You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 59.2

Chapter 59.2

Xu Yuan was contemplating how to secretly get rid of the nightgown, but if she tossed it, what would she wear at night?

Shen Li probably only brought one nightgown, and their relationship wasn’t close enough for her to borrow one.

The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became. If it weren’t for the show, she really would have wanted to give Meng Zhengrong a good scolding.

Thinking about what might happen tonight, Meng Zhengrong appeared even more spirited in front of the camera.

Since the owners of the guesthouse weren’t around, they could do whatever they wanted during their stay.

The veteran couple had already prepared a menu early that morning. The nearby homeowners raised chickens and had left a note saying they could kill the chickens for dinner. The kitchen even had fresh eggs, and there were fish in the pond.

Zhang Mian wanted to capture the little details of daily life, which was why they chose to film the show here.

They planned to make braised chicken with mushrooms, braised fish, stir-fried greens, and a tomato and egg soup.

Everyone agreed with the menu; it had meat, vegetables, and soup, making for a well-balanced meal.

The chicken coop wasn’t far from the guesthouse, and after coming to a consensus, Song Chaowen and Meng Zhengrong set off to catch chickens, while the elderly lady cooked. Shen Li and Xu Yuan assisted her, and the elderly gentleman went to the vegetable garden to pick greens and tomatoes.

Imagining the national heartthrob Song Chaowen and Meng Zhengrong, the CEO of the Meng family, in a chicken coop was quite humorous.

Regardless of whether it was the skilled actor Song Chaowen or the shrewd businessman Meng Zhengrong, their first thought upon facing the chicken coop was to escape.

The coop had been cleaned up, but Meng Zhengrong still found the smell overwhelming; he even thought that the scent of durian was starting to seem mild by comparison.

Song Chaowen frowned as he saw the chicken droppings on the ground, wanting to turn around and leave.

However, with the cameras pointed at them, they couldn’t just give in to their instincts.

As the two men struggled to catch the chickens, they developed a deep camaraderie, becoming comrades-in-arms of sorts.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the elderly lady assigned the task of killing the fish to Shen Li and Xu Yuan.

In truth, the elderly lady was still quite spry; killing fish was no big deal for her. But for the sake of entertainment, the production team had assigned this challenging task to the two women, who looked delicate and fragile.

Shen Li watched the lively fish trying to leap out, her expression showing her hesitation.

She truly couldn’t bear to kill the fish; it was a skillful task. Turning to Xu Yuan, she found her quite composed, but then realized she might also be feeling scared. After all, she probably hadn’t done this before. Considering Xu Yuan was younger than her, Shen Li thought that even if she was afraid, she had to take on the task.

The elderly lady had explained the process of killing the fish to them in great detail when she assigned the task.

As Shen Li was trying to build up her courage, Xu Yuan calmly picked up the knife that was placed aside.

The staff suddenly perked up, directing the cameras toward Xu Yuan.

Everyone had assumed these two couldn’t complete the task, yet Xu Yuan actively took the knife.

Honestly, Xu Yuan wasn’t scared at all about killing the fish. She hadn’t moved earlier because she was mentally rehearsing the steps the elderly lady had outlined, and after running through it in her mind and finding it feasible, she finally decided to take action.

Having experienced many things in her past life, there was no way she would be intimidated by something as trivial as killing a fish.

As Xu Yuan deftly handled the fish, everyone present was completely taken aback by her.

Shen Li was already dumbfounded, unable to believe that the petite Xu Yuan could kill the fish without flinching.

The staff were equally shocked, their jaws nearly dropping; they had expected Shen Li to be the one to do this.

The camera focused on Xu Yuan’s expression, which was calm and even somewhat powerful, showing no signs of fear whatsoever.

Who was Xu Yuan?

Everyone knew she was not only Mrs. Meng but also the eldest daughter of the Xu family. Logically, she should have been pampered and never done anything like this, yet here she was, handling it so smoothly—what a stark contrast.

