan, not in terms of career advancement, but financially.

Xu Yuan was young and beautiful. Even without being Mrs. Meng, she was the eldest daughter of the Xu family, well-known in City A. Fang Mingyang, as her assistant, spent a lot of time with her. What if he had other intentions?

Meng Zhengrong tapped his fingers on the table, his expression grim.

He suddenly remembered that Xu Yuan had given her meal card to Fang Mingyang. When he asked her about it, she said it was because Fang Mingyang was in a tough situation, and as a superior, she should care for her subordinates. He hadn’t paid much attention to it then, but now it seemed suspicious.

He decided to test Xu Yuan about it that evening.


After dinner, since it looked like it might rain, they didn’t go for their usual walk. Xu Yuan intended to watch TV in the living room, but before she could sit down, Meng Zhengrong pulled her upstairs to their bedroom and closed the door behind them. “Let’s watch TV in the room.”

Xu Yuan didn’t mind, so they sat on the carpet in front of the bed, watching a popular dating show on TV.

“I still hope the woman’s family background is slightly better. It’s not about being realistic but about hoping that the two of us can wholeheartedly work for our little family.”

Meng Zhengrong pondered for a moment, then casually asked, “Has the public welfare project department started any new projects recently?”

Xu Yuan thought it was just casual conversation and replied, “Yes, with the school season approaching, we’ve launched a scholarship program.”

“Do the employees in the department listen to you?” Meng Zhengrong asked again.

In fact, if Meng Zhengrong really wanted to hide his emotions, it would be hard for Xu Yuan to notice, just like now.

Xu Yuan didn’t think much of it, assuming Meng Zhengrong was just asking about the basic situation in her department, especially since he visited today. “They’re all quite good.”

“By the way, there’s something I want to get your opinion on.” Since she mentioned the department employees, Xu Yuan naturally thought of Fang Mingyang. “Some of our employees have very difficult family situations, like having seriously ill relatives. I’m thinking, since our department does charity work, we shouldn’t let our employees worry about such things.”

Meng Zhengrong’s heart tightened, knowing whom Xu Yuan was referring to, but he maintained his calm exterior. “Hmm, go on.”

“I know it’s unrealistic to use company money to treat employees’ relatives. The company isn’t purely a charity. But how about signing an agreement, like those student loans, to give employees loans? For example, they could get an advance on several years’ salary. If they resign before repaying the loan, they could still do so later, with interest rates lower than the bank’s.”

This was the best solution Xu Yuan could think of. Fang Mingyang’s family situation was tough, as was that of his relatives. They probably didn’t have any property to mortgage, making it hard to borrow money.

She had researched and found that many companies offered loans to their employees.

This way, the Meng Corporation wouldn’t suffer losses, but it would also help solve Fang Mingyang’s current situation.

Fang Mingyang was competent in his work, and keeping him at Meng Corporation would be a win-win situation.

Of course, this was the best she could do. If Meng Zhengrong didn’t approve of the plan, she wouldn’t object.

After all, starting such a program could also lead to some employees trying to exploit it. It couldn’t be limited to just her department or one employee.

If Meng Zhengrong disagreed, there was nothing she could do. Loaning money to Fang Mingyang herself was beyond her capabilities and not what she desired. After all, she didn’t want to get too close to Fang Mingyang beyond work. Once money was involved, it would complicate things.

Upon hearing her suggestion, Meng Zhengrong felt a surge of anger.

Was she really that concerned about this employee?

Did she propose this whole plan just for him?

Such kindness.

Meng Zhengrong looked at Xu Yuan and didn’t bother hiding his emotions anymore. His face instantly darkened, and he said coldly, “No, I disagree.”


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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