You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 55.2

Chapter 55.2

When Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong arrived at the private room, everyone was already there.

The elderly couple, both seasoned actors, looked spirited and amiable.

Zhang Mian introduced everyone, and when Xu Yuan saw Song Chaowen’s face, she felt like she could hardly breathe.

So handsome, so handsome, so handsome!

Xu Yuan had never found anyone exceptionally handsome in her life, except for Song Chaowen.

This man was unbelievably handsome and had incredible acting skills; it was almost a crime that he wasn’t more famous!

Meng Zhengrong discreetly observed Xu Yuan’s expression. Seeing her gaze glued to Song Chaowen’s face, he felt relieved that he had controlled his temper over the years; otherwise, he might have fumed right there.

Looking at Song Chaowen, he thought, what’s so special? Aren’t they all just two eyes, one nose, and one mouth? Is he really that good-looking?

While Xu Yuan was mesmerized by Song Chaowen, Shen Li was in a similar predicament with Meng Zhengrong.

My gosh, how can a non-celebrity look this handsome? Oh my goodness!

Song Chaowen had also been paying attention to his wife. Given how well they knew each other, he immediately recognized her expression.

He always thought Shen Li had questionable taste in men.

Today, that thought was particularly reinforced.

He felt Meng Zhengrong was just average-looking. At least, he wasn’t someone who could make anyone’s jaw drop.

“Hello,” Meng Zhengrong said with a polite smile.

“Hello.” Song Chaowen’s smile was equally restrained.

Their handshake was brief, almost like they had touched a virus, and just like that, the two men couldn’t stand each other without even knowing why.

Zhang Mian actively tried to liven up the atmosphere. Once the dishes were served, he raised his glass and said with a beaming smile, “Thank you all. If it weren’t for you, this show wouldn’t have happened. I really appreciate it, and if you ever need help, don’t hesitate to reach out.”

Zhang Mian had a good reputation in the industry. He was skilled at networking, which is why some stars would come back to his show a second time, even promoting it.

Song Chaowen agreed to come on the show primarily to support his wife’s comeback, but Zhang Mian played a role in that decision too.

“Director Zhang, you don’t have to be so formal,” the elderly couple chuckled. “We should thank you for this opportunity.”

Their words seemed light-hearted, but everyone present felt a pang of sadness.

The couple’s acting skills were undoubtedly impressive, yet their resources and fees probably didn’t even compare to those of a third- or fourth-tier artist.

Despite their superior acting skills, award shows would never give them the time of day.

Is this an era that values talent, or is it about popularity and traffic? Who can really say?

Song Chaowen poured himself a drink and walked over to the elderly couple, bowing slightly. He sincerely said, “I’ve always wanted to learn from you two seniors, and I should be the one thanking Director Zhang.”

Shen Li stood up as well; both she and Song Chaowen were actors, and the elderly couple were indeed their seniors.

Their gesture made the elderly couple even happier.

Xu Yuan chimed in, “I have a really good friend in the industry who often tells me her goal is to be an actress that people remember even after thirty years. Aren’t you two just like that?”

If someone only wanted to enjoy the fame and earn money quickly, they should just focus on making money. However, Xu Yuan believed that most people who enter this field despite all the challenges truly want to be real actors.

The meal proceeded with great atmosphere. Zhang Mian interacted well with the stars he met every day, knowing how to build rapport.

Song Chaowen wasn’t as aloof as she had imagined, and Shen Li was lively and cute, while the elderly couple were friendly.

Xu Yuan thought that recording the show shouldn’t result in any significant conflicts.

Halfway through, Meng Zhengrong stepped out to take a call. Seizing the opportunity, Xu Yuan approached Song Chaowen, “Mr. Song, I’ve been watching your recent drama; it’s excellent.”

Having finally met her idol, she wanted to express her admiration!

Song Chaowen looked surprised and replied, “Mrs. Meng, you’re watching it too?”

Xu Yuan nodded eagerly, “Yes! I watch it every day!”

Shen Li chuckled, “Alright, now you’ve given him enough bragging rights for the whole night.”

The elderly couple joined in, “Yes, this drama is quite good. I’m watching it too.”

Just as everyone was discussing how Song Chaowen’s acting had improved, Meng Zhengrong returned, sitting down and casually asking, “What are you all chatting about that’s so cheerful?”

Zhang Mian, feeling a bit tipsy, said, “We’re talking about how good Chaowen’s new drama is.”

Meng Zhengrong shot a glance at Xu Yuan, “Yeah, we watch it every day.”

Xu Yuan felt a bit regretful; Meng Zhengrong had returned too early. She’d have to pretend not to notice Song Chaowen again.

Why come back so early? She just wanted to talk to him for a bit longer!

But Shen Li was quick to strike up a conversation, “Mr. Meng, I’d like to toast you. Do you remember Shen Lan?”

Meng Zhengrong was a bit surprised that Shen Li initiated a conversation with him and quickly raised his glass to clink with hers. “Shen Lan? She was a classmate of mine while studying abroad. What about her?”

Shen Li smiled, “If my cousin knew that Mr. Meng remembered her, she would be very happy.”

Xu Yuan, however, looked puzzled.

Meng Zhengrong noticed her expression and quickly reached under the table to pat her hand, reassuring her since no one could see him. He was likely worried she might misunderstand.

“I definitely remember. We worked on a project together,” Meng Zhengrong smiled. “I didn’t attend her wedding because I was busy with work. I didn’t expect Miss Shen to be Shen Lan’s sister. What a coincidence.”

In just a few words, he clarified his relationship with Shen Lan.

If he could have attended her wedding, it meant they had a typical classmate relationship.

Shen Li realized that her earlier comment might have caused Xu Yuan to misunderstand, so she quickly added, “My cousin’s children are already in kindergarten now.”

“I haven’t been in touch for years. I didn’t expect she has kids now,” Meng Zhengrong said.

He had to admit he was quite cunning; while chatting with Shen Li, his comments were actually aimed at Xu Yuan. He wanted to convey that his relationship with Shen Lan was purely platonic and that they hadn’t been in touch for years, plus she had already married and had children.

Xu Yuan then returned to her meal.

Meng Zhengrong quietly let out a sigh of relief; the crisis had passed.

Song Chaowen casually said, “By the way, isn’t Tang Tang’s birthday coming up?” He directed this towards Shen Li, hoping to draw her attention back and also to end her conversation with Meng Zhengrong.

Shen Li understood Song Chaowen’s intent but couldn’t express her dissatisfaction in such a setting, so she smiled and nodded, “Yes.”

Thanks to this diversion, Shen Li and Meng Zhengrong didn’t continue their conversation. Fortunately, with Zhang Mian present, the atmosphere remained unaffected.

As the meal neared its end, Xu Yuan and Shen Li went to the restroom to touch up their makeup.

Standing in front of the mirror, Xu Yuan asked Shen Li casually, “Miss Shen, what brand and shade of lipstick are you using? It looks great.”

Friendships between women can easily develop.

They either dislike the same person or compliment each other’s lipstick or outfits, just like now.

After sharing the brand and shade of her lipstick, Shen Li added casually, “My husband thinks it looks good too.”

“Really?” Xu Yuan replied, surprised. “I bought a similar shade before, and my husband said I looked like I was poisoned.”

Shen Li couldn’t help but laugh, “My husband said the same thing before.”


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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