You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 57.2

Chapter 57.2

On the day of the recording, the couple, known for their cleverness, both chose outfits that made them look slimmer. Xu Yuan opted for light makeup that showcased her flawless skin rather than heavy cosmetics.

When the production team arrived at the villa, several staff members were quietly discussing among themselves, “Oh my, if our family stopped eating and drinking for five hundred years, we might be able to buy a villa like this in City A!”

“I really love this style!”

“And the little garden is so wonderful!”

In front of the camera, a staff member knocked on the door, and it opened almost immediately.

Xu Yuan’s outfit today was noteworthy. She wore a white shirt tucked into fitted jeans, and her long hair was casually tied into a bun. At just twenty-three years old, she looked fresh, natural, and radiant. A delicate necklace accentuated her collarbone.

Her makeup was light, and even those who had met her before were momentarily taken aback by her appearance. Staff members who had participated in several variety shows silently applauded her.

Her outstanding looks were complemented by her outfit, which highlighted her charm even more. When Xu Yuan noticed the staff looking at her, she smiled naturally and greeted them, “Good morning!”

One of the camera operators thought to herself that Mrs. Meng might be more popular on this show than Shen Li.

As the staff entered the villa, the cameras were careful not to capture everything, but even a few shots were enough to convey how bright and inviting the home was.

Xu Yuan had asked the kitchen staff the night before to prepare extra breakfast, just in case some staff members had skipped it. Knowing that some footage would be cut, she naturally invited everyone to join her for breakfast, saying, “It’s still early, so there might be some who haven’t had breakfast. Come eat with us! The auntie made quite a lot, with both Chinese and Western options.”

This gesture made the staff feel appreciated. They thought that Mrs. Meng was considerate, thinking of whether they had eaten, and ensuring that breakfast was prepared for them. This alone showed that her emotional intelligence was quite high.

Such a small act won her favor with some of the staff.

Xu Yuan understood that these were professionals who knew how to capture good shots. Although she wasn’t afraid of offending them, it was wise to maintain harmonious relationships—this was beneficial for everyone involved.

Meng Zhengrong quickly came downstairs, and when the camera focused on him, his outfit, chosen with Xu Yuan’s help, was a white T-shirt paired with jeans, giving off a couple’s vibe at first glance.

Only Meng Zhengrong knew that, at this moment, he felt like he was in his early twenties again. Well, saying it like that might sound a bit poetic; to be blunt, he was just trying to resist the urge to show off.

Younger men have a youthful charm, and the allure of a man like Meng Zhengrong in his thirties was irresistible to many women.

With one hand in his pocket, he greeted the staff politely as he descended. He then naturally walked over to Xu Yuan, who tilted her head back in response, and they shared a kiss that felt genuine and effortless, as if they did this every day.

The staff naturally seized this moment on camera.

What they didn’t know was that this warm moment was the result of nearly half an hour of practice between Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan.

The two had trouble sleeping the night before, brainstorming small gestures they could make on camera to maximize their appeal. After much thought, they landed on this action.

Neither Meng Zhengrong nor Xu Yuan were professional actors, so it took them some time to figure out how to appear natural.

In some ways, they truly looked like a married couple.

What is the highest realm of showing affection?

It’s not about deliberately putting on a show, but rather letting it naturally reveal itself in the small details of everyday life.

For instance, when Xu Yuan raised her hand, Meng Zhengrong immediately passed her a box of tissues. That was the kind of tacit understanding they had.

As soon as Meng Zhengrong set down his bowl, Xu Yuan poured him a glass of juice right away.

The connection they shared was truly indescribable.

Even the staff members were thinking that this couple was genuinely affectionate.

They would never know that these gestures were exclusive signals that Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan had discussed together.

The first episode of the show would feature three families, showcasing their basic situations and interactions, followed by assigned tasks for each family.

Since the upcoming tasks would require all three families to work together, the first episode had to include scenes of them meeting and gradually getting to know each other.

Shortly after finishing breakfast, Xu Yuan’s phone rang. She recognized the call as coming from an old actor couple but had to pretend not to know in front of the camera.

This was truly a test of her acting skills.

If she didn’t treat herself to a new bag or a pair of shoes after putting in such hard work, she would feel she hadn’t done herself justice.


This was a simple greeting, and it felt like a brief exchange between the old actor couple, as if they had never met before or even spoken on the phone.

The couple provided an address—their home—asking Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong to go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients for lunch, where the three families would eat together.

Xu Yuan wasn’t sure if anyone else felt awkward, but she certainly did.

Although Zhang Mian had said her looks and temperament were a waste not to be in the entertainment industry, Xu Yuan felt that if she didn’t become an actress, the audience would find it amusing, as her awkwardness might trigger some serious secondhand embarrassment.

As she and Meng Zhengrong were about to head out to the supermarket, she pulled him to a spot out of the camera’s view and quietly asked, “Was my acting just now really awkward?”

Meng Zhengrong shook his head. “No, it felt quite natural.”

“You’re not just saying that to make me feel better?” Xu Yuan glanced around to ensure there were no staff nearby. “Just tell me the truth.”

“I’m really not lying. Our level of acting is more than enough for a variety show,” Meng Zhengrong replied with a hint of pride.

He had missed a significant opportunity by not pursuing a career in the entertainment industry.

Hearing this from Meng Zhengrong reassured Xu Yuan. If their acting was awkward right from the start, they would surely attract some negative attention, and that would genuinely be heartbreaking.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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