You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 45.3

Chapter 45.3

Meng Zhengrong felt sweet inside, a bit smug he couldn’t quite express.

How could he not be smug? He initially thought she didn’t care about him, but now he found that her concern exceeded what he had hoped for.

The apartment wasn’t far from the company; it took no more than a ten-minute drive.

Meng Zhengrong drove to the company, uncertain of where Xu Yuan might be. He didn’t want to call and ask, thinking that after what happened yesterday, she probably wouldn’t want to stay in the public welfare project department, so he headed to the finance department first.

When he arrived at the finance department, some employees greeted him. He lowered his voice and asked, “Is my wife in the office?”

A male employee nodded. “Yes, she’s in the office.”

Meng Zhengrong let out a sigh of relief, straightened his clothes, and went to Xu Yuan’s office door. He knocked lightly, and without waiting for a response, he opened the door and walked in.

When Xu Yuan looked up and saw it was Meng Zhengrong, she was a bit surprised and wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say.

They exchanged glances, both silent.

Meng Zhengrong walked straight to her desk, leaned forward with one hand on it, and moved closer to Xu Yuan. “I didn’t go out partying last night.”

Xu Yuan’s expression became slightly awkward. “…Mm.”

“This isn’t a place to talk,” Meng Zhengrong straightened up. “Let’s go outside.”

Xu Yuan wasn’t keen on discussing personal matters in the office, so she closed her computer and stood up to follow him. Before she could reach him, he took her hand.

Meng Zhengrong opened the door and, under the watchful eyes of the finance department employees, led Xu Yuan out.

After they left, the usual discussions in the CEO couple group started up again.

[Hey, hey, hey, is this an obvious office romance or what?]

[I only respect Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan as the couple who are publicly displaying affection; honestly, seeing these two every day makes my aesthetic standards rise.]

[Yeah, which makes it feel even further from being single.]

Meng Zhengrong led Xu Yuan to the elevator area, which was bustling with people, and Xu Yuan suppressed her urge to ask questions.

Once they entered the elevator and the doors closed, Xu Yuan finally asked, “Where are we going?”

“To the romantic spot of the company,” Meng Zhengrong tried to sound indifferent, but his tone still carried a hint of excitement.

The romantic spot in a company is naturally the rooftop.

It wasn’t quite off work yet, so there was no one on the rooftop at this time.

It was the hottest time of the year, and standing on the rooftop, the blue sky had a few white clouds. Thankfully, there was a strong breeze, so it wasn’t too hot.

Meng Zhengrong, worried that someone might come up and ruin the atmosphere, led Xu Yuan to a corner.

As soon as they stopped, Xu Yuan pulled her hand away and asked, “Is this the romantic spot you mentioned?”

Meng Zhengrong replied, “Yes. Internal employees usually like to come here for romance, but not now since it’s too hot.”

Xu Yuan glanced at him and asked, “How do you know this is a romantic spot? Have you been here with someone from the company before?”

Meng Zhengrong never expected Xu Yuan would think of that, so he hurriedly explained, “No, no, no, I already said it, I haven’t had any romantic entanglements with anyone in the company. This was told to me by Song Yu.”

Mentioning Song Yu made Xu Yuan feel a bit awkward.

“Let’s not talk about that. Where did you go last night?” Xu Yuan quickly changed the subject.

Meng Zhengrong was afraid Xu Yuan would misunderstand that he went out partying. “I have a recorder in my car; you can check. I didn’t go anywhere, I just slept at my apartment.”

After saying that, Meng Zhengrong remembered he had spent a little time in front of a bar and added, “I was thinking about driving to the bar for a while, but I had no other thoughts. I just wanted to clear my mind, but I left after just a few minutes.”

Xu Yuan naturally believed him, but seeing his expression made her feel playful, so she replied with a straight face, “How do I know whether you stayed for a few minutes or a few hours?”

One had to admit that when a woman intentionally picks a fight, she can be exceptionally difficult.

Meng Zhengrong ruffled his hair. “I said I didn’t!”

After saying this, he noticed Xu Yuan had a smile in her eyes and realized he had been tricked. For a moment, he felt a bit annoyed.

Had he missed the point?

Wasn’t the focus right now to discuss where he went last night?

Meng Zhengrong suddenly pulled Xu Yuan, pinning her against the railing wall. The hot sun beat down on them, and it was sweltering, making his heart feel even hotter.

He looked at her, and they maintained eye contact for a long time before he leaned in and kissed her.

This time, Meng Zhengrong’s kiss was far from gentle.

He even deliberately bit Xu Yuan’s tongue a little, and as they kissed, both of them got lost in the moment. Meng Zhengrong originally just wanted a light taste, but Xu Yuan responded seriously for the first time, igniting a passionate fervor in him, and he couldn’t help but make some embarrassing sounds.

Meng Zhengrong hadn’t had breakfast, so his mouth tasted of mint toothpaste.

As they continued kissing, Meng Zhengrong’s hand began to wander unconsciously.

Xu Yuan was already losing her senses from the kiss, feeling that Meng Zhengrong’s hand was like magic, making her lose all her strength.

It was so hot, and she couldn’t tell if it was from the sun.

Meng Zhengrong gently released Xu Yuan, and they both gasped for air. Xu Yuan’s skin was porcelain white, and at this moment, her face was slightly flushed, looking incredibly charming.

One kiss had made Meng Zhengrong lose all his anger.

When did he become so lacking in principles?

He thought this was a great opportunity to assert himself, but he couldn’t let it slip away, so he purposely adopted a stern face and said, “I didn’t sleep well last night. Just thinking about those things kept me up.”

Xu Yuan felt that Meng Zhengrong was truly adept at ruining the mood. Why bring up last night’s incident at a time like this? Wasn’t that ruining the atmosphere?

Whether in ancient times or modern times, women tend to unconsciously act cute in front of the men they like.

Now Xu Yuan just wanted to use a bit of coquetry to muddle through.

She indeed made a mistake in this matter, and there was no point in arguing; she just didn’t want to admit her fault in the current situation.

Xu Yuan wasn’t feeling well to begin with, and her head was still dizzy; under the scorching sun, her discomfort intensified.

Resolutely gritting her teeth and throwing aside her so-called modesty, Xu Yuan reached out to wrap her arms around Meng Zhengrong’s neck, resting her head on his shoulder, and weakly said, “I feel so dizzy and unwell.”

“What’s wrong?” The sudden shift in topic left Meng Zhengrong a bit bewildered. Upon hearing that she was unwell, he no longer cared about any principles.

“I didn’t sleep all day, and my head feels heavy.”

“What should we do?” Meng Zhengrong’s expression became anxious. Only then did he realize that her complexion was indeed a bit haggard. Remembering that her calls and messages were from around three or four in the morning, he wondered if she truly hadn’t slept all night and still insisted on coming to work today. How could her body feel comfortable? How could her head not be dizzy?

Xu Yuan secretly opened her eyes to glance at him and saw the unmasked concern on his face. Even she didn’t know how adorable her little smile was at that moment.

She thought, if she could go back to last night, when Meng Zhengrong asked that question again, her answer might have changed just a little bit.

No longer would it be “I don’t know,” but rather, “I might like you a little.”


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