Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind
Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind Chapter 6

Chapter 6: The Cursed Prince vs. The Lucky Concubine

Although the Great Tyrant continued to move his chopsticks calmly, his ears were perked up, waiting to hear what Ah Bao would say next.

The other princes, heads down, were unusually quiet.

As expected, Little Ah Bao did not disappoint—

[Brother, don’t worry.]

[For someone cursed with misfortune like you, meeting your destined Concubine will solve everything.]


Di Zian perked up.

He looked around the banquet hall.

Concubine, Concubine, come out quickly. Let me see where you are.

But as he scanned the room, Di Zian’s spirits fell again.

At today’s banquet, his father had invited only royal family members.

There were no foreign officials.

Apart from the princes, the only people present were Concubines, maids, and eunuchs.

Could his Concubine be among the maids?

Di Zian began to search and search.

But after looking around, he couldn’t find anyone appealing.

Di Zian thought to himself that he couldn’t harm innocent young girls just to save his own life.


He just couldn’t do it.

[Brother, do you know where your destined Concubine is?]

Di Zian: ?


Keep eavesdropping.

The truth would be revealed soon, hahaha.

Little Ah Bao blinked her big eyes and continued to mumble.

[I’ll tell you a secret. Your Concubine is outside the palace! Hehe, only I know this secret.]

The princes: …


Now everyone knows, hahaha.

Mentioning the palace’s outer grounds made Di Zian uneasy.

To be honest, why did he take so long to return to the palace every time he went out?

It was because every time he left the palace, he encountered some kind of misfortune.

Either he was chased or assassinated.

Once, he had just left the palace and was thrown into prison for being mistaken as a criminal who raped a young girl.

Understanding this pattern, Di Zian no longer wanted to come back to the palace whenever he went out.

Anyway, other princes could come and go as they pleased.

He couldn’t.

The fewer palace outings, the fewer problems.

Yet he couldn’t stand staying in the palace either.

So, he came up with this solution.

[And your destined Concubine has a Koi physique.]

[Only a Koi girl can break the curse of misfortune. You two are truly a match made in heaven.]

Di Zian felt increasingly excited.

A Koi physique, hahaha.

His fated Concubine must be a very charming lady!

Even though he hadn’t met her yet, Di Zian was extremely curious and excited.

[I remember your Concubine’s name is…]

What’s her name, sister?

You’re killing me with curiosity!


Just as everyone eagerly awaited and enjoyed the juicy gossip, a clear sound broke the quiet at the banquet.

Ah Bao cried out.


Hungry again!

Concubine De quickly stood up, took Ah Bao from Di Zian’s arms, and began soothing her. “My poor Ah Bao must be hungry.”

Di Zian said, “Mother, I heard that babies in their early months are always hungry.

Especially those just a few days old—they eat frequently and sleep a lot.”

Here’s the translation:

“You understand so much,” said Concubine De, glancing at Di Zian.

Whether it was Di Zian’s imagination or not, he felt that his own mother looked at him with a hint of pity.

Concubine De said, “Your Majesty, I’ll take my leave for a moment to feed Ah Bao.”

The Great Tyrant agreed with relief.

As Concubine De left with Ah Bao, the previously quiet banquet started to come alive.

The princes whispered to each other, completely ignoring the fact that they could hear the Tenth Princess’s thoughts.

The First Prince was particularly delighted. He stood up eagerly to toast the Great Tyrant. “Father, I’ve heard you’ve been worried about the plague in Lingnan these days. I am willing to share your burden.”

The Great Tyrant squinted. “What? Are you planning to personally go to Lingnan to inspect the plague?”

The First Prince, full of righteous zeal, replied, “Yes. As long as I can relieve Father’s worries, I’m not afraid of going to Lingnan, even if it means facing mountains of blades or seas of flames.”

“Truly worthy of being my good son. I can feel your filial piety. Go ahead.”

The First Prince was momentarily stunned. He hadn’t expected his father to agree so readily.


He only meant it as a formality.

But thinking about how he could hear the Princess’s thoughts, the First Prince’s mind became clear.

He had this fortune, surely he was the chosen one. Otherwise, how could such a strange thing happen to him?

Even though the plague area was dangerous, he was the chosen one, protected by heaven. He would surely become the future emperor.

Perhaps the heavens created this plague to give him an opportunity to ascend to the throne.

He must seize it.


It’s just a plague area. Even without any protection, he could confidently walk through it and be fine.

Once the First Prince made up his mind, he became much more invigorated.

He seemed to see the throne he would one day ascend.

The Second Prince also stood up. “Father, Big Brother’s loyalty and bravery set an example for us. We truly admire him.”

“Big Brother, let me toast to you!”

The Second Prince raised his cup and drank it in one go.

He felt very pleased.

Look, today is indeed an auspicious day, with fortune on his side, and hearing the Princess’s thoughts—what does this mean?

It shows that he is the chosen one, destined for great responsibilities.

Moreover, Big Brother going to the plague area is protecting the country and safeguarding the world.

He is truly being aided by heaven.

When someone is in the right place, even a pile of dog poop seems sweet.

There’s no way around it; he’s the future emperor of the Heavenly Sacred Dynasty.

He needed to go back and quickly recruit troops and build weapons.

He just wanted to secretly develop his power before ascending the throne.

No worries, with the heavens supporting him, the chosen one won’t be discovered by his father.

After the Second Prince’s toast, the Third Prince toasts.

After the Third Prince, the Fourth Prince toasts.

But the Third and Fourth Princes remained calm, sitting in their seats lost in thought.

The Great Tyrant felt more and more that today’s banquet was worth it.

Look at his good sons, united and enthusiastic. With such a dynasty, wouldn’t it prosper for a thousand years?

Who dares to challenge the Heavenly Sacred Dynasty!

The Seventh Prince, Di Zian, had no time to pay attention to his brothers toasting each other.

His mind was now full of thoughts about his Koi Princess.



He couldn’t wait.

After the banquet, he had to go out of the palace to find his Koi Princess.


He couldn’t wait!

Forget the banquet.

He had to leave the palace now.

Koi Princess, I’m coming~

Di Zian found an excuse and left early.

In the past, the Great Tyrant would have scolded him thoroughly.

But today, knowing Di Zian’s intentions, he let him go.

When Ah Bao finished nursing and was brought back by Concubine De, Di Zian was already gone from the banquet.

[Huh, where’s my brother?]

Ah Bao looked around from the swaddling blanket but didn’t see Di Zian.

Instead, she was distracted by a face with a cold, sinister expression.

The person sitting there was stern and unamused, giving off a cold and ruthless appearance.

The person stood up and walked towards Ah Bao.

Ah Bao blinked her big eyes.

“Mother.” Di Chenyu greeted Concubine De.

Unlike Di Zian’s casual demeanor, Di Chenyu had a calm and serious personality, not prone to smiling.

[He called Mother ‘beautiful mother,’ could he be my full-blooded older brother, the Sixth Prince Di Chenyu?]

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