Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind
Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Big News! Explosive News!

What… what is that sound?

“Mother…” Di Zian looked around, as if he’d seen a ghost in broad daylight.

Concubine De’s first reaction was that Ah Bao had either wet or soiled herself, otherwise, why would Di Zian look so terrified?

After checking, Ah Bao was perfectly fine—no mess at all.

“What’s wrong?”


[My older brother, he’s somewhat handsome. He inherited the tyrant’s genes.]

Di Zian: ?

Who else could be called his older brother?

He immediately realized that the sound was coming from his sister!

Seeing Concubine De’s calm expression, it was clear she hadn’t heard his sister’s thoughts.

What kind of luck is this? Leaving the palace and suddenly gaining the ability to hear?

He could actually hear his sister’s thoughts.

Di Zian decided to keep this secret, so his sister wouldn’t discover that he could hear her.

“Mother, my little sister’s body is so soft. I thought I’d touched her just now. It scared me.”

Concubine De: “Look at you, so timid.”

Di Zian chuckled and looked back at Ah Bao.

But what his sister said was true.

He was undeniably handsome.

But what about genes?


He needed to listen more.

[Brother, as the Seventh Prince, you have a high status, but your fate is unfortunate. Sigh—]

Di Zian: !!!

His fate is unfortunate?

He hasn’t rebelled.

He hasn’t committed any crimes.

He hasn’t even made the Emperor angry.

Why would his fate be bad?

Sister, stop sighing.

Keep talking.

At the same time, Concubine De was also very shocked.

She only had two sons, and Di Zian was her second son.

If his fate is bad, could he be in danger?

Concubine De was anxious. A mother couldn’t help but worry about her children; it’s a mother’s nature.

The Great Tyrant, sitting in the main position, suddenly looked at Di Zian.

He had already come up with a grand scenario in his mind.

Could it be that this kid is planning to rebel in the future and that he, as his father, has discovered it?

Even if he was his own son, he couldn’t tolerate rebellion.

If necessary, he would demote him.

Is this what caused his Seventh Son’s unfortunate fate?

Meanwhile, the row of princes sitting on the left side of the banquet, all prepared to make a toast to the Great Tyrant.

They had just picked up their cups—

Several princes were stunned!

No one was speaking.

Yet they heard words like ‘older brother,’ ‘so handsome,’ and ‘tyrant.’

Moments later, the eyes of the princes fell on the small swaddling blanket that Di Zian was holding.

The Seventh Prince, Di Zian!

Princess Ah Bao!

Their Tenth Imperial Sister.

Seeing their father and their own mother being so quiet, it was clear that only they could hear the thoughts of the Tenth Imperial Sister.

What divine luck was this? Were they going to be entrusted with a significant role starting today?

It was simply amazing!

“Mother, I think my fortune is incredible. I have an older brother and a younger sister.” Di Zian laughed foolishly.

[What fortune? My silly brother, you’re clearly cursed with bad luck.

When you were just born, you almost choked on milk and died, if it hadn’t been for Mother discovering it in time, you’d have been gone.]

[When you were three, you stepped on a stone and fell into the Jingxin Pool, almost drowning. If a passing eunuch hadn’t found you in time, would you still be standing here today?]

[And when you were six, none of the other princes fell ill, but you fell sick and were unconscious for ten whole days in the palace, missing even the Empress Dowager’s birthday, which led to her not favoring you anymore.]

[And when you were ten, on your first trip out of the palace, the guards lost you, you were chased by dogs, bumped into a wall, and injured your head. Instead of enjoying yourself, you spent half a month in the Imperial Hospital.]

[Brother, my dear brother, I’ve lived two lives, and I’ve never seen anyone as unlucky as you. Really.]

[If there’s anyone who’s truly pitiful, it’s you.]

Whenever Ah Bao read about Di Zian in the book, she couldn’t help but sigh.

The author’s descriptions of Di Zian’s misfortunes were brief, but Ah Bao remembered them vividly.

Di Zian was stunned.


Was his sister some kind of celestial being?

How else could she know about all his past misfortunes so clearly?

One by one, her recollections were even more detailed than his own memories.

Who would want to be a cursed prince?

Concubine De’s face turned pale, her heart racing.

The exquisite food and wine before her only made her feel more distressed.

Her poor second son.

The Great Tyrant sat there, feeling helpless as a father.

As the saying goes, a person’s fate is predestined.

It wasn’t easy to change fate, especially with his son’s misfortune.

The Great Tyrant silently looked at his son, only able to pray for him in his heart.

He hoped Di Zian would do good deeds in this life.

“Why is everyone just standing around? Get moving.” The Great Tyrant, feeling irritated, didn’t know if it was the awkward atmosphere or the worry from hearing about Di Zian’s situation.

The onlookers: “…”

Is there a flavor of melon seeds in this feast?

No one expected to hear such explosive news at today’s banquet.

The Seventh Prince was actually a walking disaster. Hahaha.

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