Coincidentally, when Meng Zhengrong and Song Chaowen returned with the chickens, they happened to witness this scene.

What caught Meng Zhengrong’s eye was the astonishing sight before him.

Xu Yuan was confidently killing the fish, wearing disposable gloves, with blood and entrails splattered on the cutting board.

Song Chaowen leaned closer to Meng Zhengrong and whispered, “Your wife… is really amazing.”

Thinking about it, if it had been him killing the fish, he would have needed a good while to muster the courage—definitely not as calm and composed as Xu Yuan.

Meng Zhengrong laughed sheepishly, “Heh.”

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed that this woman was his wife.

This was a small twist, and no one said much about it. However, after this incident, no one could associate Xu Yuan with the label of a delicate woman.

Even the staff spoke to Xu Yuan with more respect than before.

What kind of woman could kill fish so calmly? She was undoubtedly a strong woman!

Experienced staff members were secretly pleased. If their estimates were correct, everyone would initially focus on Song Chaowen and his wife, given their popularity. But soon enough, the couple gaining the most attention would be Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan.

Over the past two days of filming, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan had stood out the most, especially Xu Yuan; her contrasting personality would surely spark much discussion.

Xu Yuan didn’t think much of the incident. To her, it was an utterly trivial matter.

However, Meng Zhengrong couldn’t forget it, nor could he shake off her expression while killing the fish.

Fortunately, he was someone who could forget things quickly, and by the time dinner was ready, he had largely moved on from it.

They casually ate some noodles for dinner. The nights in the suburbs arrived quickly, and everyone rested early after a tiring day.

The staff stayed on the first floor, some even sleeping on the floor, while the three couples had their own rooms on the second floor, which was quite convenient.

When Xu Yuan took a shower, she directly put on the clothes she had worn earlier. It was only after returning to her room that she changed into the revealing nightgown. She figured it was unnecessary to be awkward about this matter, given how honest she and Meng Zhengrong had been with each other many times before.

When Meng Zhengrong came back from his shower, his hair still damp, he went straight to bed. The autumn nights were a bit chilly, so he pulled up a thin blanket and saw Xu Yuan wearing the nightgown, his eyes widening.

Xu Yuan’s skin was fair, and with the right curves in all the right places, the sheer nightgown was captivating.

The door was locked, and at this hour, there shouldn’t be anyone knocking. The soundproofing here was decent, and all the windows were closed.

Everything was ready; they just needed the right moment.

No, the right moment was already here.

Without a second thought, Meng Zhengrong pulled Xu Yuan close, eagerly kissing her from her eyes to her nose, then to her lips, wanting nothing more than to meld her into his very bones.

To Meng Zhengrong, that thin nightgown felt as fragile as paper. Naturally, other thoughts crossed his mind, like wanting to tear the nightgown apart…

However, before he could act, Xu Yuan quickly grasped his hand.

Breathless and with a flushed face, her tone was still firm. “I don’t want to tonight.”

With so many people staying in the guesthouse, and even two couples next door, if they made any noise and someone found out, she truly wouldn’t be able to show her face.

More importantly, she was exhausted after a long day and needed a good night’s sleep. If she indulged Meng Zhengrong tonight, who knew how long they would be at it?

Meng Zhengrong chuckled softly, “You’ll want to later.”

He was already used to this routine.

Now, she was saying she didn’t want to, but soon enough, she would.

His wife was just a bit shy.

Xu Yuan pinched his waist. “I’ve already said I don’t want to.”

Initially, Meng Zhengrong had planned to ignore her words and continue with his desires, but for some reason, he suddenly recalled the image of her killing the fish today.

Moments later, he obediently got off her, lying down next to her, and even pulled up the blanket for her. “Alright, then let’s sleep. Goodnight, wife.”

Xu Yuan had thought Meng Zhengrong would continue to pester her, but unexpectedly, he was so compliant tonight. This obedience made her feel a strange, indescribable sensation. What was going on?


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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