You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 50.3

Chapter 50.3

Ah, he was so tired of Old Hu bragging about how cute his granddaughter was. When he had his own grandchildren, they would surely be a hundred times cuter—no, a thousand times!

Mother Meng was also thinking about how a few months ago, Xu Yuan had mentioned she and her son were trying for a baby. Did this mean good news was on the way?

Otherwise, Xu Yuan used to drink the soup without any issues, so why was she unable to do so this time?

While it wasn’t certain she was pregnant, especially with the hot weather affecting her appetite, the possibility was still there.

Honestly, Mother Meng had wanted grandchildren for a long time. Her son wasn’t getting any younger, and friends her age had already become grandmothers. She often felt envious when she saw them.

However, it wasn’t appropriate to rush things. After all, her son and Xu Yuan had only just gotten married, and she worried that too much pressure would burden her daughter-in-law.

Having been through this herself, she recalled how her mother-in-law had also hinted at wanting grandchildren, which made her anxious at that time.

However, Father Meng and Mother Meng’s speculation didn’t last long.

Not long after dinner, Mother Meng intended to subtly probe Xu Yuan, but before she could, Meng Pingting stood up and said to Xu Yuan, “Sister-in-law, I’m going to get some ice cream. Do you want any?”

The late summer heat was intense, and even in the air-conditioned room, the atmosphere felt a bit restless.

Xu Yuan really wanted to nod, but Meng Zhengrong quickly replied, “She shouldn’t eat any; you should eat less too.”

Meng Pingting shrugged, not saying anything further, and walked toward the kitchen to get the ice cream.

Xu Yuan whispered, “I want some.”

Meng Zhengrong didn’t care if his mother was present and replied, “You can’t have cold stuff during your period; it’s not good for your health.”

Xu Yuan sighed regretfully in her heart and turned to Mother Meng, asking, “Mom, what were you going to say just now?”

Mother Meng felt disappointed but didn’t show it on her face. She waved her hand dismissively, saying, “It’s nothing; I just wanted to ask if you wanted to take some supplements home.”

Ah, she might as well have thought nothing of it.

This matter couldn’t be rushed; whatever was meant to happen would happen in due time. It was best to let things unfold naturally.


That night, Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong were staying at the old house, as they did one or two nights each month.

Meng Zhengrong thought about the day’s events and couldn’t help but chuckle, “My dad and mom are probably in their room, sighing in disappointment right now.”

Xu Yuan hadn’t noticed the expressions on Father Meng and Mother Meng’s faces. Hearing this, she applied some essence on her face and asked, “What do you mean?”

Meng Zhengrong laughed, “When you went to the bathroom while drinking soup, my parents’ expressions changed. They looked serious but also happy. It was quite funny. I guessed they were suspecting you might be pregnant, which is why when Pingting said she’d get you ice cream, I deliberately mentioned your period to avoid any misunderstandings.”

No wonder. Meng Zhengrong wasn’t someone who lacked sensitivity; given his personality, he wouldn’t have brought up Xu Yuan’s period in that situation. If Father Meng had heard it, it would have been quite awkward.

Xu Yuan couldn’t help but laugh. “If I were pregnant, I would definitely tell them right away.”

Meng Zhengrong shrugged, “I just don’t want to be a dad so soon. Let’s enjoy our time together for another year or so.”

In the past, he had wanted to become a father quickly, but now he had changed his mind.

Having more children would be a change, and even though they could afford a nanny, it would still impact their lives together, making things less easy than they were now.

They could go wherever they wanted and do whatever they liked—how comfortable and relaxing it was.

Xu Yuan didn’t really mind. Whether she got pregnant now or a year later was fine with her; she had long been prepared to be a mother. It was just a matter of timing.


Pregnant? A child?

A thought flashed through Xu Yuan’s mind, and she abruptly put down the bottle she was holding, stood up, and looked at Meng Zhengrong, asking, “Does your family have pictures of your dad when he was young? It would be even better if there were childhood photos!”

Meng Zhengrong resembled Father Meng a bit, but he was older now, and she had no idea what he looked like when he was young.

It wasn’t her fault for overthinking; this was just such a fascinating topic. While the likelihood that Father Meng looked like that little kid was incredibly low, she still wanted to see.

Meng Zhengrong was puzzled. “Why do you want to see pictures of my dad when he was young?”

Xu Yuan felt anxious inside but maintained her calm on the outside. “I just want to take a look. Do you have them?”

Though he didn’t understand what Xu Yuan was up to, Meng Zhengrong obediently went out to fetch the family photo album.

The Meng family had been wealthy for three generations, so they had quite a few photos of Father Meng when he was younger.

Father Meng had been quite handsome in his youth—definitely a tall, rich, and handsome type. Xu Yuan was looking at the photo from Father Meng and Mother Meng’s wedding.

“Don’t you have any pictures from when Dad was ten years old or so?” Xu Yuan asked, a little nervously, unsure why she felt so anxious.

Meng Zhengrong flipped through the albums and found one in another book. “Here.”

Xu Yuan carefully looked over, holding her breath, and her heart, which had been suspended in the air, finally relaxed.

Thank goodness! Father Meng was a standard adorable little boy back then.

She felt relieved.

It was such a strange feeling; Xu Yuan thought that if her future baby looked like little Zhengrong or that cute little boy, she would feel so much pressure—indeed, a lot of pressure.

It seemed she needed to start praying that her future baby would take after her more.

“Thank goodness,” Xu Yuan muttered again.

“What did you say?” Meng Zhengrong asked.

Xu Yuan’s behavior today was quite odd; why was she looking at photos so late at night?

Xu Yuan glanced at Meng Zhengrong, remembering how he looked as a child, and bluntly said, “Looking at pictures of your dad when he was little and then looking at yours—it’s quite a sight, tsk tsk.”

Fearing that Meng Zhengrong might take offense, she softened and patted his face. “You look much better now; you’re way more handsome.”

Meng Zhengrong: “…”

Who did he offend?


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